9 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Limbah Domestik dengan menggunakan Biokoagulan Biji Moringa oleifera Lam. dan Saringan Pasir cepat

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    AbstrakPertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia yang pesat khususnya di kota-kota besar telah mendorong peningkatan jumlah air limbah domestik (Supradata, 2005). Pada tahun 2013 jumlah penduduk di kota X mencapai  3.351.048 jiwa dan menghasilkan timbulan air limbah domestik sebanyak 351.860 m3/hari. IPAL X menggunakan kolam stabilisasi pada proses pengolahan air limbah secara biologi memerlukan waktu pengolahan selama 10 hari. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap debit limbah domestik yang akan diolah. Kolam stabilisasi memiliki kapasitas pengolahan air limbah sebesar ±243.000 m3 dan belum dapat mengolah secara menyeluruh air limbah domestik di kota X. Permasalahan waktu pengolahan yang lama diharapkan dapat diselesaikan dengan hasil penelitian pengolahan limbah domestik dengan menggunakan biokoagulan biji Moringa oleifera Lam. dan saringan pasir cepat. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium (volume percobaan 1 liter). Penelitian ini terlebih dahulu dilakukan dengan menentukan kondisi optimum biokoagulan dengan melakukan variasi pH dan dosis  biokoagulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter yang efektif disisihkan biokoagulan adalah BOD 79,15%, TSS 99,99994%, minyak dan lemak 86,53%. Kombinasi biokoagulan dan saringan pasir cepat selain mampu menyisihkan BOD, TSS, minyak dan lemak juga mampu menyisihkan fosfat sebesar 89,74%. Kondisi optimum biokoagulan yang diperoleh adalah pH optimum 7 dengan dosis optimum 1500 ppm, serta waktu pengendapan yang diperlukan adalah 420 detik. Kata kunci: air limbah domestik, biokoagulan Moringa oleifera Lam., saringan pasir cepat

    The Relationship Between Family Support And Depression Level Among Hiv/aids Patients In Prof.dr. Soekandar General Hospital Mojokerto

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    Problems that arise in people with HIV / AIDS not only from viral infections there are also social impacts experienced such as a lack of support from the family. The phenomenon that occurs in the community that shy families sometimes even ostracize people with HIV / AIDS so that when treatment is rarely delivered, isolating in the family such as placing in a separate room makes ODHA increasingly experiencing psychological disorders such as prolonged stress reactions, namely depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with the level of depression in patients with HIV / AIDS in VCT poly RSUD Prof.Dr. Soekandar Mojokerto. The research design used is correlation analysis. The population in this study were all HIV / AIDS sufferers in the VCT Police Hospital, Prof. Dr. Soekandar, Mojokerto Regency, which consists of 51 patients. The Sampling technique uses consecutive sampling with a number of samples that meet the research criteria of 50 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire. After the data is collected, data processing is done in editing, coding, scoring, tabulation by using the frequency distribution and followed by cross tabulation (Crosstab). The results of the study were tested by the Spearman rho test. Obtained by the results of p (0,000) and α (0,05), so that p (0,000) <α (0,05) which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted which means there is a relationship between family support and depression in HIV / AIDS patients in Poly VCT Rsud Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojokerto. Family support is needed by patients with HIV / AIDS to reduce depression by providing support, providing facilitation, and assisting patients when at home or when going to the hospital

    Survey of community knowledge, attitudes, and practices during a malaria epidemic in central Java, Indonesia.

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    We surveyed adults in a randomly selected sample of 1,000 households in 50 villages in nine malarial sub-districts in Purworejo, central Java, Indonesia from May to July 2001. The survey assessed malaria knowledge, attitudes, and practices in communities experiencing epidemic malaria to begin exploring broad strategies for controlling the disease in the region. A pre-tested survey instrument consisting of 93 questions addressed demographic characteristics, socioeconomic factors, knowledge and perceptions of malaria, burden and severity of disease, treatment-seeking behavior, malaria prevention practices, and perceptions of government malaria control efforts. The survey was taken by in-person interview of all subjects. Most (97%) subjects were aware of malaria and more than two-thirds correctly identified mosquitoes as the vector. Forty-one percent of households in both forest/hilly and agricultural/urban areas reported malaria illness in the past year. Thirty-six percent (357 households) owned at least one bed net, 92% of these had been purchased by the owners. However, only 36% of households with bed nets affirmed their use as a means of preventing malaria. Nearly all respondents reported a willingness to accept spraying of residual insecticides for malaria prevention, yet less than 5% were willing to pay a nominal fee (US $3) for this service. Fifty-two percent of respondents reported self-treatment of malaria illness without visiting a health facility. This assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices showed a broad awareness of malaria and its consequences among residents of malarial areas in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java

    Chloroquine or sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria during an epidemic in Central Java, Indonesia

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    A recent malaria epidemic in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java has increased concern about the re-emergence of endemic malaria on Java, which threatens the island's 120 million residents. A 28-day, in-vivo test of the efficacy of treatment of malaria with antimalarial drugs was conducted among 16 7 villagers in the Menoreh Hills. The treatments investigated, chloroquine (CQ) and sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP), constitute, respectively, the first- and second-line treatments for uncomplicated malaria in Indonesia. The prevalence of malaria among 1389 residents screened prior to enrollment was 33%. Treatment outcomes were assessed by microscopical diagnoses, PCR-based confirmation of the diagnoses, measurement of the whole-blood concentrations of CQ and desethylchloroquine (DCQ), and identification of the Plasmodium falciparum genotypes. The 28-day cumulative incidences of therapeutic failure for CQ and SP were, respectively, 47% (N = 36) and 22% (N = 50) in the treatment of P. falciparum, and 18% (N = 77) and 67% (N = 6) in the treatment of P. vivax. Chloroquine was thus an ineffective therapy for P. falciparum malaria, and the presence of CQ-resistant P. vivax and SP-resistant P. falciparum will further compromise efforts to control resurgent malaria on Java

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    A collection of materials and resources for COS ambassadors