13 research outputs found


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    (The Study of Antecedents and Consequences of PsychologicalCapital Affecting Authentic  Happinessand Learning Behavior of Nursing Students at Government University)Abstract Thepurpose of this study was to develop a linear structural  relations model of antecedents of  learning behavior of  nursing  students at a government university. Thesamples were the 849 nursing students in nursing   faculty  of government university who studied in years 3 and 4 in the academic year 2013. The research findings showedthat the linear structural relations model was a good fit with the empiricaldata with Chi - square (                         ²) = 1534.39, dƒ = 331(p = 0.0), RMSEA = 0.072, CFI = .96, GFI = 87, AGFI = .84, NFI = .95, NNFI =.92 .The result  showed that  learning behavior among the nursing studentswas directly affected by  psychologicalcapital (.71)   and teacher support(.20),  and  indirectly affected by strength ofpersonality (.48)  , family support (.13)and friend support (.09). In addition authentic happiness of nursing studentswas directly affected by psychological capital (.79) and friend support (.15)and indirectly affected by strength personality (.53) , family support (.15)   and teacher support (.11). All of variablesexplained the 68 percentage of the variance in the learning behavior among thenursing students and 74 percentage of the variance of authentic happiness.                         Keywords: Psychological  Capital, authentic happiness  ,  Learning  behavio

    The management of cooperative and work-integrated education for academic institutions of higher education in Thailand

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    The purpose of this article is to explain the process and benefits of, as well as the obstacles and keys to, the success of education management in the Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education Program (CWIE) in Thailand’s higher education system. This study employs secondary data, which we analyze using content and descriptive analysis. Data analysis showed that cooperative education courses are taught in a coproduced manner between higher education institutions and business establishments (public, private, and community) so that graduates are ready to enter the real world of work immediately, develop competencies that match the needs of the labor market, and prepare for future job positions. In addition, cooperative education encourages students to gain professional, self-development, and academic skills from the knowledge they receive. Cooperative education is an activity or operational process that includes an effective planning process and cooperation from all parties, including the business establishment, as well as quality cooperative education, including educational standards, curriculum teaching, supervision standards, student’s standards, and measurement and evaluation standards. However, problems arise in cooperative education; for example, students should receive job training, and advisors do not receive much support. For the development of cooperative education, academic institutions should create a digital platform specifically for the management of cooperative education

    Dommages à l'ADN induits par les électrons de basse énergie

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    Abstract : The major objective of our study is to investigate DNA damage induced by soft X-rays (1.5 keV) and low-energy electrons (˂ 30 eV) using a novel irradiation system created by Prof. Sanche’s group. Thin films of double-stranded DNA are deposited on either glass and tantalum substrates and irradiated under standard temperature and pressure surrounded by a N[subscript 2] environment. Base release (cytosine, thymine, adenine and guanine) and base modifications (8-oxo-7,8-dihydro -2’-deoxyguanosine, 5-hydroxymethyl-2’-deoxyuridine, 5-formyl-2’-deoxyuridine, 5,6-dihydrothymidine and 5,6-dihydro-2’-deoxy uridine) are analyzed and quantified by LC-MS/MS. Our results reveal larger damage yields in the sample deposited on tantalum than those on glass. This can be explained by an enhancement of damage due to low-energy electrons, which are emitted from the metal substrate. From a comparison of the yield of products, base release is the major type of damage especially for purine bases, which are 3-fold greater than base modifications. A proposed pathway leading to base release involves the formation of a transient negative ion (TNI) followed by dissociative electron attachment (DEA) at the N-g lycosidic bond. On the other hand, base modification products consist of two major types of chemical modifications, which include thymine methyl oxidation products that likely arises from DEA from the methyl group of thymine, and 5,6-dihydropyrimidine that can involve the initial addition of electrons, H atoms, or hydride ions to the 5,6-pyrimidine double bond.Résumé: L'objectif majeur de ce projet étude est d'étudier les lésions d'ADN induites par les rayons X mous (1,5 keV) et des électrons de faible énergie (˂ 30 eV) à partir d'un nouveau système d'irradiation créé par le groupe du Pr. Sanche. De minces couches d'ADN double brin sont déposées soit sur du verre ou sur les substrats de tantale. Celles-ci sont irradiées sous une température et pression environnante, mais dans une atmosphère de N[indice inférieur 2]. Les bases relâchées (cytosine, la thymine, l'adénine et la guanine) et les produits de modification de base (8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-désoxyguanosine, 5-hydroxyméthyl-2'-désoxyuridine, 5-formyl-2'-désoxyuridine, 5,6-dihydrothymine et 5,6-dihydrouridine) sont analysés et quantifiés par LC-MS/MS. Nos résultats révèlent un plus grand rendement de dommages dans les échantillons déposés sur le tantale que celles sur le verre. Cette différence peut être expliquée par l’interaction des électrons de faible énergie qui sont photo émis des substrats métalliques. D'après les résultats obtenus, la libération de bases est un produit majeur en comparaison avec la modification de bases. Ceci provient, en particulier, surtout des purines qui libèrent la base a un niveau trois fois plus grand que la modification de la base. Une voie proposée, conduisant à la libération de base, implique la formation d'ions négatifs transitoires (TNI), suivie par l'attachement d'électrons dissociatifs (DEA) à la liaison N-glycosidique. En outre, les produits de modification de base sont composés en deux grands types de modifications chimiques. L’un des produits est l’oxydation du groupe méthyle de la thymine, qui probablement consiste de en d'hydrure (-H[indice supérieur -]) par l'intermédiaire de DEA. Alors que l’autre modification chimique est la formation de 5,6-dihydropyrimidine qui implique l'addition d'hydrure à la double liaison du 5,6-pyrimidine

    How Thai businesses utilize English in their product names

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    This paper investigated the names given to Thai local community products and provides a description of the use of the English language in naming products in Thailand. The business names of Thai local products under the program One Tambon One Product (OTOP) were selected for analysis, focusing on language characteristics and semantic appropriateness by using onomastics to some extent. The data consisted of 1,304 names from five product categories—food, drinks, clothing and accessories, handicrafts and ornaments, and inedible herbs, as provided in the database of tambons and OTOP products. Thai product names in English, some of which only Thais can understand, show language creativity, reflecting Thai identity within English usage in the local setting. One problematic area concerns the lack of semantic appropriateness of some English names, as the names are sometimes not relevant to the product type. Thai entrepreneurs need support in naming their products to achieve international intelligibility if their products are to be marketed to international customers

    The development and effectiveness of web-based psychological capital intervention on the mental well-being of tourism workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract The current COVID-19 situation has forced many tourism businesses to close. Tourism workers have suffered chronic stress, discouragement, despair, and failure to find solutions for their businesses, resulting in deteriorating mental health. A psychological capital intervention (PCI) is therefore deemed necessary as it promotes the mental well-being of tourism workers. This article reports the development of a web-based PCI for the mental well-being of tourism workers and an investigation of its effectiveness using a mixed-methods intervention design. A qualitative approach was used to develop the intervention by conducting interview techniques with 20 tourism entrepreneurs. A content analysis was carried out. The intervention was tested through an experimental research design. The sample comprised 600 tourism workers who undertook a web-based PCI. Data on their mental well-being were collected before the intervention and 1 month afterward and analyzed using ANCOVA. The research revealed that 4 themes are needed for the intervention: having a goal, tolerance of difficulties, inspiration from a role model, and the appropriate way of thinking. An effectiveness examination showed that the web-based PCI improves mental well-being scores significantly. In conclusion, this web-based PCI, which focuses on developing strengths, effectively improves the mental well-being of tourism workers facing difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Gondwanan mesotherms and cosmopolitan eurytherms: effects of temperature on the development and survival of Australian Chironomidae (Diptera) from tropical and temperate populations\ud

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    In temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, where stream thermal regimes fluctuate seasonally and predictably, temperature has a role in niche segregation and maintenance of patterns of lotic diversity and distribution, as described by the ‘Thermal Equilibrium Hypothesis’. In Australia, the role of temperature in regulating patterns of diversity and distribution has been obscure, as seasonal variation in stream temperatures can be exceeded by stochastic fluctuation in flow. The thermal responses of five lotic Chironomidae (Diptera) species, contrasting in biogeographic (evolutionary) history, from warm tropical and cool temperate Australian populations, were investigated. All species, including postulated cool-stenotherms, showed broadly eurythermic developmental and morphological responses, and maintained both survivorship and oocyte production at elevated temperatures despite reductions in overall body size. There were subtle differences among species according to biogeographic affinity, with tolerances of Gondwanan species, which were narrower than those of cosmopolitan species, best characterised as ‘mesothermic’, but there was little divergence between populations. These results have implications for the understanding of diversity and distribution of Australian chironomids, and indicate that applicability of the Thermal Equilibrium Hypothesis to Australian lotic faunas may be limited