54 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada tatanan praktik hukum fidusia adalah terkait isu hukum eksekusi jaminan fidusia. Para kreditur atau penerima fidusia tidak jarang melakukan upaya-upaya non-prosedural formil ketika debitur melakukan wanprestasi. Hal ini disebabkan proses eksekusi jaminan fidusia di lapangan tidak efektif dan efisien. Disisi lain, perspektif hukum konsumen menekankan hak konsumen yang perlu dilindungi sehingga hak-hak konsumen fidusia tidak dilanggar oleh kreditur. Atas dasar ini lah kemudian Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 18/PUU-XVII-2019 memberikan logika hukum yang banyak mengubah aspek hukum jaminan fidusia khususnya masalah kepastian hukum eksekusi jaminan fidusia. Penelitian ini digolongkan kе dalam penelitian hukum normatif dilakukan dengan cara mеnеlaah bahan kepustakaan atau bahan-bahan sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pertama, eksekusi jaminan fidusia dapat dilakukan dengan 3 (cara) cara yaitu: pelaksananaan titel eksekutorial, penjualan benda objek jaminan fidusia atas kekuasaan penerima fidusia dan penjualan dibawah tangan yang dilakukan berdasarkan kesepakatan pemberi dan penerima fidusia dengan cara demikian dapat diperoleh harga yang tertinggi yang menguntungkan kepada para pihak dan Pasal 15 ayat (2) pada Undang-Undang Jaminan Fidusia, namun dengan telah dinyatakannya inkonstitusional terhadap frasa "kekuatan eksekutorial" dan frasa "sama dengan putusan pengadilan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap" dalam norma Pasal 15 ayat (2) dan frasa "cidera janji" dalam norma Pasal 15 ayat (3) pada Undang-Undang 42/1999, maka Mahkamah menyatakan bahwa Penjelasan Pasal 15 ayat (2) pada Undang-Undang Jaminan Fidusia, sepanjang frasa "kekuatan eksekutorial" bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945 dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat sepanjang tidak  dimaknai "terhadap jaminan fidusia yang tidak ada kesepakatan tentang cidera janji dan debitur keberatan menyerahkan secara sukarela objek yang menjadi jaminan fidusia, maka segala mekanisme dan prosedur hukum dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi Sertifikat Jaminan Fidusia harus dilakukan dan berlaku sama dengan pelaksanaan eksekusi putusan pengadilan yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap. Kata Kunci : Jaminan, Fidusia, Eksekus


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    Fiduciary term that has long been known in the Indonesian language. Similarly, the term is used in Act No. 42 of 1999 regarding Fiduciary. In the terminology of the Dutch term is often referred to in full, namely Fiduciare Eigendom Overdracht (FEO), namely the delivery of property rights in the trust. The methods used in this study, using juridical-empirics. Judicial approach used to analyze the various rules and regulations governing the fiduciary agreement and fiduciary While the English term is called Fiduciary Transfer of Ownership.Background onset of fiduciary institutions, as set out by the experts is because the statutory provisions governing the institution pand (pawn) contains many flaws, does not meet based on developments in its history, Fiduciary originated from an agreement that only is basedon trust. But over time in practice the necessary legal certainty to protect the interests of the parties and the needs of society

    Relationship Between Specificity and Precision in Writing the Main Diagnosis and Accuracy of Main Diagnosis Codes with Financing Claims in Cases of DM in Dr Radjiman Wediodiningrat Hospital, Lawang

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    Specificity and precision in writing the main diagnosis will give the accuracy of diagnosis code, and proper code will give an impact on the appropriate of the cost using INA-CBGs. Research objectives was to analyze the specificity and precision in writing the main diagnosis and the accuracy of main diagnosis code based on ICD-10, also the claims of financing in the case of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang, as well as analyzed their relationship. This type of research was a cross sectional correlasional. Independent variables were the specificity and precision in writing the main diagnosis and the accuracy of main diagnosis code, and the dependent variable was the claim of financing. The number of samples analyzed were 50 inpatient medical record document (MRD) of DM cases which hospitalization from January to September 2017, selected by simple random sampling. The results showed the unspecific and unprecise in writing the main diagnosis of DM disease had a risk 1.6 times greater impacting the inaccuracy the main diagnosis code of DM disease (95% CI: 1.05 - 2.30) and 1.8 times greater resulting in the claims for financing treatment not accordance (95% CI: 1.03 - 3.12). An internal verification team is needed for submission of financing claims, consisting of elements from the medical committee, medical recorders and other related elements, as well as conducting periodic monitoring and evaluation of how to write the main diagnoses and their coding

    The Legal Implications Due to Default by the Debtor on a Car Loan Agreement with Fiduciary Guarantee

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    The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze: 1) The legal position of the strength of a car loan agreement with a fiduciary guarantee for creditors and debtors at Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) 2) The juridical implications of default by the debtor on a car loan agreement with a fiduciary guarantee at Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) . The approach method used in discussing this research problem is a sociological juridical approach. The research specification used is descriptive analytical research. This type of data uses primary and secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is qualitative data analysis. The results of the study concluded: 1) The legal position of the strength of the car loan agreement with fiduciary guarantees for creditors and debtors at Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) is included in the construction of an anonymous agreement (Innominaat), as far as the contents of the agreement have met the legal requirements (1) of the Civil Code which states that an agreement made legally applies as the law that made it, the CIMB Finance consumer financing agreement, 2) The juridical implication due to default by the debtor on a car loan agreement with a fiduciary guarantee at Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) is that the creditor does not get the fulfillment of his rights that should be obtained by the existence of the agreement. When the debtor defaults, the thing that will be done by the creditor to get the debt repaid is to sell the object that is guaranteed by the debtor. Another legal consequence of this default is that the Customer may be subject to Article 372 of the Criminal Code regarding embezzlement with a criminal offense imprisonment for a maximum of four years, then Article 36 of Act No. 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees carries a maximum penalty of 2 years

    The Implementation of Notary’s Responsibility Association in the Online Administration System

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    This study aims to analyze procedure for registering associations is through the online Legal Entity Administration System. 2) The role and responsibilities of a notary in carrying out the registration of associations through the online Legal Entity Administration System. The approach method in this research is a sociological juridical approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study, data analysis was carried out in a descriptive analytical manner. The conclusion show the association registration procedure through the online Legal Entity Administration System is uncomplicated. The procedure begins with an application for ordering the name of the association through SABH www.ahu.go.id, then the application for legalization of the association's legal entity must be submitted by a notary with supporting documents submitted electronically. Supporting documents in the form of an electronic statement from the applicant. A statement letter containing the completeness of the association's establishment documents from the applicant. The Ministerial Decree concerning the legalization of the legal entity association is issued no later than 14 days. The period of time is calculated from the date of the statement of no objection from the Minister. The fee for ordering the name of the association is IDR 100,000, -, while for the ratification of the establishment of the association of IDR 250.000,-. 2). The role of the notary in carrying out the registration of associations through the online legal entity administration system is to order names and register the ratification of the association to the minister through the SABH. Notaries have an important role in managing the legal entity of the Association. People who need the legal entity ratification of the Association cannot access the SABH directly but must go through a Notary who has been registered in the SABH. This is because the notary plays a role in carrying out statutory orders so that the interests of the parties do not violate the law

    The Planning Omnibus Law of Worker in the Perspective of Modernization and Justice: A Flash Back Review

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    There are many overlapping regulations, and also the investment climate that is really needed to grow significantly in competition with the global world, of course to regulate this requires a regulation that can accommodate the many regulations that exist in Indonesia. Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, the government (executive and legislative) has produced laws and regulations to regulate society in the form of regeling (regulations) and beschikking (decisions). Due to the large number of overlapping regulations, many are then submitted for judicial review or testing of statutory regulations to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Since the establishment of the Constitutional Court in 2003, many laws have been submitted to the Constitutional Court because they were deemed to be in conflict with the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. And it is true that these regulations have also been annulled by the Constitutional Court and deemed to be in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

    The Effect of Nurse Competence, Motivation, and Workload on the Performance of Emergency Room (ER) Nurse in Regional Hospitals of Yogyakarta

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    Every hospital is required to have experienced and professional human resources. Emergency Room (ER) nurses are required to have more performance than nurses in other units, because ER is the main line as one of the entry points for patients in the hospital. The performance of nurses in improving service, several factors that influence it are the level of competency of nurses, their motivation in work and also the workload they bear. This study to analyze the effect of competence, motivation and workload on the performance of ER nurses in regional hospital of Yogyakarta. Type of this study was quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The research sample amounted to 58 nurses, and determining sampling was by purposive sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis used multiple linear regressions. The results of this study showed competence, motivation and workload had a positive and significant effect on nurses performance. Competence, motivation and workload have an influence of 50.7%, while the remaining 49.3% is explained by other factors not examined in this study. The results showed that competence has a positive effect on nurses performance, motivation has a positive effect on nurses performance, and workload does not significant affect nurses performance. The conclusion that competence, motivation and workload jointly influence the performance of nurses. Competence influences nurses performance, motivation influences nurses performance, and workload does not affect nurses performance. Keywords: competence, motivation, workload, nurses performanc

    Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Orang Tua dengan Temper Tantrum Anak Autis di SLB AGCA Center Surakarta

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    Growth and development, especially in children, sometimes impaired either before birth or after birth. Developmental disorders in children one of which is a developmental disorder behavior. Autism is one of irregularities in development since infancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of parents' parenting autistic children in SLB Agca Center Surakarta and analyze the relationship between foster parents with autistic children in special schools tantrums Agca Center Surakarta. The result is expected to increase the knowledge and contribute to the parties involved in this research about the types of parenting parents the right to their children, especially to children dishabilitas, such as autistic children. This study design using correlational, which examines the relationship between variables. Method is a cross sectional approach. The population in this study are all autistic children in SLB Agca Center Surakarta numbered 34 children. The sample in this study were students with autism SLB Agca Center Surakarta totaling 34 children. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Analysis of the data in this study using univariate and bivariate analysis aimed to test the hypothesis or testing a relationship between parenting parents with an autistic child temper tantrums in SLB Agca Center Surakarta. The results showed that parents' parenting of children autism in SLB Agca Center Surakarta included in the category of good, and the trend parenting democratic show that autistic children at SLB Agca Center Surakarta has temper tantrums low and temper tantrums of children autism in SLB Agca Center Surakarta included in the category are low, this indicates that the planting of education in SLB Agca Center Surakarta quite successful. There is a correlation between parenting system and temper tantrum of children with Autism Syndrom Disorder in Agca Center Surakarta

    Asuhan Keperawatan pada Ny. T dengan Post Operasi Keloid di Ruang Melati RSUD Banyudono

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    Latar belakang : Keloid adalah kelainan kulit yang terjadi akibat deposisi kolagen secara berlebihan selama proses proliferasi penyembuhan luka. Deposisi kolagen terus terjadi kerena sintesis kolagen jauh lebih hebat dibandingkan degradasinya, sehingga keloid dapat juga dikatakan sebagai tumor jinak. Tujuan : Untuk memberikan gambaran bagaimana asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan post keloid. Hasil : Pada kasus ini, klien mengalami nyeri, klien telah dilakukan tindakan operasi dan klien mengatakan kurang mengetahui tentang penyakitnya. Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3x24 jam didapatkan hasil klien mengatakan nyeri sudah berkurang, dan klien mengatakan sudah mengerti tentang penyakit yang dideritanya saat ini. Kesimpulan : Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3x24 jam mulai tanggal 29 April 2013 sampai dengan tanggal 1 Mei 2013 pada pasien T dengan Keloid, maka penulis mendapatkan pengalaman yang nyata tentang pemeberian asuhan keperawatan kepada klien tersebut. Penulis dapat melakukan langsung proses asuhan keperawatan mulai dari pengkajian, menentukan diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi dan intervensi serta pendokumentasian

    Determinan Efisiensi Investasi dengan Risiko Litigasi sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    Latar Belakang:Pada tahun 2020, BPS menyatakan laju pertumbuhan PDB sektor manufaktur mengalami penuruan sebesar -2,93 dibanding tahun 2019 yaitu sebesar 3,80. Penurunan laju pertumbuhan PDB yang dialami perusahaan sektor manufaktur merupakan dampak dari Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia. Penurunan laju pertumbuhan PDB perusahaan sektor manufatur berpengaruh terhadap tingkat efisiensi investasi yang dilakukan perusahaan.Tujuan:Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas laporan keuangan, konservatisme, debt maturity dan sustainability reporting terhadap efisiensi investasi dengan risiko litigasi sebagai variable moderasi.Metode Penelitian:Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data yaitu Regresi Linear Berganda dan Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA).Hasil Penelitian:Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas laporan keuangan, konservatisme, dan debt marurity berpengaruh positif terhadap efisiensi investasi. Sementara sustainability reporting tidak berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi investasi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa risiko litigasi memperkuat pengaruh positif kualitas laporan keuangan dan debt maturity terhadap efisiensi investasi.Keterbatasan Penelitian:Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan hanya berfokus pada perusahaan sektor manufaktur saja dan hanya menguji pengaruh kualitas laporan keuangan, konservatisme, debt maturity, dan sustainability reporting terhadap efisiensi investasiKeaslian/Novetly Penelitian:Penelitian ini memiliki pembaharuan yaitu menambahkan risiko litigasi sebagai variabel moderasi. Hal ini dikarenakan hasil penilitian yang tidak konsisten memungkinkan terdapat faktor lain yang mempengaruhi efisiensi investasi
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