167 research outputs found

    Preliminary Analysis of Two Medicinal Plants against causative organism of Bovine Mastitis

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    ABSTRACT   Bovine Mastitis is an intramammary infection which is most common among the dairy cattle and continues to be the most costly disease to the dairy farmers. Presently, antibiotics are used for treatment of mastitis leading to the development of antibiotic resistant strains and consumer health problem. The present study investigates in vitro antibacterial activity of two medicinal plants namely Cymbopogon citratus and Punica granatum L against causative organisms of bovine mastitis. Aqueous and methanol extracts of two plants were investigated by agar well-diffusion method. Methanol and aqueous extracts of Cymbopogon citrates and Punica granatum L.  were found to possess potency against infectious pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis and Escherichia coli isolated locally from clinical and sub clinical samples of Mastitis from Karnataka region whereas .Phytochemical screening of the plants revealed mainly the presence of alkaloids, tannin, saponin, terpenoids and falvonoids. Keywords: Cymbopogon citratus, Punica granatum L, Aqueous extracts, methanol extracts, phytochemical screening, antibacterial activit

    Study of drug utilization pattern in emergency medicine ward at a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: The emergency department represents an important platform for conducting drug utilization studies as patients present with a wide spectrum of diseases in acute form. An irrational prescription adversely affects the prognosis and recovery of patients. Hence, the objective of our study was to evaluate the drug utilization pattern and to determine the rationality of prescription using WHO prescribing indicators in emergency medicine ward.Methods: After obtaining Institutional Ethical Committee approval, a prospective observational study was conducted over 2 months. The case records of 150 patients admitted to the emergency medicine ward, with a hospital stay of more than 24hrs were reviewed to analyze the prescription pattern during the initial 48hrs of admission. Case records of patients irrespective of age, sex and diagnosis were included in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results (SPSS version 20).Results: A total of 1014 drugs were prescribed from 150 case records with a mean age of 47±18 years. An average of 6.76 drugs was prescribed per prescription; percentage of encounters with at least an antimicrobial was 115 (76.66%). Injections were prescribed in all patients (100%) and only 416 (41.02%) drugs were prescribed by generic name and 657 (64.79%) drugs abided to the WHO essential drug list. Majority of patients received anti-ulcerogenic drugs followed by antimicrobials.Conclusions: There was a tendency of polypharmacy with overuse of PPIs and antimicrobials. There is need to rationalize the drug therapy in terms of increasing prescription of drugs from essential drug list by generic name

    Genetic divergence studies for yield and quality traits in high protein landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The present study was undertaken to study the extent of genetic diversity in high protein rice landraces with respect to yield, yield components and quality characters. In this direction, 30 high protein rice landraces, collected from different parts of country by ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad along with the high protein check, CR DHAN 310 were evaluated during Kharif 2021 at ICAR-IIRR farm located at International Crops Research Institute of Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad. The study examined the genetic divergence of high protein rice cultures for yield, quality and nutritional parameters. Multivariate analysis techniques of Mahalanobis D2 and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to estimate the genetic diversity in the experimental material. In Mahalanobis D2, the 31 high protein rice cultures were divided into six clusters. Cluster I had highest number of rice cultures (19), followed by Cluster III and V with five, four cultures, respectively. The clusters, II, IV, VI were mono-genotypic. It was discovered that grouping of these cultures into several clusters was random and was not related to geographical diversity. Inter-cluster distances between clusters V and VI were maximum. Cluster V had also exhibited higher intra-cluster distance. Further, Cluster VI had showed maximum yield plant-1, grains per panicle-1, zinc content and test weight, while, Cluster V had recorded high protein content. The greatest contribution to genetic divergence was recorded by yield plant-1 (21.60%), followed by iron (10.54%) and zinc content (9.54%). In Principal Component Analysis, the first five Principal Components (PCs) with eigen values >1 accounted for cumulative contribution of 67.69% to the total variability. The three traits, yield plant-1, iron content, and amylose content contributed the most to variability. The 2D scatter diagram exhibited 18 different clusters, out of which 11 clusters were mono-genotypic. Mahalanobis D2 Statistic and PCA concluded maximum genetic diversity between the landraces, JAK 248-3 and JAK 638 with JAK 611

    A Newfangled Authentication Protocol Based On Audio Produced Principles

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    Graphical authentication is more proficient and more securable. An imperative convenience objective for information based authentication frameworks is to bolster client in selecting passwords for higher security in the feeling of being from an extended viable security space. Here we are utilizing x and y directions to pick a photo secret word. Also the photos in x and y directions are changing haphazardly and subsequently it is hard to locate the first picture. In our base paper the methodologies utilized are "Convincing signaled snap focuses"," Cued snap focuses" and "Pass focuses". Primary apparatuses utilized here are pccp, viewport and that is utilized for secret word creation. Viewport methodologies are utilized to significant client picked secret word and secure framework created arbitrary watchword that are hard to recollect. The pccp making a less guessable secret key is the least demanding game-plan. With a specific end goal to dodge "Shoulder surfing" calculation we are going for AES (Advanced encryption standard). In a contemporary mastery, the customary Authentication methodologies like "alphanumeric - usernames and passwords" can't be a versatile secured technique as it make out a critical downsides. It can't be protected and sound from programmers. Graphical passwords are a different option for existing alphanumeric passwords. In Graphical passwords clients click on pictures than sort a long, complex secret key. Exhaustive examination is finished by different analysts proposes that the photo's majority based authentication plans are essentially delicate as client tends to tap on hotspots in the pictures. A hotspot is the picture's territory which is effectively perceived against every single other picture, accordingly making such strategies defenseless. To make greater from the available confirmation, another convention "in light of the sound time stamps" making it hard for the shams to perform mystery. Here is a novel one of a kind answer for graphical validation defining so as To take into account sound time stamps another method for model called "A NEWFANGLED AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL BASED ON AUDIO PRODUCED PRINCIPLES ". This model calls a sound time stamps and in addition the number of sound timestamps and scramble the secret word with message digest adaptation 5 and making it hard for the gatecrasher to break the watchword there by forcing the more elevated amounts of security to the framework. The gatecrasher can't get the time stamps and additionally check of time stamps and making this strategy more secure, dependable and difficult to figure

    Effect of Chemicals and Growth Regulators on Post-Harvest Shelf-Life and Quality in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cv. Red Lady

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    The present investigation on papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Red Lady was carried out at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, during the year 2010-11. The study was carried out using 9 different treatments involving two chemicals calcium nitrate and calcium chloride at 1, 2, 3 and 4% concentration and two growth regulators, viz., GA3 at 75, 100, 150 and 200mg/l, and BA at 100, 125, 150 and 175mg/l concentration conducted separately in a factorial concept of completely randomized design (CRD), with three replications, under laboratory conditions. Physical parameters studied were per cent fruit ripening, physiological loss in weight (PLW), fruit firmness, shelf-life, and, physic-chemical properties studied were: total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars, reducing sugars, acidity, ascorbic acid and Brix:acid ratio. Fruits treated with CaCl2 @ 4% showed significantly low PLW, per cent fruit ripening, and the highest fruit-firmness, shelf-life, lowest total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars, Brix:acid ratio, and highest acidity and ascorbic acid content, which were on par with CaCl2 @ 2% application. Fruits treated with GA3 @ 100mg/l also exhibited similar results for these parameters. It was concluded that CaCl2 @ 4 % had a beneficial impact on shelf-life of papaya fruits upto 10.67 days without any loss in either physical or physic-chemical properties. Similarly, application of growth regulators such as GA3 and BA @100mg/l significantly increased shelf-life of papaya fruits upto 12 days and 11 days, respectively, while showing the best physical and physico-chemical properties

    Optimization of Regeneration Protocol and Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation in Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)

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    An efficient and reproducible regeneration protocol for carnation genotypes Arka Flame and IIHRS-1 has been developed from leaf and stem explants. Although IIHRS-1 showed slightly higher regeneration (55%) compared to Arka Flame (49.2%), there was no significant difference in their regeneration response. However, significant difference in regeneration potential was observed with leaf explant exhibiting higher regeneration potential (5.5 shoots/explant) as compared to (4.9) stem explant. Among various plant growth regulator combinations tested for regeneration, the best regeneration response and maximum regeneration potential was obtained in MS medium supplemented with NAA (0.1 mg/l) and TDZ (1.0mg /l) for both the explants and genotypes used. The medium also proved suitable for inducing elongation of regenerated shoots. Rooting of in vitro formed shootlets could be induced at greater frequency in MS medium supplemented with IAA (1.0 mg/l). Based on this protocol, transformation was carried out in genotype IIHRS-1 using leaf explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA 4404 with binary vector pROK2 containing baculovirus chitinase gene under the control of 35S promoter with npt II serving as selectable marker. There was regeneration of putative transformants at a frequency of 28.9%. However, great difficulty was encountered in rooting of shoots. Hence a few shoots regenerated on selection medium at random were tested for transgene integration. Out of the three shoots tested for npt II amplification, two shoots tested positive. The presence of transgene was confirmed through PCR amplification of npt II gene and dot blot analysis of chitinase gene

    Yield and Quality of Dual Purpose Sorghum-Fodder Cowpea Cropping System as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management

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    Integrated nutrient management in cropping system ensures higher fertilizer use efficiency through balanced combination of organic manures and chemical fertilizers. INM is required to stimulate sustainability in production of crops in cropping sequence. Sorghum is commonly grown for grain and fodder in different agro-climatic regions of Andhra Pradesh. The crop can be grown both in kharif and rabi season. In our country, sorghum provides a cheap source of dietary carbohydrate and energy. Sorghum is a C4 plant species however grain and fodder yields are low mainly because of low inputs. Since it is not precisely known that what would be the most advantageous combination of organic manure and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer to get maximum yield from sorghum crop, this experiment was formulated. Fodder cowpea is also included as rabi crop to quantify residual effect of nutrients in the system

    Analysis of the EDoS attack impact on elastic cloud services using finite queuing model

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    This paper proposes a logical model to examine the effect of the EDoS attack in cloud environment using finite queuing model and enhanced with experimental model. Due to this sophisticated attacks the computing resources are busy and buffer capacity of the cloud gets exhausted by both the legitimate and malicious user requests, because of this both types of requests could not get the service. The legitimate customers are unable to get service of web application. In this backdrop this paper investigates and evaluates the vendor loss factor from the cost factor of view since the legitimate client requests are denied service. The objective of this analysis is twofold i) to identify the dynamics of the EDoS attacks with different attack rates and to measure the various performance metrics (total number of busy virtual machines, utilization of the cloud resources, request response time, request loss probability, and throughput). ii) The cost function is defined and evaluated based on these performance metrics. Finally compared analytical and experimental results are presented and conclusions are drawn

    Foresight and trade-off analyses : tools for science strategy development in agriculture and food systems research

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    Foresight and trade-off analyses offer organizations such as CGIAR an opportunity to better prepare for alternative futures through adaptive research strategy and management. This essay introduces a set of papers that explore foresight and trade-off analyses within the context of the major reforms now occurring in the CGIAR. We tease out lessons not only for One CGIAR, but also for international development research organizations more broadly.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Screening of recombinant inbred lines for resistance to bacterial leaf blight pathotypes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    In the present investigation 16 recombinant inbred lines (RIL’s) developed from the intra-specific cross between YH3 and AKDRMS 21-54 through Marker Assisted Pedigree Breeding Method were screened along with their parents and the checks, namely, BPT 5204, TN1 and Improved Samba Mahsuri (ISM) against IxoPt-20 pathotype at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad during Rabi 2021-22 and a new pathotype of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing Bacterial Leaf Blight disease in rice at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Maruteru during Kharif 2022 to identify pathotype specific resistant sources.  Morpho-Molecular screening was adopted to evaluate the recombinant inbred lines over two locations in the consecutive seasons of Rabi 2021-22 and Kharif 2022. Based on per cent diseased leaf area, the genotypes were scored and categorised as per the Standard Evaluation System (SES) scale provided by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The results revealed all 16 RIL’s to be either resistant (10) or moderately resistant (6) to IxoPt-20 pathotype. However, only five RIL’s were found to be resistant, while four RIL’s were moderately resistant for the new virulent pathotype. Seven RIL’s with resistant to moderately resistant reaction for IxoPt-20 pathotype, showed moderately susceptible reaction for the new virulent pathotype.  Among the resistant RIL’s identified for each pathotype, BPT-1901-72-10-6, BPT-1901-108-4-1 and BPT-1901-111-3-2 were found to be uniformly resistant, while, BPT-1901-45-8-6 and BPT-1901-163-1-18 were uniformly moderately resistant to both IXoPt-20 and the new virulent pathotype at Hyderabad and Maruteru, respectively, indicating their potential as genetic stocks for development of new cultivars resistant to bacterial leaf blight disease
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