11,962 research outputs found

    Temperature coefficients and radiation induced DLTS spectra of MOCVD grown n(+)p InP solar cells

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    The effects of temperature and radiation on n(+)p InP solar cells and mesa diodes grown by metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) were studied. It was shown that MOCVD is capable of consistently producing good quality InP solar cells with Eff greater than 19 percent which display excellent radiation resistance due to minority carrier injection and thermal annealing. It was also shown that universal predictions of InP device performance based on measurements of a small group of test samples can be expected to be quite accurate, and that the degradation of an InP device due to any incident particle spectrum should be predictable from a measurement following a single low energy proton irradiation

    In Vitro Motility, Velocity and Capacitation Status of Merino Ram Spermatozoa

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of Merino rams on the in vitro motility, velocity and capacitation status of ram spermatozoa. Four rams of proven fertility were used in this study. Semen was collected by electro ejaculation. The fresh semen was diluted at four dilutions in Hepes buffered synthetic oviduct fluid. A sample of semen was collected and the motility, velocity and capacitation status of spermatozoa determined and analyzed. The results study showed that motility and velocity of Merino rams spermatozoa were not significantly different. The mean average path velocity (VAP), straight-line velocity (VSL) and curvilinear velocity (VCL) were 91.2 µm/s, 72.2 µm/s and 134 µm/s, respectively. Amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH), beat cross frequency (BCF) and linearity (LIN) was 5.5 µm, 19.5 Hz, and 54.7%, respectively. During the incubation time, progressively more spermatozoa became capacitated such that at the end of the incubation, 40.9±0.9% was capacitated acrosome-intact and 29±2.5% was capacitated acrosome-reacted. In conclusion, the motility and velocity of Merino spermatozoa were similar among rams. There were differences among rams in the capacitation profile; however there was no significant effect of incubation time and dilution rate on the capacitation status

    Ionization state, excited populations and emission of impurities in dynamic finite density plasmas: I. The generalized collisional-radiative model for light elements

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    The paper presents an integrated view of the population structure and its role in establishing the ionization state of light elements in dynamic, finite density, laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. There are four main issues, the generalized collisional-radiative picture for metastables in dynamic plasmas with Maxwellian free electrons and its particularizing to light elements, the methods of bundling and projection for manipulating the population equations, the systematic production/use of state selective fundamental collision data in the metastable resolved picture to all levels for collisonal-radiative modelling and the delivery of appropriate derived coefficients for experiment analysis. The ions of carbon, oxygen and neon are used in illustration. The practical implementation of the methods described here is part of the ADAS Project

    The role of the lateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate in stimulus–response association reversals

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    Many complex tasks require us to flexibly switch between behavioral rules, associations, and strategies. The prefrontal cerebral cortex is thought to be critical to the performance of such behaviors, although the relative contribution of different components of this structure and associated subcortical regions are not fully understood. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure brain activity during a simple task which required repeated reversals of a rule linking a colored cue and a left/right motor response. Each trial comprised three discrete events separated by variable delay periods. A colored cue instructed which response was to be executed, followed by a go signal which told the subject to execute the response and a feedback instruction which indicated whether to ‘‘hold’’ or ‘‘f lip’’ the rule linking the colored cue and response. The design allowed us to determine which brain regions were recruited by the specific demands of preparing a rule contingent motor response, executing such a response, evaluating the significance of the feedback, and reconfiguring stimulus–response (SR) associations. The results indicate that an increase in neural activity occurs within the anterior cingulate gyrus under conditions in which SR associations are labile. In contrast, lateral frontal regions are activated by unlikely/unexpected perceptual events regardless of their significance for behavior. A network of subcortical structures, including the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and striatum were the only regions showing activity that was exclusively correlated with the neurocognitive demands of reversing SR associations. We conclude that lateral frontal regions act to evaluate the behavioral significance of perceptual events, whereas medial frontal–thalamic circuits are involved in monitoring and reconfiguring SR associations when necessary

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