107 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mempraktikkan Teknik Dasar Permainan Bola Basket Pada Mata Pelajaran Penjasorkes Melalui Pendekatan Reciprocal Teaching Siswa Kelas IX B SMP Negeri 4 Pacitan

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    Pemahaman konsep Permainan Bola Basket pada mata pelajaran Penjasorkes mutlak diperlukan para siswa kelas IX. Ironisnya justru di Kelas IX B pemahaman konsep terhadap materi ajar tersebut masih jauh dari harapan, yakni dengan rerata 58,92 dan termasuk pada kategori kurang. Beberapa alasan peneliti menggunakan pendekatan Reciprocal Teaching dengan media realita dalam mengajarkan materi ajar Penjasorkes diantaranya: (1) asas aktivitas digunakan dalam semua jenis metode mengajar baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas, (2) asas aktivitas bertujuan mengembangkan ide-ide atau merealisasikan suatu ide dalam suatu bentuk tertentu, (3) asas aktivitas dapat menikmati pengalaman-pengalaman estetis, (4) memecahkan suatu kesulitan intelektual, dan (5) memperoleh pengalaman dan keterampilan tertentu. Diharapkan setelah menerapkan metode Reciprocal Teaching ini nilai rerata siswa Kelas IX B akan meningkat pada kategori baik bahkan amat baik. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) meningkatkan motivasi belajar melalui penggunaan pendekatan Reciprocal Teaching dengan media realia siswa Kelas IX B SMP Negeri 4 Pacitan Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018, (2) meningkatkan hasil belajar tentang Permainan Bola Basket pada mata pelajaran Penjasorkes melalui pendekatan Reciprocal Teaching dengan media realia siswa Kelas IX B SMP Negeri 4 Pacitan Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri atas 1 kali pertemuan dan satu kali pertemuan selama 2 jam pelajaran (2 x 40 menit). Dalam setiap siklus mencakup kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Reciprocal Teaching dengan media realia mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar Permainan Bola Basket. Hal ini didukung adanya peningkatan mean skor dalam setiap siklusnya yakni siklus I memperoleh 73,21, siklus II meningkat menjadi 79,64, dan siklus III meningkat lagi menjadi 85,54. Selain itu juga ditandai dengan peningkatan ketuntasan belajar tiap siklus yaitu siklus I sebanyak 75,00%, siklus II meningkat menjadi 85,71% dan siklus III mencapai maksimal peningkatan ketuntasan menjadi 100%

    Pengaruh Kadar Air Dilapangan Dan Ratio Air – Fly Ash Terhadap Kekuatan Dan Pengembangan Tanah Ekspansif Untuk Metode Dsm (Deep Soil Mixing)

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    Tanah lempung ekspansif memiliki daya dukung tanah yang rendah pada kondisi muka air yang tinggi, sifat kembang susut (swelling) yang besar dan plastisitas yang tinggi. Selain itu, karena sifat kembang susut yang cukup besar pada tanah lempung ekspansif mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan (deformasi) yang sering kali tidak dapat dipikul oleh kekokohan struktur diatasnya. Salah satu metode stabilisasi tanah yang digunakan dalam upaya untuk memperbaiki mutu tanah yang kurang baik antara lain yaitu stabilisasi kimiawi. Stabilisasi kimiawi dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan stabilizing agents pada tanah dasar yang akan ditingkatkan mutunya. Stabilizing agents yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fly ash. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu, untuk mengetahui nilai kuat geser terbesar yang diberikan variasi pada kadar air. Pada penelitian ini objek yang diamati adalah, tanah lempung ekspansif dengan penambahan 15% fly ash dan variasi kadar air. Variasi kadar air yang diberikan pada campuran tanah lempung dengan fly ash adalah 25,8%, 22,8%, 18,8%, 14,8%, 10,8% dari berat isi kering tanah. Pada penelitian ini sampel yang telah dibuat akan di uji pengembangan (swelling), dan unconfined compression test. Dari hasil pengujian benda uji, didapatkan pada sampel tanah lempung ekspansif dengan 15% fly ash dan kadar air 18,8% memiliki nilai kuat tekan dan kuat geser terbesar dibandingkan dengan variasi kadar air yang lainnya. Nilai kuat tekan bebas (qu) dan kuat geser (cu) tanah kondisi unsoaked dan soaked mengalami peningkatan pada penambahan fly ash 15% dengan kadar air sebesar 18,8%, kemudian mengalami penurunan nilai qu dan cu pada pengurangan kadar air dibawah 18,8%, semakin besar penambahan kadar air maka semakin kecil nilai pengembangan (swelling). Kata

    Success Factors of Task Management Application in The Business Service Division of PT Telkom Indonesia

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    The success of the company's operational management is formed by the success of building and running the information system. PT Telkom Indonesia is using a task management application to manage sales activity. Success assessment of the application uses the Delone & Mclean model. This study aims to analyze factors that influence the success of implementation task management based on the perspective of the direct user called the account manager. Respondents in this study are account managers with a total sample of 150 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire and is analyzed using the SEM-PLS method. The results of this study indicate that system quality has a significant effect on usage and user satisfaction, information quality has no significant effect on usage and user satisfaction, and service quality has no significant effect on usage but has a significant effect on user satisfaction. Usage has a significant effect on user satisfaction. Furthermore, user satisfaction and usage have a significant effect on net benefits. Therefore the Delone and Mclean model is confirmed to be used in assessing the success of the implementation task management at the Business Service Division PT Telkom Indonesia. Keywords: account manager, delone & mclean, information system, sem-pls, task managemen


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    Grasberg post mining land of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has the opportunity to become an attractive ecotourism location. The objectives of this study are (1) Analyze current business models. (2) Analyze internal and external factors that affect the post-mining Grasberg ecotourism business model. (3) Design a verified business model (BMC-1) by considering internal and external analysis. (4) Formulation of strategies and policy priorities for post-mining Grasberg ecotourism development. The research method used was AHP, BMC, PESTEL and VRIO. The results showed that the current business model with several initial indicators for each of the 9 elements of the block model. Internal factors that have a sustainable competitive advantage are location, tourism potential, supporting facilities and facilities, the ability to manage mining tourism, the ability to work in teams, the ability to produce innovation and creativity. External factors that affect the business model, political aspects are influenced by regime change which then affects the share ownership portion as well as cabinet changes as well as the security stability factor. The design of the WTG (Grasberg Mine Tourism) business model resulted in a verified BMC with the addition of indicators for the nine elements of the model. The priority of developing WTG policies focuses on alternative development of tourism services, participation of indigenous peoples, management of activities and coordination of indigenous peoples. The conclusion of this research is to be able to go to the commercial tourism industry, WTG managers need to focus on the key activity elements, the value proposition element, the key resource elements, and the key partner element. Keywords: AHP, BMC, PESTEL, Post Mine Tourism, VRI

    The Effect of Environmental Concerns and Government Policies on The Intention to Buy Electric Car

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    The electric car market in Indonesia is still relatively weak, even though electric cars have a positive impact on the environment. The Indonesian government supports the growth and development of electric vehicles by issuing several policies to attract people's purchasing intentions in Indonesia. This study analyzes environmental concern and government policy that influence the purchase intention of electric car in Indonesia through extended theory of planned behavior concept and understands the characteristics of respondents and formulates managerial implications to increase the purchase intention of electric cars in Indonesia. The analysis in this study uses Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with 100 respondents. The results obtained in terms of public perception of people's purchase intention to support the sale of electric cars, where the variables of attitude, behavior control, environmental concern, and government policies have a good perception of the intention to buy electric cars, and neutral perception for the subjective norm variable. Environmental concern and government policies have a positive and significant effect on the intention to buy an electric car. Increase environmental awareness, control behavior, attitudes, subjective norms, and government policies as the main strategy in increasing the intention to buy electric cars Keywords: environmental concern, government policy, theory of planned behavior, purchased intention, electric ca

    The Effect of EWOM, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control and Product Quality On The Intention To Buy Subsidized Housing

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    Kuningan city view (KCV) is one of the housing estates that sell subsidized houses. In 2021, sales did not reach the target. This study analyzes various factors that influence the purchase intention of subsidized housing in KCV housing through eWOM variables, subjective norms, perceptions of behavior control, and product quality, understanding the characteristics of respondents and formulating managerial implications to increase the purchase intention of subsidized housing in KCV housing. This research involved 100 prospective buyer respondents who met the criteria of being able to buy subsidized houses that were domiciled in the Kuningan district and its surroundings, using a voluntary sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires which were distributed directly to respondents and online. The analysis in this study uses Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The majority of respondents were in the age group of 26-29 years and the average number of respondents who were interested in buying subsidized housing was already married, around 79%. There are 62 respondents who work in the private sector, while civil servants, military, and police are around 22 respondents and the rest are self-employed around 16 respondents.The results indicate that eWOM, subjective norm, and product quality have a significant effect on purchase intention, while perceptions of behavioral control have no significant effect. Based on the research, the housing developer need to maximize the potential of eWOM in conducting marketing and providing information related to information, it is necessary to improve product quality such as public facilities, increase marketing collaboration with all stakeholders in the subsidized housing program which aims to all parties can benefit. Keywords: eWOM, purchase intention, subsidized housing, SEM-PLS, subjective nor

    Kodivikasi variabel-variabel dalam penelitian ekonomi Islam

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    It is needed a special analysis tool to develop Islamic economics. This article state that we can borrow conventional economics tools to read and analysis Al Quran and Hadits related with economics, so it will be obtained general principles of Islamic economics

    Analysis on Al-Ri’Ayah (Leadership) in Family and Its Influence to the Iintention and Performance as Well as Family Welfare in Urban Areas of East Kalimantan Province

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    This study analyses the influence of  al-ri’ayah (leadership) in a family to the intention of the family head, performance and family welfare, and to analyse the level of perfection (kaffah) of leadership (al-ri’ayah) in family, intention of the family head, performance and family welfare in Urban Areas of East Kalimantan Province. The said Urban Areas constitute the four cities in East Kalimantan Province, namely Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan and Bontang. This study applies the syar’i quantitative approach, strengthened by the syar’i qualitative and kasyf intuitive analyses.Al-ri’ayah in family is a leadership attitude applied by a family head constituting one of the important factors influencing the intention of family head, performance and family welfare. The al-ri’ayah aspects in family give the influence in forming and directing the intention of family head, performance and family welfare. The al-ri’ayah in family, intention of family head, performance and family welfare have been implemented well at the stage of sunnah category or close to being perfect (kaffah). Keywords: Al-ri’ayah (leadership), intention, performance, welfare and kaffah (perfect)

    Evaluasi Cobit dan Perancangan IT Balanced Scorecard untuk Perbaikan Penerapan System Development

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    Abstrak. Prosedur system development life cycle (SDLC) mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses pengembangan sistem di Divisi Teknologi Sistem Informasi (TSI) Bank BRI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih proses IT COBIT yang digunakan sebagai fokus area evaluasi penerapan SDLC, menilai maturity level dari penerapan SDLC, memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan penerapan SDLC, dan merancang kerangka kerja IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) tentang perbaikan penerapan SDLC. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan maturity model COBIT 4.1 sebagai alat assessment untuk mengukur maturity level dari penerapan SDLC melalui sebuah survei. Data hasil survei dianalisa dengan analisis maturity level dan analisis gap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Divisi TSI berada pada maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Analisis gap menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan berdasarkan detail control objective (DCO) COBIT yang tidak memenuhi expected maturity level (EML). Akhirnya rekomendasi perbaikan disajikan dalam bentuk kerangka kerja IT BSC.Kata kunci: system life cycle development, IT balanced scorecard, COBIT 4.1, detail control objective, maturity levelAbstract. System development life cycle (SDLC) procedures has an important role in the process of system development in BRI Information Systems Technology (TSI) Division. This research aims to select the COBIT IT processes that are used as evaluation focus area of SDLC implementation, assess the maturity level of SDLC implementation, provide recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation, and design a framework IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) about improvement of SDLC implementation. The sampling method using purposive sampling and maturity models COBIT 4.1 as an assessment tool to measure the maturity level of SDLC implementation through a survey. Survey data were analyzed with a maturity level analysis and gap analysis. The results showed that the TSI Division is at maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Gap analysis generates recommendations for improvements based on detailed control objectives (DCO) COBIT that has not reached the expected maturity level (EML). Finally recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation presented in the form of framework IT BSC.Keywords: system life cycle development, IT balanced scorecard, COBIT 4.1, detail control objective, maturity leve
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