122 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Generator Pulsa Gelombang Ultrasonik dan Implementasinya untuk Pengukuran Jarak Antara Dua Obyek

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    An instrument of pulse generator of ultrasonic wave and its implementation for distance measurement between two objects have been created through analysis using oscilloscope. This ultrasonic wave may be used in a distance measurement, material reflection analysis, and product’s depth. An ultrasonic oscillator is made with set of IC 555 as the setter of pulse amount and multi vibrator mono stabile set of IC 555 as the oscillator of ultrasonic frequency, pulse amplifier through transistor BD 139. An ultrasonic transducer using transducer 400ST/R160 and micro controller AT89S51 is used for time setter. In the amplifier set of ultrasonic receiver, Op-amp CA 3204 is used. AT89S51 is used for time setter that is made repeatedly in order that the bounce may be read on oscilloscope through P1.0. After conducting an experiment, the effective working area frequency in pulse generator of ultrasonic wave is obtained in the frequency of 38.23 kHz. In the experiment on the amount of effective pulse, the maximum reach effectively is 16 pulses. In the experiment on the distance between two objects, the writer finds out that an instrument linier grade is 0.81773 against standard measurement with R=0.99954 and SD=0.457. Meanwhile on the material reflectivity test, the writer may concludes that the bigger material mass, the bigger its reflectivity

    Kajian Kesesuaian Dan Daya Dukung Wilayah Pesisir Pantai Bandengan Jepara, Sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Pengembangan Kegiatan Wisata Bahari

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    Bandengan Beach is quite famous and become mainstay Jepara Regency until be destination is quite popular, not only for Jepara people but also majority Central Java People. Nowadays, tourism activities in Bandengan Beach very limited recreation, enjoy to the landscape beach, and swimming. While still many potential area not yet be used maximum. This Study intend to assign suitable location for development marine tourism activity, know extents area development and capacity unit area that intended of tourism activity water sports. The Research results represent that tourism activities in Bandengan Beach Jepara Regency potential to be developed tourism especially water sports. Suitable location is 200 m from the shoreline towards middle sea at depth of > 5 meters. This area has a category S1 (very suitable) with values IKW 87.50 %. Tourism activities that can be developed among others, Flying Fish and Rolling Donuts in addition to existing tourist activities in advance Jet Ski and Banana Boat. The area that can be used is 74.000 m2 around 7.4 hectares and has a capacity of maximum expected around 148 person Jetski and 148 person Banana Boat tourist effective daily

    The Use of Mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) to the Growth and Survival Rate of Java Eel (Anguilla b. bicolor)

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    Growth and survival rate are the most crucial in commercial culture as well as feed quality, and it's pricing. This study aimed to obtain the effect of different dose of MOS to the growth and survival rate early big pencil size of shortfin eel Anguilla b. bicolor. Three replications with four treatments of feed containing 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 % doses of MOS (noted as T0, T1, T2, and T3) were administered during 84 days culture. The fish were fed with 2.2% wet basis d-1 of commercial shrimp feed combined with catfish feed. Initial density of approx. 5 kg seed stock of early big pencil eel in 0.4 m3 recirculating water system. The result indicated that absolute, individual and biomass-specific growth rate (SGRi/b) have the similar patterns corresponds to the dose of MOS. The highest SGRi was T3 (0.69±0.05% d-1 ) followed by T2 (0.60±0.03% d-1 ), T1 (0.46±0.04% d-1 ) and T0 (0.44±0.03% d-1 ). Meanwhile the SGRb shows significantly different (α < 0.05) between T3 (0.66±0.05% d-1 ) and T2 (0.57±0.04% d-1 ), but no significantly different (α > 0.05) between T1 (0.43±0.05% d-1 ) and T0 (0.40±0.02% d-1 ), and both of T3 and T2 have significantly different (α < 0.01) to T1 and T0. The best SR was in T2 (98.0 %), followed by T1 (97.5 %), T3 (97.3 %) and T3 (96.4 %). Hence, the MOS gave a positive impact on growth and slightly gave a different effect on survival rat

    Kontaminasi Logam Cr dan Fe pada Organisme Benthik Laut yang Ditangkap di Perairan Jawa Tengah

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    Coastal areas of Semarang and Tegal, there are several industries that use metal materials. These activities will have an impact on the marine ecosystem, especially the biota that lives in it. The research aims to determine the metal contamination of Chromium (Cr) and Iron (Fe) in benthic biota in the waters of Semarang and Tegal, Central Java. Analysis of Cr and Fe concentrations in biota tissues using ICPMS. The results of analysis of Cr and Fe metals in the biota tissues of white shrimp (P. Merguensis), crab (P. pelagicus), coocle (A. inaequivalvis) and gastropods (H. ternatanus) found Cr and Fe metals in the biota tissues. The concentration of Cr metal in biota found in Semarang ranges from 0.211– 0.235 ppm, while in Tegal it ranges from 0.1–0.218 ppm. Fe metal concentrations from Semarang biota ranged from 0.718 – 0.909 ppm, while those from Tegal were 0.733 – 1.429 ppm. The concentrations of Cr and Fe metals in each biota and research location showed no differences, while Fe metals showed differences.  Pesisir kota Semarang dan Tegal terdapat beberapa industri yang menggunakan bahan logam.  Aktifitas tersebut akan berdampak pada ekosistem laut terutama biota yang hidup didalamya.  Penelitian bertujuan mengethui kontaminansi logam Kromium (Cr) dan Besi (Fe) pada biota benthik di perairan Semarang dan Tegal Jawa Tengah.  Analisa konsentrasi Cr dan Fe dalam jaringan biota menguunakan ICPMS.  Hasil analisa logam Cr dan Fe dalam jaringan biota udang putih (P. Merguensis), rajungan (P. pelagicus), kerang bulu (A. inaequivalvis) dan gastropoda (H. ternatanus) ditemukan logam Cr dan Fe dalam jaringan biota.  Konsentrasi logam Cr pada biota yang ditemukan di Semarang berkisar 0,211 – 0,235 ppm, sedangkan di Tegal berkisar 0,1 – 0,218 ppm.  Konsentrasi logam Fe dari biota Semarang berkisar antara 0,718 – 0,909 ppm, sedangkan yang berasal dari Tegal 0,733 – 1,429 ppm.  Konsentrasi logam Cr dan Fe pada setiap biota dan lokasi penelitian menunjukan tidak adanya perbedaan sedangkan logam Fe menunjuakn adanya perbedaan

    Logam Berat Mercury (Hg) dan Arsen (As) pada Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan Pesisir Semarang dan Tegal Jawa Tengah

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    The Semarang and Tegal coastal waters are traditional fishing ground areas. However, the increasing use of coastal areas for various activities will increase pollutants in the coastal waters.  Heavy metals are pollutants that always appear in waters and accumulate in marine organisms. These study aims to determine As and Hg metals contained in the tissues of several marine organisms caught on the coast of Semarang and Tegal, Central Java. The analysis of As and Hg concentrations in organismal tissues using ICPMS.  The results showed that As and Hg were found in biota such as white shrimp (P. merguensis), blue crab (P. pelagicus), shellfish (A. inaequivalvis) and gastropods (H. ternatanus). Arsenic concentrations in the four biotas caught in Tegal (1.6 – 5.3 ppm) and Semarang (2.58 – 4.9 ppm). Meanwhile, Hg metal (0.02 – 0.15 ppm) in Tegal and (0.034 – 0.15 ppm) in Semarang.  The concentration level of As based on the biota caught in the Tegal waters are sequentially Shellfish > White shrimp > Gastropods > Blue swimming crab.  Meanwhile, the concentration of Arsenic in the biotas in Semarang waters are sequentially shellfish > white shrimp > blue crab > gastropods. However, Hg metal in the biota obtained in these two areas is very low  Pesisir Semarang dan Tegal merupakan daerah penangkapan perikanan tradisional.  Namun dengan semakin meningkatnya pemamnfaatan wilayah pesisir untuk berbagai kegiatan akan meningkatkan polutan dalam perairan.  Logam berat merupakan polutan yang selalu muncul dalam perairan dan terakumulasi organisme laut.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui logam As dan Hg yang terdapat dalam jaringan beberapa biota yang ditangkap pesisir Semarang dan Tegal Jawa Tengah.  Analisa konsentrasi As dan Hg dalam jaringan organisme menguunakan ICPMS.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan logam As dan Hg ditemukan dalam biota seperti udang putih (P. Merguensis), rajungan (P. pelagicus), kerang bulu (A. inaequivalvis) dan gastropoda (H. ternatanus).  Konsentrasi Arsen di keempat biota yang ditangkap di Tegal (1,6 – 5,3 ppm) dan Semarang (2,58 – 4,9 ppm).  Sedangkan logam Hg (0,02 – 0,15 ppm) di Tegal dan (0,034 – 0,15 ppm) Semarang.  Tingkat konsentrasi logam As berdasarkan biota yang tertangkap di perairan Tegal secara berurutan Kerang bulu > Udang putih > Gastropoda > Rajungan.  Sedangkan konsentrasi Arsen dalam biota di perairan Semarang secara berurutan Kerang bulu > Udang putih > Rajungan > Gastropoda.  Namun logam Hg dalam biota yang didapat di kedua daerah tersebut sangat rendah.

    Kebijakan Publik untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat

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    Welfare of the people is one of the goals of the state. In certain mechanism is required to make it happen that is reflected in public policy is made. Issues related to the problems that arise in realizing kesejahkteraan through public policy challenge. The right strategy in providing public policy that supports the well-being of the people in overcoming social problems are very important for further investigation

    Analisis ekspor indonesia ke negara tujuan utama dan komoditi utama tahun 2013 sampai 2017

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    Ekspor Indonesia ke negara tujuan utama dan komoditi utama merupakan faktor untuk mengetahui kekuatan serta peluang ekspor guna mendapatkan nilai tambah, meningkatan kinerja ekspor serta mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menganalisis perkembangan ekspor ke negara tujuan utama dan komoditinya selama tahun 2013 sampai dengan 2017. Penelitian ini menggunkan analisa statistik diskriptif dalam menggambarkan perkembangan ekspor
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