32 research outputs found

    Ketidaktepatan Waktu Kelulusan Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka dengan Metode Boosting Cart

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    The classification tree method or better known as Classification and Regression Tree (CART) has capabilities in various data conditions, but CART is less stable in changing learning data which will cause major changes in the results of the classification tree prediction. Predictive accuracy of an unstable classifier can be corrected by a combination method of many single classifiers where the prediction results of each classifier are combined into the final prediction through the majority voting process for classification or average voting for regression cases. Boosting ensemble method is one method that combines many classification trees to improve stability and determine classification predictions. This research purpose to improve the stability and predictive accuracy of CART with boosting. The case used in this study is the classification of inaccuracies in the Open University student graduation. The results of the analysis show that boosting is able to improve the accuracy of the classification of the inaccuracy of student graduation which reaches a classification prediction of 75.94% which previously reached 65.41% in the classification tree

    Penerapan Metode Simple Additive Weighting pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Debitur Anggota Koperasi

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    Koperasi simpan pinjam Graha Computindo merupakan salah satu lembaga keuangan masyarakat untuk melakukan penyimpanan dan memberikan pinjaman/kredit pada setiap anggota dan dibentuk untuk menyejahterahkan anggotaanggotanya. Setiap anggota koperasi yang ingin meminjam kredit harus mengajukan permohonan pengajuan pinjaman. Analisa pinjaman di koperasi tersebut berdasarkan padaumur, penjamin, jenis usaha dan prinsip 5C, yaitu Characteristic, Capital, Collateral, Condition dan Capacityyang dilakukan secara manual. Untuk mempercepet proses pemberian kredit dilakukan dengan sistem pendukung keputusan, dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) sebagai dasar perhitungan keputusan karena menggunakan kriteria dan membandingkan nilai antar satu calon dengan calon yang lain. Hasil penelitian ini berbentuk sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang mengolah data debitur yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pemberian kredit. Sistem ini dapat memberikan perangkingan sesuai data masing – masing debitur dan mempermudah pengambil keputusan dalam pemberian kredit

    Pengembangan E-Commerce Tembe Nggoli (Sarung) Khas Bima Berbasis Web Responsive di Desa Nata

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    Tembe Nggoli is a typical Bima sarong made by weaving which is still preserved by the community in Neta Village, Palibelo District, Bima Regency. Tembe Nggoli is a hand-crafted art that has been passed down from generation to generation for the sake of preserving the weaving art. Currently, the selling process of Tembe Nggoli is still manual or conventional by selling directly to the public without marketing media so that it is only known by the surrounding community. This resulted in relatively lower income from the sale of Tembe Nggoli, so the process of returning capital was very slow. These problems can be solved by developing e-commerce in the sales process or introducing the craft. The purpose of this research is to build an e-commerce selling Tembe Nggoli based on a responsive website. The method used in building this application is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the Waterfall Model. The results of this study have resulted in an e-commerce application selling the Tembe Nggoli Khas Bima sarong that is web-based responsive, so that the appearance of the application can adapt to various types of devices. With this application, it is expected to be able to provide convenience in the shopping process that can assist consumers in finding the desired product quickly and done anywhere and anytime. In addition, this application provides various kinds of information related to Tembe Nggoli products. Testing this system using blackbox testing which states that the system has been running in accordance with the functionality and procedures that are the purpose of developing the system. The functional suitability of the built system reaches 100%

    Penerapan Metode VIKOR pada Pengambilan Keputusan Seleksi Calon Penerima Beasiswa Bidikmisi Universitas Terbuka

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      The selection process of bidikmisi scholarship involves many requirements as a criterion, thus requiring completion decisions supporters with multi-criteria. One of the decision support concept with multi-citeria is VIKOR Method. The basic concept of the VIKOR Method is to determine the rank of available samples by looking at the results of utility values, regrets and distance solutions as the best alternative of each sample by weighting criteria from the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method. This research purpose is to apply the VIKOR method in selecting the recipients of bidikmisi scholarship by considering various criteria that have been determined. The results shows that the VIKOR Method can be used to assist the selection process and determine the right scholarship recipients. At the VIKOR Method, each weight that are involved shows the result rank value, so it can be used as a compromise solution in dealing with multicriteria problems

    Database Click Stream of E-commerce Functional

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    The availability of e-commerce functionality that suits for user needs in e-commerce applications will increase the sustainability of application usage and can provide benefits for its users. Many e-commerce applications have been developed, but based on the results of previous research, these e-commerce applications do not pay attention to the availability of functionality and its advantages in the application. A database design to store functional clickstream ecommerce is required to determine the number of features that users are accessing. Database application development is the activity of identifying real-world requirements, analyzing requirements, designing system data and functions, and then implementing operations in the system. The database life cycle method is used to build a database in this study. This research has produced a click stream database that has added functional attributes available in e-commerce, which are accessed by users. The results also show the addition of several tables that will facilitate the management of click stream data functionality from e-commerce applications

    Pemodelan Menggunakan Metode Spasial Durbin Model untuk Data Angka Putus Sekolah Usia Pendidikan Dasar

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    Masalah anak yang putus sekolah perlu mendapatkan perhatian karena salah satu indikator yang berguna untuk mengukur kemajuan sumber daya manusia pada bidang pendidikan. Untuk menekan laju pertambahan jumlah anak putus sekolah tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah anak putus sekolah dan berpotensi dalam meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan anak yang putus sekolah. Pemodelan yang menggunakan pengaruh daerah (area) disebut pemodelan spasial. Ciri dari pemodelan spasial adalah adanya matriks pembobot yang merupakan penanda adanya hubungan antara suatu wilayah dengan wilayah lain. Salah satu model spasial yaitu Spasial Durbin Model (SDM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah anak putus sekolah di wilayah Bali dengan menggunakan metode SDM dan ingin menetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi anak putus sekolah di wilayah Bali. Model yang didapat ialah pemodelan SDM menghasilkan nilai AICc yang lebih kecil dibandingkan pemodelan dengan OLS. Tidak adanya lag variabel independen yang signifikan menyebabkan hasil estimasi parameter menggunakan SDM menjadi tidak signifikan akan tetapi pada identifikasi nilai Moran’s I mengidentifikasikan adanya dependensi spasial pada variabel independen yang artinya ada kemiripan sifat untuk lokasi yang saling berdekatan

    Perbandingan Pembobotan Seemingly Unrelated Regression – Spatial Durbin Model Untuk Faktor Kemiskinan Dan Pengangguran

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    Hukum I Tobler menduga segala sesuatu di suatu wilayah berhubungan erat dengan  wilayah lainnya sehingga pemodelan analisis spasial lebih tepat digunakan untuk memodelkan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kemiskinan dan pengangguran di suatu wilayah dengan memperhatikan efek spasialnya Salah satu metode spasial yang bisa digunakan ialah Seemingly Unrelated Regression-Spatial Durbin Model (SUR-SDM). Di dalam penelitian SUR SDM diperlukan suatu  pembobot yang digunakan untuk menghitung koefisien autokorelasi. Matriks pembobot yaitu matriks yang elemen-elemennya adalah nilai pembobot yang diberikan untuk perbandingan setiap daerah tertentu. Metode penentuan matriks pembobot dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan Queen Contiguity dan pembobot customize. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemiskinan dan pengangguran serta faktor – faktor yang diduga mempengaruhinya menggunakan metode SUR-SDM dengan bobot Queen Contiguity dan Customize. Adapun variabel-variabel yang digunakan yaitu Variabel respon terdiri dari persentase rumah tangga miskin (%) (y1) dan angka pengangguran (%)(y2). Sedangkan variabel bebasnya yaitu terdiri dari: persentase jumlah sarana pelayanan kesehatan meliputi posyandu, poliklinik, puskesmas, puskesmas pembantu, dokter praktek, klinik bersalin, dan pos KB (%) (x1), persentase jumlah sarana sekolah meliputi TK, SD, SLTP, SMU, dan SMK (%) (x2), persentase penduduk yang bekerja di sektor pertanian (%) (x3),  persentase rumah tangga yang menggunakan air bersih (PDAM) (%) (x4), dan rasio penduduk yang belum tamat SD (x5). Hasil yang didapat yaitu pemodelan SUR-SDM dengan bobot Customize  menghasilkan nilai R-Square yang lebih kecil dibandingkan bobot queen di kedua variable respon yaitu sebesar 80.60% dibandingkan queen sebesar 80.64 untuk variable kemiskinan dan untuk variable pengangguran bobot Customize mengasilkan nilai 92.51% lebih kecil disbanding queen sebesar 92.53

    Penambahan Omzet Usaha Jasa Penjahit Kebaya

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    Good marketing is one of the important things in the development and addition of income in entrepreneurship. The problem faced in the business of sewing clothes is that partners are not too focused on marketing management. Partners rely more on conventional marketing systems, even though the new location of the partner services business is not too strategic. This causes the field of business is difficult to be recognized by the wider community so that it becomes an obstacle in developing its business. The purpose of this activity is to provide solutions to the problems being faced, namely by implementing marketing management using Facebook pages. With the socialization and marketing management training, it is expected to be able to add insight into the actors in utilizing the internet as an online promotion media to introduce their business fields to the wider community in increasing their business income. The result of this activity was that the Partners were very enthusiastic, both from socialization to evaluation. Assistance with the use of the Facebook pages application is expected to continue to be used in a sustainable manne

    Penerapan Support Vector Regression (Svr) Dalam Memprediksi Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Domestik Ke Bali

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    Bali is one of the most popular tourism sectors in Indonesia. In the arena of international tourism, the island of Bali is considered as the most famous national destination compared to other destinations. The high level of domestic tourism visits to Bali annually must be strictly noted especially for local governments and Bali provincial tourism agencies in optimizing facilities, infrastructure to the safety of tourists Visit. Therefore, it takes a method that can predict the number of tourists visiting Bali annually. One method used to predict the number of tourists visiting Bali is Support Vector Regression (SVR). SVR is a method to estimate a mapped function from an input object to a real amount based on the training data. SVR has the same properties about maximizing margins and kernel tricks for mapping nonlinear data. Results of this research. Based on forecasting using MAPE value training data obtained by 11.34% while use data testing of MAPE value obtained by 7.30%. Based on the resulting MAPE value can be categorized well for the number of tourism visitors


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    Metode Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) adalah teknik yang sangat populer diterapkan secara luas untuk menentukan solusi terbaik di antara beberapa alternatif. Salah satu metode dalam MCDM adalah Metode VIKOR. Konsep dasar MCDM VIKOR adalah menentukan ranking dari alternatif-alternatif yang ada dengan melihat hasil dari nilai-nilai utilitas dan regrets dari setiap alternatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode VIKOR yang dapat membantu bagian kemahasiswaan dalam menentukan rekomendasi penerimaan beasiswa di STIKOM Bali dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Ada 3 kriteria yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kriteria IPK, penghasilan orang tua, dan semester. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode VIKOR dapat membantu proses seleksi dan menentukan penerima beasiswa yang tepat. Selain itu, metode VIKOR dapat membuat perangkingan kompromi alternatif dari sejumlah alternatif yang ada.Kata Kunci : Metode VIKOR, Beasiswa, Metode Multi Criteria Decision Makin