1,986 research outputs found

    The diffuse X-ray spectrum from 14-200 keV as measured on OSO-5

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    The measurement of energy spectrum of the diffuse component of cosmic X-ray flux made on the OSO-5 spacecraft is described. The contributions to the total counting rate of the actively shielded X-ray detector are considered in some detail and the techniques used to eliminate the non-cosmic components are described. Positive values for the cosmic flux are obtained in seven energy channels between 14 and 200 keV and two upper limits are obtained between 200 and 254 keV. The results can be fitted by a power law spectrum. A critical comparison is made with the OSO-3 results. Conclusions show that the reported break in the energy spectrum at 40 keV is probably produced by an erroneous correction for the radioactivity induced in the detector on each passage through the intense charged particle fluxes in the South Atlantic anomaly

    Production of Ferromolybdenum from Indian Resources

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    In India, the resources of molybdenum are limited - primary sources are very low grade molysulphide deposits, molybdenum in low concentration co-occurs with copper and uranium deposits, processing of such deposits for copper and uranium yields small quantities of low grade molysulphide concentrate. Besides these, some quantities of molybdenum scrap andmolybdenum bearing effluents are generated as secondary sources in the countrv. This paper is concerned with the development of processes for treating these indigenous sources. Thefirst part of the paper describes the chemical processes for preparing pure compounds of molybdenum which could be utilized as starting materials for various metallurgical products of molybdenum. The second part of the paper deals with the production of ferroma! bdenum using these molybdenum intermediate compounds

    Recovery of Niobium and Tantalum from Low Grade Tin Slag - A Hydrometallurgical Approach

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    .Niobium and tantalum are known to co-occur with cassiterite deposits.During the process of extraction of tin by cassiterite smelting, these metals join the slag phase and the slag is processed for the recovery of niobium and tantalum. The processed slag rich in niobium and tantalum is digested with hydrofluric acid, and subjected to solvent extraction for the removal of additional impurities as well as for the separation of niobium and tantalum. This paper reports on the upgradation of tin slag typically containing 3.4% Nb205 and 3.0% Ta205 by a combination of chemical treatments. In the process, unwanted associations in the slag viz. alumina, silica, calcia, iron oxide etc., are selectively solubilized by a sequential treatment with alkali and acid leaching leaving a residue containing 10.6% Nb205 and 10.4% Ta205 with a recovery of 86.5 and 95.5% respectively. The product represents an enrichment of about 3.24 times and was found to be suitable for the extraction of niobium and tantalum by HF-H2SO4 dissolution

    Does R&D Intensity and Innovative Activities drive Indian Pharmaceutical Exports?

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    664-666R&D intensity is critical to the growth of hi-tech sectors like pharmaceuticals and information technology and is aimed at boosting innovation. In turn, innovation brings new products that could earn revenues to further boost R&D intensity1. Indian pharmaceutical industry earns nearly sixty percent of its revenues from exports and is a leader in global generics market with largest share of ANDA and DMF filings. Significant increase in patenting activity is also observed post India’s accession to TRIPS agreement in 1995 and subsequent introduction of Product Patent Regime in 20052. This study aims at establishing a causal relationship amongst R&D intensity, patents, regulatory filings and export intensity. Also, the impact of these variables on export intensity of Indian Pharmaceutical sector has been studied by fitting them into an econometric model

    Does R&D Intensity and Innovative Activities drive Indian Pharmaceutical Exports?

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    664-666R&D intensity is critical to the growth of hi-tech sectors like pharmaceuticals and information technology and is aimed at boosting innovation. In turn, innovation brings new products that could earn revenues to further boost R&D intensity1. Indian pharmaceutical industry earns nearly sixty percent of its revenues from exports and is a leader in global generics market with largest share of ANDA and DMF filings. Significant increase in patenting activity is also observed post India’s accession to TRIPS agreement in 1995 and subsequent introduction of Product Patent Regime in 20052. This study aims at establishing a causal relationship amongst R&D intensity, patents, regulatory filings and export intensity. Also, the impact of these variables on export intensity of Indian Pharmaceutical sector has been studied by fitting them into an econometric model

    Aluminothermic process for the preparation of Ferromolybdenum and Ferrovanadium

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    The paper presents laboratory development of processes involving aluminothermic reduction, in open reactors, for the preparation of ferromolybdenum and ferrovanadium starting from indigenously available resources. The coverage incorporates chemical processing that has been developed for treating the starting resources such as low grade sulphide concentrate/molybdenum scrap/molybdenum laden solution for molybdenum and vanadium bearing slag or vanadium sludge for vanadium to prepare suitable intermed-iates. These essentially constitute raw materials develop-ed as alternative to the conventional ores for the two ferroalloys

    Adjuvant effect of biopolymeric fraction from Picrorhiza kurroa to promote both Th1 and Th2 immune responses

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    In this study, the plant based biopolymeric fraction RLJ-NE-205 isolated from Picrorhiza kurroa were evaluated for its potential ability as an adjuvant effect on the immune responses to Ovalbumin (specific antigen) in mice. Immunization in Balb/C mice with variable doses of RLJ-NE-205 (10 – 80 g) with optimized dose of Ovalbumin (100 g) dissolved in phosphate buffered saline or containing alum (200 g) on Days 1 and 15. After two weeks of the challenging dose, OVA specific antibodies in serum, spleen cell proliferation assay, estimation of Th1 (IL-2/IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-4) cytokines in serum, CD3/CD4/CD8/CD19 surface markers of T and B cell, costimulatory molecules (CD80/CD86) in spleen cells and safety studies were observed. The results suggest that OVA mediated specific antibody levels (IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a) in serum were significantly enhanced by RLJ-NE-205 (20 g) containing 100 g OVA compared with OVA control group. Moreover, RLJ-NE-205 (20 g) containing 100 g OVA on IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a antibody responses to OVA in mice were more significant than those of alum. RLJ-NE-205 (20 g) significantly enhanced the OVA induced spleen cell proliferation and estimation of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in the OVA immunized mice. However, no significant differences were observed among the OVA group and OVA/alum group. At the dose of 100 g OVA containing 20 g RLJ-NE-205, there was a significant increase in the Th1 and Th2 cytokines in serum and CD3/CD4/CD8/CD19 surface markers and costimulatory molecules (CD80/CD86) in the spleen cell by flow cytometry were observed

    Genetic relatidness and In vitro antimicrobial activities of alkaloids isolated from Indian varieties of Catharanthus roseus (L.)

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    Catharanthus roseus (L.) is one of the most intensively studied for its anticancerous property but phytopathogenic activity of the plant has not been much studied. Callus induction from C. roseus was optimized by varying various harmone concentrations and the best result was obtanined in MS medium fortified with 2mgL-1 2, 4-D and 0.1 mgL-1 kinetin. Antimicrobial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration showed that the 20, 40, and 80% leaves, shoot, and root extract inhibits Gram positive B. subtilis and phytopathogenic fungus F. oxysporium, A. niger, Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum falcatum, Cylindrocladium scoparium respectively. Genetic relatidness was determined by RAPD analysis revealed that, white and violet colored C.roseus flowered plant was closely related than rosy pink coloured flower

    Precise time and frequency intercomparison between NPL, India and PTB, Federal Republic of Germany via satellite symphonie-1

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    A time and frequency intercomparison experiment conducted using Earth stations in New Delhi, India and Raisting, FRG is described. The NPL clock was placed at New Delhi Earth Station and the Raisting Clock was calibrated with PTB/Primary standard via LORAN-C and travelling clocks. The random uncertainity of time comparisons, represented by two sample Allan Variance sigma (30 seconds), was less than 10 nanoseconds. The relative frequency difference between the NPL and Raisting Clocks, SNPL, RAIS, as measured over the 44 days period was found to be -15.7 x 10 to the -13th power. The relative frequency difference between PTB Primary Standard and Raisting Clock, SPTB, RAIS, during this period, was measured to be -22.8 x 10 to the -13th power. The relative frequency difference between NPL clock and PTB Primary Standard, SNPL, PTB, thus, is +7.1 x 10 to the -13th power. The clock rate (UTC, India) of +7.1 + or - 0.5 x 10 to the -13th power, agrees well with that obtained via VLF phase measurements over one year period and with USNO travelling clock time comparisons made in September, 1980