747 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the nature of the Indonesian noun + noun constructed noun phrase. Basically, there are two thoughts responding to the nature of Indonesia noun phrase, and compound words. First, there is no concept of compound words; it is only noun phrase that exist in Indonesian. Second, there is the concept of compound words in Indonesian. Believing that different words have different referents, accordingly noun phrase are also different from compound words. The empirical data employed in this paper proves it. It falsifies an assumption arguing that it does not exist compound words in Indonesian. The results of it demonstrate that the nature of the relationship of the interconstituent of noun + noun constructed Indonesian noun phrase can be classified into four characteristics. Those four are (1)ownership;(2)intendedness;(3)origin; and (4)ownership, about, and by


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    There has been a deeply rooted belief that parts of speech can be discretely categorized. It is somethingwidely accepted in linguistics. There is a tendency of taking for granted of such an academic beliefTherefore it happens from time to time without being thought critically the degree of its empirical truthThose studying linguistics will sooner or later read many linguistics text books stating that once a word hasits own category, there will be no potential of the word to have another word category. Most people learninglinguistics considered it as something necessary to occur. This linguistic phenomenon is not just taken tobe true, yet it comes to be taken as something conclusive. Factually, there are Indonesian verbs behavingadjectivishly. They are, to some extent, verbs, yet to another one, they are adjectives. It is evidenced by thefact that they have the properties of adjective. These linguistic phenomena demonstrate that there are Indonesian verbs that have stronger quality of their verbness. It means that there are Indonesian verbs thaare verbier than others. Based on the data found, Indonesian transitive verbs have higher potential to behaveadjectivishly than the Indonesian intransitive ones. A certain kind of Indonesian transitive verbs can betreated adjectivishly. This finding shows that the degree of word category discreteness, particularly verb, isnot something clear and cut. There are possibilities to emerge that word categories can, to some extent, be fuzzy. The fuzzy quality can be referred to the attributions of adjective to the Indonesian transitive verbs. Imeans that categorizing word class is not as simple as we thought before

    Cross-Linguistic Intertranslatability of Culturally Loaded Terms

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    The paper tests if the translation of Javanese local cultural terms can denotatively be conveyed in English. The tool employed for this purpose is componential analysis of meaning, which can objectively asses the accuracy of the translation. In addition to this analysis, this study also discusses connotative assigned to the cultural terms by native speakers of Javanese and English. Connotative meanings were determined by collecting data from native speakers via questionnaires. The responses indicate which connotative meanings the respondents assigned to local cultural terms and their English equivalents. The findings indicate that at the denotative level, local cultural terms are very problematic. It is driven by the fact that though translators have tried to find the closest equivalents in the target language, there are still semantic features that differentiate both the source text and the target text. It demonstrates that full intertranslatability of cultural terms is not possible at denotative level. This study classifies the results of the translation into five classifications: (1) both the denotation and the connotation are different; (2) different denotations but the same connotations; (3) both of denotations and connotations are identical or near identical; (4) generic target text; and (5) specific target text. The findings show that respondents can attribute connotations to cultural terms only if they have been exposed to them and are familiar with the concepts that they convey. The connotations can semantically be classified into good or bad; active or passive; and strong or weak. It is also shown that people of the same cultural background do not always have the same connotations. Their prior knowledge plays and important role in determining what kind of connotations they yield. It is clear that connotations consist of posteriori knowledge. Key words: denotation, connotation, cultural terms, intertanslatability


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    This paper tries to address the semantic typology of two Indonesian words berat and keras as words that function to intensify another word preceding. The thing to be analyzed is the semantic dimensions of Indonesian collocations involving the two words mentioned. It is necessary to understand the semantic nature of the two words, for there are some Indonesian collocations involving the two words which are syntactically and naturally acceptable in the standard Indonesian, yet they are hard to interpret semantically. Implying that the two words are components with which a communication process involving the two can runs smoothly, the entailment is to what extent the two words mean significantly to make the real intentions of Indonesian speakers get communicated well. From the data analyzed in this paper, it is found that there are two semantic typologies for the words berat and keras. Those two are positive, and negative. Those words have negative meaning when they collocate with something naturally unwanted. The word berat has positive meaning when it collocates with nominal deverbal involving reasoning processes. The word berat has negative meaning when it collocates with nominative agentive mostly involving physical dimensions. The word keras has positive meaning when it collocates with nominative agentive involving cognitive dimensions


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    The development of contemporary science, as commonly known as modern science, cannot be separated from a school of philosophy called positivism. It is a school of philosophy dominantly influenced almost all aspects of both natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. As the name implies, this school of thought prerequisites the presence of empirical phenomenon, statistical measurement, and absenteeism of the relationship between the researcher and the thing to research. Hence something which does not meet the conditions, referring to positivism, would be something scientifically unacceptable. Because of such doctrines, therefore it shows that this school of thought negated the presence of non empirical phenomenon, non statistical measurement, and the involvement of the researcher’s belief to the subject of the research. To understand adequately the relationship between positivism and sacred things which are commonly non empirical things , this paper elaborates through literary studies

    APPLIED PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT WITH OBJECTIVE MATRIX (OMAX) METHOD (Case Study: Service Department in PT. Astra International Tbk Auto 2000 - Kenjeran Branch)

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    Astra International Tbk. Auto 2000 branch Kenjeran is a company department in sales, service and spare parts services. To evaluate the productivity in the service department for this time, it is necessary to measure productivity properly and correctly because productivity measures can be used as material for consideration in carrying out an upcoming productivity planning. This research was conducted in January-December 2013. The productivity method used is the Objective Matrix (OMAX) method. From the results of productivity measurements, it is known that the best productivity occurs in July, which is equal to 768.8, well above the standard value of 300. The worst productivity occurred in February, which amounted to equal 174,8. From the achievement of the score it can be seen that the criteria that do not contribute to the productivity index are criteria 1, namely the comparison between unit handling and the use of working hours because it has the smallest score to equal 47. The strategy for increasing productivity is to evaluate the causes of decreasing productivity in the lowest criteria

    Improving the Learning Quality of Math Teachers through the Academic Supervision with Technique of Class Observation

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    Improving the Learning Quality of Math Teachers through the Academic Supervision with Technique of Class Observation. This study aims to find out directly the problems of mathematics teachers and also provides advice, information, and motivation to improve the quality of teaching and learning process, followed by the relevant training based on the problems found and faced by math teachers. This study is a classroom action research using 2 cycles. The results showed that academic supervision with classroom observation techniques can improve the quality of mathematics teacher learning in SMPN 3 Kertosono Nganjuk academic year 2015/2016

    Interpreting The State's Right to Control In the provisions of Article 33 Paragraph (3), The Constitution of 1945 Republic of Indonesia

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    Article 33 paragraph (3) of The Constitution Republic of Indonesia in 1945 stipulates that "Earth, water and natural resources contained therein controlled by the State and used for the people's welfare". Understanding of the earth (which is called land) according to the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (4) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Basic Agrarian Issues is the surface of the earth and the body of the earth underneath it and which is under water. The meaning of the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) in The Constitution of 1945 is that the State as the highest power organization of all people (the nation) acts as the Governing Body. The right to control the State or be controlled by the State in this article does not mean "owned", but in the sense of giving authority to the State as the highest power organization of the Indonesian nation. The Constitutional Court elaborated State's Right to Control becomes 5 (five) authorities whose purpose is as much as possible for the prosperity of the people, including: (1). Formulate policy (beleid), (2). Make arrangements (regelendaad), (3). Carry out management (bestuurdaad), (4). Carry out management (beheerdaad), and (5). Supervise (toeichthoudensdaad). The earth, water and natural resources contained in the earth are the main points of people's prosperity, therefore they must be controlled by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people


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    Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan, hutan adat dimasukkan dalam hutan negara hal ini merugikan masyarakat adat sehingga Undang-undang tersebut diuji ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Permasalahannya adalah Bagaimana kedudukan dan proses penetapan hutan adat pasca putusan MK No. 35/PUU-X/2012 serta implementasinya di Provinsi Riau. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil (1). Kedudukan hutan adat pasca putusan MK No. 35/PUUX/2012, hutan adat tidak lagi Bagian dari hutan negara melainkan menjadi hutan hak. Proses penetapan hutan adat diatur dengan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) No. P.32/Menlhk-Setjen/2015 tentang Hutan Hak. Agar hutan adat menjadi hutan hak, prosesnya melalui dua tahapan yaitu: (a) Pengakuan atas keberadaan masyarakat hukum adat melalui peraturan daerah (Perda). (b) Penetapan oleh Menteri LHK terhadap hutan adat. (2). Sampai saat ini di Provinsi Riau baru ada 2 hutan adat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Menteri LHK yaitu Hutan Adat Kampa dan Hutan Adat Petapahan di Kabupaten Kampar. Oleh karena itu perlu didesak untuk kabupaten lain agar segera membuat Perda tentang masyarakat hukum adat, sebagai syarat untuk penetapan hutan adat oleh Menteri LHK


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the position and authority of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia and its comparison to the Netherlands Council for the Judiciary. This comparative study applied a normative juridical method. The data used in this study were secondary data. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that Judicial Commission has an important position in judicial system in Indonesia so as structurally, its position is aligned with the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Yet, functionally, its role is auxiliary to the judicial power institutions. Although the function of the Judicial Commission is related to judicial power, but the Judicial Commission is not an agent of judicial power, rather, it is an agency enforcing code of ethics of judges. Besides, the Judicial Commission is also not involved in the organization, personnel, administration and financial matters of judges. This condition is different from the Judicial Commission in European countries, such as the Netherlands. The Judicial Commission in the Netherlands (The Netherlands Council for the Judiciary) has an authority in the area of technical policy and policy making in the field of justice. The Netherlands Council for the Judiciary and other Judicial Commission in European countries generally have the authority in managing organization, budget and administration as well as in conducting promotions, transfers, and recruitments as well as imposing sanctions on judges. Thus, the Supreme Court only focuses on carrying out judicial functions and does not deal with administrative and judicial organization matters. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami tentang kedudukan dan kewenangan Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia serta perbandingannya dengan Komisi Yudisial Belanda. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu yuridis normatif dengan cara perbandingan (komparatif). Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder sedangkan analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu bahwa kedudukan Komisi Yudisial sangat penting, sehinggasecara struktural kedudukannya diposisikan sederajat dengan Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Namun demikian  secara fungsionalperannya bersifat penunjang (auxiliary) terhadap lembaga kekuasaan kehakiman. Komisi Yudisial meskipun fungsinya terkait dengan kekuasaan kehakiman tetapi bukan  pelaku kekuasaan kehakiman, melainkan lembaga penegak norma etik (code of ethics) dari hakim. Selain itu Komisi Yudisial juga tidak terlibat dalam hal organisasi, personalia, administrasi dan keuangan para hakim. Hal ini berbeda dengan Komisi Yudisial yang ada di negara Eropa misalnya Belanda. Komisi Yudisial di Belanda (Netherland Council for Judiciary) memiliki kewenangan pada area kebijakan teknis dan pembuatan kebijakan pada bidang peradilan.Komisi Yudisial Belanda dan di Eropa pada umumnya mempunyai kewenangan dalam hal mengelola organisasi, anggaran dan administrasi peradilan termasuk dalam melakukan promosi, mutasi, rekruitmen dan memberikan sanksi terhadap hakim. Mahkamah Agung hanya fokus melaksanakan fungsi peradilan yaitu mengadil