24 research outputs found

    Implementasi Algoritma Bubble Sort Terhadap 2 Buah Model Varian Pengurutan Data Menggunakan Bahasa Program Java

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    In the field of computer science the efforts made in solving a problem are to use systematic, logical, and strategic flow and steps. These steps are known as algorithms. So many algorithms exist for solving a particular problem. In connection with this paper the algorithm discussed is about the data sorting algorithm, among the few known are: Merge, Selection, Insertion, Bubble, Quick, Heap, Shell. All of these algorithms have advantages and disadvantages of each. One interesting algorithm to be implemented on 2 models of data sorting variants is the Bubble Sort algorithm, the reason is that this algorithm has a fairly long and detailed process flow to produce sequential data sequences from previously unsordered data sequences. And the purpose of implementing them using the language of the program is to be able to provide a translation picture of a complicated and long Bubble Sort algorithm that becomes easier and concise to solve using the program language, which in this case uses the Java program language. For ascending sequencing moving from left to right the method is by shifting the larger values ​​to the right position in sequence, so that finally the smaller values ​​are on the left, whereas for descending sorting moving from left to right the method is by shifting the smaller values ​​to the right position in sequence, so that finally the larger values ​​are on the left. And the programming technique differs only in relation operators that are used against the data being compared

    Perbandingan Metode Selection Sort dan Insertion Sort Dalam Pengurutan Data Menggunakan Bahasa Program Java

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    There are various kinds of sorting data methods that we know of which are Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Shell Sort, and Heap Sort methods. All of these methods have their respective strengths and weaknesses, the use of which is determined based on needs. Each method has a different algorithm, where the difference in this algorithm affects the execution time. In this paper the authors make a comparison of the 2 methods of sorting data, namely the Sort Sort and Insertion Sort methods, with consideration that the two methods are concise algorithms and have almost the same algorithm pattern. , using the same number and data model. The purpose of this comparison is to provide an overview of the two methods, which method has faster execution time, whether the Selection sort method or the Insertion Sort method

    Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaan Non-Linier Dengan Metode Bisection & Metode Regula Falsi Menggunakan Bahasa Program Java

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    The numerical method is a technique used to formulate mathematical problems so that they can be solved using ordinary arithmetic operations. In general, numerical methods are used to solve mathematical problems that cannot be solved by ordinary analytical methods. In the Numerical Method, we know two types of system equations, namely the Linear Equation System and the Non-Linear Equation System. Each system of equations has several methods. In the System, the Linear Equation between the methods is the Gauss Elimination method, the Gauss-Jordan Elimination method, the LU (Lower-Upper) Decomposition method. And for the Non-Linear Equation System between the methods is the Bisection method (Share-Two), Falsi Regula method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method, and Fix Iteration method. In this study, researchers are interested in comparing the two methods in the Non-Linear Equation System, namely the Bisection method and the Falsi Regula method. And this benchmarking process uses the Java programming language tool, this is to facilitate analysis of method completion algorithms, and monitoring in terms of execution time and output analysis. So that we can clearly know what differences occur between the two methods

    Perbandingan Metode Newton-Raphson & Metode Secant Untuk Mencari Akar Persamaan Dalam Sistem Persamaan Non-Linier

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    The numerical method is a technique used to formulate mathematical problems so that it can be solved using ordinary arithmetic operations. In general, numerical methods are used to solve mathematical problems that cannot be solved by ordinary analytic methods. In the Numerical Method, we recognize two types of systems of equations, namely the Linear Equation System and the Non-Linear Equation System. Each system of equations has several methods. In the Linear Equation System between methods is the Gauss Elimination method, the Gauss-Jordan Elimination method, the LU (Lower-Upper) Decomposition method. And for Non-Linear Equation Systems between the methods are the Bisection method, the Regula Falsi method, the Newton Raphson method, the Secant method, and the Fix Iteration method. In this study, researchers are interested in analyzing 2 methods in the Non-Linear Equation System, the Newton-Raphson method and the Secant method. And this analysis process uses the Java programming language tools, this is to facilitate the analysis of method completion algorithm, and monitoring in terms of execution time and analysis of output results. So we can clearly know the difference between what happens between the two methods

    Purwarupa RFID Student Smart Card Berbasis Raspberry pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan GT

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    The conventional attendance system has problems and raises many questions so that administrative management becomes less effective and efficient. The focus of research is on making attendance tools an automatic attendance system by utilizing student cards as a tool to collect attendance data. Methods of collecting data were obtained by direct visits, interviews, and literature review. The analysis method is obtained by comparing the old system with the new one using the system development life cycle. The prototype method used in this research is the rapid prototyping approach. The RFID prototype for the attendance system uses student cards as a tool for attendance. So that the card becomes more useful and multi-functional. The purpose of this research is to help GT Vocational School in making a better automatic attendance system so that the system can make it easier for staff and teachers to manage attendance. The attendance system uses student cards as a tool for attendance, can make students more independent in the attendance process, and teachers just confirm on the website, and they don”t need to bring attendance papers anymore. With the automatic attendance system, all data is integrated into the website, the administrative section no longer prepares attendance papers for each teaching and learning activity


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    Dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan, pembiayaan merupakan potensi yang sangat menentukan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dalam manajemen administrasi pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perencanaan anggaran untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; (2) pengorganisasian SDM untuk manajemen pembiayaan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; (3) pelaksanaan manajemen pembiayaan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; (4) sistem pengawasan pembiayaan pendidikan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di SD Islam Ar Rahmah Suruh.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif analitis. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang mencakup empat komponen yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabasahan data menggunakan Kredibilitas, Transferbility, Dependebilitas, dan Konfirmabilitas.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perencanaan anggaran pendidikan SD Islam Ar RAhmah disusun dan dituangkan dalam bentuk RAPBPT yang diadakan pada tiap akhir tahun dengan menetapkan semua program beserta anggaran masing-masing program. Melibatkan stakholders sekolah, melalui rapat serta keputusan rapat yang sudah di sepakati diputuskan lagi oleh ketua yayasan; 2) Mekanisme pengorganisasian pembiayaan pendidikan dimulai dari sumber dana itu sendiri. Kedua pengorganisasian sumber daya manusia yang mengelola dana tersebut. Di lihat dari struktur organisasi yang bertanggung jawab mengelola keuangan di SD Islam Ar Rahmah adalah kepala sekolah; 3) Pelaksanaan Anggaran di SD Islam Ar Rahmah Suruh digunakan untuk pembiayaan program sekolah serta belanja barang dan jasa dan pengembangan; 4) Pengawasan pembiayaan pendidikan di SD Islam Ar Rahmah dilakukan oleh yayasan Ar Rahmah Suruh dan dinas kependidikan. Kemudian, pertanggungjawaban pembiayaan sekolah diserahkan kepada Komite Sekolah, Yayasan Ar Rahmah, dan dinas pendidikan


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    Burung adalah salah satu binatang dari beberapa hama atau hewan perusak yang terdapat pada area persawahan. Luasnya area menjadi perhatian khusus bagi petani. Oleh karena itu petani menggunakan peralatan-peralatan tradisional seperti tali plastik dan orang-orangan sawah untuk mengusir hama tersebut. Tentu saja cara pengusiran ini butuh dukungan dari teknologi terbaru, dikarenakan masih terlihat adanya hama burung yang mengganggu area persawahan, dan akhirnya mengakibatkan produktivitas hasil panen yang tidak optimal. Sebuah metode dengan automasi yang cerdas dibutuhkan sebagai jawaban dari kesulitan yang dialami selama ini oleh para petani. Penerapan sistem pengusir burung secara otomatis dengan cara mendeteksi keberadaan burung serta teknik pengusiran memanfaatkan frekuensi suara yang tidak disukai oleh burung, diharapkan dapat mengusir hama burung. Perancangan purwarupa Bird repellent device bekerja dengan cara memanfaatkan teknik computer vision melalui sensor kamera untuk menangkap objek burung dalam setiap frame, kemudian diproses oleh Raspberry Pi. Setelah objek tertangkap pada kamera maka Raspberry Pi mengaktifkan aktuator berupa frekuensi suara

    Land Use Optimization in Asahan Watershed with Linear Programming and SWAT Model

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    Erosion occurring within a watershed can threaten land use sustainability through land quality degradation. To minimize erosion in Asahan Watershed, this study employs land use optimization technique through linear program and spatial optimization. Optimization wasapplied to minimize erosion with a number of constraints and taking the lan