262 research outputs found

    On alternative mixed integer programming formulations and LP-based heuristics for lot-sizing with setup times

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    We address the multi-item, capacitated lot-sizing problem (CLSP) encountered in environments where demand is dynamic and to be met on time. Items compete for a limited capacity resource, which requires a setup for each lot of items to be produced causing unproductive time but no direct costs. The problem belongs to a class of problems that are difcult to solve. Even the feasibility problem becomes combinatorial when setup times are considered. This difculty in reaching optimality and the practical relevance of CLSP make it important to design and analyse heuristics to nd good solutions that can be implemented in practice. We consider certain mixed integer programming formulations of the problem and develop heuristics including a curtailed branch and bound, for rounding the setup variables in the LP solution of the tighter formulations. We report our computational results for a class of instances taken from literature


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    The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age. When most workers held jobs in industry, the key skills were knowing a trade, following directions, getting along with others, working hard, and being professional—efficient, prompt, honest, and fair. To hold information-age jobs, though, students also need to think deeply about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information. The rapid changes in our world require students to be flexible, to take the initiative and lead when necessary, and to produce something new and useful. This presentation intends to help the audience get an insight about (1) the current status of the teacher candidates in a typical faculty of education in Turkey about possessing the 21st Century Skills, and (2) to what extent the faculty of educations are helping the teachers candidates acquire these skills.   Article visualizations

    A study of the factors underlying the sentencing practice of the juvenile courts of Stoke-on-Trent and Leek

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    This thesis examines the work of two Staffordshire juvenile courts, Stoke-on-Trent and Leek, from the point of view of the factors which are most influential in determining the sentencing decisions of the magistrates. These factors are: the offence, the previous criminal record, offences to be taken into consideration, age, sex and the welfare needs of the juvenile offender. The juvenile court was established in England in 1908. Since then, to have regard for the welfare needs of juvenile offenders had become an important, though not an over-riding, consideration in juvenile court sentencing. The Children and Young Persons Act, 1969, has now made the welfare principle an over-riding consideration in the case of "children". Chapters 2, 3 and 5 deal with the changes which took place until the coming into force of the 1969 Act and the aim of the various sentences. The most recent system is described, though not anaJysed, in Chapter 4. The effect of the welfare principle has been that the juvenile court magistrates are directed to attach no undue importance to the nature of the offence, and devote at least as much of their attention to the welfare needs of the juvenile offender so that they may order a suitable sentence. However, the choice of sentence to suit the welfare needs of the juvenile offenders is bound to conflict in some degree with the business of retributive justice. Chapter 6 describes the problem created by the welfare principle, and states the hypothesis and the aim of the study. The research method is described in Chapter 7. Sentencing takes place within the social setting in which decisions are made. Accordingly, Chapter 8 describes the socio-economic background and the juvenile delinquency in Stoke-on-Trent and Leek. The following Chapter describes the sentencing policies of both courts in 1968. Sentencing is also determined by magistrates' various individual characteristics e.g. age, sex, educational background, experience on the bench, social class and social attitudes. All these characteristics of Stoke-on Trent and Leek magistrates are described in Chapter 10. In the following chapter the effect of social attitudes of magistrates on sentencing is analysed. Chapter 12 contains an investigation of the welfare factor in juvenile court sentencing and of the relation between a measure of magistrates' sentencing attitudes and their actual sentences. Chapter 13 analyses the effect of various factors in sentencing. These factors are as follows: the offence, the previous criminal record, offences to be taken into consideration, the welfare principle, age and sex. The final chapter contains a summary of the main conclusions

    Okuma, Okuduğunu Anlama ve Okuma Motivasyonunun Geliştirmesi: Bir Eylem Araştırması

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    The aim of this study was to develop the reading, reading comprehension and reading motivation levels of a second grade elementary school student diagnosed with a specific learning disability and experiencing reading difficulty. In this context, the main research problem can be stated as “How can reading, reading comprehension and reading motivation be developed in a second grade elementary school student who has difficulty with reading?” One of the qualitative research designs, the action research design, was used in the study, which was carried out during the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. Following determination of the problem status, an action plan covering 30 lesson periods was created and implemented. For development of reading skills, repetitive reading, echo reading and syllable-word exercises were utilised; to develop reading comprehension skills, pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading strategies were employed; while for improvement of reading motivation, interesting texts, rewarding and praising were used. For determination of reading and reading comprehension levels, the Informal Reading Inventory was used, while for determining reading motivation level, the Motivation to Read Profile scale was used. As a result of the implementations, the student’s reading and reading comprehension levels increased from frustration level to instructional level, and a significant improvement in her reading motivation level also occurred.Bu çalışmada özgül öğrenme güçlüğü tanısı konulan ve okuma güçlüğü yaşayan bir ilkokul ikinci sınıf öğrencisinin okuma, okuduğunu anlama ve okuma motivasyonu düzeylerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın temel problemi “Okuma güçlüğü yaşayan bir ilkokul ikinci sınıf öğrencisinin okuma, okuduğunu anlama ve okuma motivasyonu nasıl geliştirilebilir?” biçiminde ifade edilebilir. 2018-2019 öğretim yılının ilk yarıyılında gerçekleştirilen çalışmada nitel araştırma desenleri arasında yer alan eylem araştırması kullanılmıştır. Problem durumunun tespitinin ardından 30 ders saatini kapsayan bir eylem planı oluşturulmuş ve uygulanmıştır. Okuma becerisinin geliştirilmesinde tekrarlı okuma, eko okuma ve hece-kelime çalışmalarından; okuduğunu anlama becerisinin geliştirilmesinde okuma öncesi, sırası ve sonrası stratejilerden; okuma motivasyonunun geliştirilmesinde ise ilgi çekici metinler, ödül ve övgüden yararlanılmıştır. Okuma ve okuduğunu anlama düzeylerinin tespitinde Yanlış Analiz Envanteri; okuma motivasyonu düzeyinin tespitinde ise Okuma Motivasyonu Profili Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda öğrencinin okuma ve okuduğunu anlama düzeyleri endişe düzeyinden öğretim düzeyine yükselmiş, okuma motivasyonu seviyesinde de belirgin bir artış meydana gelmiştir

    Evaluation of incorporation of bone allograft at the site of implantation in various clinical conditions along with its complications

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    Background: Bone transplants have been used routinely in the present century for diverse purposes to unite fractures, fuse joints, and repair skeletal defects.Methods: Twelve patients with fracture, bone defect, deformity, difficulty in the fusion of bone, etc. were taken in the study for elective surgery with fresh frozen allograft in the orthopedics department with the incorporation of inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Out of 12 cases in this study, 7 cases were related to spinal fusion, 3 cases were of fractures with bone defects, 1 case of non-union neck femur fracture and 1 case was of revision hip arthroplasty with the acetabular bone defect. Seventy-five percent (9 patients) and 25% (3 patients) were graded fair and poor respectively in the preoperative phase. At 6 months, excellent results were obtained in 50% (6 patients), good in 25% (3 patients), fair in 25% (3 patients), while none were graded as poor in terms of clinical evaluation.Conclusions: Fresh frozen bone, a good source of abundant bone allograft, can be stored in -70° freezer for use in orthopedic surgery to fill any filling defect in the bone. Also, proper storage, better surgical technique, hospital infection control policy, antibiotic policy, preoperative use of antibiotics before surgery has a good clinical outcome

    Evaluation of Losses in Pedestal Supported Finlines

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    A technique for evaluation of conductor and dielectric losses in pedestal-supported finlines using mixed spectral domain approach has been presented. All field components were computed through application of Galerkin' s technique in spectral domain, assuming weighted basis functions to represent unknown electric voltages, i.e., magnetic currents. In the process, the propagation constant along the line was also accurately computed. The aim was to study attenuation behaviour of these lines wrt variation in dimensional and other structural parameters. The results indicated a specific dimensional range within which their use is justifiable. The potential defence applications of pedestal-supported finlines is in millimeter wave systems, e.g., radars, missile guidance systems, etc


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    The 21st century is perhaps the most promising period for individuals to develop their social, cultural and professional skills. With the developments in information and communication technologies, learning activities have become a part of daily life. Today, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the courses offered by both universities and independent providers. Within the scope of this research, AKADEMA MOOC initiative, which was developed and presented by Anadolu University, one of the mega universities in the world, was introduced. In addition, various statistical data covering the first two periods in which the lessons were provided to the learners were shared in descriptive dimensions and detailed information was given about the learner profiles.  Article visualizations

    Analyzing temporal role based access control models

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    Today, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is the de facto model used for advanced access control, and is widely deployed in diverse enterprises of all sizes. Several extensions to the authorization as well as the administrative models for RBAC have been adopted in recent years. In this paper, we consider the temporal extension of RBAC (TRBAC), and develop safety analysis techniques for it. Safety analysis is essential for understanding the implications of security policies both at the stage of specification and modification. Towards this end, in this paper, we first define an administrative model for TRBAC. Our strategy for performing safety analysis is to appropriately decompose the TRBAC analysis problem into multiple subproblems similar to RBAC. Along with making the analysis simpler, this enables us to leverage and adapt existing analysis techniques developed for traditional RBAC. We have adapted and experimented with employing two state of the art analysis approaches developed for RBAC as well as tools developed for software testing. Our results show that our approach is both feasible and flexible