6 research outputs found

    The Role of Celebrity Endorsement Perception and Self-Image Congruity on Purchase Intention of Early adulthood

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    Early adulthood is a transitional period towards the next developmental phase. During this period, students are subjected a process of self-discovery, characterized by a desire to appear more attractive and gain recognition from social environment. In such circumstances, individuals demonstrate a significant inclination to prioritize the allocation of financial resources away from meals and towards the purchase of items to amplify their attractiveness, recognition, and acceptance. This behavior is driven by the aspiration to align their ideal and actual self-image with the acquired products. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the influence of celebrity endorsement perception and self-image congruity on purchase intention. A quantitative approach was adopted with a sample of 344 students. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that celebrity endorsement perception and self-image congruity significantly influenced purchase intention, accounting for 58% of the variance

    Perumusan dan Pengujian Instrumen Alat Ukur Kesabaran Sebagai Bentuk Coping Strategy

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    The problem that is difficult to solve can cause stress on the individual. However, individuals have a form of self-control when faced with problem called coping strategy. Coping with stress is a form of an individual's ability to deal with the stress that arises and how a positive respons can change a bad situation to be more comfortable. Islam has already providedĀ  teaching about handling problems, one of them is patience. The purpose of this study is to explore, formulate, describe and analyze patience as a coping strategy for Psychology students. Sequential methods approach is used to answer this problem. The results of the literature study show that patience is more similar to emotion focus coping. At grounded theory, it creates a special model regarding the subject's view of patience which focuses on rational thinking, self acceptance, self control, and effort. The descriptive analysis shows that the patience construct that provided reliable evidence on descriptive SPSS statistics


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    This research aims to obtain empirical data about correlation between family support and self-adaptation among resocialization psychotic patients in Panti Sosial Bina Laras Phala Martha Sukabumi. Subjects are 41 psychotic patients in resocialization phase in Panti Sosial Bina Laras Phala Martha Sukabumi. Result shows that there is positive correlation between family support with self-adaptation among psychotic patients in Panti Bina Laras Phala Martha Sukabumi. In conclusion, high support from family will make high self adaptation while if adaptation is low then the family support must be low

    Materi Parenting Education tentang Pendidikan Seks bagi Remaja dalam Islam menurut Abdullah Nashih Ulwan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang materi pendidikan seks bagi remaja dalam parenting education menurut Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. Pendekatan dalam penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa materi pendidikan seks harus sesuai dengan nilai dan falsafah ajaran Islam. Karena ajaran Islam adalah bermuaranya semua nilai termasuk didalamnya adalah pendidikan seks. Menurut Nashih Ulwan beberapa materi yang harus diajarkan dalam parenting education antara lain: yaitu etika meminta izin, etika melihat, cara menghindarkan dari rangsangan-rangsangan seksual, mengajarkan kepada remaja hukum-hukum syariah yang berhubungan dengan usia remaja dan dewasa, pernikahan dan hubungan seks, istiā€™faf (menjaga kehormatan diri) bagi yang belum mampu menikah, dan menjelaskan seks kepada remaja secara terang-terangan


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of self-regulated learning on student academic integrity with religiosity as the moderator variable. The approach used in this research is correlational causality. By using three measurement scales (self-regulated learning scale , academic integrity scale and religiosity) for 380 respondents , the results show that self-regulation learning affects academic integrity with religiosity as a moderator variable of 54.2 % . Based on the results obtained, it shows that the effect of self-regulated learning on academic integrity in students is in the form of a positive relationship, meaning that the higher the level of self-regulated learning in students, the higher the level of academic integrity . Religiosity as a moderator variable in this study illustrates that it can strengthen the influence of self- regulated learning variables on student academic integrity.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh self regulated learning terhadap academic integrity mahasiswa dengan religiosity sebagai variabel moderator. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kausalitas korelasional. Dengan menggunakan tiga skala pengukuran (skala self regulated learning, skala academic integrity dan skala religiosity) terhadap 380 responden, diperoleh hasil bahwa self regulation learning berpengaruh terhadap academic integrity dengan religiosity sebagai variabel moderator sebesar 54,2%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh self regulated learning terhadap academic integrity pada mahasiswa berupa hubungan yang positif, artinya semakin tinggi tingkat self regulated learning pada mahasiswa maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat academic integrity. Religiosity sebagai variabel moderator dalam penelitian ini menggambarkan dapat memperkuat pengaruh variabel self regulated learning terhadap academic integrity mahasiswa