1,253 research outputs found

    G-algebras, twistings, and equivalences of graded categories

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    Given Z-graded rings A and B, we study when the categories gr-A and gr-B are equivalent. We relate the Morita-type results of Ahn-Marki and del Rio to the twisting systems introduced by Zhang. Using Z-algebras, we obtain a simple proof of Zhang's main result. This makes the definition of a Zhang twist extremely natural and extends Zhang's results.Comment: 13 pages; typos corrected and revised slightly; to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Classifying birationally commutative projective surfaces

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    Let R be a noetherian connected graded domain of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 3 over an uncountable algebraically closed field. Suppose that the graded quotient ring of R is a skew-Laurent ring over a field; we say that R is a birationally commutative projective surface. We classify birationally commutative projective surfaces and show that they fall into four families, parameterized by geometric data. This generalizes work of Rogalski and Stafford on birationally commutative projective surfaces generated in degree 1; our proof techniques are quite different.Comment: 60 pages; Proceedings of the LMS, 201

    Geometric idealizers

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    Let X be a projective variety, σ\sigma an automorphism of X, L a σ\sigma-ample invertible sheaf on X, and Z a closed subscheme of X. Inside the twisted homogeneous coordinate ring B=B(X,L,σ)B = B(X, L, \sigma), let I be the right ideal of sections vanishing at Z. We study the subring R = k + I of B. Under mild conditions on Z and σ\sigma, R is the idealizer of I in B: the maximal subring of B in which I is a two-sided ideal. We give geometric conditions on Z and σ\sigma that determine the algebraic properties of R, and show that if Z and σ\sigma are sufficiently general, in a sense we make precise, then R is left and right noetherian, has finite left and right cohomological dimension, is strongly right noetherian but not strongly left noetherian, and satisfies right χd\chi_d (where d = \codim Z) but fails left χ1\chi_1. We also give an example of a right noetherian ring with infinite right cohomological dimension, partially answering a question of Stafford and Van den Bergh. This generalizes results of Rogalski in the case that Z is a point in Pd\mathbb{P}^d.Comment: 43 pages; comments welcom

    The Poisson spectrum of the symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra

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    Let W=C[t,t−1]∂tW = \mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]\partial_t be the Witt algebra of algebraic vector fields on C×\mathbb{C}^\times and let VirVir be the Virasoro algebra, the unique nontrivial central extension of WW. In this paper, we study the Poisson ideal structure of the symmetric algebras of VirVir and WW, as well as several related Lie algebras. We classify prime Poisson ideals and Poisson primitive ideals of S(Vir)S(Vir) and S(W)S(W). In particular, we show that the only functions in W∗W^* which vanish on a nontrivial Poisson ideal (that is, the only maximal ideals of S(W)S(W) with a nontrivial Poisson core) are given by linear combinations of derivatives at a finite set of points; we call such functions local. Given a local function χ∈W∗\chi\in W^*, we construct the associated Poisson primitive ideal through computing the algebraic symplectic leaf of χ\chi, which gives a notion of coadjoint orbit in our setting. As an application, we prove a structure theorem for subalgebras of VirVir of finite codimension and show in particular that any such subalgebra of VirVir contains the central element zz, substantially generalising a result of Ondrus and Wiesner on subalgebras of codimension 1. As a consequence, we deduce that S(Vir)/(z−λ)S(Vir)/(z-\lambda) is Poisson simple if and only if λ≠0\lambda \neq 0.Comment: 51 pages; comments welcome. v2: 52 pages; paper rearranged slightly; classification of maximal Poisson ideals of S(Vir)S(Vir) added; statements of some results correcte

    A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras

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    We consider when the symmetric algebra of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra, equipped with the natural Poisson bracket, satisfies the ascending chain condition (ACC) on Poisson ideals. We define a combinatorial condition on a graded Lie algebra which we call Dicksonian because it is related to Dickson's lemma on finite subsets of Nk\mathbb N^k. Our main result is: Theorem. If g\mathfrak g is a Dicksonian graded Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero, then the symmetric algebra S(g)S(\mathfrak g) satisfies the ACC on radical Poisson ideals. As an application, we establish this ACC for the symmetric algebra of any graded simple Lie algebra of polynomial growth, and for the symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra. We also derive some consequences connected to the Poisson primitive spectrum of finitely Poisson-generated algebras.Comment: 29 pages; comments welcome; v2 minor changes to introduction, submitte

    Geometric algebras on projective surfaces

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    Let X be a projective surface, let \sigma be an automorphism of X, and let L be a \sigma-ample invertible sheaf on X. We study the properties of a family of subrings, parameterized by geometric data, of the twisted homogeneous coordinate ring B(X, L, \sigma). In particular, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for these subrings to be noetherian. We also study their homological properties, their associated noncommutative projective schemes, and when they are maximal orders. In the process, we produce new examples of maximal orders; these are graded and have the property that no Veronese subring is generated in degree 1. Our results are used in a companion paper to give defining data for a large class of noncommutative projective surfaces.Comment: 39 pages; v2 results largely unchanged, but notation describing algebras revised significantly. As a result details of many proofs have changed, and statements of some results. To appear in Journal of Algebr

    Generalised Witt algebras and idealizers

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    Let k\Bbbk be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let Γ\Gamma be an additive subgroup of k\Bbbk. Results of Kaplansky-Santharoubane and Su classify intermediate series representations of the generalised Witt algebra WΓW_\Gamma in terms of three families, one parameterised by A2{\mathbb A}^2 and two by P1{\mathbb P}^1. In this note, we use the first family to construct a homomorphism Φ\Phi from the enveloping algebra U(WΓ)U(W_\Gamma) to a skew extension of k[a,b]{\Bbbk}[a,b]. We show that the image of Φ\Phi is contained in a (double) idealizer subring of this skew extension and that the representation theory of idealizers explains the three families. We further show that the image of U(WΓ)U(W_\Gamma) under Φ\Phi is not left or right noetherian, giving a new proof that U(WΓ)U(W_\Gamma) is not noetherian. We construct Φ\Phi as an application of a general technique to create ring homomorphisms from shift-invariant families of modules. Let GG be an arbitrary group and let AA be a GG-graded ring. A graded AA-module MM is an intermediate series module if MgM_g is one-dimensional for all g∈Gg \in G. Given a shift-invariant family of intermediate series AA-modules parametrised by a scheme XX, we construct a homomorphism Φ\Phi from AA to a skew-extension of k[X]{\Bbbk}[X]. The kernel of Φ\Phi consists of those elements which annihilate all modules in XX.Comment: 9 pages; to appear in J. Algebr
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