76 research outputs found

    Investment of Self-Confidence in Cingkrik Rawa Belong Pencak Silat for Elementary School Students

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    This article aims to describe thoroughly the value of self-confidence in Pencak Silat activities for elementary school students. The scope includes the value of self-confidence in Pencak Silat Cingkrik Rawa Belong. The research method used is a literature review and field visits that include observation and interviews. The research subjects were the head of the Lengkong Arts and Culture House Foundation and the research object was elementary school students who were active in Pencak Silat activities in elementary schools. The research sites are the Cingkrik Rawa Belong Lengkong Cultural Art House and the Primary School in Tangerang. The instruments used were interviews and observation. The result of this research is that the value of self-confidence in Pencak Silat activities is the value obtained by children from training or Pencak silat activities and then retrained through the experience of the championships that have been followed The use-value contained in the Cingkrik Pencak Silat activity can be used as learning to instill confidence in elementary school students

    Program ekstrakurikuler pramuka dalam upaya pengembangan karakter mandiri peserta didik di sekolah dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara analitis fakta lapangan tentang program ekstrakurikuler pramuka dalam upaya pengembangan karakter mandiri peserta didik di SDN Rengasdengklok Selatan VII. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengambilan Informan dilakukan sesuai dengan subjek permasalahan yang terkandung di dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepala sekolah, wali kelas VI, pembina pramuka dan siswa kelas VI. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Data di analisis dengan langkah-langkah reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik dan crosscheck. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program ekstrakurikuler pramuka yang dihasilkan berdasarkan hasil musyawarah gugusdepan.  Program ekstrakurikuler tersebut dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan latihan mingguan, perkemahan di gugusdepan dan kegiatan partisipasi kegiatan diluar gugusdepan baik yang berbentuk lomba maupun non lomba sehingga dapat dapat membentuk karakter mandiri yang sudah sampai pada tahap moral doing tetapi belum tercapai secara maksimal karena  belum semua siswa mempraktikkan nilai karakter mandiri tersebut  di dalam perilakunya sehari-hari, khususnya di sekolah.   Kata Kunci: Program Ekstrakurikuler, Pramuka, Pendidikan Karakter

    Religious Experience as A Personal Guidance Base

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    The relationship between religion and culture will shape personally, where the interaction of both is reflected through religious experience. The purpose of this study was to analyze the students' religious experiences at Ma'had Ali IAIN Salatiga in various cultures and ethnicities. The formulation of this study problem is how students' religious experiences in Ma'had Ali IAIN Salatiga are in different cultures and ethnicities? The research method used is qualitative method, with data collection technique in the form of questionnaire and interview. To analyze the data used content analysis, while the results of the study described in narrative-descriptive

    Efektivitas model konseling aktualisasi diri untuk mengembangkan kecakapan pribadi

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    Artikel ini didasarkan atas penelitian tentang model konseling aktualisasi diri untuk mengembangkan kecakapan pribadi. Model konseling tersebut dikembangkan berdasarkan pendekatan humanistik dan dipadukan dengan hasil studi pendahuluan tentang profil kecakapan pribadi mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) tahun 2009/2010. Prosedur penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri atas empat langkah utama, yaitu studi pendahuluan, pengembangan model, validasi rasional model, dan validasi empirik model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya pencapaian kecakapan pribadi subjek penelitian belum optimal, baik dalam aspek memahami dirinya sendiri, memahami orang lain, maupun dalam berinteraksi sosial secara bermakna. Berdasarkan uji validasi rasional dan empirik, ditemukan bahwa model konseling aktualisasi diri efektif untuk mengembangkan kecakapan pribadi, yang melingkupi hampir semua indikator pada setiap dimensi kecakapan tersebut. Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan untuk pengembangan kecakapan pribadi melalui bimbingan dan konseling, Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, dan penelitian selanjutny


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    Intellectual character education began to develop until now based on an imbalance between intellectual ability and the application of the values of goodness and morality in life. Virtue values should guide intellectual ability so as to form an open person, wanting to keep on finding out, being humble, honest and polite in speaking. These conditions provide the basis for this paper to design a study to test the effectiveness of personal-social guidance programs as an educational effort to instill the values of intellectual character. Previous research studies on social-personal guidance interventions only deal with general or equivalent character conditions. The issue of intellectual character in particular is more discussed in theoretical reviews. Although some methods and learning techniques for instilling the values of intellectual character have been proven by research trials, but not in the development of personal-social guidance programs. The design of this study began the product of a personal-social guidance program to instill the values of students' intellectual character with a quantitative research approach and a quasi-experimental design. The expected results are in accordance with the objectives of the research design as an effective product to improve intellectual character. As an introduction, this paper aims to strengthen and deepen the literature review before research is conducted

    Program Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Karakter Mandiri Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara analitis fakta lapangan tentang program ekstrakurikuler pramuka dalam upaya pengembangan karakter mandiri peserta didik di SDN Rengasdengklok Selatan VII. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengambilan Informan dilakukan sesuai dengan subjek permasalahan yang terkandung di dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepala sekolah, wali kelas VI, pembina pramuka dan siswa kelas VI. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Data di analisis dengan langkah-langkah reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik dan crosscheck. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program ekstrakurikuler pramuka yang dihasilkan berdasarkan hasil musyawarah gugusdepan.  Program ekstrakurikuler tersebut dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan latihan mingguan, perkemahan di gugusdepan dan kegiatan partisipasi kegiatan diluar gugusdepan baik yang berbentuk lomba maupun non lomba sehingga dapat dapat membentuk karakter mandiri yang sudah sampai pada tahap moral doing tetapi belum tercapai secara maksimal karena  belum semua siswa mempraktikkan nilai karakter mandiri tersebut  di dalam perilakunya sehari-hari, khususnya di sekolah

    Siswa Berduka di Indonesia Membutuhkan Pendidikan Kematian: Rekomendasi Penerapan Konseling di Sekolah

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    The death of the closest people leaves a feeling of loss and grief that can last into adulthood if it is not resolved. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable subjects due to a lack of understanding about death and grief. Unfortunately, death education in Indonesia is still minimal, even though it can help children cope with grief as a basic response to loss. Death education should be provided by guidance and counseling teachers, but no studies or practices in Indonesia apply to this context. Therefore, this research was conducted to make recommendations based on a literature review on death education to help students cope with grief. This study uses the systematic literature review (SLR) method which aims to synthesize and present in-depth data from 20 selected previous studies from Google Scholar, PubMed, Harzing, and Mendeley. The implementation of death education can be focused on the explanation of death, the value of life and death, and strategies to cope with the grief caused by death. Practical strategies to implement death education in Indonesia can be developed before being widely practiced

    Developing the Adolescent Career Success Instrument (ACSI): A Rasch Model analysis

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    Career success is an individual's ability to achieve self and work success. There are various instruments to determine individual career success. However, there has not been a career success instrument specifically developed for adolescents. This study aims to develop and validate The Adolescent Career Success Instrument (ACSI) using the Rasch model analysis. Participants in this study consisted of 3 guidance and counseling experts for the constructed test, 4 students for the readability test, and 106 students (33 male students and 73 female students) from high school for the empirical test. ACSI reliability test results show that the item reliability is 0.90 in a good category, while the personal reliability is 0.85 in a good category. Cronbach's alpha value is 0.91 in the very good category. The results of the ACSI analysis using the Rasch model showed that 49 reliable items could be used to measure adolescent career success

    Bimbingan Pribadi-Sosial Untuk Mengembangkan Perilaku Moral Siswa

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    The research is aimed to produce an effective social-personal guidance to develop students' moral behavior. This research uses quantitative approach with quasi experimental method and non-equivalent control group design to students class VIII of SMP Negeri 26 Bandung. Data analysis techniques used to find out the effectiveness of personal-social guidance in developing the moral behavior of students in SMP Negeri 26 Bandung Academic Year 2017/2018, include: 1) normality test; 2) homogeneity test; and 3) independent t test. The results show that in general social-personal guidance is not effective in developing students' moral behavior. But in particular there are five significant indicators, which is; 1) impose obligations as a child; 2) help others sincerely; 3) share / share information; 4) show concern for others; 5) guiding others to the task, and two insignificant indicators, namely; 1) understanding school rules; 2) consider the impact of lying