945 research outputs found

    Peranan Investasi Asing Langsung Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Negara-negara Asia Timur

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    In many developing countries, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is expected to accelerate economic development. For that reason, both host country and home country try to simulate the flow of FDI. The purpose of this article is to examine whether FDI affects to economic growth in east Asian or not


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    Asia is one of the fastest growing destinations for international students. Therefore, this paper was conducted by conducting a comparative study and empirical study with the aim to find out Indonesia's international competitiveness for the higher education service trade aspect, which is compared with seven other countries. To measure the international competitiveness in the higher education services trade, data from 2010 to 2017 on the number of sending and receiving students in a country and other more complex data have been used to obtain valid results. A comparative study conducted by calculating data from eight countries using the IMS, TCI and RCA measurement methods, and empirical analysis conducted using a questionnaire survey with 302 respondents' data obtained to find out the significant factors that influence the competitiveness. The results show that although Indonesia's higher education service trade is unstable every year, it still has certain competitiveness in the international scope. In addition, culture, quality of higher education and cost of living have a significant impact on the international competitiveness of higher education service trade. On this basis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to improve the international competitiveness of Indonesia's higher education service trade, including: promoting the development of Indonesian culture, improving the quality of higher education, reducing tuition fees and living costs, increasing the employment opportunities for foreign students and promoting the balanced growth of Indonesian economy. Keywords: International Competitiveness; Service Trade; Higher Education; Indonesia

    Survey Of The Cardiovascular Drug Interactions On Geriatrics At Internal Medicine Ward Of RSUDZA Banda Aceh

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    The increase of elderly population in Indonesia leads to the drug misuse. The physiological change in geriatric become the major reason. It affects the change of    drug’s pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetics and the harmful drug interaction among overly prescribed medication. Cardiovascular drugs produce the most common side effect in elderly patient. This study aims to observe the accuracy of cardiovascular drugs used based on its dose and drug interaction. The subject of this study are the 60 years old-or more- inpatients in Rumah Sakit Umum Zainoel Abidin’s (RSUDZA) Internal medicine ward who received cardiovascular drugs prescription. The data were collected from medical record and nurse’s drugs record. The analysis were performed descriptively by evaluate the drug interaction theoritically based on literature study and available concensuses. The result shows that the Potential interaction occurred  in 75 ( 68.18 % ) of cardiovascular drug used, and 22 (20 %) of whom are important potential interactions. The most frequent drugs that have the potential interaction in this study are furosemide , spironolactone, captopril, digoxin and aspiri

    The use of herbal medicine in children

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    The herbal medicine has been widely used in children for the treatment of several symptoms and the prevention of diseases before accessing the hospital for professionals help. There are 3 kinds of marketed herbal medicine including empirical based herbal medicine (jamu), standardized herbal medicine (obat herbal terstandar) and clininically tested herbal medicine (fitofarmaka). This study aimed to investigate the utilization of the marketed herbal medicine along with non marketed ones which was known as the Indonesian original herbal medicine (Obat Asli Indonesia, OAI) in children. The cross sectional study was conducted by interviewing 91 parents whose children were hospitalized in RSUD Meuraxa, Banda Aceh. The interview was conducted using a structured questionnaire from 4 to 29 September 2014. The result showed that the Indonesian original herbal medicine was used most frequently followed by herbal (jamu), standardized herbal and clininically tested herbal medicine. The utilization of herbal medicine was associated with the knowledge of parents and did not correlate to their economic level. All of the parents did not know the side effects of herbal medicine to their children’s body and  few of them knew  the indication of herbal  remedies. Overall, it was  concluded  that eventhough the knowledge of parents about the safety and activity of herbal medicine was not sufficient the use of herbal medicine in children was commo

    Effect of 3-Day Storage and Temperature on ADP-induced Platelet Aggregation

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    Objective: To observe platelet functions during the 3 days of platelet storage and to evaluate the effect of storage temperature towards platelet aggregation response. Methods: Two conditions of platelet storage were used in this study: at room temperature and in a cold condition at 4 °C to observe the temperature effect on platelet aggregation. The aggregation test was performed using a 96-wells plate platelet aggregation method. Results: At room temperature on day 1, the response of platelet aggregation reduced to 34.9±10.6%, which was less than half of the aggregation of fresh platelet (100%). The aggregation on day 2 reduced modestly (26.8±4.2%), in comparison with that seen on the first day. On day 3, platelet aggregation deteriorated significantly (6±1.2%), which was comparable to the control group without the presence of platelet agonist (6.1±1.4%). When platelets are stored at 4 °C, the aggregation response to ADP stimulation was slightly different to that shown by platelets stored at room temperature (22 °C). At the 4 °C, the aggregation response was 68.11±34.2%, 57.1±21.4%, and 5.9±2.6% at day 1, day 2, and day 3, respectively. The result showed that storing the blood at 4 ˚C or room temperature was not able to preserve platelet function, as the deterioration of platelet aggregation response over time was still taking place. Although was not statistically significant, our result indicated that cold storage reduced platelet responsiveness toward ADP activation. Conclusions: This current study provides evidence of the deterioration of platelet function during first 3 days of platelet storage. Moreover, we found that storing platelets in 4 °C showed no significant benefit in preserving the ADP-induced platelet aggregation capacity compared to that stored in 22 °C. Keywords: Adenosine diphosphate, platelet, platelet aggregation, platelet storage DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v6n2.137

    Analisis Penyebab Perpindahan Tenaga Kesehatan dari Puskesmas Luar Kota ke Puskesmas Dalam Kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan 2015 ABSTRAK Hesron Silalahi Analisis Penyebab Perpindahan Tenaga Kesehatan dari Puskesmas Luar Kota ke Puskesmas Dalam Kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah 161 halaman + 17 tabel + 8 gambar + 10 lampiran Pengadaan dan penempatan tenaga kesehatan menurut UU 36/2009 dilaksanakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan yang merata bagi masyarakat. Namun di Kab.Kotawaringin Timur masih ada 41 Puskesmas Pembantu tanpa perawat dan 18 poskesdes yang belum ada tenaga bidan akibat banyaknya tenaga kesehatan yang pindah ke Puskesmas dalam kota sehingga pencapaian program kesehatan menurun. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui penyebab perpindahan tenaga kesehatan dari puskesmas luar kota ke puskesmas dalam kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan indept interview untuk menggali informasi dari 8 informan utama dan 7 informan triangulasi. Variabel terdiri dari variabel individu (pengembangan karir dan dukungan keluarga), variabel organisasi (ketersediaan sumber daya, kepemimpinan, imbalan (kompensasi), iklim kerja dan kebijakan pemerintah) serta variabel psikologi (sikap dan motivasi). Data dianalisis dengan content analysis yaitu mengumpulkan, mereduksi, memverifikasi, mendeskripsikan, dan menyimpulkan informasi yang didapatkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyebab pindah adalah : 1) faktor individual (ingin melanjutkan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan jenjang karier dan dorongan mendekati keluarga); 2) faktor organisasi (kurangnya sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lain (fasilitas), pimpinan puskesmas tidak mempunyai kewenangan terkait perpindahan pegawai dan penempatan pegawai kurang mempertimbangkan latar belakang sosial budaya, imbalan masih dianggap kurang dan tidak sebanding dengan beban kerja, kebijakan tentang perpindahan belum sesuai dengan aturan; 3) faktor psikologi (sikap tanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan masih kurang, dan menganggap perpindahan pegawai adalah sesuatu yang wajar, motivasi bekerja masih berorientasi pada materi, orientasi pengabdian masih kurang). Selanjutnya disarankan kepada Kepala Puskesmas untuk membuat analisis beban kerja dan analisis jabatan untuk dasar penataan jenjang karier. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan sebaiknya memberikan reward berupa materi maupun non material secara memadai dan memberikan kewenangan kepada kepala puskesmas terkait dengan perpindahan pegawai sesuai aturan. Agar regulasi dapat dijalankan Pemerintah Daerah sebaiknya lebih tegas menghadapi usul pindah yang tidak prosedural. Perlu rekrutmen tenaga kesehatan dari daerah setempat atau daerah yang berdekatan serta mempertimbangkan sosial budaya. Kata kunci : Tenaga Kesehatan Bidan, Perawat, Puskesmas Kepustakaan : 42 (1985 – 2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Administration and Health Policy 2015 ABSTRACT Hesron Silalahi The Causal Analysis of Health Workers Movement from Health Centre located outside the city to Health Centre in the City in East Kotawaringin District in Province of Central Borneo 161 pages + 17 tables + 8 figures + 10 enclosures Recruitment and placement of health workers based on Regulations number 36/2009 were implemented to fulfil the necessity of health workers in a community. However, in East Kotawaringin District, there were any 41 sub health centres which did not have nurses and 18 village health posts which did not have midwives. These conditions were due to movement of health workers to health centres in the city by which achievements of health programs decreased. This study aimed to identify the causes of health workers movement from health centres located outside the city to health centres in the city in East Kotawaringin District. This was descriptive-qualitative research using indepth interview to find out information from 8 main informants and 7 triangulation informants. Variables consisted of individual variables (career development and family support), organisational variables (availability of sources, leadership, reward (compensation), work climate, and government policy), and psychological variables (attitude and motivation). Furthermore, data were analysed using content analysis encompassed collecting, reducing, verifying, describing, and concluding obtained information. The result of this study showed that the causes of movement were as follows: 1) individual factors (health workers wanted continue a study to improve career and to be closer with families); 2) organisational factors (there were lack of human resources and lack of other sources (facilities), there was no authority in a level of head of health centres to move employees, there was no consideration of sociocultural backgrounds regarding placement of employees, accepted rewards were unequal to workload, policy of movement was not in accordance with the regulation); 3) psychological factors (attitude and responsibility towards jobs were low, assumption of workers movement was as a normal thing, work motivation was only to obtain money, and work dedication was low) . Heads of health centres need to analyse workload and position as a basis for managing a career hierarchy. Head of District Health Office needs to provide rewards of either money or non-money sufficiently and provide authority to heads of health centres regarding movement of workers in accordance with the regulation. The regional government needs to implement the regulation strictly regarding a proposal to move a workplace which is not in accordance with a procedure. The locals need to be recruited as health workers as a consideration of sociocultural aspects. Key Words : Health Worker, Midwife, Nurse, Health Centre Bibliography : 42 (1985-2014

    Pembelajaran Materi Koordinat Kartesius melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TAI Berbantuan Videoscribe

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    Student learning activities can be improved by a Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) cooperative model using videoscribe. Video scribe learning media could increase students' interest in learning mathematics. This study aims to determine whether the implementation of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type cooperative learning model using videoscribe increase student learning outcomes at a junior high school,  SMP IT Lukmanul Hakim. Data on student learning outcomes was obtained from a posttest and analyzed quantitatively using a t-test. Hypothesis test of learning outcomes data using the t-test with a significant level (α) = 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) = 15 obtained tcount  t table (7.74 1.75). This study concluded that the application of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type cooperative model using videoscribe on Cartesian coordinates material has succecced and the students were engaged in the learning activities

    Analisis Penyebab Perpindahan Tenaga Kesehatan dari Puskesmas Luar Kota ke Puskesmas Dalam Kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan 2015 ABSTRAK Hesron Silalahi Analisis Penyebab Perpindahan Tenaga Kesehatan dari Puskesmas Luar Kota ke Puskesmas Dalam Kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah 161 halaman + 17 tabel + 8 gambar + 10 lampiran Pengadaan dan penempatan tenaga kesehatan menurut UU 36/2009 dilaksanakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan yang merata bagi masyarakat. Namun di Kab.Kotawaringin Timur masih ada 41 Puskesmas Pembantu tanpa perawat dan 18 poskesdes yang belum ada tenaga bidan akibat banyaknya tenaga kesehatan yang pindah ke Puskesmas dalam kota sehingga pencapaian program kesehatan menurun. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui penyebab perpindahan tenaga kesehatan dari puskesmas luar kota ke puskesmas dalam kota di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan indept interview untuk menggali informasi dari 8 informan utama dan 7 informan triangulasi. Variabel terdiri dari variabel individu (pengembangan karir dan dukungan keluarga), variabel organisasi (ketersediaan sumber daya, kepemimpinan, imbalan (kompensasi), iklim kerja dan kebijakan pemerintah) serta variabel psikologi (sikap dan motivasi). Data dianalisis dengan content analysis yaitu mengumpulkan, mereduksi, memverifikasi, mendeskripsikan, dan menyimpulkan informasi yang didapatkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyebab pindah adalah : 1) faktor individual (ingin melanjutkan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan jenjang karier dan dorongan mendekati keluarga); 2) faktor organisasi (kurangnya sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lain (fasilitas), pimpinan puskesmas tidak mempunyai kewenangan terkait perpindahan pegawai dan penempatan pegawai kurang mempertimbangkan latar belakang sosial budaya, imbalan masih dianggap kurang dan tidak sebanding dengan beban kerja, kebijakan tentang perpindahan belum sesuai dengan aturan; 3) faktor psikologi (sikap tanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan masih kurang, dan menganggap perpindahan pegawai adalah sesuatu yang wajar, motivasi bekerja masih berorientasi pada materi, orientasi pengabdian masih kurang). Selanjutnya disarankan kepada Kepala Puskesmas untuk membuat analisis beban kerja dan analisis jabatan untuk dasar penataan jenjang karier. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan sebaiknya memberikan reward berupa materi maupun non material secara memadai dan memberikan kewenangan kepada kepala puskesmas terkait dengan perpindahan pegawai sesuai aturan. Agar regulasi dapat dijalankan Pemerintah Daerah sebaiknya lebih tegas menghadapi usul pindah yang tidak prosedural. Perlu rekrutmen tenaga kesehatan dari daerah setempat atau daerah yang berdekatan serta mempertimbangkan sosial budaya. Kata kunci : Tenaga Kesehatan Bidan, Perawat, Puskesmas Kepustakaan : 42 (1985 – 2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Administration and Health Policy 2015 ABSTRACT Hesron Silalahi The Causal Analysis of Health Workers Movement from Health Centre located outside the city to Health Centre in the City in East Kotawaringin District in Province of Central Borneo 161 pages + 17 tables + 8 figures + 10 enclosures Recruitment and placement of health workers based on Regulations number 36/2009 were implemented to fulfil the necessity of health workers in a community. However, in East Kotawaringin District, there were any 41 sub health centres which did not have nurses and 18 village health posts which did not have midwives. These conditions were due to movement of health workers to health centres in the city by which achievements of health programs decreased. This study aimed to identify the causes of health workers movement from health centres located outside the city to health centres in the city in East Kotawaringin District. This was descriptive-qualitative research using indepth interview to find out information from 8 main informants and 7 triangulation informants. Variables consisted of individual variables (career development and family support), organisational variables (availability of sources, leadership, reward (compensation), work climate, and government policy), and psychological variables (attitude and motivation). Furthermore, data were analysed using content analysis encompassed collecting, reducing, verifying, describing, and concluding obtained information. The result of this study showed that the causes of movement were as follows: 1) individual factors (health workers wanted continue a study to improve career and to be closer with families); 2) organisational factors (there were lack of human resources and lack of other sources (facilities), there was no authority in a level of head of health centres to move employees, there was no consideration of sociocultural backgrounds regarding placement of employees, accepted rewards were unequal to workload, policy of movement was not in accordance with the regulation); 3) psychological factors (attitude and responsibility towards jobs were low, assumption of workers movement was as a normal thing, work motivation was only to obtain money, and work dedication was low) . Heads of health centres need to analyse workload and position as a basis for managing a career hierarchy. Head of District Health Office needs to provide rewards of either money or non-money sufficiently and provide authority to heads of health centres regarding movement of workers in accordance with the regulation. The regional government needs to implement the regulation strictly regarding a proposal to move a workplace which is not in accordance with a procedure. The locals need to be recruited as health workers as a consideration of sociocultural aspects. Key Words : Health Worker, Midwife, Nurse, Health Centre Bibliography : 42 (1985-2014
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