135 research outputs found

    Procjena kvalitete i upravljanje onečišćenim sedimentima: potrebna kakvoća podataka – od molekularne razine do razine riječnih bazena

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    Management of environmental risks in river basins needs to address quality aspects of sediment – both because of its storage capacity for contaminants and due to its potential function as a secondary source of pollution. Assessment of sediment quality, however, is still prone to a number of uncertainties and insufficient information with regard to regulation, analytical methods, risk assessment and risk management. The European Water Framework Directive (WFD), e.g., has not come up with environmental quality standards for sediments. Lack of harmonization, representativeness and traceability of sediment data, not fully understood processes governing bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants, all add up to the uncertainty that needs to be quantified. This paper details uncertainties ranging from the molecular to the basin scale level with regard to sediment quality assessment and its integration into management approaches, and it suggests ways of how to cope with a lack of data and insecure data while still developing an overview of basin wide risks.Upravljanje rizicima po okoliš u riječnim bazenima treba sadržavati i aspekt kvalitete sedimenata – zbog njihovog kapaciteta za pohranu onečišćivala, ali i zbog njihove potencijalne uloge kao sekundarnog izvora zagađenja. Međutim, procjena kvalitete sedimenata ograničena je nekim nepoznanicama i nedovoljnim brojem podataka koji se odnose na propise, analitičke metode, procjenu rizika i njegovo upravljanje. Europska direktiva za vode (European Water Framework Directive – WFD) nije još uvijek donijela standard za okolišnu kakvoću sedimenata. Nedostatak harmonizacije, reprezentativnosti i dostupnosti podataka za sedimente, kao i nedovoljno poznati procesi koji upravljaju biološkom dostupnošću onečišćivala sadržanih u sedimentu doprinose stupnju neizvjesnosti koji je potrebno kvantificirati. U radu su opisane neizvjesnosti, u rasponu od molekularne razine do razine riječnih bazena, s obzirom na postupak procjene kvalitete sedimenata i integriranje tog postupka u upravljačke sustave, uz predlaganje načina kako se usprkos nedostatku podataka ili njihovoj upitnosti mogu primijeniti metodologije procjene rizika na razini riječnih bazen

    Der Einfluß von Umweltfaktoren auf die Bildung von exopolymerer Substanz (EP) durch ein marines Bakterium

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    Mechanistic analysis of the sub chronic toxicity of La and Gd in <i>Daphnia magna</i> based on TKTD modelling and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging

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    The release of lanthanides (Ln) into the environment has increased in recent decades due to their expanding applications in society. Studying their toxicity in aquatic ecosystems is urgent and challenging, with contradictory evidence presented in the literature. This study compared the biodistribution of La and Gd in Daphnia magna exposed to sub-chronic conditions and developed the first Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic (TKTD) model for these lanthanides with this model crustacean. D. magna were initially exposed for 7 days to concentrations close to the LC50 of La (2.10 mg L-1) and Gd (1.70 mg L−1). After exposure, half of the live daphnids were introduced in a clean media to allow depuration over 24 h, while the other organisms were directly prepared for synchrotron imaging measurements. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis revealed that metal distribution in the organisms was similar for both La and Gd, predominantly localized in the intestinal tract, even after the depuration process. These results indicate that ingested metal can adversely affect organisms under sub-chronic exposure conditions, highlighting the importance of using nominal concentrations as a more suitable indicator of metal bioavailability for risk assessment. The General Unified Threshold Model of Survival (GUTS) TKTD framework, in its reduced form (GUTS-RED), was developed for La and Gd using dissolved and nominal concentrations. D. magna were exposed for 7 days to concentrations from 0.5 to 5 mg L−1 of La or Gd and mortality monitored daily. The mechanistic model revealed a faster toxicokinetics for La than Gd and a higher toxicity for Gd than La in the organism. This study confirmed, despite similar chemical properties, the variation in both toxicity and toxicokinetics between these two metals

    Determination of the distribution of rare earth elements La and Gd in <i>Daphnia magna</i> via micro and nano-SXRF imaging

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    While our awareness of the toxicity of rare earth elements to aquatic organisms increases, our understanding of their direct interaction and accumulation remains limited. This study describes the acute toxicity of lanthanum (La) and gadolinium (Gd) in Daphnia magna neonates and discusses potential modes of action on the basis of the respective patterns of biodistribution. Ecotoxicological bioassays for acute toxicity were conducted and dissolved metal concentrations at the end of the tests were determined. The results showed a significant difference in nominal EC50 (immobility) between La (>30 mg L−1) and Gd (13.93 (10.92 to 17.38) mg L−1). Daphnids that were then exposed to a concentration close to the determined EC50 of Gd (15 mg L−1, nominal concentration) for 48 h and 72 h were studied by synchrotron micro and nano-X-ray fluorescence to evaluate the biodistribution of potentially accumulated metals. X-ray fluorescence analyses showed that La was mainly found in the intestinal track and appeared to accumulate in the hindgut. This accumulation might be explained by the ingestion of solid La precipitates formed in the media. In contrast, Gd could only be detected in a small amount, if at all, in the intestinal tract, but was present at a much higher concentration in the tissues and became more pronounced with longer exposure time. The solubility of Gd is higher in the media used, leading to higher dissolved concentrations and uptake into tissue in ionic form via common metal transporting proteins. By studying La and Gd biodistribution in D. magna after an acute exposure, the present study has demonstrated that different uptake pathways of solid and dissolved metal species may lead to different accumulation patterns and toxicity.PeerReviewe

    Исследование актуальных проблем социальной политики России и меры повышения ее эффективности

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    Рассмотрена сущность социальной политики России и направления ее деятельности. Указаны основные общественные проблемы, стоящие перед государством, а также недостатки механизма функционирования социальной политики. На основании анализа полученной информации были разработаны меры, позволяющие значительно снизить уровень той или иной проблемы социальной политики. Кроме того, разработаны рекомендации по улучшению эффективности проведения социальных программ в России, путем устранения внутренних проблем самого механизма регулирования

    Position paper on the use of mandibular advancement devices in adults with sleep-related breathing disorders: A position paper of the German Society of Dental Sleep Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft Zahnaerztliche Schlafmedizin, DGZS)

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    Custom-made mandibular advancement devices are an effective treatment option for snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Evidence-based data indicates their efficacy, and international sleep societies recommend oral appliance (OA) therapy for patients with sleep-related breathing disorders. The following position paper by the German Society of Dental Sleep Medicine (DGZS) is to guide the interdisciplinary team (sleep physician and sleep disorder dentist) in detail when to prescribe oral appliances. This position paper supports the responsible use of OA as an effective treatment option for patients with sleep-related breathing disorders. The paper advises of proper indication regarding OSA severity, body mass index (BMI), and dentition. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary approach of oral appliance therapy and suggests treatment under the guidance of dentists trained in dental sleep medicine

    Investigation of the Complexation and the Migration Behavior of Actinides and Non-Radioactive Substances with Humic Acids under Geogenic Conditions - Complexation of Humic Acids with Actindies in the Oxidation State IV Th, U, Np

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    Objective of this project was the study of basic interaction and migration processes of actinides in the environment in presence of humic acids (HA). To obtain more basic knowledge on these interaction processes synthetic HA with specific functional properties as well as 14C-labeled HA were synthesized and applied in comparison to the natural HA Aldrich. One focus of the work was on the synthesis of HA with distinct redox functionalities. The obtained synthetic products that are characterized by significantly higher Fe(III) redox capacities than Aldrich HA were applied to study the redox properties of HA and the redox stability of U(VI) humate complexes. It was confirmed that phenolic OH groups play an important role for the redox properties of HA. However, the results indicate that there are also other processes than the single oxidation of phenolic OH groups and/or other functional groups contributing to the redox behavior of HA. A first direct-spectroscopic proof for the reduction of U(VI) by synthetic HA with distinct redox functionality was obtained. The complexation behavior of synthetic and natural HA with actinides (Th, Np, Pu) was studied. Structural parameters of Pu(III), Th(IV), Np(IV) and Np(V) humates were determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The results show that carboxylate groups dominate the interaction between HA and actinide ions. These are predominant monodentately bound. The influence of phenolic OH groups on the Np(V) complexation by HA was studied with modified HA (blocked phenolic OH groups). The blocking of phenolic OH groups induces a decrease of the number of maximal available complexing sites of HA, whereas complex stability constant and Np(V) near-neighbor surrounding are not affected. The effects of HA on the sorption and migration behavior of actinides was studied in batch and column experiments. Th(IV) sorption onto quartz and Np(V) sorption onto granite and its mineral constituents are affected by the pH value and the presence of HA. HA exhibits a significant influence on the transport of U(IV) and U(VI) in a laboratory quartz sand system. In order to provide the basis for a more reliable modeling of the actinide transport, the metal ion complexation with HA has to be integrated into existing geochemical speciation codes. Within this project the metal ion charge neutralization model was embedded into the geochemical modeling code EQ3/6. In addition to that, a digital data base was developed which covers HA complexation data basing on the charge neutralization model

    Acute and Chronic B Cell Depletion Disrupts CD4 + and CD8 + T Cell Homeostasis and Expansion during Acute Viral Infection in Mice

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    B cells provide humoral protection against pathogens and promote cellular immunity through diverse nonclassical effector functions. To assess B cell function in promoting T cell homeostasis, mature B cells were either acutely or chronically depleted in mice using CD20 mAb. Acute B cell depletion in either 2- or 4-mo-old mice significantly reduced spleen and lymph node CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers, including naive, activated, and Foxp3+CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cell subsets. The numbers of IFN-γ– and TNF-α–producing T cells were also significantly reduced. Chronic B cell depletion for 6 mo in aged naive mice resulted in a 40–70% reduction in activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers and 20–50% reductions in IFN-γ–producing T cells. Therefore, B cells were necessary for maintaining naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cell homeostasis for subsequent optimal T cell expansion in young and old mice. To determine the significance of this finding, a week of B cell depletion in 4-mo-old mice was followed by acute viral infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Armstrong. Despite their expansion, activated and cytokine-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers were still significantly reduced 1 wk later. Moreover, viral peptide-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers and effector cell development were significantly reduced in mice lacking B cells, whereas lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus titers were dramatically increased. Thus, T cell function is maintained in B cell–depleted mice, but B cells are required for optimal CD4+ and CD8+ T cell homeostasis, activation, and effector development in vivo, particularly during responses to acute viral infection

    Diagnosing, managing and preventing anaphylaxis:Systematic review

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    Background This systematic review used the GRADE approach to compile evidence to inform the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology's (EAACI) anaphylaxis guideline. Methods We searched five bibliographic databases from 1946 to 20 April 2020 for studies about the diagnosis, management and prevention of anaphylaxis. We included 50 studies with 18 449 participants: 29 randomized controlled trials, seven controlled clinical trials, seven consecutive case series and seven case-control studies. Findings were summarized narratively because studies were too heterogeneous to conduct meta-analysis. Results It is unclear whether the NIAID/FAAN criteria or Brighton case definition are valid for immediately diagnosing anaphylaxis due to the very low certainty of evidence. There was also insufficient evidence about the impact of most anaphylaxis management and prevention strategies. Adrenaline is regularly used for first-line emergency management of anaphylaxis but little robust research has assessed its effectiveness. Newer models of adrenaline autoinjectors may slightly increase the proportion of people correctly using the devices and reduce time to administration. Face-to-face training for laypeople may slightly improve anaphylaxis knowledge and competence in using autoinjectors. We searched for but found little or no comparative effectiveness evidence about strategies such as fluid replacement, oxygen, glucocorticosteroids, methylxanthines, bronchodilators, management plans, food labels, drug labels and similar. Conclusions Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening condition but, due to practical and ethical challenges, there is a paucity of robust evidence about how to diagnose and manage it