271 research outputs found

    All-optical photochromic spatial light modulators based on photoinduced electron transfer in rigid matrices

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    A single material (not a multi-element structure) spatial light modulator may be written to, as well as read out from, using light. The device has tailorable rise and hold times dependent on the composition and concentration of the molecular species used as the active components. The spatial resolution of this device is limited only by light diffraction as in volume holograms. The device may function as a two-dimensional mask (transmission or reflection) or as a three-dimensional volume holographic medium. This device, based on optically-induced electron transfer, is able to perform incoherent to coherent image conversion or wavelength conversion over a wide spectral range (ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared regions)

    Vascular endothelial growth factor-eluting, polymer-coated, coronary stents: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation

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    INTRODUCTION: Percutaneous intervention (PCI) is complicated by restenosis, stent thrombosis and delayed endothelial recovery at the PCI site. One approach to reduce these complications is to deliver potent agents directly to the PCI site. This local drug delivery can be achieved by absorbing drugs into a polymer coating applied to the stent itself. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) has been shown to accelerate the recovery of endothelium over a stent, reducing intimal hyperplasia and thrombosis. It has not previously been delivered bound onto the stent itself. VEGF-eluting stents were tested in vitro and in a rabbit model.ORIGINAL HYPOTHESIS: Polymer coated stents may absorb and gradually release Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. This released VEGF may reduce the stent complications of thrombosis and neointimal hyperplasia, primarily by accelerating the recovery of denuded endothelium. This was tested in vitro and in an animal model.METHODS: Studies were performed to determine optimum stent loading with VEGF, which was radiolabelled. Loaded stents were perfused and the drug release kinetics measured. VEGF's potential to stimulate growth was assessed in endothelial cell culture. The VEGF-eluting stents were placed in rabbit iliac arteries and their effects on flow through the artery and acute platelet deposition were determined. Other animals were used to show longer-term effects on endothelial recovery and stent thrombosis (at 7 days) and intimal hyperplasia (at 28 days).RESULTS: 21,7pg of VEGF was absorbed. This was released with a bi-exponential release curve with 20% remaining at 9 days. In arterial tissue, 11% of the VEGF was detectable in the tissue at 24hr. VEGF-eluting stents stimulated endothelial cell growth by 11% over 5 days, with effects that were sustained beyond the initial rapid VEGF release. The animal studies showed a trend (p=0.07) towards reduced platelet deposition early after PCI, with reduced thrombus formation at 7 days (Omg in VEGF stents vs. 12.5mg in controls). No benefit of VEGF stents was seen on the re-endothelialisation process or on intimal hyperplasia.CONCLUSIONS: VEGF can be delivered by polymer-coated stents. Prolonged drug release to the injured vessel wall can be shown. However, VEGF did not fulfil the potential suggested by previous work and by the cell culture experiments when tested in vivo. It did appear to reduce thrombus formation and so may have potential benefits in clinical practice as a stent-based therapy

    Three New Names for North Texas Astragalus (Leguminosae)

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    Incidents of Testamentary Execution

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    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Pada Kondisi Hemipharese Dextra Karena Intra Cerebral Haemoragic Di Rsup Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan penyebab kecacatan nomor satu dan penyebab kematian nomor tiga setelah penyakit jantung koroner dan penyakit kanker. Dan menjadi masalah kesehatan yang mendunia dan semakin penting, dengan duapertiga stroke sekarang terjadi di negara-negara berkembang. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui manfaat terapi latihan untuk pencegahan dikubitus akibat tirah baring lama, manfaat terapi latihan untuk menurunkan spasme otot, dan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot guna mempercepat transfer dan ambulasi. Hasil: setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak enam kali, di dapatkan hasil tidak timbul dekubitus dari T0 sampai T6, penurunan spasme otot pada m. para vertebra pada T0: ada spasme dan T6: spasme berkurang, pada m. gluteus T0: ada spasme dan T6: spasme berkurang, peningkatan kekuatan otot pada AGA dan AGB dextra dari T0: rata-rata 2 dan 3 menjadi T6: rata-rata 3 dan 4. Kesimpulan: dengan metode terapi latihan dengan tujuan mencegah dekubitus, menurunkan spasme otot, dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot dapat menunjukkan hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan

    Trusts - Validity and Effect of Assignment of Beneficial Interest in Trust for Support - Claims of Beneficiary\u27s Divorced Wife and Children

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    A testamentary trust required the trustee to apply income in such amounts as might be necessary for the education, support and maintenance of H until he attained the age of 35 years; then to hand over the corpus and accrued interest. Contingent interests were created for children of H who might survive his death before the age of 35. After the death of testatrix, H married W and had two children. In an agreement subsequently incorporated in a California decree of divorce obtained by W, H promised to make monthly payments to W for her own support and for the support of his children until distribution of the trust, and purported to assign to her his interest in the trust income to secure this obligation. Upon W\u27s request for payment, plaintiff trustee sought a judgment declaratory of the effect of the assignment and the claims of H\u27s wife and children. On appeal, held: (1) Trustee had no right or duty to comply with the purported assignment of income to W. The trust was one for support from income and H could not alienate his income interest. (2) The will of testatrix evidenced her expectation that H might marry and her intent that reasonable support be provided not only for H individually, but for his family as well. Accordingly, trustee was instructed to pay from surplus income, after providing support for H, amounts which it should consider reasonably necessary for the education, support and maintenance of his children. (3) Trustee had no right to honor W\u27s claim for support from the trust. Under the terms of the divorce decree she became a mere creditor unconnected with H\u27s family and her needs for support were not to be considered in determining the amount necessary for H\u27s support. Seattle First Nat. Bank v. Crosby, (Wash. 1953) 254 P. (2d) 732