20 research outputs found


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    Sistem persediaan di PT. Zamrud Artistika Persada masih menggunakan sistem manual, transaksi permintaan material dari produksi ke gudang masih menggunakan bon nota buku pencatatan. Penanganan data dengan sistem manual ini mempunyai beberapa kendala, diantaranya menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam transaksi antara bagian produksi dengan gudang. Tujuan utama pembuatan sistem ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pencatatan persediaan di gudang yang masih manual dan meminimalkan kesalahan dalam setiap transaksi. Untuk membantu dalam proses ini maka penulis merancang sistem yang membantu jalannya proses persediaan pencatatan barang produksi pada PT. Zamrud Artistika Persada. Sistem baru yang dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language) dan perangkat pemrograman berbasis web, PHP versi serta menggunakan basis data MySQL dengan dukungan software editor Adobe Dreamweaver versi 6.0. Sistem Ini dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam melakukan operasi persediaan barang dan produksi dan memiliki pembagian tiap user yang ada berdasarkan hak askses masing – masing, user tersebut yaitu Administrator, Admin gudang dan Admin Produksi. &nbsp

    Knowledge Management System Berbasis Website pada Instalasi Elemen Bakar Eksperimental Ptbn Serpong Tangerang Selatan

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    Knowledge Management is integrated approaching for any discipline which has a levels for creating, for growing, for modifying and formulating it as specified, to arrange and share it, to use and to grow it for getting a good company's future at the last. In IEBE Institute, implementation of knowledge management was running but not effective yet cause there are no some tools for supporting improving a good knowledge management system. Where as the sharing still not good yet and in applying is still on manually. For supporting KMS as a writer I instruct for using web media online as a KMS tool's system. Is web media online as a great tools or no, it was made a few questions list for a worker in orther to know the report. With work analizying and activity method, will found that the web report can finish some problems which happened. And be applying it easyly and fully in any places


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    Knowledge Management is integrated approaching for any discipline which has a level for creating, for growing, for modifying and formulating it as specified, to arrange and share it, to use and to grow it for getting a good company’s future at the last. In IEBE Institute, implementation of knowledge management was running but not effective yet cause there are no some tools for supporting improving a good knowledge management system. Whereas the sharing still not good yet and in applying is still on manually. For supporting KMS as a writer I instruct for using web media online as a KMS tool’s system. Is web media online as great tools or no, it was made a few questions list for a worker in other to know the report. With work analyzing and activity method, will find that the web report can finish some problems which happened. And be applying it easily and fully in any places


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    Komputer merupakan suatu peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk  mempermudah pekerjaan manusia, salah  satunya  di  bidang  pendidikan. Animasi  interaktif  merupakan media  pembelajaran yang  cukup populer saat ini. Penyampaian materi,   menjadikan pengaruh yang signifikan dibidangkan dengan menyampaikan informasi secara  manual.  Pembuatan  animasi  interaktif lingkungan alam  dan  buatan menggunakan video motion, bertujuan untuk menambah sarana pembelajaran bagi guru dalam menarik minat dan perhatian siswa-siswi dalam belajar. Program animasi interaktif yang dibangun menggunakan konsep pembelajaran pada SMK  Yapinda dalam pelajaran IPS,  salah satunya tema animasi interaktif lingkungan alam dan buatan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam perancangan animasi interaktif adalah dengan observasi secara langsung terhadap kegiatan belajar mengajar dari sudut  pandang guru  dan  siswa  guna  mendapatkan gambaran yang  optimal. Dalam program animasi interaktif ini terdapat proses-proses pembelajaran mengenal lingkungan alam dan buatan, gambar- gambar yang menarik serta audio untuk meningkatkan daya serap siswa terhadap isi materi. Dalam animasi interaktif ini diharapkan membuat siswa-siswi merasa nyaman dalam belajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa.  Kata Kunci : Animasi Interaktif Lingkungan Alam dan Buatan Menggunakan Video Motion

    Sistem Informasi Geograpfis dengan Google Map Untuk Pencarian Rumah Kost

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    Abstract— Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. In addition to the capital, Jakarta is the most populous city in Indonesia. In 2016, the population rose by 1.1 percent or 10.3 million inhabitants ((BPS DKI Jakarta). Jakarta City likened million hope, millions of people living in Jakarta to seek their fortunes, even many settlers from the area attended the University excels in Jakarta, because of the many newcomers who want to Jakarta led to increased needs house rental or rooms kos in Jakarta. Looking for kos to suit your needs is not easy, sometimes issues facing his difficult searching for a location near the place of work or place of lectures and an affordable price. With the utilization of technology through geographic information systems (GIS), to manage the existing boarding houses around Jakarta in the form of spatial information. The use of GIS who served in the form of the web, giving owners of boarding houses in informing the public and facilitate its location, in the search for the location of the boarding houses.Keywords: boarding houses, information, geographic, we

    Perbandingan Metode SAW dan Profile Matching Pada Pemilihan Rumah Tinggal

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      Convenient place, strategic, cool and affordable price is the dream of every person to be home. This research is conducted on housing in Depok City area with the name of Grand Depok City, Telaga Kahuripan, Maharaja, Sawangan Permai and Pesona Kayangan by using price, location, mortgage, facility, house type and initial payment by comparing two methods Supporting system of decision namely SAW and Profile Matching. The method is a method that the end result of the formation of the calculation process. The results of the comparison of the two methods are to produce the same chosen alternative, so that both methods can be applied to assist decision making in house selection in Depo

    Perbandingan Metode SAW dan Profile Matching Pada Pemilihan Rumah Tinggal: Studi Kasus: Perumahan Depok

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      Convenient place, strategic, cool and affordable price is the dream of every person to be home. This research is conducted on housing in Depok City area with the name of Grand Depok City, Telaga Kahuripan, Maharaja, Sawangan Permai and Pesona Kayangan by using price, location, mortgage, facility, house type and initial payment by comparing two methods Supporting system of decision namely SAW and Profile Matching. The method is a method that the end result of the formation of the calculation process. The results of the comparison of the two methods are to produce the same chosen alternative, so that both methods can be applied to assist decision making in house selection in Depok  Convenient place, strategic, cool and affordable price is the dream of every person to be home. This research is conducted on housing in Depok City area with the name of Grand Depok City, Telaga Kahuripan, Maharaja, Sawangan Permai and Pesona Kayangan by using price, location, mortgage, facility, house type and initial payment by comparing two methods Supporting system of decision namely SAW and Profile Matching. The method is a method that the end result of the formation of the calculation process. The results of the comparison of the two methods are to produce the same chosen alternative, so that both methods can be applied to assist decision making in house selection in Depo

    Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem Informasi Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Pada SMA Al – Huda Cengkareng

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    Application of Information Systems becomes an absolute necessity and can provide a competitive advantage, thus becoming the highest priorities. Assessment Information System is a system studied its impact on user satisfaction in the neighborhood of Al-Huda School. In this study tested the effect of the quality of information systems against user satisfaction using the basic method of success DeLone and McLean. This study uses a quantitative approach to mapping the characteristics of the data by means of descriptive statistics. The results showed that the Quality System (X1) and quality information (X2) effect either jointly against user satisfaction (Y) Information System Assessment. T significant value to the quality of the system is smaller than the specified α (α = 0.05) is 0.000. In addition, the results of this test also showed the value of t is greater than t table (2.871> 1.686) for the quality of the information system, Based on the test results it can be concluded that H0 is accepted and Significance for 0,000 t of quality information. So the probability value 0.00 1.686), so it can be decided that H1 is accepted. This means that the quality of information has positive influence on user satisfaction, the results of the study also concluded that the quality of the information system has a dominant influence on user satisfaction

    Perancangan Web Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada Smk Terpadu Bani Rusydi

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    Sistem pelaporan  pada informasi sekolah yang masih menggunakan cara manual belum sepenuhnya menerapkan kecanggihan teknologi informasi. Guru-guru yang ingin mengisi nilai siswa harus datang ke sekolah, karena data siswa dan data guru masih di simpan dalam buku catatan atau arsip sekolah sehingga dalam melakukan pencarian data memerlukan banyak waktu dan juga penumpukan berkas yang sering terjadinya kehilangan, kerusakan pada data siswa dan data guru tersebut. Hal ini sangat tidak efektif bagi guru dan mengganggu kenyamanan guru diluar jam mengajar sekolah. Terlebih lagi Pada proses pengolahan  jadwal belum menggunakan sistem yang terintegrasi komputer. Maka disini penulis telah membuat fasilitas dan pelayanan terhadap user dalam informasi sekolah  diharapkan dapat diberikan secara maksimal sehingga tidak mengganggu informasi  sekolah SMK Terpadu Bani Rusydi yang ada, dan apabila terjadi maka user tidak perlu lagi melakukan penginputan, pengumuan, informasi-informasi secara manual. Sisfo adalah teknologi untuk mengetahui informasi-informasi tentang sekolah yang ada pada SMK Terpadu Bani Rusydi. Model implementasi  menggunakan bahasa pemorgraman  Php, Mysql, Css, dan database  MySql  berbasis  web  memungkinkan  sistem  dapat  mengirimkan  laporan  saat  komputer  client  atau service mati secara otomatis ke user admin tanpa melibatkan user pengguna. 

    Analisis Hubungan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dengan Minat Belajar Siswa

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    ABSTRACTThe sophistication of information technology now be utilized for various aspects, among them educational aspects. Where this technology is used for teachers and students. Which aims to provide other methods of learning, so that students are expected to be more interested in receiving learning materials. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is a relationship between the mediaof information technology-based learning with student interest by respondent teachers and students. This study is a research type of explanation, because this research is intended to explain the variables by testing the hypothesis that has been formulated previously. The study population was all teachers and students of class VI of the 75 teachers and 184 students, with the sample used by 43 teachers and 65 students. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis. The research proves the results of the partial test between the variables of Information Technology Based Learning Media (X) with Student Interests (Y) are as follows: partial results for the respondent teachers thitung  of (0.020)> ttable  (0.05) and the value probability equal to 0.353. The conclusion that media information technology-based learning is positively related to the weak student interest by respondent teachers, partial results thitung  for student respondents was (0.020)> ttable (0.05)  and  a  probability  value  of  0.288.  The  conclusion  that  media  information technology-based learning is positively related to the weak interest in student learning based onstudent respondent.Keywords : Media Information, Information Technology , Interest Learning.ABSTRAKKecanggihan teknologi informasi sekarang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai aspek, di antaranya aspek pendidikan. Dimana teknologi ini digunakan untuk guru dan siswa. Yang bertujuan untuk memberikan metode lain dalam belajar, sehingga diharapkan siswa lebih tertarik menerima materi belajar. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat hubungan antara media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dengan minat belajar siswa berdasarkan responden guru dan siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian penjelasan, karena penelitian ini bermaksud menjelaskan variabel-variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua guru dan siswa kelas VI yang berjumlah 75 guru dan 184 siswa, dengan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 43 guru dan 65 siswa. Data di analisa dengan menggunakan analisa korelasi. Hasil penelitian membuktikan  hasil  uji  secara  parsial  antara  variabel-variabel  Media  Pembelajaran Berbasis  Teknologi  Informasi  (X)  dengan  Minat  Belajar  Siswa  (Y)  adalah  sebagai berikut: secara parsial hasil thitung untuk responden guru sebesar (0,035) < ttabel (1,683) dan nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,322. Kesimpulannya bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi mempunyai hubunganyang cukup dengan minat belajar siswa berdasarkan responden guru, secara parsial hasil thitung  untuk responden siswa sebesar (0,120) < ttabel (1,6694) dan nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,195. Kesimpulannya bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi mempunyai hubungan yang lemah dengan minat belajar siswa berdasarkan responden siswa.Kata kunci : media pembelajaran, teknologi informasi, minat belaja