19 research outputs found

    Eksplorasi Tekstur Tiga Dimensional Dengan Aksara Sunda Baku Sebagai Inspirasi Visual Pada Produk Fashion

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    Aksara Sunda merupakan sistem penulisan yang pertama kali digunakan oleh sebagian rakyat Sunda pada Abad XIV-XVIII, dimana aksaratersebut merupakan perkembangan dari Aksara Pallawa yang telah mencapai taraf modifikasi bentuk khasnya sebagaimana yang digunakan naskahnaskahlontar pada Abad XVI. Pada awal tahun 2000-an pemerintah Jawa Barat melakukan modifikasi dan pembaharuan pada Aksara Sunda agarlebih sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, yang kemudian lebih dikenal dengan Aksara Sunda Baku. Namun demikian perlu diperhatikan bahwakeberadaan Aksara Sunda tidak pernah menonjol di dalam kehidupan masyarakat Sunda, dimana bahkan masyarakat Sunda sendiri justru lebihmengenal Hanacaraka yang sebetulnya berasal dari Jawa sebagai Aksara Sunda yang asli. Upaya pemerintah Jawa Barat untuk mengenalkan kembaliAksara Sunda Baku sendiri dirasa tidak memenuhi sasaran, karena walaupun dijadikan pelajaran pada muatan lokal, signage jalanan di kota Bandung,dan nama kantor-kantor pemerintahan Jawa Barat, masyarakat awam sendiri akan lebih memedulikan keberadaan huruf latin yang disandingkanbersama Aksara Sunda. Pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk membuat masyarakat menyadari kembali akan potensi Aksara Sunda Baku, paling tidakmembuat mereka mengenali bahwa Aksara Sunda memiliki karakterisasi tersendiri yang berbeda dengan Aksara lainnya. Untuk membuat dampakyang lebih besar, eksplorasi tekstur tiga dimensional digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan motif Aksara Sunda Baku dan menjadikannya produkfashion. Penilitan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi langkah awal untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai potensi Aksara nusantara

    Aplikasi Motif Batik Garut Mojang Priangan Pada Organza Untuk Busana Ready to Wear

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    Batik adalah warisan budaya yang dimiliki Indonesia. Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki corak batik yang khas dan berbeda dari daerah lainnya. Dahulu, batik hanya digunakan sebagai sandang oleh masyarakat. Namun sekarang, batik sudah menjadi kebutuhan tersier oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Busana batik dengan gaya yang kontemporer bermunculan, salah satunya adalah dengan mengaplikasikan corak batik pada kain organza. Organza adalah kain transparan tipis yang terbuat dari sutra atau polyester. Corak yang digunakan dalam aplikasi ini adalah corak batik Mojang Priangan yang berasal dari Garut, Jawa Barat. Aplikasi yang dilakukan menggunakan berbagai macam teknik jahit. Dengan kata lain, aplikasi ini membuat surface design pada kain organza. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah busana ready to wear untuk wanita

    Teacher Training Scaffolding Type to Improve Teacher’s Ability in Development of Guided Inquiry Practical Worksheet

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    Generally teacher training is still ineffective, and there are still many weaknesses in its implementation. The main objective of teacher training is to improve the ability and skills in learning process, so as to prepare students for competition in the millennial century. In chemistry learning teachers must be able to stimulate all initiatives, creativity and scientific attitudes through guided inquiry-based laboratory activities. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of teacher training in improving the ability to develop guided inquiry lab worksheets to achieve students’ understanding and literacy. The training involved 26 chemistry teachers who teach in Karawang West Java. The method applied in this study is multi-method, both quantitative and qualitative with multi-design. The results achieved in this study indicate that the teacher’s response to training materials and training methods is very strong based on the results of the pretest and posttest. Increased ability of teachers in inquiry is classified as medium category. In general, the teacher’s response to the training showed a very positive response especially to the topic of practical evaluation or evaluation. Some teachers demonstrated their ability to design guided inquiry-based lab worksheets mainly related to contextual phenomena, including the effect of vinegar acid concentration on baking soda decomposition reactions, and the effect of fertilizer concentrations on grain sprout growth Teacher training is still a project that many considered as not effective and has a number of shortcomings. Learning should prepare students according to the demands of the 21st century. So that the learning process of chemistry should stimulate initiative, creativity, and scientific attitude through Guided-Inquiry based laboratory activity to improve student literacy ability. The objective of this research is to measure the effectiveness of teacher training in improving the production ability of Guided-inquiry Labs to achieve students’ understanding and literacy. The training involved 26 chemistry teachers as trainees, a mixed method chosen to measure the quantitative side by preexperimental design with a pretest-posttest design, one-group design and teacher feedback collection on training through questionnaires. The pretest and posttest results were calculated by measuring N-gain, and scoring teacher responses on a scale of 1-4. The results of questionnaire showed that the teachers responded with strong criteria and very strong, with an average of 83 (Very Strong). Increased ability of participants is shown with N-gain obtained by each teacher. The average N-gain of trainees is 0.71 in the medium category. Aspects of analyzing the curriculum have the smallest N-gain value compare to the aspects of composing the referring questions and aspects of presenting the experimental data in the form of tables/graphs. In general, teachers’ responses to training show very strong categories with the highest responses on the topic of practicum assessment. And the ability of teachers in designing guided-inquiry self-study worksheets has improved especially for aspects of curriculum analysis and presenting experimental data in the form of tables/graphs. The development of teachers’ skills through measurable training that focused on improving teacher competence should be more frequent. The selection of materials that are urgently needed and used in the learning process should also be considered.     Keywords: guided inquiry, LKS, rate of reaction, student worksheet, scientific literacy, training, scaffoldin


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    ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan daerah tropis dengan pelapukan batuan berlangsung intensif. Pelapukan menghasilkan tanah residual yang mencapai 53% luas daratan. Keberadaan tanah residual menimbulkan permasalahan geologi teknik, umumnya berkaitan dengan kekuatan dan dayadukung tanahnya. Daerah Sindang Panji, Cikijing, Majalengka merupakan daerah rawan gerakan tanah yang terjadi pada lapisan tanah residual. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil analisis karakteristik fisik dan keteknikan tanah di daerah gerakan tanah berdasarkan hasil uji Sondir (CPT) dan uji laboratorium. Hasil dari analisis data diketahui bahwa kedalaman tanah residual berkisar 1-1,6 m dan 1,6-2,5 m. Pada kedalaman 1-1,6 m kadar air 22,7-48,1 % dan indeks plastis tanah 17,7 -51,2 %. Sementara itu pada kedalaman 1,6-2,5 m, tanah memiliki kadar air 34,56-54,82 %, indeks plastis tanah 20,47-44,4 %. Tanah memiliki kuat geser rendah dengan kohesi efektif (0,0827-0,484 kg/cm2) dan sudut geser efektif (14,09o-34,62o), menyebabkan lereng di wilayah ini rentan terhadap gerakan tanah

    Solar Cell as Learning Multimedia to Improve Students' Scientific Literacy on Science and Nanotechnology

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    This study aims to investigate solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. Specifically, it describes learning design, the characteristic of developed learning multimedia and the description of learning activities using solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. The method used in this research was Educational Research and Development that only consist of 3 stages. On the define stage, the research was conducted through literature review analysis, observation, and interview. On the design stage, the research was conducted through composing the instrument, developing solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology and composing teaching learning design. On the develop stage, the research was conducted through teaching learning activities using solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. The research instruments were interview guideline, observation's sheet, judgment's sheet and questionnaire. Based on result and discussion, it can be concluded that learning design potentially improve students' scientific literacy. It is relevant with learning material and in accordance with the competence aspect, attitude aspect, and STL learning model. The characteristics of learning multimedia containing science and nanotechnology on solar cell context are: can be used classically, not individually, student-centered oriented, presenting the learning material using concept approach and context oriented, presenting the superiority of photochemistry solar cell with nanotechnology, visualizing the redox reaction concept on solar cell, and presenting the concept through context description. The learning multimedia is used in all STL learning phases. It can be used by teacher to deliver the material in almost all phases of learning, while student use it when teacher give them instruction

    Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid

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    The objective of the research was to study the interaction between dose of humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and yield of  rice. The experiment was conducted in May until September 2014 in Sukamanah village Cipedes sub-district Tasikmalaya city. A field experiment was done using as split plot design consisted of two factors. The dosage of humic acid were placed as main plot consisted of four levels i.e. 0 kg ha-1, 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1; and the rate of N fertilizer, as subplot, consisted of 4 levels i.e.0 kg N ha-1, 45 kg  N ha-1, 67.5 kg  N ha-1, and 90 kg N ha-1. The variables observed were: (a) the levels of soil organic C before and after treatment, (b) the levels of crop N, and (c) the components of growth and yield. Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency was expressed in terms of  agronomic efficiency of nitrogen (AEN). The results showed that the growth and yield of rice given humic acid was higher than that without humi cacid. The increasing dose of humic acid i.e. 3 kg ha-1, 4 kg ha-1, and 5 kg ha-1 did not have significant effect. A higher response on growth and grain yield was shown at the dose of humic acid 3 kg ha-1. Nitrogen fertilizer gave significant effect on all growth variables and yield of rice. The higher the level of nitrogen fertilizer up to a certain level (i.e. 67.5 kg N ha-1 or equals to 150 kg  Urea ha-1), the higher would be the effect on all growth variables and yield. The increase in weight of grain ha-1 due to the increased level of nitrogen fertilizer compared to those without nitrogen fertilizer (control) were respectively 58.05% at 45 kgha-1 N, 150.54% at 67.5 kg  ha-1 N, and 168.13% at 90 kg ha-1 N. Humic acid increased the efficiency of N fertilizer. The most efficient dose of N fertilizer was 67 kg ha-1, equal to 150 kg ha-1 combined with humic acid 3 kg ha-1. [How to Cite: Suhardjadinata, Y Sunarya and T Tedjaningsih. 2015. Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency on Wetland Rice by Using Humic Acid. J Trop Soils 20: 143-148. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.143][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.143

    Sejarah Perkembangan Kota Semarang (Jawa Tengah) di Masa Lalu dan Dampak Kehadiran Polutan Nitrat Pada Airtanah di Masa Kini

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    ABSTRAK Sejarah perkembangan kota Semarang dimulai sejak abad ke-8 dengan mulai dibangunnya perkantoran dan permukiman tahun 1705 terpusat di kota yang saat ini terkenal dengan kota lama Semarang. Periode berikutnya meliputi pembangunan perkantoran, permukiman dan vila-vila yang cukup pesat tahun 1942-1976. Jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2010 akibat urbanisasi sebesar 1.527.433 jiwa, tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk 2,09% pertahun dengan kepadatan penduduk rata-rata 4.087 jiwa/km2. Permasalahannya apakah airtanah di kota Semarang, yang termasuk kota tua dan merupakan wilayah urban, telah mengalami kontaminasi nitrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian airtanah dangkal telah tercemari polutan nitrat dan tingginya nitrat  tidak selalu berhubungan erat dengan umur permukiman dan kepadatan penduduk karena karakter litologi berperan sebagai penyerap atau meluluskan nitrat

    Eksplorasi Teknik Laser Cut Pada Ragam Hias Batik Sebagai Produk Fashion

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    Proses perancangan karya ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis pada perkembangan teknik pemotongan berbasis teknologi laser dalam aplikasinya pada produk fashion. Teknik pemotongan dengan sinar laser atau yang dikenal sebagai laser cutting merupakan sebuah terobosan dalam dunia industri, khususnya dalam industri kreatif. Teknik laser cutting sendiri memang bukan merupakan teknik baru. Namun dalam industri fashion, teknik ini kurang populer dibandingkan aplikasinya pada bidang lain seperti interior, percetakan, dan lain-lain. Melalui karya ini, penulis melakukan serangkaian penelitian, analisis, dan eksplorasi untuk mendalami dan menelusuri potensi teknologi laser cutting ini untuk kepentingan dan pengolahan desain pada produk fashion. Khusus dalam proses eksplorasi dan pendalaman teknik ini, penulis mengangkat pengembangan ragam hias batik sebagai pola yang digunakan. Ragam hias yang dikembangkan dan digunakan sebagai pola tersebut secara spesifik adalah ragam hias batik Parang dan Kawung. Dalam karya Tugas Akhir ini, pengembangan geometris dari ragam hias batik tersebut dikembangkan oleh penulis sedemikian rupa menjadi fungsional dan aplikatif dalam konteks penerapan teknik laser cutting, terlebih untuk menciptakan citra modern dan kontemporer dengan tetap mengusung identitas budaya. Gunakan template ini untuk menulis dan mengedit artikel yang akan dikirim ke Jurnal Tingkat Sarjana bidang Senirupa dan Desain ITB. Artikel yang dikirim harus menggunakan dimensi halaman (A4), margin semua sisi (2cm), jenis dan dimensi huruf pada artikel utama (Times New Roman 10), spasi badan teks 1.15, tata-cara perletakan tabel dan gambar, tata-cara penulisan nama tabel dan gambar, tata-cara penulisan referensi dan format lain-lain seperti yang dicontohkan atau dijelaskan pada template ini. Artikel berisi penjelasan ringkas tentang latar belakang/ permasalahan, proses studi kreatif yang dilakukan, hasil yang didapatkan dan pembahasannya serta catatan penutup/kesimpulan. Abstrak ditulis pada bagian ini, sepanjang satu paragraf dan maksimal 100 kata. Abstrak berisi bagian-bagian penting yang menggambarkan isi artikel (latar belakang/masalah, metoda/proses studi, hasil, dan kesimpulan yang didapatkan. Tuliskan kata-kunci di bawah judul artikel, maksimal 5 kata dan diurut mengikuti abjad huruf pertama setiap kata. Keseluruhan artikel berjumlah minimal 6 halaman dan maksimal 10 halaman, dengan komposisi 60% teks dan 40% visual (gambar, foto, dsb). Kata Kunci : jurnal, naskah, panduan, penulisan, template Abstract This design process is inspired by the author's interest in the development of laser technology-based cutting techniques in their application to fashion products. With a laser beam cutting technique, also known as laser cutting, is a breakthrough in the industrial world, especially in the creative industries. Laser cutting technique itself is not a new technique. But in the fashion industry, this technique is less popular than its application in other fields such as interior, printing, and others. Through this work, the authors conducted a series of research, analysis, and exploration to deepen and explore the potential of this technology for the benefit of laser cutting and processing the design in fashion products. Specialized in the process of exploration and deepening of this technique, the authors raised the development of batik as the decorative patterns that is used, which is specific on Kawung and Parang. In this final project work, the geometric development of batik was developed by the author in such a way as to be functional and applicable in the context of the application of laser cutting techniques, especially for creating a modern and contemporary image while carrying cultural identity