29 research outputs found


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    Climatology Station Class I PulauBaai Bengkulu under the auspices of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics which produce so many daily weather data are not computerized well. By this author wants to help the staff to facilitate the observation of the results of the data contained in Baai Island Climatology Station Bengkulu. Based on these reasons make the authors develop a design data applications FKlim-71 computerized to help resolve some of the problems that often occur. In making this application there are some required data is data such as temperature, rainfall data, the data of solar radiation, a special weather event data, the air pressure data, the data humidity, and wind data.Application design is intended for Climatology Station Class I Baai Island Bengkulu because there making this application done. This application uses Microsoft Visual Basic programming language and MySQL as the database.The test proved that the application program database applications Fklim-71 can facilitate the performance of observer Climatology Station Class I PulauBaai Bengkulu

    Pengembangan Model Arsitektur Enterprise Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Eap Pada Perguruan Tinggi (Studi Kasus Di Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu)

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    The college is an enterprise engaged in the field of education. In the current era to support the major activities in universities is needed the support of information systems. Failures in the implementation of information systems in a college is often caused because no planning. Planning information system in ordinary universities embodied in the blueprint. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a process of defining the architecture for the use of information in order to support the business and planning to implement the architecture. EAP can be used to create a technology blueprint in an enterprise

    Penerapan Metode Weighted Product (WP) Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik Pada PT. Agrodehasen Bengkulu

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    PT. Agrodehasen Bengkulu, one of the universities engaged in agriculture, to increase the resources of its employees in improving the quality of work is of course supported and influenced by the performance of employees who are competent in their fields. Where at PT. Agrodehasen Bengkulu in giving awards to the best employees every year so far it is still done manually, this certainly can increase employee morale at work and always run a business by fulfilling several criteria set by PT Agrodehasen. In this decision support system it can help calculate all the criteria in which this system uses a Weighted Product (WP) method. This method is a simple method with multiplication to link attribute ratings, where each attribute rating must be raised to the power of the attribute in question. there are four criteria, namely attendance, cooperation, quantity of work and responsibility where each employee will have these criteria. In this case, to determine the best employee is done by adding up the weight of the performance rating on each alternative for all attribute

    Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran Pada Laboratorium Komputer Berbasis Local Area Network Di Smk Negeri 4 Kabupaten Kaur

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    Perkembangan T eknologi I nformasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan manusia sekarang. Banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan mengikutsertakan kemajuan teknologi itu sendiri. Sama halnya pada teknologi jaringan komputer yang terus bergerak maju seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Jaringan komputer saat ini merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam sebuah perusahaan atau lembaga pendidikan, dengan adanya jaringan komputer kegiatan komunikasi yang dilakukan menjadi lebih mudah, efektif, hemat waktu dan masih banyak lagi keuntungan lain yang dapat dengan adanya jaringan komputer, agar semua kegiatan yang dilakukan melalui jaringan komputer selalu berjalan dengan lancar tanpa gangguan, jaringan tersebut harus senantiasa dipantau atau dimonitor. Kata Kunci: Netsuppor School, LAN, Monitoring, Remote Desktop, Interne

    Implementasi Metode Algoritma K-Means Clustering pada Toko Eidelweis

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    Abstract - In making the application, the implementation of the K-Means Clustering Algorithm method at the Eidelweis Store will be designed for this study to design software at the Eidelweis Store. The method used in making this application is a system development method starting from problem determination, actual system analysis. , new system analysis, system design, system implementation, and system testing. In the implementation of the K-means Clustering algorithm method on the Eidelweis Store, the login menu, input menu, output menu and report menu, and main menu. In the main menu, there is a system that is connected to the next menu in the process to view reports about sales on taking Eideleweis easy to operate The results of the implementation process of the K-means Clustering algorithm method at Eidelweis Stores have been applied to the K-means Clustering method. The application of the K-means Clustering algorithm method in Eidelweis Stores is made using Visual Basic Net programming language with the SQL Server database.Keywords: K-means Clustering Algorithm Method, Visual Basic Net. Abstrak - Dalam Pembuatan Aplikasi Implementasi Metode Algoritma K-Means Clustering pada Toko Eidelweis akan dirancang  tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat perancangan perangkat lunak software pada Toko Eidelweis, Metode yang gunakan pada pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah metode pengembangan sistem yang dimulai dari penentuan masalah, analisi sistem aktual, analisis sistem baru, perancangan sistem, implementasi system dan uji coba sistem. Dalam implementasi metode algoritma K-means Clustering pada Toko Eidelweis menu login, menu input, menu output dan menu laporan, menu utama. Pada menu utama terdapat sistem yang menghubungkan ke menu – menu selanjutnya dalam proses untuk melihat laporan tentang penjualan pada took Eideleweis mudah untuk dioperasikan. Hasil  proses implementasi metode algoritma K-means Clustering pada Toko Eidelweis telah diterapkan metode K-means Clustering, Aplikasi implementasi metode algoritma K-means Clustering pada Toko Eidelweis dibuat dengan Bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic Net dengan database SQL Server.Kata Kunci : Metode Algoritma K-means Clustering, Visual Basic Net

    Decision Support System Metode K-Means Clustering Dalam Memprediksi Tingkat Penjualan Pada Store Ryan Mart

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    Ryan Mart store is one of the stores located in the god's fence that sells grocery, drinks, food, perfume, and electric tools. Where the Ryan Mart store is currently going to make an application in predicting the level of sales where management of the inventory of goods in the Riyan Mart store, all this time is still felt manually, that is, if the inventory runs out, then orders will be made to the supplier of goods in the city of Bengkulu. . In sales, there needs to be an effectiveness in predicting the level of sales of goods at the Riyan Mart store, an application is needed that can help provide the level of daily sales at the Bengkulu City store Riyan Mart, from applications designed using the K-Means Clustering method it will be known what items should be improved in future sales of goods. The K-Means Clustering method can help predict the level of sales at the Ryan Mart store. days, and then the data will be grouped based on 3 (three) clusters, namely Cluster I (Most Interested Items), Cluster II (Items That Are Least Interested), Cluster III (Items Not Interested). In the implementation of the K-Means Clustering algorithm, it is done by grouping data based on sales of goods, where before grouping the data, it will be added automatically to get the results of the number of sales of each item in the next period, which is 1 year. To assist in the implementation of the K-Means Clustering algorithm, a Visual Basic .Net application was created with the SQL Server 2010 data base


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    Abstrack - Information and communication technology has developed rapidly, giving a great influence to human life. The development of network and internet technology allows everyone to exchange data, information, or messages to others without limitation of distance and time. Security and confidentiality are important aspects needed in the process of exchanging messages / information. The author uses steganography with the Bit Matching method that will hide information in the form of text into other digital image media. After being analyzed and implemented using the Visual Basic 2010 programming language, it was found that the text that was inserted into the image still looked normal so that it did not raise suspicion for those who saw it. The size of the capacity of a digital image affects how many characters a text message can be hidden. The greater the number of text message characters that will be hidden, the greater the size of the digital image. It is expected that this application of steganography can be useful in the fields of education and science especially in concealing text messages and can be continued for future research. Keywords - Digital Image, Bit Matching, Visual Basic 201

    Rancang Bangun Monitoring Jaringan Dengan Metode Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

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    Salah satu permasalahan jaringan yang ada ketika ada gangguan perangkat jaringan, perangkat jaringan yang terputus koneksi menemukan status perangkat yang terputus memerlukan waktu. Jadi ada rentang waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam melihat status koneksi perangkat yang bermasalah tersebut. Metode penelitian yaitu incremental model yang dilakukan adalah requirement analisis penentuan kebutuhan, specification proses spesifikasi dari analisis kebutuhan, architecture design perancangan aplikasi agar sesuai kebutuhan, code melakukan design dengan menuliskan kode program, test pengujian aplikasi yang dibuat. Aplikasi ini menerapkan fungsi tool Packet Internet Gropher (Ping) untuk untuk memeriksa aktifitas jaringan berbasis teknologi Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Aplikasi ini juga terintegrasi ke database MySQL. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini aplikasi yang dibuat dengan Bahasa pemrograman php dapat memantau koneksi setiap perangkat jaringan dan mengirimkan log ke email admin yang menerapkan protokol Simple Mail Transfer Protocol dan memberikan kemudahkan pencarian posisi perangkat yang mengalami gangguan untuk ditindak lanjut perbaikan

    Implementasi Metode Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Untuk Seleksi Penerimaan Beasiswa Pada SMA Negeri 4 Bengkulu Tengah

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    Abstract_Bengkulu Middle 4 State Senior High School is the only senior high school in Pagar Jati District, Central Bengkulu Regency. Selection of scholarships at SMA Negeri 4 Bengkulu Tengah is still done manually to select scholarship recipients and this results in errors and often inaccurate selection of scholarships. The Additive Ratio Assessment Method (ARAS) implementation application for selecting scholarship recipients at the Bengkulu Tengah 4 State Senior High School was created to assist teachers in making decisions easier in selecting the right scholarship recipients and assisting in the correct data collection. Processing in terms of data storage. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, functionally the application of the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Implementation Method for selecting scholarship recipients at Senior High School 4 Bengkulu Tengah is going well as expected. &nbsp

    Design and Build a Network Monitoring System at State Vocational High School 4 Bengkulu City

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    Internet network is a primary need in the educational environment, especially in SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City. SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City already has an internet network using the Telkom Indihome provider with a bandwidth of 30 Mbps. So far, the use of the internet is still done freely, where every user can access and connect to the internet at school. The increasing needs of internet users and the need for installed network devices result in an increased risk of damage and disruption to the internet network which causes network troubleshooting to become slower due to the absence of a system that helps to monitor and provide reports to the IT section of SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City when problems occur on the network. The network monitoring system at SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City is used to assist network operators in supervising and managing computer networks in schools. The process of monitoring the computer network is carried out within the scope of SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City. This study uses Zabbix as a network monitoring application that runs on the Linux Ubuntu operating system and can be accessed via a web browser. Based on the tests conducted at SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City, it can be concluded that the process of securing the network system can be carried out properly as expected