39 research outputs found

    Maximal Abelian Subgroups of the Isometry and Conformal Groups of Euclidean and Minkowski Spaces

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    The maximal Abelian subalgebras of the Euclidean e(p,0) and pseudoeuclidean e(p,1)Lie algebras are classified into conjugacy classes under the action of the corresponding Lie groups E(p,0) and E(p,1), and also under the conformal groups O(p+1,1) and O(p+1,2), respectively. The results are presented in terms of decomposition theorems. For e(p,0) orthogonally indecomposable MASAs exist only for p=1 and p=2. For e(p,1), on the other hand, orthogonally indecomposable MASAs exist for all values of p. The results are used to construct new coordinate systems in which wave equations and Hamilton-Jacobi equations allow the separation of variables.Comment: 31 pages, Latex (+ latexsym

    Information-extreme machine learning of wrist prosthesis control system based on the sparse training matrix

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    The article considers the problem of machine learning of a wrist prosthesis control system with a noninvasive biosignal reading system. The task is solved within the framework of information-extreme intelligent data analysis technology, which is based on maximizing the system’s information productivity in machine learning. The idea of information-extreme machine learning of the control system for recognition of electromyographic biosignals, as in artificial neural networks, consists in adapting the input information description to the maximum total probability of making correct classification decisions. However, unlike neuro-like structures, the proposed method was developed within a functional approach to modeling the cognitive processes of the natural intelligence of forming and making classification decisions. As a result, the proposed method acquires the properties of adaptability to the intersection of classes in the space of recognition features and flexibility when retraining the system due to the recognition class alphabet expansion. In addition, the decision rules constructed within the framework of the geometric approach are practically invariant to the multidimensionality of the space of recognition features. The difference between the developed method and the well-known methods of information-extreme machine learning is the use of a sparse training matrix, which allows for reducing the degree of intersection of recognition classes significantly. The optimization parameter of the input information description, the training dataset, is the quantization level of electromyographic biosignals. As an optimization criterion is considered the modified Kullback information measure. The proposed machine learning algorithm results are shown in the example of recognition of six finger movements and wrist

    Визначення параметрів кілей внутрішнього контуру гнучкої огорожі СППА

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    Determination of shape and the tight-strained state of internal circuit keels of flexible skirt of amphibious hovercraft vessels has been considered. A mathematical model which describes the shape and the tight-strained state of the keel of the skirt has been shown. Keel is made from an isotropic, inextensible and perfectly flexible material. It is assumed that the removable element is a rigid structure in the form of a straight rectangular prism.Определены основные параметры облегченных стальных баллонов, которые могут быть применены в грузовой системе CNG-газовозов. Рассмотрены различные варианты компоновки этих баллонов в специальных модулях и определены их некоторые параметры. Освящены вопросы технологии изготовления этих баллонов. Описано созданное авторами оборудование для изготовления облегченных стальных CNG-баллонов.Розглянуто визначення форми і напружено-деформованого стану кілів внутрішнього контуру гнучкої огорожі суден на повітряній подушці амфібійного типу. Наведено математичну модель, що описує форму і напружено-деформований стан кіля внутрішнього контуру гнучної огорожі, виконаної з ізотропного, нерозтяжного й абсолютно гнучкого матеріалу. Прийнято, що знімний елемент є жорсткою конструкцією у вигляді прямої чотирикутної призми