102 research outputs found

    Deriving asteroid mineralogies from reflectance spectra: Implications for the MUSES-C target asteroid

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    In an effort to both bolster the spectral database on ordinary chondrites and constrain our ability to deconvolve modal, mineral chemistry and bulk chemical composition information from ordinary chondrites, we have initiated a spectral study of samples with known bulk compositions from the Smithsonian Institution\u27s Analyzed Meteorite Powder collection. In this paper, we focus on deriving a better formula for determining asteroid mineralogies from reflectance spectra. The MUSES-C mission to asteroid 25143 1998 SF36 will allow any derived mineralogies to be tested with a returned sample

    From minerals to rocks: Toward modeling lithologies with remote sensing

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    High spectral resolution imaging spectroscopy will play an important role in future planetary missions. Sophisticated approaches will be needed to unravel subtle, super-imposed spectral features typically of natural systems, and to maximize the science return of these instruments. Carefully controlled laboratory investigations using homogeneous mineral separates have demonstrated that variations due to solid solution, changes in modal abundances, and the effects of particle size are well understood from a physical basis. In many cases, these variations can be modeled quantitatively using photometric models, mixing approaches, and deconvolution procedures. However, relative to the spectra of individual mineral components, reflectance spectra of rocks and natural surfaces exhibit a reduced spectral contrast. In addition, soils or regolith, which are likely to dominate any natural planetary surface, exhibit spectral properties that have some similarities to the parent materials, but due to weathering and alteration, differences remain that cannot yet be fully recreated in the laboratory or through mixture modeling. A significant challenge is therefore to integrate modeling approaches to derive both lithologic determinations and include the effects of alteration. We are currently conducting laboratory investigations in lithologic modeling to expand upon the basic results of previous analyses with our initial goal to more closely match physical state of natural systems. The effects of alteration are to be considered separately

    Water Ice and Dust in the Innermost Coma of Comet 103P/Hartley 2

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    On November 4th, 2010, the Deep Impact eXtended Investigation (DIXI) successfully encountered comet 103P/Hartley 2, when it was at a heliocentric distance of 1.06 AU. Spatially resolved near-IR spectra of comet Hartley 2 were acquired in the 1.05-4.83 micron wavelength range using the HRI-IR spectrometer. We present spectral maps of the inner ~10 kilometers of the coma collected 7 minutes and 23 minutes after closest approach. The extracted reflectance spectra include well-defined absorption bands near 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 micron consistent in position, bandwidth, and shape with the presence of water ice grains. Using Hapke's radiative transfer model, we characterize the type of mixing (areal vs. intimate), relative abundance, grain size, and spatial distribution of water ice and refractories. Our modeling suggests that the dust, which dominates the innermost coma of Hartley 2 and is at a temperature of 300K, is thermally and physically decoupled from the fine-grained water ice particles, which are on the order of 1 micron in size. The strong correlation between the water ice, dust, and CO2 spatial distribution supports the concept that CO2 gas drags the water ice and dust grains from the nucleus. Once in the coma, the water ice begins subliming while the dust is in a constant outflow. The derived water ice scale-length is compatible with the lifetimes expected for 1-micron pure water ice grains at 1 AU, if velocities are near 0.5 m/s. Such velocities, about three order of magnitudes lower than the expansion velocities expected for isolated 1-micron water ice particles [Hanner, 1981; Whipple, 1951], suggest that the observed water ice grains are likely aggregates.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Uncorrelated Volatile Behavior during the 2011 Apparition of Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd

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    The High Resolution Instrument Infrared Spectrometer (HRI-IR) on board the Deep Impact Flyby spacecraft detected H2O, CO2, and CO in the coma of the dynamically young Oort Cloud comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) post-perihelion at a heliocentric distance of 2 AU. Production rates were derived for the parent volatiles, Q_(H2O) = 4.6 ± 0.8 × 10^(28), Q_(CO2) = 3.9 ± 0.7 × 10^(27), and Q_(CO) = 2.9 ± 0.8 × 10^(28) molecules s^(–1), and are consistent with the trends seen by other observers and within the error bars of measurements acquired during a similar time period. When compiled with other observations of Garradd's dominant volatiles, unexpected behavior was seen in the release of CO. Garradd's H_2O outgassing, increasing and peaking pre-perihelion and then steadily decreasing, is more typical than that of CO, which monotonically increased throughout the entire apparition. Due to the temporal asymmetry in volatile release, Garradd exhibited the highest CO to H_2O abundance ratio ever observed for any comet inside the water snow line at ~60% during the HRI-IR observations. Also, the HRI-IR made the only direct measurement of CO_2, giving a typical cometary abundance ratio of CO_2 to H_2O of 8% but, with only one measurement, no sense of how it varied with orbital position

    Preliminary Results on HAT-P-4, TrES-3, XO-2, and GJ 436 from the NASA EPOXI Mission

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    EPOXI (EPOCh + DIXI) is a NASA Discovery Program Mission of Opportunity using the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft. The EPOCh (Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization) Science Investigation will gather photometric time series of known transiting exoplanet systems from January through August 2008. Here we describe the steps in the photometric extraction of the time series and present preliminary results of the first four EPOCh targets.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 253rd IAU Symposium: "Transiting Planets", May 2008, Cambridge, M

    The Complex Spin State of 103P-Hartley 2: Kinematics and Orientation in Space

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    We derive the spin state of the nucleus of Comet 103P/Hartley 2, its orientation in space, and its short-term temporal evolution from a mixture of observations taken from the DIXI (Deep Impact Extended Investigation) spacecraft and radar observations. The nucleus is found to spin in an excited long-axis mode (LAM) with its rotational angular momentum per unit mass, M, and rotational energy per unit mass, E, slowly decreasing while the degree of excitation in the spin increases through perihelion passage. M is directed toward (RA, Dec; J2000) = 8+/-+/- 4 deg., 54 +/- 1 deg. (obliquity = 48 +/- 1 deg.). This direction is likely changing, but the change is probably <6 deg. on the sky over the approx. 81.6 days of the DIXI encounter. The magnitudes of M and E at closest approach (JD 2455505.0831866 2011-11-04 13:59:47.310) are 30.0 +/- 0.2 sq. m/s and (1.56 +/- 0.02) X 10(exp -3) sq. m /sq. s respectively. The period of rotation about the instantaneous spin vector, which points in the direction (RA, Dec; J2000) = 300 +/- 3.2deg., 67 +/- 1.3 deg. at the time of closest approach, was 14.1 +/- 0.3 h. The instantaneous spin vector circulates around M, inclined at an average angle of 33.2 +/- 1.3 deg. with an average period of 18.40 +/- 0.13 h at the time of closest approach. The period of roll around the principal axis of minimum inertia (''long'' axis) at that time is 26.72 +/- 0.06 h. The long axis is inclined to M by approx. 81.2 +/- 0.6 deg. on average, slowly decreasing through encounter. We infer that there is a periodic nodding motion of the long axis with half the roll period, i.e., 13.36+/- 0.03 h, with amplitude of 1 again decreasing through encounter. The periodic variability in the circulation and roll rates during a cycle was at the 2% and 10-14% level respectively. During the encounter there was a secular lengthening of the circulation period of the long axis by 1.3 +/- 0.2 min/d, in agreement with ground-based estimates, while the period of roll around the long axis changed by approx. -4.4 min/d at perihelion. M decreased at a rate of 0.038 (sq m/s) per day in a roughly linear fashion. Assuming a bulk density between 230-300 kg/m3 and a total volume for the nucleus of 8.09 X 10(exp 8) cubic m, the net torque acting on the nucleus was in the range 0.8-1.1 X 10(exp 5) kg m(exp 2) /s(exp 2). In order to bring the spacecraft photometric and imaging data into alignment on the direction of M, the directions of the intermediate and short principal axes of inertia had to be adjusted by 33 deg (on the sky) from the values indicated by the shape model with an assumed homogeneous interior. The adjusted direction of the intermediate axis is RA, Dec = 302 deg., -16.5 deg.. The morning and evening terminators in the images are identified, and the variation of the insolation at three regions on the nucleus associated with active areas calculated. The plume of water vapor observed in the inner coma is found to be directed close to the direction of local gravity over the sub-solar region for a range of reasonable bulk densities. The plume does not follow the projected normal to the surface at the sub-solar point
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