187 research outputs found

    Notes on Emerging Technologies

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    This dissertation considers the impact of technology foresight in innovation within the context of a technology driven development. The main hypothesis made was that by using different methods of foresight in the industry level significant value could be created. The question was approached through a case study in portable fuel cell technology. The theoretical background of the study draws from Innovation, Product Development, Management of Technology, and Technology Foresight. The connection within the topics is made by analyzing foresight, not in a policy view as often done in Europe, but in a micro-level. Focusing mostly on how a technology driven development scenario could be analyzed. The study is based on a bibliometric, extrapolation and patent analysis within the context of a case study. In addition, a large two-year Delphi study was conducted. The study was finalized with a scenario work on the future possibilities of the case study technology. Original publications also consider several methodological issues. In the context of the case study, the study questions the practicality of establishing a portable fuel cell technology in Finland showing several impractical assumptions has been made. In a more conceptual level, the study makes notions on two underlying factors: policy-push technologies and growth of data. Policy-push questions in which level a policy effort towards a single technology is practical. The European foresight effort is more directed towards policy decisions in contrast to US foresight, which is to some extent corporate driven. Although the policy-based foresight has produced significant results in the European context, policy led efforts towards a single technology are challenging. Growth of data argues on the challenges produced by the large-scale application of quantitative measures of foresight. Bibliometric studies and trend extrapolations have been taken advantage of the increasing number of databases made available, and used these as the basis for forecasts. However, the relationship with actual development and quantitative evidence is still unproven.Siirretty Doriast

    Research themes in big data analytics for policymaking:Insights from a mixed-methods systematic literature review

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    The use of big data and data analytics are slowly emerging in public policy-making, and there are calls for systematic reviews and research agendas focusing on the impacts that big data and analytics have on policy processes. This paper examines the nascent field of big data and data analytics in public policy by reviewing the literature with bibliometric and qualitative analyses. The study encompassed scientific publications gathered from SCOPUS (N = 538). Nine bibliographically coupled clusters were identified, with the three largest clusters being big data's impact on the policy cycle, data-based decision-making, and productivity. Through the qualitative coding of the literature, our study highlights the core of the discussions and proposes a research agenda for further studies.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Young mobile users: Radical and individual – Not

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    The use of mobile phones by youth has stirred a plethora of research in different fields. Literature has analyzed in length the changes and adoption patterns related to the evolving telecommunications industry. This body of knowledge often makes assumptions on the changes in consumer profiles and the value of different features. In this study we take an longitudinal approach by analysing the results of 1&nbsp;928 responses to an online questionnaire conducted in Finland to students of a university in the Spring 2012 and on against the reanalysis of the responses of the Finnish students of upper secondary schools in the Spring 2001 and study on undergraduate students in 2006&ndash;2007. The results indicate that the youth and young adults of Finland, often argued to be an advanced country for mobile services, are surprisingly conservative towards new mobile devices and services. The changes in technology and service offering in a decade, has had a limited impact in attitudes and feature valuation, which sets significant implications to increasing adoption and usage.</span

    Sources of value in application ecosystems

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    Mobile application stores have revolutionised the dynamics of mobile ecosystems. Research onmobile application ecosystems has been significantly driven by data that is focused on the visualisation of an ecosystem's dynamics. This is a valuable step towards understanding the nature of the ecosystems, but it is limited in its explanatory power. Thus, a theory-driven approach is needed to understand the overall dynamics of such systems. This study applies a theoretical framework of value creation in e-business in the context of mobile application ecosystems, with a focus on application developers. A qualitative research strategy is employed in testing operationalisationina sample of developers. The sample comprises 27 application developers from the three leading mobile application ecosystems. The results show that efficiency is the main source of value, products seldom create value through complementarities, and approaches towards lock-in and novelty seem to vary among application developers. The managerial and theoretical implications of such biased value creation in mobile ecosystems are considered. </div

    Mapping the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in science, technology and innovation : application of machine learning in SDG-oriented artefact detection

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    The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all by defining priorities and aspirations for 2030. This paper attempts to expand on the United Nations SDGs definition by leveraging the interrelationship between science and technology. We utilize SDG classification of scientific publications to compile a machine learning (ML) model to classify the SDG relevancy in patent documents, used as a proxy of technology development. The ML model was used to classify a sample of patent families registered in the European Patent Office (EPO). The analysis revealed the extent to which SDGs were addressed in patents. We also performed a case study to identify the offered extension of ML model detection regarding the SDG orientation of patents. In response to global goals and sustainable development initiatives, the findings can advance the identification challenges of science and technology artefacts. Furthermore, we offer input towards the alignment of R&D efforts and patenting strategies as well as measurement and management of their contribution to the realization of SDGs.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Morphological Analysis of technologies using multidimensional scaling

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    This study focuses on the application of Morphological Analysis to making technology analyses. In this study, Morphological Analysis is used as a framework for applying expert opinion, bibliometrics, text mining and multidimensional scaling to problem- structuring. We describe the method used as well as its application and apply it to a case of portable fuel cell technology. The results demonstrate the practicality of using Morphological Analysis in structuring complex problems and offer an example of its application in assessing the status of a technology.<br

    Uncovering value through exploration of barriers - A perspective on intellectual property rights in a national innovation system

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    Although for a long time policy has emphasized the role of intellectual property rights as a growth agent facilitating innovation, the literature has called into question this relationship. Critical studies have focused on studying policy frames and protection modes that could transform the intellectual property rights system to be more beneficial. Studies have not, however, focused on the intellectual property rights system stakeholders in cocreating the system. Our study contributes to the literature by uncovering the tensions in developing a national-level intellectual property rights strategy. Using the Delphi method, we draw from a broad stakeholder dialogue to show the barriers for intellectual property rights system development. Our results highlight that the development of intellectual property rights system is challenged by a lack of inclusiveness, matching capabilities, and high levels of disagreement among the stakeholders on development paths.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    A Bibliographical Study of Software Product Management Research

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    Software Product Management (SPM) is a relatively young research area which aims to understand how to productise a software product or a service as well as how to align it with the organisation's strategy. While the research of an academic discipline of SPM started to emerge as yearly as 1990s, the most impactful works have been published during 2006–2007. To understand how this young field has emerged and developed, this paper presents a bibliometric study on SPM publications found from Scopus ( n=142 ). The identified studies have been produced by a small set of authors and institutions, which are mainly located in Europe. By using Bibliographic Coupling and Co-Citation metrics, the study shows that Software Product Management literature is drawing from several different related fields. Furthermore, the studied literature is tightly interconnected. The study also shows that the SPM field might be lacking a coherent intellectual background and new openings due to scattered research foci. To prevent this development, this work calls for a formation of a shared research agenda for the Software Product Management field.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe
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