5,915 research outputs found

    Cognitive apprenticeship : teaching the craft of reading, writing, and mathtematics

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-27)This research was supported by the National Institute of Education under Contract no. US-NIE-C-400-81-0030 and the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N00014-85-C-002

    First, Do No Harm

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    Food habits of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) off Oregon and northern California, 1986–2007

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    We described the diet of the eastern stock of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from 1416 scat samples collected from five sites in Oregon and northern California from 1986 through 2007. A total of 47 prey types from 30 families were identified. The most common prey was Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), followed by salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.), skates (Rajidae), Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata), herrings (Clupeidae), rockfish (Sebastes spp.), and northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax). Steller sea lion diet composition varied seasonally, annually, and spatially. Hake and salmonids were the most commonly identified prey in scats collected during the summer (breeding season), whereas hake and skate were most common in the nonbreeding season. Continued research on Steller sea lion diet and foraging behavior in the southern extent of their range is necessary to address issues such as climate change, interaction with competing California sea lions, and predation impacts on valuable or sensitive fish stocks

    Automobile Leasing Versus Installment Loan Credit: A Comparative Analysis

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    The Shortino family has done what many other consumers are doing--Ieasing an automobile. As a result, leasing is becoming an increasingly popular method of automobile financing. But why is leasing advantageous for the Shortino family? Johanna Shortino stated that the principle advantage of leasing was the savings on the down payment. While this may be true, there are also other factors to consider. For example, consider the contrast in the Shortinos\u27 vehicles: an aging Datsun versus a new Cadillac. This shift is a significant trade upward among automobile classes and suggests another advantage to leasing: leasing can make expensive cars affordable. In addition, the Shortino\u27s daughter, Samantha, a recent college graduate, chose to lease a new vehicle. Unquestionably, Samantha\u27s choice came under circumstances different from those of her parents. Given the different circumstances, what influenced Samantha\u27s decision to lease

    Diabetes in California: Findings From the 2001 California Health Interview Survey

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    Examines the prevalence of diabetes in California, with particular attention paid to disparities between different population groups. Includes access to medical care, diabetes care and management, and identifying at-risk populations

    Farm Bill Trends and Food Insecurity: Impacts on Rural and Urban Communities

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    With the constraints in federal budgeting requiring the shrinkage of federal programs, programs outlined in the 2014 Farm Bill are significantly impacted, showing a thirteen year trend toward funding reduction. This paper examines historical Farm Bill programs, including crop subsidies and the nutritional assistance programs and how these programs historically addressed food insecurity versus how they are impacted by today’s budgetary constraints. The paper also examines new models for addressing food insecurity and how communities are pulling together resources to address food insecurity. In discussing the new models, the paper focuses on policy trends and funding structures; for example community food co-ops and their impact on farmers, rural and urban communities that are facing food insecurity. Ultimately, the paper aims to give the agriculture and law sectors tools to lessen the impact of Farm Bill changes and funding reductions in local communities

    Effect of Experience Facilitating Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on Physician Assistant Student Outcomes

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    Abstract Purpose: The impact of prior problem-based learning (PBL) facilitation experience (measured by length of time facilitating) on student learning and student outcomes is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate relationships of facilitator experience in problem-based learning on student outcomes. This study utilized both modified essay questions (MEQ) in the form of patient management assessments and multiple choice question (MCQ) assessments to evaluate different aspects of student acquisition and application of knowledge. Method: This study examined scores from six multiple choice question examinations and six patient management assessments (PMA), one each from six 5-week units arranged by organ system administered to five cohorts of first-year physician assistant students in a hybrid problem-based learning program where 18 of 45 didactic credits are solely problem-based learning. Facilitation experience, measured in total number of prior units facilitated, was calculated for each facilitator and compared with student evaluative measures. Results: Pearson product moment correlations comparing facilitator experience and scores on the patient management assessments and multiple choice question tests showed no statistically significant correlations between facilitator experience and student outcomes. Univariate analysis of variance tests comparing whether faculty were full-time versus adjunct status and status as graduates of a problem-based learning program versus graduates of programs with other pedagogies with student outcomes showed no statistically significant differences. Conclusions: Neither experience of the facilitator, nor status as full-time versus adjunct, nor status as graduate of a problem-based learning program versus other pedagogy was related to student outcomes. Each facilitator in the study participated in training, observation, and weekly meetings, which may outweigh the effects of facilitator experience. Other factors in need of exploration related to student outcomes in future studies include individual intellectual ability, emotional stability, motivation, self-efficacy, and perseverance

    Rational Creatures and Free Citizens: The Language of Politics in the Eighteenth‑Century Debate on Women

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    This paper examines the intersection between the debate on women and the widerpolitical debates of late eighteenth-century England. During this period the meaning ofconcepts such as liberty, equality, and rights was contested not only with regard topolitical relationships among men, but also as they applied to civil and domesticrelationships between men and women. The language of politics encouraged thedefinition of women's oppression in terms of the unrepresentative nature of authorityexercised by men. The values of rationality, equality, and independence espoused byradicals in the debate on women were part of a larger conception of virtue, which carriedwith it political as well as moral implications. These political implications came to thefore in the conservative response. Conservatives' ideas on women were part of a largervision of social and political order in which duty, obedience, and dependence operated asthe unifying principles. Within this framework, radical proposals for a more egalitarianfamily structure were viewed as a potential threat to political order. At the heart of thisdebate lay not only a dispute regarding the condition of women, but also a strugglebetween two conflicting visions of the ideal society.L'étude veut analyser le lien qui a existé entre les débats sur les femmes et les débatspolitiques plus généraux dans l'Angleterre de la fin du XVIlle siècle. A cette époque, oncontestait la signification de concepts comme liberté, égalité et droits, non seulementpour les relations politiques entre hommes, mais aussi pour les relations sociales etfamiliales entre hommes et femmes. Dans le débat politique, on en vint à définirl'oppression des femmes en fonction du caractère non représentatif de l'autorité exercéepar les hommes. La valeur des concepts de rationalité, d'égalité et d'indépendance,défendus par les radicaux dans leurs plaidoyers en faveur des femmes, faisaient partied'une conception plus large de la vertu, qui avait des implications aussi bien politiquesque morales. C'est la prise de position des conservateurs qui mettait les implicationspolitiques au premier rang. Leur philosophie sur les femmes faisait partie d'une visionplus large de l'ordre social et politique, dont le devoir, la soumission et la dépendanceassuraient l'unité. Dans ce cadre, la revendication des radicaux pour une structurefamiliale plus égalitaire était perçu comme une menace à l'ordre politique
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