65 research outputs found

    Faktor Penyebab Inefektivitas Fungsi Terminal Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (Brps) Kota Pekanbaru

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    Public sector management is the responsibility of the local government as the manager of public facilities in the area. Terminal as one of the existing public facilities in the area have functions that are vital for the development of a city. Terminal has a very important role, but there are still a lot of terminals that exist in areas throughout Indonesia is not operating effectively. One terminal is ineffective termnal Type A in the city of Pekanbaru. This paper discusses the causes of ineffectiveness terminal function Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the causes of ineffectiveness terminal function Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive by using interview, observation and documentation as a tool for data collection in the field. The results showed that there are three main factors causing terminal ineffectiveness Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) ie, policy factors, social factors environmental (spatial, security, and accessibility), and institutional factors


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    This study aims to explain the patterns of formal conversation speech transfer in the Law Studies program at Wisnuwardhana University of Malang. This study is a descriptive qualitative one-site study. The results of the study include transaction patterns in the initial, core, and final activities of learning. Conversation patterns are divided into (a) transaction patterns, (b) speech transfer patterns, and (c) movement patterns informal conversations. The conversation strategy is divided into initiation, negotiation, and an elicitation strategy. The function of conversation is divided into the function of declaring, asking, ordering, and expressing feelings. The use of negotiation strategies, speech expressing apologies, and expressions of gratitude are new phenomena informal conversations. Article visualizations

    Pengaruh Produk,harga,lokasi dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of product, price, location and quality of service individually on consumer purchasing decisions. The study was conducted on Babarsari Branch of Warung Sego Penyet (WSP)customers . The population in this study is the customer Babarsari Branch of Warung Sego Penyet (WSP), with a sample of 97 respondents, drawn by convenience sampling method. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis that preceded the validity and reliability as well as the classical assumption test consisting of multicoloniarity test, heteroscedasticity test, test for normality. T test results showed variable price and quality of service significant positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions while the variable product and location not significant positive effect on the interest saving. Price variable is the variable that has the most dominant influence on consumer purchasing decisions. Value Adjusted R Square of 0,68

    Puntius Orphoides Valenciennes, 1842: Kajian Ekologi Dan Potensi Untuk Domestikasi

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    Semua jenis ikan pada awalnya hidup secara alami tetapi beberapa jenis sudah dapat dibudidayakan dan ada yang masih hidup liar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah upaya domestikasi ikan mata merah/Brek (Puntius orphoides Valencienes, 1842). Ikan mata merah dicuplik dari Sungai Klawing dan Waduk Sempor pada bulan Maret 2008 untuk dikaji aspek habitatnya dan dianalisis nutrisinya. Analisis nutrisi dikerjakan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UNSOED dan LPPT UGM. Jenis ikan sebagai pembanding adalah Puntius javanicus Blkr. dan Oreochromis niloticus. Hasil analisis laboratorium mengenai kadar air, protein dan lemak P. orphoides lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan dua jenis yang lain. Kelebihan jenis ikan mata merah adalah khususnya kandungan protein, maka dapat terus dikembangkan sebagai cadangan protein sektor perikanan yang sangat baik

    Kualitas Pelayanan Puskesmas 01 Weleri Kecamatan Weleri Kabupaten Kendal

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    Public service is the responsibility of the government and implemented by government agencies, be it in the central, local, and the environment of the State Owned Enterprises. One form of public service implemented by the government is fulfilling the needs of public health. Public Health Centre is one of the public organizations that provide health services to the people in the sub-district area. The existence of Public Health Centre because it is became the spearhead of the health services provided by local governments. This study aimed to describe the quality of services provided by 01 Public Health Centre Weleri to know what are the dimensions that hamper and support the service quality in 01 Weleri Public Health Centre. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive which look at the quality of service through the five dimensions of service that is tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The results showed that the dimensions that support the services at the 01 Public Health Centre Weleri are responsiveness and assurance while the dimensions that hamper are tangible, reliability, and empathy. This is proved by the results of interviews and field observations of researcher who showed that patients of 01 Public Health Centre 2 Weleri satisfied with the responsiveness and assurance given but patients are assessing tangible, reliability, and empathy given are still not good

    Implementasi E-procurement Di Universitas Diponegoro

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    The massive case of corruption in procurement of goods and services encourage the government to publish new policy named e-procurement .E-procurement considered the government able to overcome the problems in procurement as cases of corruption, Diponegoro University as institutions college also implement e-procurement in the need procurement of goods and services, but in the application faces obstacles and makes the implementation not be optimal. Problems underlying as deficiency human resources, incompleteness supporting facilities, as well as lack of readiness the target group is the major cause. This report is written with research methodology qualitative and description aimed at know the state of the implementation of e-procurement and know by factors in support and inhibitors of of e-procurement. The result of this research when viewed from the effectiveness of the implementation not yet optimal because it is still the low understanding the target group and the factors barrier namely the resources and bureaucratic structure of the actor e-procurement policy at the Diponegoro University. Based on the outcome of this research recommended to do improve the quality of related to the procurement of goods and services by means of .Informed to the target group about actor implementor, do maintenance on the software and hardwere at regular intervals , inviting people to apply supervision , improvement of infrastructure , do recruitmen staff as well as fix jobdesk staff

    Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Depresi Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Di Ruangan Hemodialisa Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R D. Kandou Manado

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    Absract: Depression is a form of emotional disorder that show depressed feelings, sad, worthless, meaningless, don't have morale and pessimistic about the future felt by individuals. The purpose of this research is to know the relation of support families with depression in patients with chronic kidney disease. The research was carried out by the method of cross-sectional study, a sample of 59 respondents comprised of families and patients. Data collection is done by filling in a questionnaire made by researchers and is completed by respondents. Furthermore the data processed using the aid program SPSS for analysis by chi-square test with a level of significance of 0.05 (a).The research results showed that good family support (83.1%) with no depression (79,6%) whereas the depression (20.4%) and less support (16.9%) with depression (70,0%) and no depression (30,0%). Conclusion there is a meaningful relationship between family support with the depression, with a value of p = 0,004. Advice for health agencies in hospitals in order to further improve the quality of service to patients in order to prevent the risk of the occurrence of depression in patients with chronic kidney disease
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