14 research outputs found


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    Dalam tulisan ini, akan disajikan suatu hasil evaluasi kualitas ruang kelas berdasarkan kondisi termalnya. Baku mutu tentang kondisi termal ruangan yang diacu dalam tulisan ini adalah suatu regulasi persyaratan kenyamanan termal. Metode yang digunakan dalam evaluasi adalah pengukuran langsung di dalam ruang kelas yang sedang digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan perbandingan antara hasil pengukuran lapangan dengan baku mutu. Kesesuaian akan menjadi dasar untuk mencari peluang tindakan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan pada ruangan tersebut. Sebaliknya, ketidaksesuaian yang terjadi akan menjadi dasar rekomendasi tindakan koreksi yang dapat dilakukan. Hasil evaluasi ini bersifat unik karena merupakan hasil pengukuran lapangan pada ruang kelas yang efektif dipergunakan. Kondisi cuaca secara umum, kondisi struktur bangunan, serta aktivitas dalam ruangan menjadi faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam analisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ruangan dengan karakteristik struktur tidak permanen, memiliki kondisi udara yang tidak sesuai dengan karena temperatur ruang berada 2,5°C s.d 7,3°C diatas persyaratan. Sementara itu, kondisi kelembaban masih dalam batas yang diperbolehkan oleh persyaratan


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    Peran Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki kontribusi yang sangat penting terhadap perekonomian Indonesia yaitu perluasan kesempatan kerja. Dalam menciptakan usaha bukan hanya diperlukan kemampuan berproduksi tapi juga kemampuan dalam mengelolah usaha tersebut. Laporan harga produksi adalah salah satu informasi yang berguna bagi wirausaha dalam menjalankan usahanya. Menentukan harga pokok produksi diperlukan agar memiliki pengetahuan dalam mengelolah biaya. Umumnya masyarakat Desa Koper belum mempunyai memiliki pengetahuan dalam menghitung harga pokok produksi. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, team PKM dari Universitas Pamulang melakukan pelatihan laporan harga pokok produksi. Dari hasil evaluasi didapat bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta PKM tentang harga pokok produksi serta yang berkaitan dengan hal tersebut. Diharapkan setelahnya dapat dipraktekan dalam menjalankan UMKM sebagai bahan pertimbangan penentuan harga jual serta keputusan lain

    Perancangan Harga Pokok Produksi UMKM Kacang Bawang Metode Full Costing Berbasis Excel

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat rancangan perhitungan harga pokok produksi berbasis excel pada obyek penelitian yaitu UMKM Ajiebb Boga Raya dengan metode full costing. Dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan perancangan sistem perhitungan harga pokok produksi menggunakan excel adapun tahapan penelitian: 1) Merancang laporan harga pokok produksi berbasis excel, 2) Melakukan perbandingan hasil rancangan dengan yang digunakan obyek penelitian dan 3) Melakukan analisis hasil dari perbandingan. Hasil penelitian adalah perancangan laporan harga pokok produksi metode full costing dengan perhitungan yang sistematis dan lebih informatif, dari 4 penyajian yang dimiliki UMKM bertambah menjadi 13 penyajian laporan

    Real-time wireless temperature measurement system of infant incubator

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    The internet of things (IoT) has allowed for ubiquitous measurement. Infant incubator temperature is one of crucial parts that need to be measured, especially for the stability and uniformity temperature. Based on the interpretation of IEC 60601-2-19, we proposed measurement method using IoT with the message queue telemetry transport (MQTT). In the 10,000 packet, the result shows the quality of service (QoS) level 2 of the system has the highest delay, however it has the lowest packet loss data than the other QoS. For 1 hour, the uniformity result and stability can fulfill the standards. Uniformity of 32°C, the lowest difference is point C with 0.32 °C, and the highest difference is point B with 0.75 °C. Uniformity of 36 °C, the lowest difference is point B with 0.27 °C, and the highest difference is point C with 0.79 °C. The stability of 32 °C and 36 °C is 0.32 °C and 0.44 °C, respectively. Moreover, the Kruskal Wallis test shows the highest difference average from point M is point A and B. It occurred because of the point A and B located far from the heater part, so the point A and B colder than point C

    Advanced Control for Quadruple Tank Process

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    In the realm of control systems, the last three decades have witnessed significant advancements in Model Predictive Control MPC), an advanced technique renowned for its ability to optimize processes with constraints, handle multivariate systems, and incorporate future references when feasible. This paper introduces an innovative offset-free MPC approach tailored for the control of a complex nonlinear system—the Quadruple Tank Process (QTP). The QTP, known for its deceptively simple yet challenging multivariate behavior, serves as an ideal benchmark for evaluating the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In this work, we rigorously compare the performance of the PID and MPC controller when applied to both linear and nonlinear models of the QTP. Notably, our research sheds light on the advantages of MPC, particularly when confronted with constant disturbances. Our novel algorithm demonstrates exceptional capabilities, ensuring error-free tracking even in the presence of persistent load disturbances for both linear and nonlinear QTP models. Compared to the PID control, the proposed method can reduce the overall set point tracking error up to 32.1%, 27.6%, and 38.54% using the performance indices ISE, ITAE, and IAE, respectively, for the linear case. Furthermore, for the nonlinear case, the overall set point tracking error reduction is up to 93.4%, 94.9%, and 91.5%. This work contributes to bridging the gap in effective control strategies for nonlinear systems like the QTP, highlighting the potential of offset-free MPC to enhance control and stability in a challenging process industry involving automatic liquid level control


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    Coaching the micro-enterprises is one of the Community Service (PKM) activities at Pamulang University. This current activity is the second phase of PKM activity at Mantep Kitchen Jaya Production. The first stage is to provide guidance on awareness of quality management, which introduces and conducts gap analysis on Mantep Kitchen Jaya Production's micro-enterprises in terms of to what extent this micro-business aware of quality management. The result of the analysis is that recommendations are given to improve quality management. One of the recommendations given is that the Mantep Kitchen Jaya Production micro business needs to start implementing a documentation system in accordance with the rules of ISO 9001:2015. Therefore, the second PKM activity is to build awareness of the quality management system documentation. This second phase of activity, which was carried out for 2.5 months, implemented 3 steps: (1) Coordination and Planning, (2) Documentation Adjustment, and (3) ISO 9001 Documentation in the form of forms tailored to the needs of the business partners. With the form that is part of the documentation, the micro business owner of Mantep Kitchen Jaya Production can find out how to apply documentation to the quality management system.Keywords:  Awareness, Quality Management, Documentatio

    Sistem Verifikasi Medan Magnet untuk Sumber Magnet Kumparan Sejajar

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    ABSTRAK Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan lebar keseragaman medan magnet dengan menyusun beberapa kumparan untuk diaplikasikan pada berbagai bidang. Namun, pembuatannya tidaklah sederhana dan perlu dikaji validitas besar medan yang dihasilkan secara teoritis dan praktis. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang sistem verifikasi medan magnet untuk sumber magnet kumparan sejajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah merancang sistem yang terdiri dari sensor medan magnet, pengendali posisi, dan pengolah data. Uji akurasi pengendali posisi, linieritas rangkaian sensor, dan akurasi pengukuran medan magnet dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja sistem. Hasil pengujian menunjukan pengendali posisi memiliki akurasi 99,99% - 100%. Rangkaian sensor memiliki linieritas tinggi dengan nilai R2 = 0,9995. Nilai rata-rata akurasi pengukuran medan magnet Helmholtz mencapai 99,943% sedangkan medan magnet tiga kumparan mencapai 99,483%. Hasil pengujian menunjukan sistem dapat digunakan memverifikasi sumber magnet kumparan sejajar. Kata kunci: medan magnet, verifikasi, pengendali posisi, uji akurasi, kumparan sejajar   ABSTRACT Studies have been carried out to increase the width of the magnetic field uniformity by arranging several coils that are applied in the various field. However, its construction is complex and the validity of its magnetic fields quantity is necessary to study theoretically and practically. The purpose of this research is to design a magnetic field verification system for a parallel coil magnet source. The method used is to design a system consisting of a magnetic field sensor, position controller, and data processor. Tests of position control accuracy, sensor circuit linearity, and magnetic field measurement accuracy were carried out to determine system performance. The test results show that the position controller has an accuracy of 99.99% - 100%. The sensor circuit has high linearity of R2 = 0.9995. The average value of the Helmholtz magnetic field measurement accuracy reaches 99.943%, while that of the three-coil magnetic field reaches 99.483%. The test results show the system can be used to verify the magnet source formed by parallel coil. Keywords: magnetic field, verification, position control, accuracy test, parallel coi

    Advanced Control for Quadruple Tank Process

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    In the realm of control systems, the last three decades have witnessed significant advancements in model predictive control (MPC), an advanced technique renowned for its ability to optimize processes with constraints, handle multivariate systems, and incorporate future references when feasible. This paper introduces an innovative offset-free MPC approach tailored for the control of a complex nonlinear system—the quadruple tank process (QTP). The QTP, known for its deceptively simple yet challenging multivariate behavior, serves as an ideal benchmark for evaluating the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In this work, we rigorously compare the performance of the PID and MPC controller when applied to both linear and nonlinear models of the QTP. Notably, our research sheds light on the advantages of MPC, particularly when confronted with constant disturbances. Our novel algorithm demonstrates exceptional capabilities, ensuring error-free tracking even in the presence of persistent load disturbances for both linear and nonlinear QTP models. Compared to the PID control, the proposed method can reduce the overall set point tracking error up to 32.1%, 27.6%, and 38.54% using the performance indices ISE, ITAE, and IAE, respectively, for the linear case. Furthermore, for the nonlinear case, the overall set point tracking error reduction is up to 93.4%, 94.9%, and 91.5%. This work contributes to bridging the gap in effective control strategies for nonlinear systems like the QTP, highlighting the potential of offset-free MPC to enhance control and stability in a challenging process industry involving automatic liquid level control.In the realm of control systems, the last three decades have witnessed significant advancements in model predictive control (MPC), an advanced technique renowned for its ability to optimize processes with constraints, handle multivariate systems, and incorporate future references when feasible. This paper introduces an innovative offset-free MPC approach tailored for the control of a complex nonlinear system—the quadruple tank process (QTP). The QTP, known for its deceptively simple yet challenging multivariate behavior, serves as an ideal benchmark for evaluating the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In this work, we rigorously compare the performance of the PID and MPC controller when applied to both linear and nonlinear models of the QTP. Notably, our research sheds light on the advantages of MPC, particularly when confronted with constant disturbances. Our novel algorithm demonstrates exceptional capabilities, ensuring error-free tracking even in the presence of persistent load disturbances for both linear and nonlinear QTP models. Compared to the PID control, the proposed method can reduce the overall set point tracking error up to , , and  using the performance indices ISE, ITAE, and IAE, respectively, for the linear case. Furthermore, for the nonlinear case, the overall set point tracking error reduction is up to , , and . This work contributes to bridging the gap in effective control strategies for nonlinear systems like the QTP, highlighting the potential of offset-free MPC to enhance control and stability in a challenging process industry involving automatic liquid level control