169 research outputs found

    Method for analysing phosphate 18O/16O ratios for waters with high C:P ratios

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    In this report we outline a method to isolate phosphate as pure Ag3PO4 for waters with high C:P ratios for 18O analysis. This report details a method that can be used to minimise residual organic contamination of the final Ag3PO4, therefore significantly reducing uncertainties in the final interpretation of 18O results. This includes the use of column resins in series to (i) remove the majority of dissolved organic carbon and (ii) isolate/pre-concentrate PO4. This is followed by the use of a modified McLaughlin et al (2004) method for PO4 precipitation, with an additional final hydrogen peroxide clean-up step to remove residual organic matter following precipitation of Ag3PO4. The reagents required for this method are first listed, and then a step-by-step account of the process is outlined. Importantly, it contains adequate detail to be used by other researchers in this field or modified to suit their particular research objectives

    Psychology students’ perception of and engagement with feedback as a function of year of study

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    Undergraduate students’ perception of feedback and level of engagement with the feedback they receive have gained increasing attention in the educational literature recently to identify areas which require educators’ attention. However, research in this area has generally been based on limited self-selecting samples, and has not considered how students’ relationship with feedback may alter depending on their year of study. To address this, a survey measuring students’ views and practices regarding feedback was completed at a higher education institution by 447 first-, second- and third-year psychology students, representing 77% of the cohort. Findings revealed that third years responded more negatively in both areas than their first- and second-year counterparts, whose ratings on these aspects themselves were far from optimal. These findings highlight the need for early interventions to improve students’ perception of and engagement with feedback in the earlier years, and to prevent the recorded deterioration later on in the degree course

    Inefficiency and Environmental Risks associated with Nutrient Use in Agriculture within China and the UK

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    The stocks and flows of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were quantified for five case studies, representing contrasting agricultural systems in China and the UK. The input of nutrients exceeded the output of nutrients in agricultural products for all five systems, although to varying degrees between individual case studies.Excessive input of nutrients for each system increases the risk of negative environmental impacts on soil, air and water quality. Soils accumulate nutrient stocks due to excessive nutrient inputs, representing an under-exploited nutrient reserve that could contribute to future agriculture production. Livestock and crop production are increasingly disconnected in China. Manure application was limited to high-value fruit and vegetable crops in the systems analysed, but often without adequate accounting for the nutrient content of the applied manure.Pathways to improve the efficiency of nutrient use are identified

    Delivering improved nutrient stewardship in China: the knowledge, attitudes and practices of farmers and advisers

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    There is a need to assess and re-orient agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) in China, aiming to rebalance the importance of productivity alongside the stewardship of farm inputs, natural resources and broader protection of the environment; a new ethos is needed. Analysis and recommendations for this are provided

    The ‘ins and outs’ of colonoscopy at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre, South Africa: A practice audit of the outpatient endoscopy unit

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    Background. In South Africa, there are no national guidelines for the conduct or quality assessment of colonoscopy, the gold standard for investigation and diagnosis of bowel pathology.Objectives. To describe the clinical profile of patients and evaluate the practice of colonoscopy using procedural quality indicators at the Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre (WDGMC) outpatient endoscopy unit (OEU).Methods. We conducted a prospective, clinical practice audit of colonoscopies performed on adults (≄18 years of age). A total of 1 643 patients were included in the study and variables that were collected enabled the assessment of adequacy of bowel preparation, length of withdrawal time and calculation of caecal intubation rate (CIR), polyp detection rate (PDR) and adenoma detection rate (ADR). We stratified PDR and ADR by sex, age, population group, withdrawal time and bowel preparation. CIR, PDR and ADR estimates were compared between patient groups by the χ2 test; Fisher’s exact test was used for 2 × 2 tables. A p-value <0.05 was used. Benchmark recommendations by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)/American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Task Force on Colorectal Cancer (CRC) were used in this audit to assess individual endoscopist performance and that of the endoscopy unit as a whole.Results. The mean age of patients was 55.7 (standard deviation (SD) 14.4; range 18 - 91) years, ~60% were female, and the majority (75.5%) were white. Of the outpatients, 77.6% had adequate bowel preparation (ASGE/ACG benchmark ≄85%). The CIR was 97.0% overall, and screening colonoscopy was 96.3% (ASGE/ACG benchmark ≄90% overall and ≄95% for screening colonoscopies). The median withdrawal time for negative-result screening colonoscopies was 5.7 minutes (interquartile range (IQR) 4.2 - 9.3; range 1.1 - 20.6) (ASGE/ACG benchmark ≄ 6minutes), and PDR and ADR were 27.6% and 15.6%, respectively (ASGE/ACG benchmark ADR ≄25%). We demonstrated a 23.7% increase in PDR and 14.1% increase in ADR between scopes that had mean withdrawal times of ≄6 minutes and <6 minutes, respectively. Although the number of black Africans in the study was relatively small, our results showed that they have similar ADRs and PDRs to the white population group, contradicting popular belief.Conclusions. The WDGMC OEU performed reasonably well against the international guidelines, despite some inadequacy in bowel preparation and lower than recommended median withdrawal times on negative-result colonoscopy. Annual auditing of clinical practice and availability of these data in the public domain will become standard of care, making this audit a baseline for longitudinal observation, assessing the impact of interventions, and contributing to the development of local guidelines

    The impact of lake discontinuities on nitrogen biogeochemistry in river networks

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    River networks connect terrestrial and marine ecosystems through transport of pollutants and nutrients. Lakes represent discontinuities within these river networks, which can be important biogeochemical hotspots, introducing substantial changes to the aquatic environment. Nitrogen is a key macronutrient that can potentially limit or co-limit primary production, but the processes that determine the fate of nitrogen during transport through river-lake networks are poorly understood. We studied three river systems and their lake discontinuities, spanning a range of trophic states and average water residence times, to understand the changes introduced to riverine nitrogen biogeochemistry by lake discontinuities. In-lake processes noticeably altered the concentration and speciation of nitrogen. Annually, lakes reduced up to 44% of nitrate compared to main inflow concentrations, while there was large variability in nitrate dynamics seasonally. The drawdown in surface nitrate concentrations resulted at times in phytoplankton co-limitation by nitrogen in-lake, as well as in the downstream river, where altered nitrogen patterns could persist for several kilometers. However, lakes occasionally subsidized N to downstream rivers as ammonium or dissolved organic nitrogen. Assimilation of nitrate in lake surface waters was one of the dominant processes impacting nitrogen availability; however, stable isotope data revealed an unexpected contribution of nitrification on nitrogen cycling in the epilimnion throughout the year and across trophic gradients. These changes in nitrogen concentration, as well as speciation introduced by lake discontinuities have potentially important consequences for the composition and metabolism of communities in downstream rivers and contribute to our fundamental understanding of freshwater processes
