64 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Role of Analytical Procedures in Financial Intelligence Service as an Integral Part of the Regulatory and Financial Technologies Development

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    The article describes the main trends in the development of regulatory and financial technologies and touches upon the problems and prospects of development for the world and Russian economy. It also justifies the necessity of conducting qualitative analytical procedures in the conditions of a changing market structure

    The use of computer technology in «General psychology practicum» students-psychologists

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    The paper discusses the importance of using computer technology for laboratory exercises for the course "General psychological workshop students-psychologists. In the example shown the ability to create mathematical models of time perception, taking into account some individual characteristics of subjectsВ работе рассматривается значение использования компьютерных технологий для проведения лабораторных занятий по курсу «Общий психологический практикум» у студентов-психологов. В качестве примера показана возможность создания математической модели восприятия времени с учетом ряда индивидуальных характеристик испытуемы

    A Tool for Thyroid and Breast Punch Biopsy

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    Background. Diagnosis of thyroid and mammary gland neoplasms is a persisting challenge. The common punch biopsy techniques exhibit significant drawbacks responsible for biasing the gland tumour inspection. The authors propose technical and methodological novelties in punch biopsy for improving the sensitivity and accuracy of neoplasm differential diagnosis in surgery.Materials and methods. A control cohort of 1406 patients had a conventional punch biopsy without ultrasonic guidance, whereas the study cohort of 1870 patients had puncturing with a novel device suitable for voluminous thyroid and mammary gland neoplasm biopsy.Results. A novel punch biopsy method is developed basing on the oscillation amplitude and tissue optical density determination. The novel puncture appliance and technique allowed an accuracy improvement of voluminous thyroid and mammary gland neoplasm puncture up to 90 %. No complications of thyroid neoplasm punch biopsy were observed in the study cohort. The control group exhibited the complications of impaired swallowing, local inflammation and haematomas at the puncture site.Discussion. The punch biopsy technique based on the pulse oscillation amplitude and optical tissue density measurement was proved to allow an earlier detection of voluminous neoplasms compared to visual inspection, while an additional canal allows concurrent biopsy of the lesion-adjacent tissue and the assessment of therapeutic efficacy and disease progression.Conclusion. Creative surgical approaches to punch biopsy based on emitter and optic sensor-geared pulse optometry and their implementing tool have been developed. The method improves the efficiency and accuracy of voluminous neoplasm differential diagnosis, provides control of treatment efficacy and prevents false positive and false negative detections

    Physiological action of UVB radiation on wheat seeds and sprouts (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    This work continues the cycle of our research on the physiological effect of UVB radiation on plants. Two research cycles were conducte

    Environmental risk to health of the population

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    Researches of the last years in the field of ecological epidemiology and the analysis of risk for health allow to claim with confidence that the polluted environment is one of the important factors defining changes of a state of health of the population. Expert opinions on the scale of this influence differ considerably now. These estimations vary from small shares of percent to several percent, reaching in some cases 30-50%. An attempt to elaborate economic approaches to a risk assessment to health of the population has been made in this work. The main reason which demands development of special approaches for an assessment of an environmental risk is that quantitative estimation of risk for health from environmental pollution is difficult to be realized. As a rule, population is affected by the whole set of the polluting substances from the atmosphere, drinking water, food, etc. For effective risk management it is necessary to assess and compare diverse risks caused by action of various pollutants coming to an organism in different ways. The stated methodical materials give an idea of possibility of the stage-by-stage multilevel risk analysis at the solution of environmental problems. Further comparative analysis connected with definition and comparison of various dangers can be done by means of the results received at a risk evaluation stage. © 2016 Anopchenko et al

    Management of patients with operated refractory neovascular glaucoma (clinical observation)

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    Introduction. Thrombosis (occlusion) of the central retinal vein (RCVO) and its branches is one of the main causes of loss or significant decrease in vision, including in people of working age, while RCVO is the second most common retinal vascular disease after diabetic retinopathy. The incidence rates steadily increase with age, amounting to 0.7% in the 49–60 age group and reaching 4.6% in people over 80 years old. Acute violation of retinal venous blood flow often leads to retinal ischemia, triggering the mechanism of activation of endothelial vascular growth factor (VEGF). In a quarter of patients, occlusions of the retinal veins and its branches initially proceed according to the ischemic type, which is characterized by the formation of extensive non-perfused retinal zones occupying an area of 10 or more areas of the optic nerve head (optic nerve disc) according to fluorescent angiography (FAG). In 34% of such patients, the non-ischemic type of venous occlusion becomes ischemic within 3 years.Aim. To develop an optimal algorithm for  the  management of  patients with operated neovascular uncompensated glaucoma against the background of occlusion of the central retinal vein.Materials and methods. Two patients with operated secondary neovascular glaucoma of stage III-c. In the combined sequential therapy, the anti-VEGF medication Aflibercept (0.5 mg) was used, laser coagulation of residual newly formed vessels, laser reconstruction in the surgical area, contact transcleral cyclolazercoagulation, and laser coagulation of the peripheral parts of the retina were performed.Results. The combined sequential treatment, combined with the appointment of antihypertensive drugs in drops, allowed to stabilize the level of IOP. IOP indicators remained at the level of normal values during 1 year of follow-up.Conclusion. The use of combined laser technologies and anti-VEGF therapy allows potentiating and prolonging the hypotensive effect in the treatment of patients with operated secondary refractory neovascular glaucoma against the background of occlusion of the central retinal vein

    Pre-sowing stimulation of wheat with UVB radiation of XeCl-excilamp

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    The share of UVB spectrum range (290-320 nm) in the solar radiation flux accounts for an average of about 1.5% ofthe radiant flux on the planet. Taking into account the fact that plants adapt to living conditions in the course of evolution, it can be assumed that the flow of UVB radiation is also used by plants, but at the level of subdoses that reach the Earth's surface. The aim of current work is to study the growth and development of spring wheat ("Irgina" cultivar) when treated with subdoses of UVB radiation. For processing, XeCl-excilamp (High Current Electronic Institute SB RAS) radiation was used. The spectrum of this lamp is a narrow band with a maximum at a wavelength of 308 nm, which corresponds well to the UVB range. In the course of study, the pre-sowing UVB radiation dose values for seeds were found, under the influence of which wheat sprouts had an increase in such indicators as the length and dry weight of the root, the length of the leaf and the ratio of the root/shoot masses. It was shown, that as plants developed, the nitrogen balance index was always higher in the experiment with radiation in plants whose seeds were subjected to pre-sowing treatment with UVB radiation. This indicates the activation of growth and development processes in plants, as well as the accelerated absorption and assimilation of nitrogen compounds. Under the action of dose 0.5 J/cm2 the weighting parameters grain productivity such as weight of grains per ear, spike weight, weight of 1000 pcs seeds and the grain yield exceeded the check by 10.2 %. The UVB processing did not affect the quality of the wheat grain. Based on the obtained data, it is concluded that the use of XeCl-excilamp UVB radiation for pre-sowing stimulation of wheat is promising

    Group approach in practices of social work: the theoretical aspect

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    В статье изучен и обобщен опыт деятельности «Мобильных бригад» в различных регионах России. В связи с этим выделены характерные особенности применения данного метода, составлен механизм реализации бригадного подхода в предоставлении услуг жителям сельских поселений, живущих в труднодоступных районах. Также выделены основные недостатки применения данного метода и освещены дальнейшие перспективы его развития.The article examined and summarized the experience of "mobile teams" in different regions of Russia. In this regard, highlighted the characteristic features of this method is made up mechanism to implement a team approach in providing services to people in rural communities who live in remote areas. Also highlighted are the main disadvantages of this method and highlight future prospects of its development

    General and Ophthalmic Manifestations of Herpes Virus Infections

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    Herpes viruses are a large group of DNA viruses causing a wide variety of diseases in humans. The exponential growth of medicine in general and advanced achievements of virology in particular authentically verified a wide spectrum of diseases in humans caused by or associated with herpesvirus infections. Eight types of herpes viruses particularly human simplex type 1 and 2, varicella-zoster, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, roseoloviruses type 6 and 7, and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus were described in the article. This overview highlights the main issues of worldwide epidemiology, basic virology and clinical manifestations of herpes virusesinduced diseases and associated conditions, including general and ophthalmic disorders. Their prevalence in the world accounts for the almost the entire population. The majority human herpes viruses are typically acquired in infancy or early adulthood as a primary disease, and infect neurons, lymphoid or epithelial cells to persist for life and establish a latent infection. Reactivated human herpes viruses may present different clinical pictures and induce a broad spectrum of illnesses ranging from asymptomatic carrier state to recurrent life-threatening conditions and fatal diseases, especially in immunocompromised patients. This review particularly highlights the description of the diseases affecting the eye: anterior and posterior herpes-associated uveitis and acute retinal necrosis. Clinically herpes viruses can manifest in a variety of eye symptoms and signs complicating the diagnosis. Viral DNA in the eye mediums and tissues detection by means of PCR seems to be a challenge for practitioners. Thus, the review of latest research and developments indicate the need for newer diagnostic and management approaches to counter the herpes virus infectious

    Ход и структура нервных волокон роговицы у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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       PURPOSE. T o analyze the course and structure of corneal nerve fibers (CNF) in patients with different stages of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and to determine possible correlations with the available diagnostic indicators of glaucoma progression.   METHODS.  The study included 48 patients (48 eyes) diagnosed with stages I–IV POAG at the age of 33 to 75 years. In addition to standard examination methods, all patients underwent static perimetry with Humphrey Field Analyzer II, optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the optic disc, measurement of biomechanical properties of the fibrous membrane of the eye, as well as laser confocal microscopy of the cornea on HRT III device with corneal adapter Cornea Rostock.   RESULTS. There were positive correlations of medium strength between the indices of basic nerve fiber length (r = 0.64 and r = 0.63; p < 0.05) and density (r = 0.6 and r = 0.65; p < 0.05) with perimetry data (MD and PSD) and retinal nerve fiber thickness measured with OCT of the optic disc (r = 0.65 and r = 0.61; p < 0.05). Nerve fiber anisometry and symmetry coefficients depended on glaucoma stage (r = 0.62 and r = 0.65; p < 0.05). An increase in the number and density of Langerhans cells and an increase in the length of their processes were detected. A reliable correlation (r = 0.63) was found between glaucoma stage and corneal inflammatory response. The immune etiology of the glaucoma process considered by several authors may be a reason of an increase in the number and density of macrophages during the progression of POAG.   CONCLUSION. Laser confocal microscopy can be used as an additional diagnostic method for patients with different stages of POAG.   ЦЕЛЬ. Анализ хода и структуры нервных волокон роговицы у пациентов с разными стадиями первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ), определение возможных корреляций с имеющимися диагностическими показателями динамики глаукомного процесса.   МЕТОДЫ. В исследование включено 48 пациентов (48 глаз) с диагнозом ПОУГ I–IV стадий в возрасте от 33 до 75 лет. Всем пациентам, помимо стандартных методов обследования, была выполнена статическая периметрия на анализаторе полей зрения Humphrey Field Analyzer II, оптическая когерентная томография диска зрительного нерва (ОКТ ДЗН), измерение биомеханических свойств фиброзной оболочки глаза, а также лазерная конфокальная микроскопия роговицы на приборе HRT III с роговичным адаптером Cornea Rostock.   РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Выявлены положительные корреляции средней силы между показателями длины основных нервных волокон (r = 0,64 и r = 0,63; p < 0,05) и их плотности (r = 0,6 и r = 0,65; p < 0,05) с данными периметрии (MD и PSD) и толщиной нервных волокон сетчатки по данным ОКТ ДЗН (r = 0,65 и r = 0,61; p < 0,05). Коэффициенты анизометрии и симметрии нервных волокон зависят от стадии глаукомы (r = 0,62 и r = 0,65; p < 0,05). Выявлено увеличение количества и плотности клеток Лангерганса и увеличение длины их отростков. Обнаружена корреляция (r = 0,63; p < 0,05) между стадией глаукомы и воспалительной реакцией роговицы. Рассматриваемая рядом авторов иммунная этиология процесса развития глаукомы может обосновать увеличение числа и плотности макрофагов при развитии ПОУГ.   ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.  Метод лазерной конфокальной микроскопии может быть использован в качестве дополнительного метода диагностики пациентов с разными стадиями ПОУГ