19 research outputs found

    Teacher’s Beliefs and Practices in the Integration of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Teaching Reading

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    Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is an essential skill for students to compete in this technological age. Hence, teachers need to hold strong beliefs about HOTS as it influences their classroom practices. Moreover, the study about HOTS in English language teaching has not been widely explored. This case study seeks to explore teacher’s beliefs in the integration of HOTS in teaching reading and how the beliefs are reflected in classroom practices. Further, it also investigates the factor influencing the teacher’s beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced English teacher in a public senior high school. Data were collected using interviews, observation, and review of documents. Data then were analyzed using the Pattern Matching technique (Yin, 2018) and interactive model data analysis (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). The results revealed that the teacher held strong beliefs about the integration of HOTS in teaching reading. These beliefs include belief about the conception of HOTS, the importance of HOTS, the role of the teacher, the strategies to promote HOTS, and the assessment of HOTS. In practice, the teacher did not fully reflect what she believes, especially about the assessment of HOTS. It also found that training, learning experience, teaching experience, institutional factor, student factor, and availability of learning support influenced teacher beliefs and practice in integrating HOTS in teaching reading. This study implies that there needs more teachers’ professional development to support the successful integration of HOTS in English language teaching

    Oral corrective feedback: Exploring the relationship between teacher’s strategy and students’ willingness to communicate

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    This study seeks to investigate the types of oral corrective feedback implemented in class and its effect on students’ willingness to communicate. As many as 35 senior high school students as well as the teacher were involved in the observation stage of this study and shared their perspectives about the relationship between teacher’s feedbacks on the students’ willingness to communicate through interview. The findings show that there are three types of oral corrective feedback given in the class, i.e. explicit correction, metalinguistic, and clarification request feedback. The students insist that the teacher’s oral corrective feedback does not make them reluctant to communicate to their peers or teacher in the class. Therefore, it can be concluded that teacher’s oral corrective feedback strategy does not disturb the interaction between the teacher and students in the class. It can be inferred that oral corrective feedback is necessary to be implemented in the class because it assists their second language learning.


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    Rapid changes in global education directly affect each education aspects including skills that should be mastered by students and teaching strategy used. Moreover, developments of education in the 21st century put stronger importance on Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in which critical thinking skills include. In this case, the teacher's questioning as a strategy promoting HOTS to cultivate critical thinking skills will be the concern of this research. The research aimed to examine the level of questions used by the teacher and its contributions to students’ critical thinking. The research was carried out using case study design in Senior High School in East Java. In obtaining the data, classroom observation, field notes, and interviews were employed. The results showed that the teacher used both low order questions and high order questions. Additionally, it was also found that lower-order thinking questions could not facilitate students to think critically, however, it only leads the students to understand the concept given. Hence, it was suggested to maximize the use of higher-order levels questions to train the students to think critically


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     Kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi mempunyai peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meneliti seberapa besar pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Satlantas Polres Kediri; 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Satlantas Polres Kediri; 3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Satlantas Polres Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan dilaksanakan pada 68 pegawai pada Satlantas Polres Kediri. Pengambilan sampel untuk dijadikan responden dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Analisis yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah : analisis regresi linear berganda, dengan mempergunakan uji intrumen penelitian, uji asumsi klasik, uji F, dan  uji t. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa,  variabel gaya kepemimpinan (X1) diperoleh koefisien sebesar 0,339, t-hitung 2,045 dan nilai signifikansi 0,045 yang berarti jika variabel gaya kepemimpinan 1 satuan maka akan meningkatkan kinerja pegawai pada Satlantas Polres Kediri sebesar 0,339 satuan. Dengan kata lain kinerja pegawai akan meningkat sejalan dengan perbaikan gaya kepemimpinan pada Satlantas Polres Kediri. variabel budaya organisasi (X2) diperoleh koefisien sebesar 0,648, t-hitung 4,426 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti jika variabel budaya organisasi 1 satuan maka akan meningkatkan kinerja pegawai pada Satlantas Polres Kediri sebesar 0,648 satuan. Dengan kata lain kinerja pegawai akan meningkat sejalan dengan perbaikan budaya organisasi pada Satlantas Polres Kediri. Dan variabel gaya kepemimpinan (X1) dan budaya organisasi  (X2) diperoleh nilai F-hitung 38,595 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti variabel gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Satlantas Polres Kediri


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    Leadership and organizational culture have an important role in improving employee performance. This study was conducted to examine how much influence the leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance. The purpose of this research is 1) To know the influence of leadership style on employee performance at Satlantas Polres Kediri; 2) To know the influence of leadership style on employee performance at Satlantas Polres Kediri; 3) To know the influence of leadership style and organizational culture simultaneously on employee performance at Satlantas Polres Kediri. This research uses quantitative approach. data collection was done through questionnaires distributed and executed on 68 employees at Satlantas Polres Kediri. Sampling to be used as respondent in this research is using purposive sampling method. The analysis used in this research is: multiple linear regression analysis, using research instrument test, classical assumption test, F test, and t test. The result of analysis shows that the leadership style (X1) variables are obtained coefficient of 0.339, t count 2.045 and significance value 0,045 which means if the leadership style variable 1 unit will improve the performance of employees at Satlantas Polres Kediri of 0.339 units. In other words the performance of employees will increase in line with the improvement of leadership style at Satlantas Polres Kediri. organizational culture variables (X2) obtained coefficient of 0.648, t-count 4,426 and significance value 0,000 which means if the organizational culture variable 1 unit will improve the performance of employees at Satlantas Polres Kediri of 0.648 units. In other words the performance of employees will increase in line with the improvement of organizational culture at Satlantas Polres Kediri. And the variables of leadership style (X1) and organizational culture (X2) were obtained F-count 38,595 and significance value 0,000 which means the variable of leadership style and organizational culture simultaneously influence the performance of the employees at Satlantas Polres Kediri

    Peranan Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini 5-6 Tahun di kota Bima.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui Peranan perhatian orang tua dalam pendidikan karakter anak usia dini; (2) mengatahui peranan kasih sayang orang tua dalam pendidikan karakter anak usia dini; (3) mengetahui peranan rasan aman dalam pendidikan karakter anak usia dini; (4) mengetahui peranan perhatian orang tua, kasih sayang orang tua dan rasa aman dalam pendidikan karakter anak usia dini 5-6. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah penelitian ex-post facto dan data dianalisis dengan analisis regresi ganda. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua dan anak di Taman Kanak-kanak kota Bima. Sampel dari populasi yang diambil sebanyak 2 kecamatan yaitu kecamatan Rasa Nae Barat dan kecamata Punda yang terdiri dari 157 Perhatian Orang Tua, 157 Kasih Sayang Orang Tua, dan 157 Rasa Aman Anak. Data diperoleh melalui angket dan observasi di lapangan, artinya angket digunakan untuk mengukur peranan orang tua perhatian, kasih sayang dan rasa aman anak sedangkan observasi digunakan untuk mengukur pendidikan karakter anak usia dini. pengukuran diperoleh melalui skor penilaian dari angket dan observasi di peroleh melalui hasil pengamatan. Kemudian data dianalisis dengan teknik tertentu yakni: (1) Statistik Deskriptif dan (2) Statistik Inferensial dengan analisis regresi ganda. Hasil analisis deskriptif membuktikan bahwa peranan perhatian orang tua, kasih sayang orang tua dan rasa aman anak di kecamatan Rasa Nae Barat dan kecamata Punda berada dalam kategori sangat baik. Dan juga pendidikan karakter anak usia dini dalam kategori sangat baik. Jadi hasil analisis peranan perhatian orang tua yang signifikan sebesar 0,570 terhadap pendidikan karakter anak usia dini. Peranan kasih sayang orang tua berpengaruh signifikan dalam pendidikan karakter anak sebesar 0,572. Sedangkan analissi rasa aman anak sebesar 0,453. Uji regresi ganda menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang sangat sebesar 30,618 antara peranan perhatian orang tua, kasih sayang dan rasa aman dalam pendidikan karakter anak usia dini. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa peranan perhatian orang tua, kasih sayang dan rasa aman berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap pendidikan karakter anak usia dini

    Submarine Operational Risk Management Design in Support of the Indonesian Navy's Tasks

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    This research discusses risk management faced by submarines and their crews. One of the risks that can occur is that the submarine cannot surface because the steering and propulsion system is not functioning properly. With the submarine unable to surface, it will cause the ship to sit on the seabed. A submarine that experiences an emergency so that it cannot surface is called a Distressed Submarine (DISSUB). Through the FMEA method the author identifies risks and aims to prioritize different causes based on their priority. FMEA itself is a systematic method, so it can find out the root of the problem that actually occurs. By knowing how urgent the priority is, the author can focus on problems that have a big impact on ship operational risks. It is hoped that the research results can be used as recommendations for mitigating risks that occur on submarines, providing a risk management framework for submarines

    Analisis Daya Serap Suara Material Berbasis Polyester Staple Fibre Untuk Karpet Lantai Kendaraan

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    This research studies about the ability of the acoustic properties or absorption of the vehicle floor carpet material which consists of several forming components, with an experimental method using the tube impedance method. The components of this car floor carpet material consist of a skin section which includes a surface made of polyester staple fiber plastic fiber, binders made of latex SBR material, backing made of Polyethylene (PE) powder and the under layer made of Polyester Fiber material (PET) Silencer. The carpet material for the vehicle floor was made into three samples to determine the average of sound absorption coefficient. The sound absorption coefficient was obtained from testing the flat test sample using the ASTM E1050-98 tube impedance method. The use of Polyethylene (PE) powder as a backing for floor mats has a sound absorption coefficient with a rating of B (above 0.8) at a frequency of 3,000 Hz. While the sound absorption coefficient reaches the highest point of 0.99 at a frequency of 3,000 Hz. This is because the backing with Polyethylene (PE) powder material has porous holes. The micro surface is used as a layer of air space so that it can effectively reduce and increase the absorption of sound that occurs inside the vehicle when driving. The sound absorption coefficient of vehicle floor carpet increases significantly at low frequencies and slightly decreases at high frequencie

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Automatic Semi Returnless Berbasis Arduino Uno pada Engine Caterpillar C27 Studi Kasus PT. Sapta Indra Sejati

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    Pump units with a Caterpillar C27 engine with an EUI (Electronic Unit Injector) fuel system that often has low power due to filter clogging at PT. Sapta Indra Sejati. Filter cloggingoccurs due to due to the thickened biofuel content and creates a crust. If the machine has a problem, the mining process can be disrupted because the coal loading area is flooded. This study aims to create an additional system in the form of a automatic semi-returnless where the fuel return line is changed automatically into the filter because the fuel return is clean. The movement of the return control valve is regulated by a microcontroller which is programmed according to specifications and needs. The microcontroller used is Arduino Unowith pressure and temperature sensors. Arduino Uno is programmed when the engine will experience low power with a fuel pressure of 400 kPa then the return path is changed to semi returnless. With a change in the semi returnless path, the pressure becomes stable at 380 kPa and the engine RPM is stable with power that is still maintained. The advantages of semi-returnless system are that filter replacement costs can be reduced and production time is not interrupted


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    The utilization of resources at the North Coastal of Central Java recently uncreases, such at Fishering activities at the shallow water, tranportation activities, tourem and the multi function activities. The utilization "Integrated Coastal Zone Management" concept is relevant to the conservation of the sea as a sepa¬rate activities or in connection with the utilization of other coastal. The Research is to find information on the utilization Integrated Coastal Zone Managamentest the North Coastal of the Central Java. The method approach is Yuridis Sociologis. In The Fact, is still takes places overlapi'g intergency in connection with the ultilazition of the resources due to the interest of the intitution respectively. The emerging problems:ts-a-es.nllow.: l.Program and, coastal development project based under se€to¬ral approach ; 2.Ego sectoral The coorporation between Pemda Dati I Jews Tengah and the relevant instutition base on : 1.Ground•Aet 1945,.article%18: 77, 2.Local Government-Fundamentil$,-Att7•1o,5 1974 3,Space Stucture Act no 14 , 1992 4. Thp:•ocel:Regulation7017Central Java Province no 2, 1994 concern. The Basic concept of Regional Development of Cen¬Cral Java Province. 4. National Coordination meeting on the living Envtronment management and subtanable Development concen the the National of Policy and Strategi on Development Long Time II (Years 1994/1995 - 2019/2020 ) Pemanfastan sumber days alam Oi wilayah pantai utara Ja¬wa Tengah dewase ini semakin meninrkat, senerti kegiatan pe¬nangkapan ikan di nerairandangkal, kegiatan transportasi, a¬gro industri, pusat rekreasi dan pariwLsate serta kegiatan¬kegiatan multi fungsi. Penggunaan konsep "Integrated Coastal Zone Managament " berknitan erat dengan kegiatan perlindungan dan nemelihbraae kerthstarian laut atau lingkungan Taut sebagai suatu bentuk kegiatan tersendiri maupun dalam hubungan dengan kegiatan-ke¬giatan pemanfaatan wilayah pantai lainnya. Tujuan penelitt-n ini untuk mengetahui penggunann konsep "Integrated Coastal Zone Management " dalam pengelolaan wila¬yah Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah. "etode Pendekatan adalah Turidis Sociologis Delia Itenyitaan• menunjukan m•3sih adanya konflik dari berbagai kepentingan dalam pemanfaatan sumber days slam wila¬yah pantai jaws tengah, yang didasar•an pads kepentiftgan ms-,- sing+MIstnk instansi yang terkait dalam pemgelolann wilayah pantai. Masalah-masalah tersebut timbul sebagai akibat dari : 1.Program dan proyek pengembangan sumber days wilayah pantai dan laut pantaidai dasnrkan pada pendektan secnra sektoral 2. Ego sektoral Kerjasama antar Peme-intah Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah dengan instansi terkait, didasarkan :Oda ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut : 1.UUD 1945 pasal 18 2.UU no 5 tahun 1974 tenting Pokok-Pokok Pemerintahan di Daerah 3.17U no 14 tahun 1992 tentang Tata Huang 4.Peraturan Daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Jawn Tengah no 2 th 1994 tentang Pala Dasar Pembanganan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jaws Tengah tahun 1994/1995-1998/1999 5.Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Penge1olnan Lingkungan Hidup del Pembangunan Berkelanjutan tahun 1994 tentang Kebijnkandon Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup nalam Pem - bangunan Jongka Panjang kedua (1994/1995-2019/2020 )