19 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Statistika melalui Pemberian Praktikum Pengolahan Data Berbantuan Komputer pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP Garut

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    In general students assume that statistics is scary enough course because the material requires a lot of counting. The purpose of this research is to compare Statistical communication ability between students who received MS Excel with students who received SPSS. The research method is experiment method by taking two classes as research samples. The first experiment class received MS Excel and the second experiment class received SPSS. The research materials include two test average of the dependent samples, two test average of independent samples, one way ANOVA test, regression , and simple correlation. The research results by using independent t-test, one way ANOVA, two way ANOVA, as well as further Post Hoc test using Tukey HSD test with significant level of 0.05 conclude that : 1) Statistical communication ability of students who got MS Excel was better than those who got SPSS. 2) The increase in statistical communication ability of students who got MS Excel is better than those who got SPSS. 3) The increasing achievement of statistical communication, based on students early capability (low, average, high), of those students who got MS Exce was better than those who got SPSS for the students who have low and average level. For students who have high level there was no significant difference in students who got MS Excel than those who got SPSS. 4) There was no interactive influence between learning model given and students early capability toward statistical communication ability

    Kaitan antara Gaya Belajar, Kemandirian Belajar, dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP dalam Pelajaran Matematika

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    In general, independent learning and problem solving ability mathematics junior high school students is still low. Teachers practice teaching and learning activities, the main factor that causes the problem from happening. One of the efforts that teachers can do is to create a learning environment that matches the kind of student learning styles (auditory, visual, or kinesthetic), so hopefully learning objectives can be achieved effectively. This research was conducted in Tarogong South Junior High School 2 class IX in odd semester of school year 2015-2016. The method used in the form of comparative research explanation-associative. From the results of the study revealed that: 1) There is no difference in mathematical problem solving skills, among students in terms of the type of learning style. 2) There is no difference in the level of independence of learning mathematics among students in terms of learning styles. 3) Independence of student learning affects the level of students' mathematical problem solving ability. From the results of these studies indicate that each student, both of which have auditory learning style, visual, or kinesthetic have this level of independent learning and problem solving skills the same mathematical. In addition, it is also known that the higher the level of independence of student learning, the higher the students' mathematical problem solving ability

    Penggunaan Alat Peraga sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar dalam Memahami Konsep Bentuk Aljabar pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Pasirwangi

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    The results showed the existence of differences in the ability to understand the form of algebraic operations/between the lesson that students using props with which do not use props (t hitung > t tabel, price thitung =3,486, price ttabel = 2,686). Test results showed that the normalized gain an average increase in the learning outcomes of the experimental class is middle category (g= 0,619 ) and control class is low category (g = 0,415). Based on the supporting data in the form of observation and question form, assisted learning props more enjoyable and easy to understand

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Matematika Siswa dengan Menggunakan Media Domat

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    Sebagian besar siswa SMP menganggap bahwa matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang sulit dipelajari dan membosankan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena matematika bersifat abstrak serta pemilihan metode pembelajaran yang kurang tepat. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi para guru matematika untuk dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran yang dapat melibatkan siswa secara aktif belajar matematika, sehingga para siswa merasa senang belajar matematika. Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan media permainan DOMAT dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas IX-A SMP Negeri 2 Tarogong Kidul. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah pada siklus I belum menunjukkan tercapainya indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan, yaitu jumlah siswa yang aktif sebanya 75% (27 orang). Artinya, pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus pertama belum berhasil dan harus dilanjutkan ke siklus berikutnya dengan perbaikan tindakan yang dianggap menjadi penyebab ketidakberhasilan. Pada siklus II sudah menunjukkan tercapainya indikator keberhasilan yang sudah ditetapkan, yaitu jumlah siswa yang aktif pada setiap pertemuan 75%. Artinya, pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus II sudah berhasil. Dengan demikian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan media permainan domat merupakan salah satu cara atau strategi untuk meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas belajar, Domino Matematika. Abstract Most junior high school students consider that math is a difficult subject to learn and bore. One reason is that mathematics is abstract and the choice of less precise learning method. It is a challenge for math teachers to be able to use instructional media that can involve students actively learning math, so that students feel happy learning math. The purpose of this classroom action research is to find out whether the use of DOMAT game media can improve the learning activity of grade IX-A students of SMP Negeri 2 Tarogong Kidul. The results of this study is that in cycle I has not shown the achievement of the established success indicators, ie the number of active students sebanya 75% (27 people). That is, the implementation of the action in the first cycle has not been successful and should proceed to the next cycle with the improvement of the action considered to be the cause of the unsuccessfulness. In the second cycle has shown the achievement of a predetermined success indicator, ie the number of students who are active at each meeting 75%. That is, the implementation of action in cycle II has been successful. Thus it can be concluded that the use of domat game media is one way or strategy to increase student activity in learning mathematics. Keyword: Learning Activities, Domino Mathematics

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematika Antara Siswa Yang Mendapatkan Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Dan Metakognitif

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    This research is based on the fact that the understanding abilities of student mathematics o is low. The Purpose of this research was to know the mathematics comparison result mathematics understanding ability between the students get Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and metacognitive. The research method is used quasi experiment, with a significant level of 1%. After perform posttest of can taken by conclusion that mathematics understanding ability between students\u27 who getting Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) as the same ability degree as metacognitive learning

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis dan Sikap Siswa terhadap Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Air dan Probing-prompting

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    Mathematics is still considered difficult for many students. This leads to students\u27 mathematical problem solving skill remains low. One of reasons is the implementation of inappropriate learning model. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the differences of students\u27 achievement and quality in mathematical problem solving skill enhancement as well as students\u27 attitudes between those who received Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) cooperative learning and those who received Probing-Prompting type. The research method used in this study was quasi-experimental method. Meanwhile, the research instruments used in this study were test, questionnaire, and observation sheet. Material used was the linear equation of two variables (PLDV). The population in this study was all VIII-grade students in Garut Junior High School academic year 2015/2016 with two classes selected as sample. The classes used as sample were VIII-D class and VIII-E class with 36 students respectively for each class. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the students\u27 prior and final mathematical problem skills produced similar achievement. However, the increase of students\u27 mathematical problem solving skills in AIR class achieved medium increase. Meanwhile, in Probing-Prompting class the increase was high. Then, students\u27 attitudes towards both learning models produced similar responses. The responses could be categorized as good