86 research outputs found


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    An evaluation of fatigue resistance for foamed asphalt mixture is very demanding since the binder is not continuously distributed on the aggregate surface and this mixtures contains water, the content of which dramatically affects the mechanical properties. This paper discusses the results of laboratory fatigue testingon the foamed asphalt mixtures in which the specimens are generated using three different foamed bitumen properties. Foamed bitumen as the binder was produced at three different foaming water content (FWC) at a temperature of 180oC using a 70/100 pen. The aggregates were mechanically mixed with foamed bitumen using a Hobart mixer. The resulting mixtures were then compacted using a gyratory compactor to generatespecimen with diameter of 100 mm. The specimens were fatigue tested at various stress levels at a temperature of 20oC following a curing period of 3 days at 40oC. Overall, fatigue performance of foamed asphalt can be identified based upon both stress and strain for mixtures produced at FWC 1%, 5%, and 10%.Keywords: fatigue performance, foamed asphalt, binder, foaming water content


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    An evaluation of fatigue resistance for foamed asphalt mixture is very demanding since the binder is not continuously distributed on the aggregate surface and this mixtures contains water, the content of which dramatically affects the mechanical properties. This paper discusses the results of laboratory fatigue testingon the foamed asphalt mixtures in which the specimens are generated using three different foamed bitumen properties. Foamed bitumen as the binder was produced at three different foaming water content (FWC) at a temperature of 180oC using a 70/100 pen. The aggregates were mechanically mixed with foamed bitumen using a Hobart mixer. The resulting mixtures were then compacted using a gyratory compactor to generatespecimen with diameter of 100 mm. The specimens were fatigue tested at various stress levels at a temperature of 20oC following a curing period of 3 days at 40oC. Overall, fatigue performance of foamed asphalt can be identified based upon both stress and strain for mixtures produced at FWC 1%, 5%, and 10%.Keywords: fatigue performance, foamed asphalt, binder, foaming water content

    Kajian Penggunaan Bahan RAP ( Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement ) dalam Pemanfaatan Green Technology untuk Material Jalan

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    The development sector is an indication of the progress of a country. Construction of public facilities and supporters, both transportation infrastructure and buildings as a place of activity that will be continue. Environmental issues encourage people to think recycling for RAP material has added value in terms of quality, economic value and environmentally friendly. Reuse of pavement material provides many advantages over conventional methods. Aggregate savings, asphalt and energy, but development of recycling methods is considered very slow it is necessary to the holding of an evaluation to obtain information on the effect regulations related government development application of green technology. The type of the research is descriptive research. This research uses survey method. Primary data was obtained from survey of questionnaires. The data are analyzed based on the Law No. 32 of 2009 ON THE PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF LIFE ENVIRONMENT, related to the development of RAP material usage. Secondary data containing RAP material test data obtained from previous research analyzed its physical and mechanical properties as pavement of road foundation pavement. Based on the study of the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials in the use of green technology for road materials, the results of the calculation and questionnaire analysis tend to get the same results from the calculation of each indicator, i.e. improvement planning and maintenance on the specific identification aspect heavily influenced by the budget APBD funding, still abundant pavement materials and limited pavement recycling equipment. The RAP material that has been analyzed for physical and mechanical properties has found that aggregate or abrasion wear is 57.67% - 59.6% and the maximum specification is 40%, so the RAP is not included in the specification, but still capable of serving low traffic loads; RAP material needs addition of new material; RAP material in the analysis contains asphalt content of 4.55% - 4.66%; and RAP material in the analysis is not recommended for the upper layers because the added materials are still too expensive


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    Construction made from concrete, both conventional concrete and Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), which contact with seawater, often run into decreased durability due to the content of chemical compounds that are harmful for concrete, such as Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) and Chloride (Cl). One way to overcome this problem is to use fine fly ash in the concrete mixture. This article discusses the results of an experimental study on the use of fine fly ash in High Volume Fly Ash- Self Compacting Concrete on durability and mechanical properties. Fine fly ash used is processed using the fly ash filtering method with a water filter. The research method is a laboratory experiment by making concrete test objects. Durability tests include Volume of Permeable Voids (VPV) and Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT), while mechanical properties is concrete compressive strength. The research results showed that using fine fly ash compared to concrete without fly ash or concrete with raw fly ash positively impacted increasing compressive strength, reducing concrete voids, and good resistance to chloride attack at low penetration levels

    Pengembangan Campuran Bergradasi Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Menggunakan Bahan Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Dan Limbah Arang Batubara

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    Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) is a mixture with gap grading or gap graded, which contains most of coarse aggregate and form an efficient framework for the deployment of the load. Coarse aggregate bound together by the mastic, which contain fiber fillers. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is a long road pavement demolition materials. Filler coal are fossil fuels, sedimentary organic rock composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Due to the insistence of the oil crisis and environmental issues to reduce waste, material RAP then began utilized progressive manner reprocessed. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of RAP and the effect of the use of coal filler on the performance of split mastic asphalt. The research method is to make a mixture of graded split mastic asphalt with RAP variation of 0%, 50%, 100% of the total coarse aggregate and coal filler 0%, 50%, and 100% of the total weight of the filler. The total weight of the test object is 1200 grams. Coarse aggregate fraction as much as 70%, fine aggregate 19.5%, and 10.5% filler. In this study, the tests performed are as many as 18 marshall test specimen. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Civil Engineering Pavement Materials Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) using the new aggregate and fiber bran 7% obtained a value of 6.5%. Variations of the test specimen that RAP content of 0%, 50%, and 100% of the total coarse aggregates and coal filler content of 0%, 50%, and 100% of the total weight of the filler. testing the specimen, with rising levels of RAP VFWA value, and the flow tends to rise while the value of VMA, VIM, stability, and MQ (Marshall Quotient) tends to fall. While coal filler levels rise, then the value VFWA and flow to go up while the value of VMA, VIM, stability, and MQ (Marshall Quotient) down. RAP optimum levels to meet the specifications of high school grading 0/11 ie on the sample 6 with RAP appeal variasai new aggregate is 50: 50 and a filler content of coal 100%. RAP content of 50% and 100% to 100% coal filler made a chart to determine the optimum levels of RAP that meets the specifications that is equal to 67% of total coarse aggregates or 48% of the total mixture. Keywords : Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement; Split Mastic Asphalt; Filler coal; Marshall characteristics


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    Abstract This paper presents the results of research on the durability of Asphalt Concrete-Wear Asphalt (AC-WC) mixture using latex material to water immersion. Resistance to warm water immersion is intended to measure the durability of asphalt mixture in serving traffic loads against the influence of water and temperature factors. The use of latex material is intended to improve the performance of the mixture. This research uses a laboratory-scale test. The specimen of AC-WC added with latex was tested for its tensile strength using the Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) test. Other specimens are immersed in water at 60°C with a continuous and periodic soaking system. The continuous immersion was carried out for 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours, while the periodic immersion was carried out for 12 hours soaked and 12 hours exposed alternately. The durability was analyzed using the Residual Strength Index indicator. The analysis shows that the addition of latex increased the tensile strength of the AC-WC mixture based on the ITS test results. The AC-WC mixture added with latex can increase its resistance to continuous and periodic immersion, by increasing the residual strength index and decreasing IKS with increasing immersion time. Continuous immersion has a greater impact on reducing IKS than periodic. In specimens without latex, the decrease in IKS values between continuous and periodic soaking has the same pattern, but in specimens with latex, the pattern is different. Keywords: asphalt concrete; latex; water immersion; Indirect Tensile Strength; Residual Strength Index.  Abstrak Makalah ini menyajikan hasil penelitian mengenai ketahanan campuran beraspal Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course (AC-WC) yang menggunakan bahan lateks terhadap rendaman air. Ketahanan terhadap perendaman air hangat dimaksudkan untuk mengukur daya tahan campuran aspal dalam melayani beban lalu lintas terhadap pengaruh faktor air dan temperatur. Penggunaan bahan lateks dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki kinerja cam-puran. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji skala laboratorium. Kekuatan tarik benda uji AC-WC dengan lateks diuji menggunakan uji Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS). Benda uji yang lain direndam dalam air bertemperatur 60oC dengan sistem rendaman menerus dan rendaman berkala. Metode perendaman secara menerus dilakukan selama 0, 24 jam, 48 jam, dan 72 jam, sedangkan rendaman secara berkala dilakukan 12 jam direndam dan 12 jam diekspose secara bergantian. Tingkat keawetan dianalisis menggunakan indikator Indeks Kekuatan Sisa (IKS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan lateks meningkatkan kekuatan tarik campuran AC-WC berdasarkan hasil uji ITS. Ketahanan terhadap perendaman menerus dan berkala, campuran AC-WC menggu-nakan lateks meningkat, dengan meningkatnya indeks kekuatan sisa dan menurunnya IKS dengan bertambah-nya lama rendaman. Perendaman secara menerus memberi dampak yang lebih besar dalam menurunkan IKS dibanding perendaman berkala. Pada benda uji tanpa lateks, penurunan nilai IKS antara rendaman menerus dan rendaman berkala memiliki pola yang sama, namun pada benda uji dengan lateks pola penurunan nilai IKS berbeda. Kata-kata kunci: campuran beraspal; lateks; rendaman air; Indirect Tensile Strength; Indeks Kekuatan Sisa

    Analisa Lendutan Dan Model Retak Lapis Perkerasan Acwc Daur Ulang Yang Diperkuat Geogrid Pra-Tegang

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    Seiring perkembangan jaman, dihadapkan dengan terbatasnya sumberdaya alam untuk kebutuhan pembangunan konstruksi jalan. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan kajian lebih lanjut mengenai pemanfaatan limbah perkerasan jalan yang sudah habis umur perencanaannya, dengan cara dimanfaatkan kembali dengan dicampur bahan perkerasan baru atau sering disebut Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). RAP yang telah ada biasanya mempunyai sifat fisik dan kekuatan yang berbeda dengan jenis perkerasan baru pada umumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lendutan dan model retak pada struktur perkerasan daur ulang tanpa geogrid dan yang diperkut dengan geogrid pra-tagang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan penabahan aspal 2,58% dari jumlah total agregat dan diperkuat dengan geogrid pra-tegang dengan variasi 0%, 2%, 4% dan 6% dari panjang geogrid mula-mula.Selanjutnya di uji menggunakan alat Beam Bending Apparatus untuk mendapatkan besar nilai lendutan dengan beban maksimum dan model retak yang terjadi pada benda uji. Hasil analisis lendutan dan beban maksismum dengan variasi regangan 0%, 2%, 4%, dan 6% cenderung mengalami kenaikan. Pada lapis perkerasan semua arah rambatan retak dari bawah dan terjadi retak vertikal. Semakin besar regangan pada geogrid semakin lama terjadinya keretakan. Sebagian besar lokasi retakan terjadi antara agregat dan aspal, sebagian hanya terjadi retak pada agregat dan retak pada aspal

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Kota Solo dan Sekitarnya Berbasis Web

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    Perancangan dan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mengakses layanan informasi pariwisata kota Solo dan sekitarnya. Perancangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan hardware AMD dual core E450, Processor 1.65 GHz dan Memory RAM 2 GB . Alur penelitian dalam pembuatan sistem informasi pariwisata kota Solo dan sekitarnya berbasis web adalah mengumpulkan data, merancang program, membuat program dengan menggunakan software Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, dan pengujian, jika dalam pengujian program tidak berjalan baik maka dilakukan perbaikan, sehingga menghasilkan sistem informasi pariwisata kota Solo dan sekitarnya yang layak diakses secara online. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didapat dari hasil wawancara langsung dengan pegawai Dinas Pariwisata Surakarta, dan internet. Pengujian dilakukan secara online atau terhubung dengan internet. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang diujikan kepada 15 responden, menunjukkan bahwa perancangan sistem informasi pariwisata kota Solo dan sekitarnya memudahkan pengguna dalam mengakses layanan informasi pariwisata kota Solo dan sekitarnya