24 research outputs found

    Perancangan Interior Showroom Mobil Mitsubishi Di Surabaya

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    The current four-wheeled Mitsubishi vehicles from Japan are less know by the citizens in Surabaya. One of the reasons is the existence of many other car brands that are more popular and the monotonous design of the interior showroom.The influence also led to a decrease in sales of Mitsubishi showroom. To resolve this problem required a design that is different from the other four-wheeled vehicle brands is required. Interior design showroom Mitshubishi in Surabaya presents futuristic design style that is combined with GEO OPENERS concept that will make a difference and is unique in Surabaya.Transparent material is mostly used in public areas for visitors to make it look more open spaced, and comfortable for visitors and staffs. Mitsubishi showroom design begins with the creation of Programming obtained from survey results and interviews directly to the owner of the branch manager of the showroom, then continued with the creation of schematic and final design, followed by the creation of schematic design, and later continued with the creation of the final design

    Infrastructure Health Monitoring System (SHM) Development, a Necessity for Maintance and Investigation

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    Failure of Kutai Bridge already give Indonesia civil engineer a blow in face. The failure which bring cause human accident make a new challenge to Indonesia civil engineer not to wait till failure but to safe before the construction failure. By the development in sensor and monitoring technology the idea become more realistic. Structure Healthy Monitoring (SHM) become new idea to detect, to monitor and to find out the reliability of structure. The development and research in Indonesia for SHM till now are presented and compared to other country. SHM research are need to predict behaviour of bridge by using data from monitoring to gain healthy condition

    Studi Eksperimen Balok Sandwich Glass Fiber Reinforcement Panel – Foam (GFRP-Foam) pada Rumah Sederhana 2 Lantai

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    Gempa Sumatera Barat (2009) dan Mentawai (2010) telah menewaskan lebih dari 400 jiwa dan menyebabkan sedikitnya 88.000 kerusakan berat pada bangunan-bangunan yang ada. Diketahui bahwa kerusakan tersebut diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah akibat dari berat struktur bangunan yang konvensional. Preliminary desain menggunakan metode grafis dari H. G. Allen cukup akurat untuk mendapatkan dimensi panel komposit balok sandwich GFRP-Foam dengan beban rencana yang ditentukan. Program bantu elemen hingga menghasilkan analisa tegangan yang terjadi pada model panel balok sandwich. Beberapa pengujian terhadap model dari panel balok sandwich mengguakan FPB telah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan perilaku mekanis balok terhadap beban gravitasi. Pengujian menunjukkan bahwa balok berperilaku elastis hingga beban 500 kg dan keruntuhan terjadi ketiak beban mencapai 800 kg.. Hasil pengujian tersebut mengarah pada kesimpulan bahwa panel balok dengan 4 lapis fiberglass combo mat untuk masing – masing skin dan dengan dimensi balok 140 mm x 240 mm dengan bentang 3 meter memadai untuk menahan beban rencana dari rumah sederhana 2 lanta

    Penilaian Pencemaran Perairan di Polder Tawang Semarang Ditinjau dari Aspek Saprobitas

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    Pencemaran air adalah suatu Perubahan keadaan disuatu tempat penampungan air seperti danau, sungai, lautan dan air tanah akibat aktivitas manusia. Polder Tawang Semarang merupakan suatu sistem untuk memproteksi air limpahan dari luar kawasan dan mengendalikan muka air di dalam Kota Lama. Polder Tawang Semarang mempunyai masalah pencemaran akibat limbah yang berasal dari limbah kota, pasar ikan, industri, dan rumah tangga yang masuk ke perairan yang berpengaruh terhadap kekeruhan,bau air dan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mengetahui tingkat saprobitas di Polder Tawang Semarang berdasarkan nilai SI (Saprobik Indeks) dan TSI (Tropik Saprobik Indeks), mengetahui hubungan antara saprobitas perairan dengan variabel kualitas air (BOD dan DO), serta mengetahui tingkat pencemaran air menggunakan penilaian saprobitas perairan. Penelitian ini menggunakan plankton sebagai materi utama yaitu sampel air dan sampel plankton. Komunitas fitoplankton yang terdapat di Polder Tawang Semarang terdapat 14 genera fitoplankton. Berdasarkan nilai kelimpahan individu fitoplankton dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 8.423- 8.774 ind/L, sedangkan nilai Saprobik Indeks (SI) berkisar (-0,33) – (0,09) dan Tropik Saprobik Indeks berkisar (-0,67) – (0,14) maka tingkat pencemaran di Polder Tawang Semarang selama penelitian diketegorikan sebagai pencemaran sedang sampai berat (α-mesosaprobik). Dari hasil uji regresi antara saprobitas perairan dengan BOD dan DO menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang kuat yang berarti kontribusi pengaruh BOD dan DO terhadap saprobitas cukup besar

    Pengaruh Beban Berulang Terhadap Lebar Retak Pelat Beton Satu Arah Dengan Pendekatan Mekanika Retakan

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    . The problem of crack width is the case that must be observed further. The formula available still shows wide scatter and the effect of repeated loading to crack width regarded that it has not satisfied yet. This case has been expressed by some International rules such as Euro code 2 and ACI 318. The analyze about the effect of repeated loading to crack width on one-way slab with fracture mechanic approach will observe the effect of the variation of the steel stress, the reinforcement ratio and the repeated loading. The analyze of the initial crack depth (ξi) and the crack growth rate (ξi = f(fs,N)) on composite material (reinforced concrete) will be discussed to determine the crack width. The crack width calculation is the development of the result of experiment (A.Carpinteri) and other observer to determine proposed formula Parameter study is done to the concrete slab by calculating the stress intensity factor KIC due to the axial / moment load combination, and the result shows that the steel stress and the repeated loading parameter are the important parameter. In fact in the steel stress (fs/fy= 0,6) and the repeated loading above certain value (N > 8.560.000 times), the repeated loading effect the crack width with power logarithmic function (w = 0,1267 log 0,2495) until fatigue limit state (N = 10.000.000 times)

    Implementasi Model Audit Pertanggungjawaban Sosial Berbasis Human-Centered Design Pada Organisasi Sektor Publik

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    Previous research has resulted the Model of Audit for Social Accountability based on Human-Centered Design, which is hereinafter referred to HCD. The present study aims to obtain the alternative audit approaches that are more simple, effective, and suitable in connecting people with public sector organizations. Thus, the present study intends to test the model by implementing it in public sector organizations. The research approach is to test the implementation of the audit model in real terms in the field. Feedback on implementation test is conducted by the qualitative approach. Sampling was done by purposive sampling and the public sector organizations studied were CV. Aidrat & General Store of Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Hospital RSAB Soerya Sidoarjo and the University of Widya Kartika Surabaya. These organizations were selected based on the type of public sector organizations covering the business units under religious organizations, health organizations, and educational institutions. On the other side, they are also determined by the willingness to cooperate and the area represented. In the assessment, the results of the audit to the criteria of social responsibility and a legal formal institutional aspect in the preliminary survey show that the University of Widya Kartika and RSAB Soerya have good performance, while CV. Aidrat has an acceptable performance. In terms of internal control, all of these organizations have an acceptable performance, while in terms of social responsibility programs, CV. Aidrat and RSAB Soerya have a good performance


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    The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan