18 research outputs found


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    Abstract   This paper aims to explore focus areas, institutional constraints, and institutional support for implementing Value Engineering for road construction projects, which include planning, design, and construction implemen-tation, at the Directorate General of Highways. Interviews were conducted to collect data and information related to institutional elements that influence the implementation of Value Engineering at the micro (individual), meso (organizational) and macro-organizational levels. The research sampling process was carried out purposi-vely, from those who had attended Value Engineering training at the Directorate General of Highways, with a minimum of introduction level and were actively involved in a number of projects that became pilots for the application of Value Engineering from 2018 to 2020. This study shows that organizational context has an influence on the application of Value Engineering within the Directorate General of Highways. This study also provides an indication that intervention is needed to overcome obstacles and encourage the effectiveness of the implementation of Value Engineering. This study also confirms that, in practice, the technical aspects of Value Engineering are not more important than the institutional aspects.   Keywords: Value Engineering; road construction; institutional support; institutional aspect     Abstrak   Makalah ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi area fokus, kendala, dan dukungan kelembagaan dalam penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada proyek pembangunan jalan, yang meliputi perencanaan, perancangan, dan pelaksanaan konstruksi, di Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang terkait dengan elemen-elemen kelembagaan yang memengaruhi penerapan Rekayasa Nilai di tingkat-tingkat mikro (individu), meso (organisasi), dan makro-organisasi. Proses pengambilan sampel penelitian dila-kukan secara purposif, kepada mereka yang telah mengikuti pelatihan Rekayasa Nilai di Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, dengan minimal pada jenjang pengenalan serta aktif terlibat dalam sejumlah proyek yang menjadi pilot penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada tahun 2018 hingga tahun 2020. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa konteks organisasi memiliki pengaruh terhadap penerapan Rekayasa Nilai di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Studi ini juga memberikan indikasi bahwa intervensi diperlukan untuk mengatasi kendala dan mendo-rong efektivitas penerapan Rekayasa Nilai. Penelitian ini juga menegaskan bahwa, dalam penerapannya, aspek teknis Rekayasa Nilai tidak lebih penting dibandingkan dengan aspek kelembagaannya.   Kata-kata kunci: Rekayasa Nilai; pembangunan jalan; dukugan kelembagaan; aspek kelembagaa


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    Abstract   This paper aims to explore focus areas, institutional constraints, and institutional support for implementing Value Engineering for road construction projects, which include planning, design, and construction implemen-tation, at the Directorate General of Highways. Interviews were conducted to collect data and information related to institutional elements that influence the implementation of Value Engineering at the micro (individual), meso (organizational) and macro-organizational levels. The research sampling process was carried out purposi-vely, from those who had attended Value Engineering training at the Directorate General of Highways, with a minimum of introduction level and were actively involved in a number of projects that became pilots for the application of Value Engineering from 2018 to 2020. This study shows that organizational context has an influence on the application of Value Engineering within the Directorate General of Highways. This study also provides an indication that intervention is needed to overcome obstacles and encourage the effectiveness of the implementation of Value Engineering. This study also confirms that, in practice, the technical aspects of Value Engineering are not more important than the institutional aspects.   Keywords: Value Engineering; road construction; institutional support; institutional aspect     Abstrak   Makalah ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi area fokus, kendala, dan dukungan kelembagaan dalam penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada proyek pembangunan jalan, yang meliputi perencanaan, perancangan, dan pelaksanaan konstruksi, di Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang terkait dengan elemen-elemen kelembagaan yang memengaruhi penerapan Rekayasa Nilai di tingkat-tingkat mikro (individu), meso (organisasi), dan makro-organisasi. Proses pengambilan sampel penelitian dila-kukan secara purposif, kepada mereka yang telah mengikuti pelatihan Rekayasa Nilai di Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, dengan minimal pada jenjang pengenalan serta aktif terlibat dalam sejumlah proyek yang menjadi pilot penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada tahun 2018 hingga tahun 2020. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa konteks organisasi memiliki pengaruh terhadap penerapan Rekayasa Nilai di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Studi ini juga memberikan indikasi bahwa intervensi diperlukan untuk mengatasi kendala dan mendo-rong efektivitas penerapan Rekayasa Nilai. Penelitian ini juga menegaskan bahwa, dalam penerapannya, aspek teknis Rekayasa Nilai tidak lebih penting dibandingkan dengan aspek kelembagaannya.   Kata-kata kunci: Rekayasa Nilai; pembangunan jalan; dukugan kelembagaan; aspek kelembagaa

    A systematic review of indicators to assess the sustainability of road infrastructure projects

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    Background: This study aims to examine to what extent sustainability has been incorporated into assessments of road infrastructure projects. It identifies promising approaches that include indicators reflecting core sustainability criteria, determines criteria that were insufficiently covered as indicators, and develops an integrated indicator set covering all criteria. Methods: A systematic review was performed to obtain all related papers/reports in two academic databases: Scopus and Web of Sciences. The indicators extracted from papers/reports were first coded, then evaluated by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Results: The project appraisal methods for decision-making is found to be a promising approach, covering more extensive criteria than others. Two criteria – namely adaptation and precaution and intergenerational equity – were hardly ever adopted as indicators. Ten main groups of indicators were extracted to construct an integrated set incorporating all core criteria. Conclusions: Some criteria appear to have become mainstream, while others deserve attention. The safest choice is to combine methods/tools or to adopt the integrated set developed for exhaustive criteria inclusion. Document type: Articl


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    Abstract Pedestrian facility is a part of supporting attribute for creating green city development (P2KH). A number of pedestrian facilities can be contributed toward green transportation in conjunction with providing public transport and reducing traffic congestion. This paper describes the role of pedestrian facility for establishing P2KH. It starts with existing conditions Indonesia’s cities related sustainability of transportation sector. A number of current city development models are also be presented that focusing sustainability concept including P2KH including various model to support pedestrian facilities toward P2KH or sustainable city. Furthermore, Based on relevance literature and survey studies, potency for implementing in Indonesia cities is delivered both demand and supply sides. This paper concludes that pedestrian facilities have role to support green city through development environmental friendly transportation and integration between facilities and green open spaces functions.Pedestrian facilities also need to be improved to create effective usage and attraction by communities. Pedestrian facilities development is also in line with establishing green open space in the city as the objective of P2KH.. Keywords: pedestrian facilities, green city development, sustainable cities, urban green open space  Abstrak Fasilitas pejalan kaki menjadi bagian atribut pendukung dalam pewujudan Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH). Dari sejumlah atribut program, fasilitas pejalan kaki dapat berkontribusi dalam atribut transportation hijau  bersama dengan penyediaan angkutan umum dan pengurangan kemacetan. Makalah ini menguraikan peran fasilitas pejalan kaki dalam pewujudkan P2KH tersebut. Makalah diawali dengan penyajian kondisi kota Indonesia terkait aspek keberlanjutan dalam sektor transportasi. Makalah turut menyajikan mengenai sejumlah model pembangunan perkotaan yang tengah berkembang saat ini yang menekankan pada konsep keberlanjutan, termasuk P2KH. Uraian atas berbagai model mendukung untuk mengembangkan gagasan mengenai peran fasilitas pejalan kaki dalam mendukung perwujudan P2KH atau kota berkelanjutan. Potensi penerapan di kota-kota di Indonesia disampaikan, baik dari sisi karakteristik permintaan maupun sisi karakteristik sediaan berdasarkan hasil survei dan studi berbagai literatur yang relevan. Berdasarkan studi ini disampaikan bahwa fasilitas pejalan kaki memiliki peran dalam mendukung pewujudan kota hijau melalui pengembangan moda transportasi ramah lingkungan dan integrasi fungsi antara fasilitas dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di perkotaan. berbagai hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas pejalan kaki masih memerlukan sejumlah perbaikan guna menciptakan pemanfaatan yang efektif serta menarik masyarakat untuk menggunakannya. Pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki yang sejalan dengan pewujudan RTH di perkotaan dapat mewujudkan tujuan P2KH. Kata-kata kunci: fasilitas pejalan kaki, P2KH, kota berkelajutan, transportasi hijau, RT


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    Abstract Pedestrian facility is a part of supporting attribute for creating green city development (P2KH). A number of pedestrian facilities can be contributed toward green transportation in conjunction with providing public transport and reducing traffic congestion. This paper describes the role of pedestrian facility for establishing P2KH. It starts with existing conditions Indonesia’s cities related sustainability of transportation sector. A number of current city development models are also be presented that focusing sustainability concept including P2KH including various model to support pedestrian facilities toward P2KH or sustainable city. Furthermore, Based on relevance literature and survey studies, potency for implementing in Indonesia cities is delivered both demand and supply sides. This paper concludes that pedestrian facilities have role to support green city through development environmental friendly transportation and integration between facilities and green open spaces functions.Pedestrian facilities also need to be improved to create effective usage and attraction by communities. Pedestrian facilities development is also in line with establishing green open space in the city as the objective of P2KH.. Keywords: pedestrian facilities, green city development, sustainable cities, urban green open space  Abstrak Fasilitas pejalan kaki menjadi bagian atribut pendukung dalam pewujudan Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH). Dari sejumlah atribut program, fasilitas pejalan kaki dapat berkontribusi dalam atribut transportation hijau  bersama dengan penyediaan angkutan umum dan pengurangan kemacetan. Makalah ini menguraikan peran fasilitas pejalan kaki dalam pewujudkan P2KH tersebut. Makalah diawali dengan penyajian kondisi kota Indonesia terkait aspek keberlanjutan dalam sektor transportasi. Makalah turut menyajikan mengenai sejumlah model pembangunan perkotaan yang tengah berkembang saat ini yang menekankan pada konsep keberlanjutan, termasuk P2KH. Uraian atas berbagai model mendukung untuk mengembangkan gagasan mengenai peran fasilitas pejalan kaki dalam mendukung perwujudan P2KH atau kota berkelanjutan. Potensi penerapan di kota-kota di Indonesia disampaikan, baik dari sisi karakteristik permintaan maupun sisi karakteristik sediaan berdasarkan hasil survei dan studi berbagai literatur yang relevan. Berdasarkan studi ini disampaikan bahwa fasilitas pejalan kaki memiliki peran dalam mendukung pewujudan kota hijau melalui pengembangan moda transportasi ramah lingkungan dan integrasi fungsi antara fasilitas dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di perkotaan. berbagai hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas pejalan kaki masih memerlukan sejumlah perbaikan guna menciptakan pemanfaatan yang efektif serta menarik masyarakat untuk menggunakannya. Pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki yang sejalan dengan pewujudan RTH di perkotaan dapat mewujudkan tujuan P2KH. Kata-kata kunci: fasilitas pejalan kaki, P2KH, kota berkelajutan, transportasi hijau, RT


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    ABSTRAKJalan hijau sebagai suatu skema penilaian dan pemeringkatan proyek jalan memberikan profil atas aspek atau elemen jalan yang memerlukan perhatian dalam rangka mewujudkan konstruksi jalan yang berkelanjutan. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bobot nilai kategori dan subkategori dalam persyaratan sukarela yang mencerminkan kontribusi setiap aspek maupun elemen proyek dalam pewujudannya tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara tatap muka dengan menggunakan perangkat kuesioner. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara purposif, yaitu data yang dikumpulkan dari para ahli yang terdiri dari peneliti, pakar, dan praktisi dalam konstruksi jalan, transportasi, dan pengelolaan lingkungan jalan. Teknik analisis menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang menguraikan perbandingan berpasangan setiap kategori dan subkategori. Melalui analisis ini, bobot setiap kategori adalah sebagai berikut: ‘lingkungan dan kecairan’ memiliki bobot terbesar 26,7% diikuti oleh kategori ‘teknologi perkerasan’, dan kategori ‘penggunaan material dan sumber daya alam’ sebesar 20,2% dan 20,1%. Dua bobot terkecil adalah 13,7% dan 19,3% yang dimiliki oleh kategori ‘penyediaan akses dan kesetaraan hak’ dan ‘pelaksanaan konstruksi’. Berdasarkan analisis prioritas global, tiga subkategori dengan bobot terbesar terhadap keseluruhan tujuan adalah ‘penyediaan sistem drainase’, ‘perancangan perkerasan berumur panjang’ dan ‘analisis banjir lingkungan’ dengan bobot 5,4%, 4,1%, dan 4,0% secara berturut-turut.Kata kunci : jalan hijau, proyek jalan, keberlanjutan, kategori penilaian, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP

    Contestations over scale frames regarding the sustainability of mega-infrastructure project development: The case of the Bali Mandara highway

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    Some urban megaprojects are framed as a strategic move to achieve broader economic benefits. Project proponents often claim that adverse socio-environmental effects are mitigated accordingly and that all aspects of sustainability are integrated successfully. Using a case study of the Bali Mandara highway, this study drew upon the politics of scale to investigate multiple frames of these effects and mitigation efforts on various scales (and levels). Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and secondary data sources were collected to explore and examine the variety and mix of the scale frames representing all sustainability aspects. Words and phrases related to scale-related issues were identified and tracked in the development phases (i.e., pre-construction, construction, and usage). The study shows that different stakeholders used specific preferred scale types to frame the effects and mitigation efforts, and these frames evolved throughout the project phases. Our findings substantiate that limited scale choices can occur from a lack of open process, resulting in a limited representation of all scale-related issues affecting the sustainability of the highway project development. This paper adds insights into the use of scale to explore the broad effects of urban megaprojects and calls for more transparent and accountable impact audits

    Integrating Sustainability into Road Infrastructure Development: A Dead-end Street or a Promising Road?

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    The background of this dissertation lies in attempts made to integrate sustainability into the planning of road infrastructure development. Better integration is necessary to ensure that the three pillars of sustainable development (i.e., the economic, social, and environment pillars) and the intergenerational equity principle are also considered. The focus is on spatial planning because more action spaces are available early on in this process than later in the project lifecycle (i.e., construction and operation). Indonesia was selected as a case study because it represents a typical case of a developing country with limited capacity for, and limited awareness among stakeholders of, integrated decision-making. The main research question of the research underlying this dissertation was: What features explain the successful or limited integration of sustainability into planning road infrastructure development, and what specific strategies can be revealed by this investigation into the particular case of Indonesia as a developing country? In the present research, mixed data collection methods were used, namely a desk study, semi-structured interviews, and an online questionnaire. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out to explore the explanatory features for integrating sustainability into road planning from three perspectives, that is, content, context, and process. The results show that from the content perspective, the integration is determined by the coherent use of indicators included in the practiced assessment. Second, from the context perspective, the case of Indonesia shows that it is necessary to improve the broader decision-making context (e.g., leadership, shared interests, and inclusive participation of stakeholders). Third, from the process perspective, the framing and reframing of missions/goals and the effective use of environmental impact assessment to reflect the problems and solutions are necessary. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes a dual pathway to successful integration: (1) the improvement of institutions for integrated decision-making in the long run and (2) the mapping of opportunities to balance environmental and economic interests through more inclusive decision-making. The role of planners and policymakers is to navigate between both pathways to strengthen the governance of road infrastructure planning toward sustainable development

    Integrating Sustainability into Road Infrastructure Development: A Dead-end Street or a Promising Road?

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    The background of this dissertation lies in attempts made to integrate sustainability into the planning of road infrastructure development. Better integration is necessary to ensure that the three pillars of sustainable development (i.e., the economic, social, and environment pillars) and the intergenerational equity principle are also considered. The focus is on spatial planning because more action spaces are available early on in this process than later in the project lifecycle (i.e., construction and operation). Indonesia was selected as a case study because it represents a typical case of a developing country with limited capacity for, and limited awareness among stakeholders of, integrated decision-making. The main research question of the research underlying this dissertation was: What features explain the successful or limited integration of sustainability into planning road infrastructure development, and what specific strategies can be revealed by this investigation into the particular case of Indonesia as a developing country? In the present research, mixed data collection methods were used, namely a desk study, semi-structured interviews, and an online questionnaire. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out to explore the explanatory features for integrating sustainability into road planning from three perspectives, that is, content, context, and process. The results show that from the content perspective, the integration is determined by the coherent use of indicators included in the practiced assessment. Second, from the context perspective, the case of Indonesia shows that it is necessary to improve the broader decision-making context (e.g., leadership, shared interests, and inclusive participation of stakeholders). Third, from the process perspective, the framing and reframing of missions/goals and the effective use of environmental impact assessment to reflect the problems and solutions are necessary. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes a dual pathway to successful integration: (1) the improvement of institutions for integrated decision-making in the long run and (2) the mapping of opportunities to balance environmental and economic interests through more inclusive decision-making. The role of planners and policymakers is to navigate between both pathways to strengthen the governance of road infrastructure planning toward sustainable development

    Identitas Kota Sawahlunto Paska Kejayaan Pertambangan Batu Bara

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    The City of Sawahlunto was previously recognized by its coal mining activities. Since the decline of mining production in Sawahlunto, the city became a new administrative area which is divided into old and new town areas. This paper discusses the changing identity of Sawahlunto. Urban involution characterizes the town condition; the population number increases but without the expansion of urban character. Some parts of the town are small settlements with strong local identity. Thus, this condition affects "the breakdown" or "the duality" of Sawahlunto identity represented by old town and Talawi city