20 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sensori, Kimia dan Fisik Pempek dari Ikan Tenggiri dan Ikan Kiter pada Berbagai Formulasi

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    Pempek is one of the traditional snack food from Palembang which is made from fish and very popular in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of barred mackerel fish and pick handle barracuda fish meat on sensory, chemical, and physical properties and to determine the best economic formulation of pempek. This study used the Completely Randomized Design with six-level treatments of a combination of barred mackerel fish and pick handle barracuda fish, respectively, 200 g-0 g (P1), 160 g-40 g (P2), 120 g-80 g (P3), 80 g-120 g (P4), 40 g-160 g (P5), and 0 g-200 g (P6). The characteristics of pempek were observed on the sensory (color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptance), chemical (moisture and protein content), and physical properties (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness). The result showed that the treatment only has a significant effect on the color parameter of sensory properties. The higher amount of use of pick handle barracuda fish significantly reduced the panelist preference on color. The best formulation chosen was the combination of 40 g barred mackerel fish and 160 g pick handle barracuda with an economic total raw material cost of Rp 12.750. This formulation is recommended to produce pempek with the best quality and economic cost.Pempek is one of traditional snack food from Palembang which made from fish and very popular in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of barred mackerel fish and pickhandle barracuda fish meat on sensory, chemical and physical properties and to determine the best economic formulation of pempek. This study used the Completely Randomized Design with six level treatments of combination of barred mackerel fish and pickhandle barracuda fish, respectively, 200 g-0 g (P1), 160 g-40 g (P2), 120 g-80 g (P3), 80 g-120 g (P4), 40 g-160 g (P5), and 0 g-200 g (P6). The characteristics of pempek was observed on the sensory (color, aroma, taste, texture and overall acceptance), chemical (moisture and protein content), and physical properties (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness). The result showed that the treatment only has a significant effect on color parameter of sensory properties. The higher amount use of pickhandle barracuda fish significantly reduced the panelist preference on color. The best formulation chosen was the combination of 40 g barred mackerel fish and 160 g pickhandle barracuda with the economic total raw material cost Rp 12.750. This formulation is recommended to produce pempek with best quality and economic cost.   Keywords: economic, formulation, pempek, sensory propertie


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    Abstrak   Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil karet terbesar ke dua di dunia memiliki luas areal 3,69 juta hektar.  Karet termasuk tanaman perkebunan yang potensial di Propinsi Lampung  tersebar di Lampung Utara, Lampung Selatan, Lampung Barat, Lampung Tengah, Lampung Timur, Way Kanan, Tanggamus, Tulang Bawang dan  Pesawaran.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Merekomendasikan strategi penangganan dalam perbaikan dan meningkatkan pengelolaan lingkungan agroindustri karet di Propinsi Lampung.  Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP) dan wawancara langsung.  Data pendukung diperoleh dari pihak industry, pemerintah,  Asosiasi,  dan akademisi.  Hasil Penelitian analisis AHP menunjukkan peningkatan pengelolaan lingkungan agroindustri karet secara terpadu dan berkesinambungan menempati peringkat pertama (nilai = 0,581) dengan strategi melibatkan pihak-pihak terkait dan  memahami tentang pengelolaan lingkungan baik pemerintah maupun swasta direkomendasikan sesuai Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah, meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, menerapkan manajemen yang komprehensif mulai dari proses  sampai pengelolaan lingkungan  dan menerapkan konsep produksi bersi


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    Sugarcane industries produce wastewater with high levels of pollution load. Wastewater pollutant load can be lowered by treating wastewater in the WWTP. Wastewater treatment process using Biological conventional system still has the disadvantage of increasing the pH of the waste water at a given time. It causes algae blooming. Algae population levels increases due to nutrients in wastewater. To prevent algae  from blooming, nutrient concentration in the waste water should be reduced. This study was aimed to measure the effectiveness of Waterhyacinth in lowering pollutant load of sugar cane industrial wastewater. The method used was to plant Waterhyacinth in aeration pond number 2 of WWTP and then taking samples at four locations and consists of point I (inlet pond aeration 2), point A (before the water hyacinth plant), point B (after the water hyacinth plant), the point C (waste pond outlet monitor). Parameters measured included pH, TSS, COD, NH4, and NO3. The result showed the wastewater treatment system using water hyacinth plant reduced the pollutant load sugar cane industrial wastewater at the rate of  0,000858%/m2 day, 0,010997%/m2 day, 0,008691%/m2 day, 0,005936%/m2 day, and 0,015016%/m2 day, respectively. These conditions indicate planting hyacinth was effective in lowering the level of industrial wastewater pollutant load of sugar cane. Keywords: algae bloom, sugarcane industry wastewater, waterhyacint

    Financial Feasibility Study of Liquid Smoke Industry from Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch in Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province

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    Abstract— The objective of this research was to examine the feasibility of liquid smoke production from palm ail empty fruit bunch (EFB). This research was a survey with expert respondents to collect primary data while literatures and reports study as secondary data. The result of study showed that the liquid smoke industry from EFB was feasible to be developed with eligibility criteria Rp. 991,486,765 of NPV ; 2.50 of Net B/C; 36.59 % of IRR ; and 2.83 years of PBP.  The result of sensitivity analysis showed that the liquid smoke industry from EFB more sensitive for liquid smoke price decerasing than raw material and other inputs price increasing.Keywords— Financial Feasibility, Liquid Smoke, EFB

    Analisis Peramalan Permintaan dan Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Pembantu pada Industri Gula (Studi Kasus PT. XYZ Lampung Utara)

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    Peramalan dan manajemen persedian merupakan salah satu factor penting dalam menentukan keberlanjutan usuatu usaha dalam industri.  Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis metode peramalan penjualan yang paling sesuai untuk industri gula PT. XYZ dan menganalisis teknik pengendalian persediaan  dengan menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantitiy  (EOQ).  Terdapat 5 metode  peramalan yang digunakan yaitu : Linear Regression, Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, dan exponential smoothing with trend.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa metode linear regression merupakan metode forecasting yang paling sesuai digunakan oleh industri gula PT. XYZ dengan nilai MAD, MSE, dan MAPE terkecil dibandingkan metode lainnya yaitu sebesar 7.195, 65.854.060, dan 10%, dengan hasil peramalan pada tahun 2019 sebesar 44.746 ton gula pasir.  Hasil analisis pengendalian persediaan menggunakan metode EOQ  terhadap bahan baku pembantu belerang dan soda kaustik .  Frekuensi pemesanan untuk belerang dilakukan  28 kali per tahun memilikitotal biaya persediaan sebesar Rp. 1.010.908.000 dan biaya penghematan sebesar Rp. 19.581.365.  dan pembantu causatic soda dengan frekuensi pemesanan 27 kali per tahun memiliki total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp. 922.241.500 dan biaya penghematan sebesar Rp. 17.840.930.Â

    Characteristics of Redestilled Dried Banana Leaves Liquid Smoke

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    Banana leaves belong to the waste products of the banana plant and are a potential source of liquid smoke due to their abundance, containing 10.85% cellulose, 19.95% hemicellulose and 18.21% lignin. Liquid smoke has many uses, including as an antibacterial agent and food preservative. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the liquid smoke from redistilled dried banana leaves. The process of making liquid smoke by pyrolysis, precipitation, distillation, and adsorption with activated zeolites. Liquid smoke is then physically observed for color and flavor, tested for compound content using GC-MS tests, and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the liquid smoke from redistilled dried banana leaves had a mild taste and pale yellow color. was found to contain 13.09% area, carbonyls in 1.42% area, and no HPA compounds.


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    The waste generated from oil palm mills in the form of empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm oil mill effluent (POME) can be used utilized to be processed into compost, which is beneficial for treating waste from palm oil mills as well as generate organic fertilizer that can be applied to land.  The research was conducted to determine the mass balance in the form of input and output during the compost production process and carried out in a pilot scale in order to give an idea if composting is done on a large scale.  This research aimed to analyze the mass balance of composting process of EFB and POME and calculate C/N ratio of EFB and compost, respectively.  The research was conducted in a descriptive experimental method and data were presented in tables and graphs.  The composting is carried out in two replications and without treatment.  The composting was carried out for 54 days,  during the research, temperature, pH and water content were monitored.  The results showed that the maximum temperature during the composting process were 49.9 to 50.90 °C, the pH value were 6.85 to 7.94, the water content during were 76.81 to 77.88%.  Overall, the input as EFB and POME were 34.91 to 37.33% and POME 62.67 to 65.09%, respectively.  The Output in form of leachate and compost were about 27.02 to 27.58%, and 24.04 to 26.09%, respectively, and evaporated materials were about 46.33 to 48.94%.  For composing, 1.0 ton EFB required POME about 1.57 to 1.74 m3, produced compost about 688.62 to 698.85 kg, leachate about 0.724 to 0.758 m3 (density = 1.02 kg/dm3), and evaporated material about 1241.26 to 1401.95 Kg.  The C/N ratio on EFB was 28.86 and C/N ratio of the compost was 8.91.Keywords:  empty fruit bunches, mass balance, palm oil mill effluen

    Optimalisasi Bahan Baku dan Kapasitas Kerja Alat Granulator pada Proses Pembuatan Gula Semut Aren

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    The purpose of this research was to identify the quality of palm juice which can be used as raw material for produce crystal palm sugar by measuring the acidity level (pH), and to know the optimum working capacity of granulator tool at the stage of granulation process of palm sugar production. Palm juice was measuring pH, which had pH > 6 continuesevaporated but if had pH<6 added Ca(OH)2 until pH 7 and then evaporated , granulated, sifting 20 mesh and observation crystal palm sugar included the water level, levels of ashes, solids insoluble, rendemen and color.  Optimizing the working capacity of the granulator tool done by evaporatedpalm juices of 20 L, 30 L, 40 L and than granulated, observation time and rendemen granulation. The result showed that palm juice that can be used as raw material for produce crystal palm sugar must good quality indicated by  pH> 6. Crystal palm sugar contains water 3,125%, ash 2,26% and insoluble solid0.215% was close to the standard (SNI). The rendemen was 8.46%. The optimum working capacity of ganulator tool was from 20 L palm juices with milling efficiency of 80.97% need 8 minutes 28 seconds time process. Keywords: Crystal Palm Sugar, Palm Juice, Optimization, and Working Capacity


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    Natural rubber processing demand has increased every year because of the demand from  tire industries and other rubber based industries.  The problem of RSS industries with raw material of field latex was low quality of final products.  The purposes of this study were to identify factors that affected quality of RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) product and to construct  strategies to improve the quality of  RSS (Ribbed smoked sheet) products.  Data were collected in two ways, there were primary data and secondary data.  Data were analyzed using SWOT method and continued using qualitative (descriptive) method.  Weighting results showed for internal factors had strength value  of 2,879, and weaknesses value of 2,705 then the difference value +0.174.  While the weighting for external factors had opportunities value  of 2,410, and threats value  was 1.306. then the difference value was +1,433 .  The conclusion  that could be drawn from this research is that The quality of RSS product can be improved by  strictly implementing the standard operating procedure ,  developing human resource abilities, collaborating research with other institutions , implementing  and  monitoring the use  of SNI 06-2047-2002 for latex raw materials. Keywords : Ribbed Smoked Sheet, SWO

    Pengasapan Ikan Kembung menggunakan Asap Cair dari Kayu Karet Hasil Redestilasi

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    Asap cair dari kayu karet dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengawet ikan kembung (Rastrelliger kanagurta) karena mengandung senyawa fenol dan asam organik yang bersifat sebagai senyawa anti bakteri dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi asap cair kayu karet redestilasi dan lama perendaman ikan terbaik pada pengasapan ikan kembung. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial (RAK Faktorial) dengan perlakuan konesntrasi asap cair (10, 15 dan 20%) dan lama perendaman (10, 15 dan 20 menit). Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi angka lempeng total, kadar air dan organoleptik. Hasil terbaik yaitu menggunakan konsentrasi asap cair kayu karet redestilasi 10% dan lama perendaman ikan selama 15 menit dengan nilai angka lempeng total 4,4×103 CFU/g pada hari ke-0 dan 4,7×104 CFU/g pada hari ke-6, kadar air di bawah 60% selama penyimpanan, dan sifat organoleptik berupa skor aroma 4,48 (netral)dan skor penerimaan keseluruhan 4,51 (netral)