176 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Lahan Jenis Tanaman Kehutanan Pada Areal Lahan Terbuka Di Kawasan Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat (Hpgw), Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Gunung Walat Education Forest is a Special Purpose Forest for Education. At present many areas have lost their vegetation cover (trees) or become opened areas in the GWEF area. Land suitability by looking at topography, soil and climate factors needs to be done to find out the type of forestry plant that is suitable for planting on the open areas. Stages of land suitability, is consisted of image processing, visual interpretation of satellite imagery, ground checks, soil and litter observations, data collection on soil physical and chemical properties and climate, land characteristic observations, and matching processes. The results of matching with Liebeg's minimum law and scoring system showed that eucalypt (E. grandis), sengon (F. moluccana), caliandra (C. calothyrsus), mahagoni (S. mahagoni), pine (P. merkusii), lamtoro (F. moluccana), cajuput (M. leucadendron), damar (A. loranthifolia), acacia (A. auriculiformis), and rasamala (A. excelsa) are suitable for planting in open areas in the Gunung Walat Education Forest (GWEF). While teak (T. grandis) is not suitable for planting in opened areas in the GWEF. Keywords: Forest tree, GWEF, land suitability, opened area.Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat (HPGW) merupakan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK). Saat ini banyak areal yang telah kehilangan tutupan vegetasi (pohon) atau menjadi lahan terbuka pada kawasan HPGW. Kesesuaian lahan dengan melihat faktor topografi, tanah, dan iklim perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis tanaman kehutanan yang sesuai untuk ditanam pada lahan terbuka tersebut. Tahapan dari kesesuaian lahan yakni, pengolahan citra, interpretasi visual citra satelit, ground check, pengamatan tanah dan serasah, pengumpulan data sifat fisik dan kimia tanah serta iklim, pengamatan karakteristik lahan, dan proses matching. Jenis tanaman eukaliptus (E. grandis), sengon (F. moluccana), kaliandra (C. calothyrsus), mahoni (S. mahagoni), pinus (P. merkusii), lamtoro (L. leucocephalla), kayu putih (M. leucadendron), damar (A. loranthifolia), akasia (A. auriculiformis), dan rasamala (A. excelsa) sesuai untuk ditanam pada areal terbuka di kawasan Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat (HPGW). Sementara jenis tanaman jati (T. grandis) tidak sesuai untuk ditanam pada areal terbuka di kawasan HPGW. Kata kunci : HPGW, jenis tanaman, kesesuaian lahan, lahan terbuka


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    Usaha Micro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) berkembang cukup pesat, artinya pemberdayaan masyarakat agar mandiri berjalan dengan baik. Kemampuan UMKM untuk dapat bertahan di jaman serba digital saat ini sangat penting untuk menopang keberlangsungan unit usahanya. Terlebih lagi UMKM yang ada di daerah pedesaan, sangat diperlukan penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan untuk dapat GO Online. UMKM dilatih agar Siap Digital yaitu dapat menggunakan teknologi-teknologi digital yang ada saat ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan. Selain itu juga dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi dan penjualan produk maupun jasa UMKM. Setelah UMKM Siap Digital dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan untuk memilih teknologi yang tepat sehingga pemanfaatan teknologi dapat benar-benar efektif dan efisien. Kegiatan Pelatihan GO Online diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan UMKM, serta mampu memaksimalkan teknologi untuk memaksimalkan marketing

    The Development of Ziarah Kubra Tradition in Palembang City Community in 1970-2008

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    Tradisi ziarah sebenarnya merupakan salah satu tradisi masyarakat Indonesia yang sering dilakukan ketika menjelang bulan Ramadhan. Besar pengaruh keberadaan komunitas Arab di kota Palembang membawa sebuah tradisi yang dikenal berbagai macam negara sehingga menjadi sebuah wisata religi yaitu ziarah kubro. Ziarah kubro merupakan salah satu tradisi masyarakat kota Palembang yang dilakukan setiap 10 hari menjelang bulan Ramadhan dengan cara mengujungi makam para ulama dan pemimpin kesultanan Palembang Darussalam. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana masuknya Islam yang dibawah oleh komunitas Arab di kota Palembang, untuk mengetahui bagaimana munculnya ziarah kubro yang dilakukan oleh  komunitas Arab di kota Palembang dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan tradisi ziarah kubro pada masyarakat kota Palembang  tahun 1970-2013. Kemudian metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode historis. Pada penelitian ini telah menunjukkan bahwa tradisi ziarah kubro yang dilakukan masyarakat kota Palembang telah mengalami perkembangan setiap tahunnya, yang dimana tradisi ini dulunya hanya dilakukan komunitas Arab di kota Palembang dan para kerabat kesultanan Palembang. Kemudian tradisi ini mulai terbuka untuk umum pada tahun 1970 dan ditetapkan menjadi salah satu wisata religi oleh pemerintah kota Palembang pada tahun 2013. Mereka melakukan ini atas keingnan mereka untuk menghormati para jasa ulama dan para pemimpin kesultanan Palembang Darussalam.The Ziarah tradition is one of the traditions of the Indonesian people that is often being held before Ramadan. The great influence of the existence of the Arab communities in the Palembang brought a tradition known to various countries so that it became religious tourism, namely the Ziarah Kubra. Ziarah Kubra  is one of the traditions of the people of Palembang city which is being held every 10 days before Ramadan by visiting the graves of the ulama and leaders of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. The purpose of this research is to find out how the emergence of the Ziarah Kubra carried out by the Arab communities in Palembang and to find out how the development of the Ziarah Kubra tradition in the people of Palembang city from 1970-2013. The method used in this research is the historical method. This research has shown that the tradition of the Ziarah Kubra has been brought by the people of Palembang has been developed every year, where's this tradition was only practiced by the Arab communities in the Palembang and relatives of the Palembang Sultanate. Then this tradition began to be open to the public in 1970 and was designated become the religious tourism by the Palembang city government in 2013. So that the people of Palembang continue


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    Agile manufacturing sekarang merupakan konsep yang populer yang disebut sebagai paradigma manufaktur abad 21. Implementasi sistem agile manufacturing membuktikan menjadi efisien untuk memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif. Pada sistem agile manufacturing, strategi-strategi, teknologi, sistem dan orang merupakan empat elemen yang paling mendasar. Suatu bisnis baru dari awal sampai akhir industri telah lama berkecimpung dalam industri ini, dimana menunjukkan pentingnya perusahaan virtual  dalam industri  manufaktur sekarang. Artikel ini mendiskusikan konsep dan menunjukkan strategi-strategi, teknologi, sistem, dan orang yang merupakan empat elemen dasar agile manufacturing

    Comparative Analysis Of Machine Learning And Deep Learning Models Integrated With Altman Z-Score For Financial Distress Prediction In Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

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    Financial distress is a condition in which a company experiences a decline in its financial situation, which is typically temporary. However, financial distress can worsen if not promptly addressed, leading to bankruptcy. Early identification of potential financial distress in a company is crucial for stakeholders such as investors, creditors, and regulators. In practice, predicting financial distress in a company is not an easy task. One of the methods commonly used to identify early symptoms of financial distress is the method introduced by Altman in 1986. Altman's research model, known as the Z-Score, determines a value based on standard calculations of financial ratios to indicate the likelihood of a company experiencing bankruptcy. The use of artificial intelligence, such as deep learning, can enhance the scope of research on the analysis and prediction of financial distress. This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of machine learning models, such as the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier and Random Forest Classifier, and deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). This analysis is carried out to evaluate the success rate of the proposed deep learning models in predicting financial distress in companies operating in Indonesia. Based on the conducted research, the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier algorithm achieved an accuracy of 77.42% during testing and 88.89% during validation, the Random Forest Classifier algorithm achieved an accuracy of 87.09% during testing and 95.24% during validation, the CNN model achieved an accuracy of 95.16% during testing and 96.83% during validation, and the RNN model achieved an accuracy of 93.55% during testing and 96.83% during validation. Based on these results, the deep learning method has a higher average success rate than machine learning models in predicting financial distress

    Kesenjangan Rantai Pasok Kelapa Sawit di Lanskap Ketungau Kabupaten Sintang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    Oil palm supply chain gaps in the Ketungau landscape of Sintang district, West Kalimantan province. The development of oil palm plantations in Sintang Regency has been rapid in the last decade. Sintang Regency has declared to implement sustainable oil palm plantations while still considering environmental sustainability aspects. Management of the oil palm trading system to be effective and efficient is the main indicator of sustainable oil palm plantations. Gap analysis in the trading system is an important effort as a basis for making various policies. The Gap Analysis of Oil Palm Supply Chain in the Ketungau Landscape, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province is aimed to identify the gaps that occur between levels of oil palm trading actors in the Ketungau Landscape, Sintang Regency. The analysis is carried out using a comparison method between the current reality and the perspectives expected by the stakeholders. The results of the analysis show that in the palm oil supply chain in the Ketungau Landscape, gaps still occur at every level of the supply chain. The gap between independent oil palm smallholders and the government is the lack of assistance programs and capacity building for smallholders and improving the quality of infrastructure. The gap between the government and companies is that the government's supervision of palm oil business actors is still not maximal. The gap between independent smallholders and companies is that there is still no understanding between the two parties, especially regarding the quality criteria for FFB. The results of this study indicate that independent oil palm farmers in the Ketungau Landscape still require policy intervention from the government and oil palm companies


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    The floating settlement in Margasari is one of the settlements in Kota Balikpapan which is known as a Beach City. PDAM (State Water Company) as the main resource of clean water fulfillment in Balikpapans, needs to needs to be used efficiently. One of the ways is by processing the Greywater which can be reused for toilet flushing in order to support the concept of Zero Waste.The purpose of this research is to obtain the composition and the potential data of Greywater which is appeared from the data and reusable for the citizens, to find out the effectiveness of the use of Biofilter Reactor as an alternative processing unit of Greywater towards the parameters of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, and NH3-N, and also to identify the citizens’ role potential in processing the Greywater towards the concept of Zero Waste in terms of processing domestic liquid waste.The Greywater level in Margasari Floating Settlement of Balikpapan with the parameters of BOD of 520,1–840,1 mg/l, COD of 1.562,5–2.450,0 mg/l, TSS of 297,0–1.047,0 mg/l, and NH3-N of 0,0002-16,257 mg/l is still very high. Margasari Floating Settlement of Balikpapan consists of 6.546 people and 1.198 buldings with an average of Greywater potential of each house of 393,42 l/day or 14.139.360 l/month for the whole area, while the average need for toilet flushing in each house is about 264,03 l/day atau sebesar 9.489.081,60 l/month for the whole area. The Biofilter Reactor can be used to process the Greywater for the whole area. The Biofilter Reactor which has an effective volume of 247 liter, has a diameter of the gravel media of 2,5–4 cm with an optimum effectiveness towards the BOD parameter of 86,54%, COD of 82,27%, TSS of 84,60%, and  NH3-N of 19,99%. It can be used to process the greywater from a house consisted of 5 people with a Greywater debt of 0,36 m3/day, average BOD debt of 686,77 mg/l and average TSS of on Margasari Floating Settlement

    Simulasi Numerik Penambahan Slot Per Daun Terhadap Kekuatan Statik Kendaraan Niaga

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    Commercial vehicles are a mode of transportation that plays an important role of the nation economy, so it is necessary to pay attention to their effectiveness and efficiency factors. Commercial vehicles have high effectiveness if they are able to send as many goods as possible, but the durability of vehicle components must be considered. One way to increase vehicle load capacity is by adding more slots leaf spring. This study aims to determine the effect of adding slot of leaf spring  to the static strength of the rear suspension of Mitsubishi FE 71 110 Ps. This study discusses the static strength of three types of leaf spring  arrangement, they are original leaf spring arrangement, the addition of a 700mm spring slot and an additional 1000 mm spring slot. The research was conducted by creating 3-dimensional design drawings and simulating static analysis using SolidWork software. The data sought are the stress and strain values ​​for each variation. The result is the maximum stress value of the original leaf spring arrangement of 14.58 x107 N / m2, an additional slot of 700 mm 21.80 x107 N / m2, and an additional slot of 1,000 mm 24.93 x107 N / m2


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    This study was conducted to examine the effect of variable Liquidity, Capital Structure, and Profitability of the rating on the bonds of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012 period. The population in this study contained a number of 151 companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 and has a period of bond ratings of PT. Valuation in 2013. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. In order to obtain a total sample of 44 companies. Data were obtained from published financial statements of the company's website the Indonesia Stock Exchange is www.idx.co.id results of this study indicate that simultaneous variables Liquidity, Capital Structure, and Profitability significant effect on the bond rating. While the results of research conducted partially indicates that liquidity variables significantly influence bond rating, capital structure does not significantly affect the bond rating. While other variables in this study are Pofitabilitas significantly influence bond rating
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