59 research outputs found

    Audit delay and its implication for fraudulent financial reporting : a study of companies listed in the Indonesian stock exchange

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    This research examines the impact of company size, profit or loss, and information system toward audit delay in companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Additionally, it also scrutinizes the implications of audit delay to fraudulent financial reporting. The population of the study includes the LQ 45 companies registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period of 2010-2014. Purposive sampling technique was employed in the study, involving the total sample of 90 companies. The data analysis used Amos software. The results of the study indicate that the information system, company size, and operation loss and profit have significant influence towards audit delay. Furthermore, it is revealed that audit delay have significant influence towards fraudulent financial reporting system.peer-reviewe

    Determinants of audit fee based on client attribute, auditor attribute, and engagement attribute to control risks and prevent fraud : a study on public accounting firms in Sumatra-Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of client attribute, auditor attribute, and engagement attribute to audit fees and the effect of audit fees to control risks and fraud prevention. The respondents involved in this research were auditors working in public accounting firms in Bandar Lampung, Palembang and Jambi. Based on the census sampling method, the total sample in this research was 104 respondents from public accounting firms in Bandar Lampung, Palembang and Jambi. In this research, Partial Least Square analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. The results of this research indicate that client attribute, auditor attribute, and engagement attribute are the dominant factors affecting audit fees. The results also show that audit fees have an effect on risk control and fraud prevention.peer-reviewe

    Islamic Work Ethics and Audit Opinions: Audit Professionalism and Dysfunctional Behavior as Intervening Variables

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    This study examinesthe relationship between Islamic work ethics and auditors’ opinion, focusing onthe aspects of audit professionalism and dysfunctional behavior as interveningvariables. The research involved in Internal Auditors working of Islamic Bankingindustry in Sumatra Island. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Thestudy represents the empirical test employing census sampling. The data collectedwere analysed using Amos. The results of the study confirmed the three hypothesesexamined: there is a positive corelation between Islamic work ethics and auditors’opinions; auditors’ professionalism is an intervening variable of the correlationbetween Islamic work ethics and auditors’ opinions and dysfunctional behavioris a negative intervening variable of the correlation between Islamic Work Ethicsand auditors’ opinionsDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v8i1.250

    Interaction between Supply Chain Management and Management Accounting Practices for Preventing Fraud to Firm’s Performance

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    Although several studies have been carried out on Management Accounting Practices (MAP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) but separately, without looking at their synergic role in an organization. Similarly, studies have examined impact of fraud and corruption on a firms performance but none has measured the impact of Management Accounting Practices or Supply Chain Management singularly or in a combined role on Firm Performance (FPP). This study aims at understanding the interaction of Management Accounting Practices and Supply Chain Management for preventing fraud for ensuring a firm performance. Hence, this study attempts to examine the mediating role of Supply Chain Management in explaining the relationship between Management Accounting Practices and Firm Performance for the purpose of preventing fraud. Data for the study was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 60 financial institutions in Indonesia which included banks, insurance, finance and leasing companies. The respondents were mainly manager level executives. The collected data was analyzed through SEM Smart PLS Package. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to test the hypotheses of the study. Results revealed positive relationship between Management Accounting Practices and Supply Chain Management and a positive relationship between Management Accounting Practices and Firm Performance. The study also revealed that Supply Chain Management could be used to mediate the relationship between Management Accounting Practices and Firm Performance and this interaction could be utilized to prevent fraud. These findings support the theoretically expected positive relationship between Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance. Additionally, the results of the study also reiterate the theoretical role of Supply Chain Management to consolidate Management Accounting Practices. The findings would be useful for financial managers in banking and insurance sector to consider Supply Chain Management in determining their key performance indicators (KPIs) of the firm

    Manajemen Laba pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia: Peran Komite Audit dan Dewan Pengawas Syariah

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    This study examined the role of the audit committee and the shari’ah supervisory board on earnings management in islamic banks in Indonesia. Research on islamic banking industry in Indonesia. The data used in this study were derived from secondary data that is derived from the quarterly reports of banking in the year 2010 to 2012. This study is an empirical test using secondary data. Results of the study confirms the two hypotheses were examined: the size of the audit committee in preventing acts earnings management in islamic banks significant positive effect. this is attested by p value 0.008; 2; The size of the shari’ah supervisory board was not able to reduce the amount of earnings management in islamic banks. Based on the results of hypothesis testing found that the variable sharia supervisory board has no effect. This may be due to the shari’ah supervisory board to meet the regulations of Bank Indonesia only

    Quality Audit In Banking Industry

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    This study examines the relationship of professionalethics audittoward auditors' opinion:auditorprofessionalismand dysfunctional behavior asintervening Variable. This research was conducted at thebankingindustryfirm in Bandar Lampung and auditors asthe sample. The data was collected by using aquestionnaire. This research represents the empirical testwhich used censuc sampling. Data analysis uses SEMAmos programs. Result of hypothesis examinationindicate that from three hypothesis raised, all of itaccepted. Accepted hypothesis 1, there is a positiverelation between professional ethics audittoward auditorsopinion:, hypothesis 2, auditorsprofessionalismis asmoderated variable professional ethics audittowardauditors' opinion:. hypothesis 3, disfunctional behavior isas negative moderated variable professional ethicsaudittoward auditors' opinion

    The Shariah financial accounting standards : how they prevent fraud in Islamic banking

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of Shariah financial accounting standards, the independence of the Shariah Supervisory Board and Auditor Competency Shariah to the prevention of fraud in Islamic banks in Indonesia. Sampling using saturated sample or the entire population of as many as 48 people include auditors in Islamic banking and Islamic Supervisory Board analysis tool using regression analysis using F test and t test with SPSS ver.17.00. The results showed that the Shariah financial accounting standards, the independence of the Shariah Supervisory Board and Auditor Competency Shariah simultaneously affect the prevention of fraud in Islamic banks. Islamic financial accounting standards have significant effect on the prevention of fraud in Shariah banks. Variables such as independence of the partial Shariah Supervisory Board has no effect on the prevention of fraud in Shariah banks while Islamic auditor competence variables have partially significant effect on the prevention of fraud in Shariah banks.peer-reviewe

    Strategy Analysis of Financing Management Quality toward Performance Improvement of Islamic Higher Education in Lampung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of strategies for improving the quality of management performance at Islamic Higher Education in Lampung, knowing the planning process and implementation of strategies carried out by Islamic Higher Education in Lampung, knowing leadership and management behavior in meeting the expectations of Islamic University Stakeholders in Lampung and knowing the suitability of the quality of the management performance of the preferences of the Management Stakeholders and Staff of Islamic Universities in Lampung. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire and data analysis techniques with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the two Universities in Lampung in the formulation of strategies for improving the quality of performance have not been systematic, changes in the strategic environment have not been followed by proactive steps; the process of implementing the strategy has not been carried out maximally in the allocation of available resources; based on strategic management, the two institutions are still influenced by bureaucratic culture and low adjustments to change; Islamic tertiary institutions in Lampung have negative or maximum gaps in the role of leadership
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