246 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan meningkatkan prestasi berbahasa Indonesia (keterampilan berpidato ) melalui pembelajaran CIRC dengan media audio visual. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN.02 Tegalsari Kecamatan Ampelgading Kabupaten Pemalang Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus.Prosedur dalam setiap siklus mencakup tahap-tahap :1) pembahasan siklus 2) perencanaan tindakan kelas ,3) pelaksanaan tindakan,observasi,dan interpretasi ,4) analisa dan refleksi,dan 5) perencanaan tindak lanjut.Subyek penelitian ini adlah siswa kelas V SDN.02 Tegalsari Kecamatan Ampelgading Kabupaten Pemalang. Penelitian yang yang dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus diperoleh hasil rerata hasil observasi terhadap aktivitas siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran pada siklus I sebesar 72 % ,pada sikklus II sebesar 88 % Pada siklus 1 sebanyak 72 % yang memperoleh nilai 60,0 pada siklus 2 sebanyak 88 % yang memperoleh nilai 60,0. Hal ini berarti bahwa model CIRC dengan media Audio Visual dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar Bahasa Indonesia siswa

    Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Di Bidang Kesiswaan, Kepegawaian Dan Keuangan Di Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik

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    The development of information and communication technology has indirectly influenced the world of education and learning in this country. These developments are fundamental and have brought significant changes in the acceleration and innovation of education. However, in addressing these developments, not all parties or circles are able to respond well. Therefore, to be able to give a positive impact, one that needs to be done is the development of information and communication technology that is done through the utilization of ICT in education that includes the role of ICT as the substance of education, learning aids, educational facilities, competency standards, administrative support education, education unit management tools, and educational infrastructure. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The method of data collection is: observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique using qualitative analysis. The steps in data analysis techniques include, data reduction, data display and verification. The results of this study can be concluded that the development of information and communication technology in the field of student affairs in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik applied in terms of: acceptance of new students, reporting of learning outcomes, and student discipline control. In the field of personnel, technology is developed in terms of employee planning and staffing assessment. While in the field of finance is developing services in the field of finance by working with Bank BRI Syari’ah

    Dinamika Pemekaran Daerah Di Kepulauan (Studi Penataan Pemekaran Daerah di Kabupaten Lingga Tahun 2015-2025)

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    Since 1999 until 2015, Riau Archipelago Province was a regency. Riau Archipelago had passed development process for six times. In 1999, Karimun Regency, Natuna Regency and Batam City were formed. In 2001, the administrative city of Tanjung Pinang was formed. In 2003, Lingga Regency was formed, and In 2008 Anambas Archipelago Regency was legalized. Until this time, the dynamic of development in Riau Archipelago Province is still powerful. The fact there are five of seven Regencies / cities are in effort to be developed. This dynamic of development also happened in Lingga Regency, eventhought with the smallest Regional Fund Budget in Riau Archipelago Province. the purpose of this study is to explain the efficient estimation and time for new autonomy region increament in Lingga Regency. The parameter of region systemation which is used in this study is based on outonomy region systemation in big design of region systemation in indonesia of 2010-2025 which considered the geography dimension, demography dimension and system dimension. this study concludes based on the dimension of geography, economy, financial system, public administration system, and regional government management system, Natuna Regency is able for one new autonomy region increment. however, based on dimension of demography, security and defence system, and politic and culture social system, Lingga Regency is not recommended for new autonomy Region increment. totally, maximum amount estimation of new autonomy region increment in Lingga until 2025 is only one new autonomy region. The efficient schedule for its development process is in 2019-2021. Key words : Region Development, Territory Systemation and New Autonomy Regio

    Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    Islam is the doctrine that governs all human life is a beautiful early rapid. One of the issues currentlybeing faced by Islam is associated with Azaz human rights (human rights). United Nations Charter onHuman Rights has recommended to promote and fight for human rights and freedom for all human beings,without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. Human rights (Human Rights) is a conceptof modern political ethics with the idea of appreciation and respect for basic human and humanity.Islam is not contradicting the values of human rights, but there needs to be synchronization values areacceptable by Islam and which are unacceptable to Islam. Freedom of the freest in the association of oppositionfrom Islam. So it is related to the kind of relationship both by men and by women. Therefore,the existing values in the concept of human rights is sejelan with Islamic values such as freedom to worshipaccording to their beliefs. Synchronization of the values championed by the pro-human rights withIslamic values should be done so that there is no longer conflict between fighters Ham with adherents ofIslam.Islam is the doctrine that governs all human life is a beautiful early rapid. One of the issues currentlybeing faced by Islam is associated with Azaz human rights (human rights). United Nations Charter onHuman Rights has recommended to promote and fight for human rights and freedom for all human beings,without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. Human rights (Human Rights) is a conceptof modern political ethics with the idea of appreciation and respect for basic human and humanity.Islam is not contradicting the values of human rights, but there needs to be synchronization values areacceptable by Islam and which are unacceptable to Islam. Freedom of the freest in the association of oppositionfrom Islam. So it is related to the kind of relationship both by men and by women. Therefore,the existing values in the concept of human rights is sejelan with Islamic values such as freedom to worshipaccording to their beliefs. Synchronization of the values championed by the pro-human rights withIslamic values should be done so that there is no longer conflict between fighters Ham with adherents ofIslam

    Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Bidang Kesiswaan, Kepegawaian dan Keuangan di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang secara tidak langsung telah banyak mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan dan pembelajaran di negara ini. Perkembangan tersebut sangat fundamental dan telah membawa Perubahan yang signifikan dalam percepatan dan inovasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Akan tetapi, dalam menyikapi perkembangan tersebut, tidak semua pihak atau kalangan mampu meresponnya dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu, untuk dapat memberikan dampak yang positif, salah satu yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi  yang dilakukan melalui pendayagunaan TIK di bidang pendidikan yang mencakup peran TIK sebagai substansi pendidikan, alat bantu pembelajaran, fasilitas pendidikan, standar kompetensi, penunjang administrasi pendidikan, alat bantu manajemen satuan pendidikan, dan infrastruktur pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian diskriptif kualitatif. Adapun metode pengumpulan datanya adalah: observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Adapun langkah-langkah dalam teknik analisis data meliputi, reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di bidang kesiswaan di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik diterapkan dalam hal: penerimaan siswa baru, pelaporan hasil belajar, dan pengendalian disiplin siswa. Pada bidang kepegawaian, teknologi dikembangkan dalam hal perencanaan pegawai dan penilaian kepegawaian. Sedangkan dalam bidang keuangan yaitu mengembangan layanan dalam bidang keuangan dengan bekerjasama dengan Bank BRI Syari\u27a

    Upaya Guru Agama Islam dalam Membina Akhlaq Siswa

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    Guru merupakan sosok yang diharapkan mampu memberikan pencerahan dan pembinaan dalam berprilaku anak. Oleh karena itu, guru selalu dituntut untuk berupaya mengembangkan potensi-potensi siswanya agar siswa mengetahui potensi yang dimilikinya. Termasuk dalam pembinaan akhalak siswa, sehingga siswa dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan buruh menurut akal dan norma yang ada pada lingkungan dimana siswa berada. Pembinaan akhlak harus dimulai dari tingkatan dasar, agar siswa mempunyai pondasi yang kuat dalam berprilaku sehari-hari. Penelitian ini mengambil SD Darul Ilmi Surabaya sebagai objek penelitian, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa SD Darul Ilmi Surabaya sangat heterogen (beraneka ragam) latarbelakangnya, ada yang sudah bisa membaca al-Qur\u27an, tetapi ada yang masih belum bisa sama sekali. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Ustad dan Ustadzah (panggilan guru di sekolah) SD Darul Ilmi Surabaya dalam mendidik dan membina siswa dalam penguatan keimanan dan ketakwaan siswa serta akhlak dengan cara; (1) Belajar membaca al-Qur\u27an dan hafalan juz 30, (2) Hafalan do\u27a sehari-hari, (3) Sholat dhuha, dhuhur dan asar berjamaah, dan (4)Penanaman akhlak pada siswa. Pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh SD Darul Ilmi Surabaya dapat dikatakan berhasil, hal itu bisa dilihat 100% siswanya lulus, dengan hafal juz 30 dan do\u27a sehari-hari setelah mengikuti ujian munaqosah

    Dinamika Pemekaran Daerah di Kepulauan (Studi Penataan Pemekaran Daerah di Kabupaten Lingga Tahun 2015-2025)

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    Since 1999 until 2015, Riau Archipelago Province was a regency. Riau Archipelago had passed development process for six times. In 1999, Karimun Regency, Natuna Regency and Batam City were formed. In 2001, the administrative city of Tanjung Pinang was formed. In 2003, Lingga Regency was formed, and In 2008 Anambas Archipelago Regency was legalized. Until this time, the dynamic of development in Riau Archipelago Province is still powerful. The fact there are five of seven Regencies / cities are in effort to be developed. This dynamic of development also happened in Lingga Regency, eventhought with the smallest Regional Fund Budget in Riau Archipelago Province. the purpose of this study is to explain the efficient estimation and time for new autonomy region increament in Lingga Regency. The parameter of region systemation which is used in this study is based on outonomy region systemation in big design of region systemation in Indonesia of 2010-2025 which considered the geography dimension, demography dimension and system dimension. this study concludes based on the dimension of geography, economy, financial system, public administration system, and regional government management system, Natuna Regency is able for one new autonomy region increment. however, based on dimension of demography, security and defence system, and politic and culture social system, Lingga Regency is not recommended for new autonomy Region increment. totally, maximum amount estimation of new autonomy region increment in Lingga until 2025 is only one new autonomy region. The efficient schedule for its development process is in 2019-2021. Key words : Region Development, Territory Systemation and New Autonomy Regio


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    Dinamika Islam di Indonesia telah banyak dilihat melalui segala aspek. Saat ini masih sangat sedikit yang melihat media massa sebagai gerakan dakwah. Bahkan, berkembangnya pemikiran dakwah dan gerakan Islam di suatu tempat memungkinkan menjadi insiprasi tempat lain melalui media massa. Saat ini media massa telah menjadi industri yang lebih besar. Untuk mengkaji pembahasan tersebut, penulis menggunakan studi literature yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Dalam kajian ini dapat diambil kesimpulan penting antara lain dinamika media Islam sebagai gerakan dakwah seorang Da’i merupakan tumpuan informasi rahmatal li’alamin  yang sesuai dengan cerminan Dakwah Rasullullah SAW


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    The development of the world in this era of globalization requires a lot of changes to a national education system that is better and able to compete in a healthy manner in all fields. One way that the Indonesian nation must do so as not to be left behind with other countries is to improve the quality of its education first. And one of the efforts to improve the quality of education is by paying attention to Total Quality Management (TQM). The Total Quality Management System is a management strategy aimed at instilling quality awareness in all processes within the organization. It is hoped that Islamic education will implement the TQM concept that is appropriate and in accordance with the goals and philosophy of Islamic education to improve the quality of educational services with quality insight so that it will be able to survive in accordance with the needs of the community without losing the main goal of Islamic education
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