22 research outputs found

    Inter-market Variability of Smallholder Beef Cattle Farming in East Java Indonesia

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    Indonesia has failed to achieve meat self-sufficiency; meanwhile, East Java is among the centers of beef cattle with a relatively high contribution in terms of GDP and employment. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the market structure of the beef cattle commodity chain by considering the concentration ratio, Gini Index, as well as barriers to exit and entry. The study was conducted in Malang Regency and Sapudi Island, with 164 respondents, which consisted of calf suppliers, farmers, traders, and slaughterhouses. Furthermore, the analytical tools used include descriptive, concentration ratio, Gini Coefficient, and analysis of barriers to entry and exit. Based on the results, the market structures in the beef cattle commodity chain in terms of its input market was perfect competition, while the intermediate and output market was oligopoly. These results were confirmed by the concentration ratios of calf suppliers and farmers, which were lower than the ratios of traders and slaughterhouses. Although the market structures were different, their Gini Coefficients are almost similar because a value of 0.2 showed an equitable distribution. Additionally, the barriers to entry into the market were high investment with a large number of import and market problems. Meanwhile, the barriers to exit the market were a large number of potential demands, high investment, and a source of income


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    Pamekasan Regency is the center for Madura cattle development in East Java. The basic problem faced by farmers is that they are not free to sell livestock and their bargaining position is weak in determining prices. The purpose of this study was to analysis the structure, conduct and performance of beef cattle fattening business in Bicorong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. The sample of this study consisted of 42 farmers and 13 respondents from marketing institutions using snowball sampling. The data analysis method used the SCP approach. The results show that the market structure in marketing beef cattle in Bicorong Village leads to an oligopoly competitive market with moderate concentration. The market conduct shows the price of beef cattle is determined by trader. For performance, it’s efficient because there is only one marketing agency involved and the share received by farmers is quite large, namely ≥ 60  percent


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    UKM Rubath Coffee is one of the SMEs in East Java that sells processed coffee as a beverage product and was established in 2017. The large number of SMEs with similar products makes it a fierce competition between entrepreneurs. In that case, SMEs are required to develop their businesses. The purpose of this study is to analyze internal and external factors and formulate alternative strategies in developing Rubath Coffee SMEs. The study was conducted using the SWOT analysis method (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). The factor that influences business development is in quadrant III (Turn Around) which is a position to change strategy. This position has a combination of weakness (W) and opportunity (O). It is expected to develop a business based on the quadrant of the position of SMEs to be located, so that SMEs immediately rise to overcome weaknesses while improving organizational performance by taking appropriate use of opportunities. The recommended strategies are Improving Business Management, Adding Distribution Channels in Potential Areas and Training and Developing Human Resources.UKM Rubath Coffee merupakan salah satu UKM di Jawa Timur yang menjual kopi olahan sebagai produk minuman dan berdiri sejak tahun 2017. Banyaknya UKM dengan produk serupa menjadikan sebuah persaingan ketat antar pengusaha. Dalam hal itu UKM dituntut untuk mengembangkan usahanya. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal serta merumuskan strategi alternatif dalam mengembangkan UKM Rubath Coffee. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). Faktor yang menjadi pengaruh pengembangan usaha berada pada kuadran III (Turn Around) yang merupakan posisi mengubah strategi. Posisi ini memiliki kombinasi antara kelemahan (W) dan peluang (O). Diharapkan menumbuhkembangkan usaha berdasarkan kuadran posisi UKM berada, agar UKM segera bangkit mengatasi kelemahan sekaligus memperbaiki kinerja organisasi dengan memanfaatkan peluang dengan tepat. Strategi yang disarankan yaituMemperbaiki Manajemen Usaha, Menambah Saluran Distribusi di Daerah Potensial serta Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM

    Buku Perkuatan

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    Ekonomi Mikro

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    Manual Prosedur Sistem Informasi Sapi Perah

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    seminter IPB 13

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    Model Penguatan Rantai Komoditas Industri Sapi

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    Empowerment Model of Removed Society Caused by Conctruction of Nipah Dam Development Through Partnership Program in Sampang-Madura, Indonesia

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    It is important to conduct a research on Empowerment Model of Removed Society Caused by Nipah Dam Development through partnership program in Sampang-Madura, since this dam uses around 357.073 ha spread into 7 villages. It causes many people must be removed from their houses and they have no land anymore. The condition of society is in poor condition, refers to low education (only in third class in Elementary school) and low income. From this phenomenon, it is important to find a good solution in society empowerment program. This research was conducted for three years from 2006 – 2008. There are many methods in this research. Implementation and review of empowerment model used method of participatory action research. Further, to come out with participatory partnership model, researcher used participatory rural appraisal by conducting focus group discussion. Then, the researcher tabulate, analyze and interpret the data. Results of a three-year-research are model of community empowerment around Nipah Dam, concept of partnership network and model of development small and medium enterprise and cooperative. Summaries of the research are: (a) Empowerment model needs Local human resources skill (b) Effective empowerment model needs good coordination of all parties, has certain purpose and continous socialization, capable assistances and facilitators, and also a clear program in order it is easily understood, (c) partnership network needs coordination between goverment, university, NGOs and stakeholder Recommendations of the research are : (a) it is needed the availability of partnership network from distric, sub distric and village level, (b) it is needed a clearly role sharing between goverment, univesity, NGOs and stakeholder (c) it is needed the improvement local product competitiveness