17 research outputs found

    Fenomenologia ja tiedon luominen työyhteisöissä

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    FM Anna Suorsan väitöskirja "Vuorovaikutus tiedon luomisessa. Fenomenologinen tutkimus tietojohtamisen alalla" (Interaction for knowledge creation. A phenomenological study in Knowledge Management) tarkastettiin 31.3.2017 Oulun yliopiston humanistisessa tiedekunnassa. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori John M. Budd (University of Missouri, USA) ja kustoksena professori Maija-Leena Huotari (Oulun yliopisto). Väitöskirja on julkaistu sarjassa Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. B, Humaniora ja se on luettavissa myös Oulun yliopiston Jultika-julkaisuarkistossa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789566215235

    Interaction for knowledge creation:a phenomenological study in Knowledge Management

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    Abstract The aim of this thesis is to present a theoretically consistent conceptualization of knowledge creation as an interactive event and to test this in a working community in a methodologically coherent manner. This thesis examines the key problems in the body of research of knowledge creation in the field of Knowledge Management, which is attached to the idea of knowledge as an asset inside a human mind, but simultaneously promotes a view of interaction, based on hermeneutic understanding. The study proposes an alternative way to conceptualize and examine knowledge creation, based on hermeneutic phenomenology of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger. The foci are on the conceptions of a human being and interaction as play. On the basis of the research literature, a framework for examining knowledge creation was developed. The framework was empirically tested in a multi-organizational and multi-professional working community of librarians and teachers, participating in The Joy of Reading Program in Finland. Along with the research literature, the triangulated data consist of ethnographic observations and video recordings of the community’s gatherings, its members’ interviews and produced documents. The data were analyzed through a qualitative approach. The results show that the phenomenological conceptions of temporality of a human being and play are suitable for understanding being in the knowledge-creating interaction, as they give means to understand the meaningfulness of past experiences, but promote an open attitude towards future possibilities in a way which promotes knowledge creation. Studying interactive events allows for an understanding of how the phenomenon of knowledge creation can be examined as a collective accomplishment. The importance of flexible circumstances is emphasized to promote interaction. The playful mode of being in the event, meaning seriousness and the tendency to be present in the event, was seen as a way to use the time available effectively. The results may be utilized to develop organizational circumstances, which promote knowledge creation by acknowledging the meaningfulness of interaction. In the future, theoretical sampling will be used for testing and developing the framework further in a Finnish Academy’s Strategic Research Council’s consortium BCDC Energy aiming at developing a cloud computing based market place on renewable energy markets.Tiivistelmä Tutkimus esittää teoreettisesti yhtenäisen käsitteellistyksen tiedon luomisesta vuorovaikutteisena tapahtumana. Tätä käsitteellistykseen perustuvaa viitekehystä testataan empiirisesti tarkastelemalla tiedon luomisen edellytyksiä ja uuden tiedon luomisen mahdollistavaa vuorovaikutusta moniammatillisessa työyhteisössä. Tiedon luomisen tutkimus on perinteisesti kiinnittynyt ajatukseen tiedosta mielen sisäisenä varantona. Samanaikaisesti tiedon luomisen tutkimuksessa korostetaan vuorovaikutusta, joka on usein käsitetty varsin hermeneuttisena tapahtumana. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan näiden kahden lähtökohdan yhdistämisestä muodostuneita ongelmia tietojohtamisen alalla. Tutkimus esittää vaihtoehtoisen, Martin Heideggerin ja Hans-Georg Gadamerin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuvan tavan käsittää ja tutkia tiedon luomista siten, että hermeneuttinen käsitys vuorovaikutuksesta ei ole ristiriidassa tiedon käsitteen kanssa. Tutkimuksen keskeisinä tarkastelun kohteina ovat fenomenologinen ihmiskäsitys ja ajatus vuorovaikutuksesta leikkinä. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin hermeneuttisen fenomenologian suhdetta tiedon luomisen nykytutkimukseen ja kehitettiin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuen viitekehys tiedon luomisen empiiristä tutkimusta varten. Viitekehystä testattiin empiirisesti valtakunnalliseen Lukuinto-ohjelmaan osallistuneessa, kirjaston työntekijöiden ja opettajien muodostamassa, moni-ammatillisessa työyhteisössä. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi tutkimuksen aineisto koostui etnografisesta havainnointiaineistosta, työyhteisön kokousten videoinneista, yhteisön jäsenten haastatteluista ja heidän tuottamistaan dokumenteista. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella otteella tarkastelemalla sekä työyhteisössä käytyjä keskusteluja että työyhteisön jäsenten kokemuksia tiedon luomisesta Lukuinto-ohjelmassa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että fenomenologinen käsitteellistys olemisen ajallisesta luonteesta ja leikistä avoimena yhdessä olemisen tilana soveltuvat hyvin tietoa luovan vuorovaikutuksen ymmärtämiseen, sillä käsitteellistys huomioi menneiden kokemusten merkityksen uuden tiedon luomisessa, mutta painottaa myös avoimen tulevan ja sen mahdollisuuksien ymmärtämisen merkitystä tavalla, joka edistää uuden luomista. Vuorovaikutustapahtumien tutkiminen mahdollistaa tiedon luomisen ymmärtämisen jaettuna, yhteisenä tapahtumana ja kokemuksena. Joustavien olosuhteiden merkitys tiedon luomisessa korostuu. Leikinomainen vuorovaikutuksessa oleminen, kuten tilanteen vakavasti ottaminen ja läsnäolo, nähtiin tutkimuksessa tapana käyttää aika tehokkaasti. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää organisaatioissa sellaisten olosuhteiden kehittämiseen, jotka huomioivat vuorovaikutuksen merkityksellisyyden tiedon luomisessa. Jatkossa tässä väitöskirjassa esiteltyä lähestymistapaa ja viitekehystä tullaan edelleen kehittämään ja testaamaan teoreettisen otannan avulla Suomen Akatemian Strategisen Tutkimuksen Neuvoston rahoittamassa BCDC Energia -konsortiossa.Huomautus/Notice Painetussa virheelliset ISBN -tunnukset: ISBN (print) 978-956-62-1522-8 pitäisi olla 978-952-62-1522-8. ISBN (PDF) 978-956-62-1523-5 pitäisi olla 978-952-62-1523-5. Printed version has incorrect ISBNs: ISBN (print) 978-956-62-1522-8 it should be 978-952-62-1522-8. ISBN (PDF) 978-956-62-1523-5 it should be 978-952-62-1523-5

    Conceptual development in face-to-face interaction: creating knowledge in a co-creation workshop

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    Abstract Introduction: In this study, conceptual development and interactive practices related to it in face-to-face discussions of a working community to find out, how new knowledge on an issue important for the working community is created in organizational settings. Method: Ethnographic approach is used to examine the process of knowledge creation. Videotaped face-to-face discussions are analysed in a detail to analyse the conceptual development and interactive practices related to it. Analysis: Face-to-face discussions are analysed in the light of conversation analysis and the relevance of the discussions in the longer knowledge creation process is analysed by using ethnographic knowledge of the work in the community. Results: The results indicate, that the new conceptual combinations, extensions and reframings were used frequently especially to build bridges between people coming from different backgrounds. In addition, their use allowed the participants to develop ideas concerning new technological solutions. Conclusions: Examining dialogues is essential in understanding knowledge processes in organizations. However, it is concluded, that longer phases of discussions and other knowledge processes in organizations should be included in the analysis, to be able to understand the relevance of the face-to-face discussions

    Materiality and embodiment in collaborative knowledge processes:knowledge creation for a virtual power plant

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    Abstract Introduction: The study introduces a theoretical framework for examining knowledge creation and results of an empirical examination, based on hermeneutic phenomenological approach, emphasising the dialogical, embodied nature of human beings, who act and interact in their material environment. Method: Ethnographic approach, focusing especially on the interactive events, is used to examine the process of knowledge creation in a multi-disciplinary research community, developing scientific knowledge for a virtual power plant. Analysis. Video materials, observational data, field diary and documents were analysed in different stages, focusing on the content of the discussions, modality of interaction and the phenomena of knowledge use, sharing and creation in the process. Results: The analysis of the videotaped discussions in relation with the data from the longer knowledge creation process of a virtual power plant suggests that to create interdisciplinary knowledge, there has to be means and tools to move flexibly from ideation and verbal discussions to more detailed means of sharing, using and creating scientific knowledge. Conclusions: Examining knowledge creation as a dialogical, hermeneutic process enables us to see, how the problems faced can be understood and solved by acknowledging the embodied nature of the human beings, their limits and possibilities

    Knowledge-creating interaction and information literacy in organizations:an empirical study in the context of research and development project

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    Abstract The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of Information Literacy (IL) in relation to knowledge creation in organizational settings. IL is understood as a practice realized in the course of action, emphasizing the social and interactive aspects of the phenomenon. There is a need to increase understanding of the role of IL in knowledge processes and develop methods for empirical examination. We suggest an approach for examining IL in knowledge creation and present results of a qualitative study on interaction in a multidisciplinary research consortium. The findings suggest that knowledge creation relates to the abilities of using various sources of information and understanding the relevance of the suggested information in the discussions. The outcomes can be used in developing the methods of examining IL and in enhancing abilities to create new knowledge and collaborate in organizations

    Information literacy, work, and knowledge creation:a hermeneutic phenomenological point of view

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    Abstract This theoretical article examines the conceptual premises of the research and practice of information literacy (IL) in the workplace in relation to research on knowledge creation in the field of knowledge management. As with education more generally, IL should prepare students for life after formal schooling ends. How can we make the leap, though, from IL in the educational context to successful participation in an information-rich work environment? A hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of IL and knowledge creation presents IL as a way of being able to sense, live, and be in the world with an open and dialogic attitude. This approach might offer some clues that bridge IL in the two environments while extending IL practices in the Association of College and Research Libraries “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.” As such, the study builds on the understanding of IL and knowledge creation as situated, experiential, and collective phenomena

    Conceptualising multidisciplinary interaction by Gadamerian play for creating transdisciplinary knowledge

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    Abstract Introduction: The study aims at increasing understanding of knowledge creation in a multidisciplinary working community. The theoretical framework, based on H.G. Gadamer’s conceptualisation of play along with its three dimensions, may allow examination of a knowledge creation process when setting up a novel terminology on clean energy research. Method: The study is explorative and has features of auto-ethnography. Qualitative data consist of documents, videos, emails and notes. The empirical environment is a research and development consortium involving five disciplines. Analysis. The data are content analysed by applying the three dimensions of the Gadamerian play concept, namely, temporality, structure, and mode of being in play. Results: The framework was applicable to outline the process, which consisted of four phases. Of these, the third one focused on the interactive workshops for defining the final terms of the terminology. Three stages of this phase were identified, namely, Pre-clean energy research play, Semi-clean energy research play, and Deep-clean energy research play. These stages proceeded from multidisciplinary through interdisciplinary towards cross-disciplinary definition of the terms. Conclusion: The Gadamerian concept of play along with its dimensions is promising to examine knowledge creation in organisational settings. Future research may focus on a more comprehensive analysis of the data already collected in the study’s R&D environment