3,102 research outputs found

    Chimerism and clonal exhaustion [2] (multiple letters)

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    How the other half lives: CRISPR-Cas's influence on bacteriophages

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    CRISPR-Cas is a genetic adaptive immune system unique to prokaryotic cells used to combat phage and plasmid threats. The host cell adapts by incorporating DNA sequences from invading phages or plasmids into its CRISPR locus as spacers. These spacers are expressed as mobile surveillance RNAs that direct CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins to protect against subsequent attack by the same phages or plasmids. The threat from mobile genetic elements inevitably shapes the CRISPR loci of archaea and bacteria, and simultaneously the CRISPR-Cas immune system drives evolution of these invaders. Here we highlight our recent work, as well as that of others, that seeks to understand phage mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas evasion and conditions for population coexistence of phages with CRISPR-protected prokaryotes.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    TL1A/DR3 axis involvement in the inflammatory cytokine network during pulmonary sarcoidosis

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    BACKGROUND: TNF-like ligand 1A (TL1A), a recently recognized member of the TNF superfamily, and its death domain receptor 3 (DR3), firstly identified for their relevant role in T lymphocyte homeostasis, are now well-known mediators of several immune-inflammatory diseases, ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to inflammatory bowel diseases to psoriasis, whereas no data are available on their involvement in sarcoidosis, a multisystemic granulomatous disease where a deregulated T helper (Th)1/Th17 response takes place. METHODS: In this study, by flow cytometry, real-time PCR, confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry analyses, TL1A and DR3 were investigated in the pulmonary cells and the peripheral blood of 43 patients affected by sarcoidosis in different phases of the disease (29 patients with active sarcoidosis, 14 with the inactive form) and in 8 control subjects. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated a significant higher expression, both at protein and mRNA levels, of TL1A and DR3 in pulmonary T cells and alveolar macrophages of patients with active sarcoidosis as compared to patients with the inactive form of the disease and to controls. In patients with sarcoidosis TL1A was strongly more expressed in the lung than the blood, i.e., at the site of the involved organ. Additionally, zymography assays showed that TL1A is able to increase the production of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by sarcoid alveolar macrophages characterized, in patients with the active form of the disease, by reduced mRNA levels of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that TL1A/DR3 interactions are part of the extended and complex immune-inflammatory network that characterizes sarcoidosis during its active phase and may contribute to the pathogenesis and to the progression of the disease

    Coronary computed tomography angiography investigation of the association between left main coronary artery bifurcation angle and risk factors of coronary artery disease

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    To explore the association between the left main coronary artery bifurcation angle and common atherosclerotic risk factors with regard to the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). A retrospective review of 196 CCTA cases (129 males, 67 females, mean age 58 ± 10.5 years) was conducted. The bifurcation angle between the left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCx) was measured on two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed images and the type of plaque and degree of lumen stenosis was assessed to determine the disease severity. An association between bifurcation angle and patient risk factors [gender, body mass index (BMI), hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and family history] of CAD was also assessed to demonstrate the relationship between these variables. The mean bifurcation angle between the LAD and LCx was 79.40° ± 22.97°, ranging from 35.5° to 178°. Gender and BMI were found to have significant associations with bifurcation angle. Males were at 2.07-fold greater risk of having a >80° bifurcation angle and developing CAD than females (P = 0.003), and patients with high BMI (>25 kg/m2) were 2.54-fold more likely to have a >80° bifurcation angle than patients with a normal BMI (P = 0.001) and thus were at greater risk of developing CAD. There is a direct relationship between the left main coronary artery bifurcation angle and patient gender and BMI. Measurement of the bifurcation angle should be incorporated into clinical practice to identify patients at high risk of developing CAD

    Stimulation of Na<sup>+</sup>/H<sup>+</sup> Exchanger Isoform 1 Promotes Microglial Migration

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    Regulation of microglial migration is not well understood. In this study, we proposed that Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) is important in microglial migration. NHE-1 protein was co-localized with cytoskeletal protein ezrin in lamellipodia of microglia and maintained its more alkaline intracellular pH (pHi). Chemoattractant bradykinin (BK) stimulated microglial migration by increasing lamellipodial area and protrusion rate, but reducing lamellipodial persistence time. Interestingly, blocking NHE-1 activity with its potent inhibitor HOE 642 not only acidified microglia, abolished the BK-triggered dynamic changes of lamellipodia, but also reduced microglial motility and microchemotaxis in response to BK. In addition, NHE-1 activation resulted in intracellular Na+ loading as well as intracellular Ca2+ elevation mediated by stimulating reverse mode operation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCXrev). Taken together, our study shows that NHE-1 protein is abundantly expressed in microglial lamellipodia and maintains alkaline pHi in response to BK stimulation. In addition, NHE-1 and NCXrev play a concerted role in BK-induced microglial migration via Na+ and Ca2+ signaling. © 2013 Shi et al

    Continuum Modeling of Ultrasonic Behavior in Fluid-Loaded Fibrous Composite Media with Applications to Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites

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    Elastic wave propagation in fibrous composite materials has been the subject of numerous investigations in recent years. However, the morphology of fiber-reinforced composites can seriously complicate the calculation of their wave propagation properties. Since it is clearly not practical to attempt a solution of the completely general elastic-wave problem, most prior work [1–4] has employed various approximations to render the calculations tractable. Our own approach [5,6] to interacting continua offers an alternative procedure for modeling the response of composites, where in particular, a rational construction of the mixture momentum and constitutive-relation interaction terms is given. This theory leads to simple wave propagation equations which potentially contain the full influence of the microstructure, that is, the distribution of displacements and stresses within individual constituents of the composite

    Two Stellar Components in the Halo of the Milky Way

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    The halo of the Milky Way provides unique elemental abundance and kinematic information on the first objects to form in the Universe, which can be used to tightly constrain models of galaxy formation and evolution. Although the halo was once considered a single component, evidence for its dichotomy has slowly emerged in recent years from inspection of small samples of halo objects. Here we show that the halo is indeed clearly divisible into two broadly overlapping structural components -- an inner and an outer halo -- that exhibit different spatial density profiles, stellar orbits and stellar metallicities (abundances of elements heavier than helium). The inner halo has a modest net prograde rotation, whereas the outer halo exhibits a net retrograde rotation and a peak metallicity one-third that of the inner halo. These properties indicate that the individual halo components probably formed in fundamentally different ways, through successive dissipational (inner) and dissipationless (outer) mergers and tidal disruption of proto-Galactic clumps.Comment: Two stand-alone files in manuscript, concatenated together. The first is for the main paper, the second for supplementary information. The version is consistent with the version published in Natur

    Non-abelian Action for Multiple Five-Branes with Self-Dual Tensors

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    We construct an action for non-abelian 2-form in 6-dimensions. Our action consists of a non-abelian generalization of the abelian action of Perry and Schwarz for a single five-brane. It admits a self-duality equation on the field strength as the equation of motion. It has a modified 6d Lorentz symmetry. On dimensional reduction on a circle, our action gives the standard 5d Yang-Mills action plus higher order corrections. Based on these properties, we propose that our theory describes the gauge sector of multiple M5-branes in flat space.Comment: LaTeX, 26 pages. v2: improved discussion of Lorentz symmetry. ref added. v3: add comments in the discussion section on the inclusion of scalar fields and supersymmetry; title changed to a more suitable one; version published in JHE
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