270 research outputs found

    Electronic properties and Fermi surface of Ag(111) films deposited onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces

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    Silver films were deposited at room temperature onto H-passivated Si(111) surfaces. Their electronic properties have been analyzed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Submonolayer films were semiconducting and the onset of metallization was found at a Ag coverage of \sim0.6 monolayers. Two surface states were observed at Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}-point in the metallic films, with binding energies of 0.1 and 0.35 eV. By measurements of photoelectron angular distribution at the Fermi level in these films, a cross-sectional cut of the Fermi surface was obtained. The Fermi vector determined along different symmetry directions and the photoelectron lifetime of states at the Fermi level are quite close to those expected for Ag single crystal. In spite of this concordance, the Fermi surface reflects a sixfold symmetry rather than the threefold symmetry of Ag single crystal. This behavior was attributed to the fact that these Ag films are composed by two domains rotated 60o^o.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    A tunneling picture of dual giant Wilson loop

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    We further discuss a rotating dual giant Wilson loop (D3-brane) solution constructed in Lorentzian AdS by Drukker et al. The solution is shown to be composed of a dual giant Wilson loop and a dual giant graviton by minutely examining its shape. This observation suggests that the corresponding gauge-theory operator should be a k-th symmetric Wilson loop with the insertions of dual giant graviton operators. To support the correspondence, the classical action of the solution should be computed and compared with the gauge-theory result. For this purpose we first perform a Wick rotation to the Lorentzian solution by following the tunneling prescription and obtain Euclidean solutions corresponding to a circular or a straight-line Wilson loop. In Euclidean signature boundary terms can be properly considered in the standard manner and the classical action for the Euclidean solutions can be evaluated. The result indeed reproduces the expectation value of the k-th symmetric Wilson loop as well as the power-law behavior of the correlation function of dual giant graviton operators.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figures, v2: references adde

    The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C279 in 2006

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    The quasar 3C279 was the target of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign from January through April 2006, including an optical-IR-radio monitoring campaign by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration. In this paper we focus on the results of the WEBT campaign. The source exhibited substantial variability of optical flux and spectral shape, with a characteristic time scale of a few days. The variability patterns throughout the optical BVRI bands were very closely correlated with each other. In intriguing contrast to other (in particular, BL Lac type) blazars, we find a lag of shorter- behind longer-wavelength variability throughout the RVB ranges, with a time delay increasing with increasing frequency. Spectral hardening during flares appears delayed with respect to a rising optical flux. This, in combination with the very steep IR-optical continuum spectral index of ~ 1.5 - 2.0, may indicate a highly oblique magnetic field configuration near the base of the jet. An alternative explanation through a slow (time scale of several days) acceleration mechanism would require an unusually low magnetic field of < 0.2 G, about an order of magnitude lower than inferred from previous analyses of simultaneous SEDs of 3C279 and other FSRQs with similar properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT campaign of 2004-2005

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    The radio quasar 3C 454.3 underwent an exceptional optical outburst lasting more than 1 year and culminating in spring 2005. The maximum brightness detected was R = 12.0, which represents the most luminous quasar state thus far observed (M_B ~ -31.4). In order to follow the emission behaviour of the source in detail, a large multiwavelength campaign was organized by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT). Continuous optical, near-IR and radio monitoring was performed in several bands. ToO pointings by the Chandra and INTEGRAL satellites provided additional information at high energies in May 2005. The historical radio and optical light curves show different behaviours. Until about 2001.0 only moderate variability was present in the optical regime, while prominent and long-lasting radio outbursts were visible at the various radio frequencies, with higher-frequency variations preceding the lower-frequency ones. After that date, the optical activity increased and the radio flux is less variable. This suggests that the optical and radio emissions come from two separate and misaligned jet regions, with the inner optical one acquiring a smaller viewing angle during the 2004-2005 outburst. Moreover, the colour-index behaviour (generally redder-when-brighter) during the outburst suggests the presence of a luminous accretion disc. A huge mm outburst followed the optical one, peaking in June-July 2005. The high-frequency (37-43 GHz) radio flux started to increase in early 2005 and reached a maximum at the end of our observing period (end of September 2005). VLBA observations at 43 GHz during the summer confirm theComment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in A&

    WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps

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    The blazar 3C 454.3 underwent an unprecedented optical outburst in spring 2005. This was first followed by a mm and then by a cm radio outburst, which peaked in February 2006. We report on follow-up observations by the WEBT to study the multiwavelength emission in the post-outburst phase. XMM-Newton observations on July and December 2006 added information on the X-ray and UV fluxes. The source was in a faint state. The radio flux at the higher frequencies showed a fast decreasing trend, which represents the tail of the big radio outburst. It was followed by a quiescent state, common at all radio frequencies. In contrast, moderate activity characterized the NIR and optical light curves, with a progressive increase of the variability amplitude with increasing wavelength. We ascribe this redder-when-brighter behaviour to the presence of a "little blue bump" due to line emission from the broad line region, which is clearly visible in the source SED during faint states. Moreover, the data from the XMM-Newton OM reveal a rise of the SED in the UV, suggesting the existence of a "big blue bump" due to thermal emission from the accretion disc. The X-ray spectra are well fitted with a power-law model with photoelectric absorption, possibly larger than the Galactic one. However, the comparison with previous X-ray observations would imply that the amount of absorbing matter is variable. Alternatively, the intrinsic X-ray spectrum presents a curvature, which may depend on the X-ray brightness. In this case, two scenarios are possible.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A quantitative analysis of the effect of cycle length on arrhythmogenicity in hypokalaemic Langendorff-perfused murine hearts

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    The clinically established proarrhythmic effect of bradycardia and antiarrhythmic effect of lidocaine (10 μM) were reproduced in hypokalaemic (3.0 mM K+) Langendorff-perfused murine hearts paced over a range (80–180 ms) of baseline cycle lengths (BCLs). Action potential durations (at 90% repolarization, APD90s), transmural conduction times and ventricular effective refractory periods (VERPs) were then determined from monophasic action potential records obtained during a programmed electrical stimulation procedure in which extrasystolic stimuli were interposed following regular stimuli at successively decreasing coupling intervals. A novel graphical analysis of epicardial and endocardial, local and transmural relationships between APD90, corrected for transmural conduction time where appropriate, and VERP yielded predictions in precise agreement with the arrhythmogenic findings obtained over the entire range of BCLs studied. Thus, in normokalaemic (5.2 mM K+) hearts a statistical analysis confirmed that all four relationships were described by straight lines of gradients not significantly (P > 0.05) different from unity that passed through the origin and thus subtended constant critical angles, θ with the abscissa (45.8° ± 0.9°, 46.6° ± 0.5°, 47.6° ± 0.5° and 44.9° ± 0.8°, respectively). Hypokalaemia shifted all points to the left of these reference lines, significantly (P < 0.05) increasing θ at BCLs of 80–120 ms where arrhythmic activity was not observed (∼63°, ∼54°, ∼55° and ∼58°, respectively) and further significantly (P < 0.05) increasing θ at BCLs of 140–180 ms where arrhythmic activity was observed (∼68°, ∼60°, ∼61° and ∼65°, respectively). In contrast, the antiarrhythmic effect of lidocaine treatment was accompanied by a significant (P < 0.05) disruption of this linear relationship and decreases in θ in both normokalaemic (∼40°, ∼33°, ∼39° and ∼41°, respectively) and hypokalaemic (∼40°, ∼44°, ∼50° and ∼48°, respectively) hearts. This extended a previous approach that had correlated alterations in transmural repolarization gradients with arrhythmogenicity in murine models of the congenital long QT syndrome type 3 and hypokalaemia at a single BCL. Thus, the analysis in terms of APD90 and VERP provided a more sensitive indication of the effect of lidocaine than one only considering transmural repolarization gradients and may be particularly applicable in physiological and pharmacological situations in which these parameters diverge

    Collaborative Action of Brca1 and CtIP in Elimination of Covalent Modifications from Double-Strand Breaks to Facilitate Subsequent Break Repair

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    Topoisomerase inhibitors such as camptothecin and etoposide are used as anti-cancer drugs and induce double-strand breaks (DSBs) in genomic DNA in cycling cells. These DSBs are often covalently bound with polypeptides at the 3′ and 5′ ends. Such modifications must be eliminated before DSB repair can take place, but it remains elusive which nucleases are involved in this process. Previous studies show that CtIP plays a critical role in the generation of 3′ single-strand overhang at “clean” DSBs, thus initiating homologous recombination (HR)–dependent DSB repair. To analyze the function of CtIP in detail, we conditionally disrupted the CtIP gene in the chicken DT40 cell line. We found that CtIP is essential for cellular proliferation as well as for the formation of 3′ single-strand overhang, similar to what is observed in DT40 cells deficient in the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex. We also generated DT40 cell line harboring CtIP with an alanine substitution at residue Ser332, which is required for interaction with BRCA1. Although the resulting CtIPS332A/−/− cells exhibited accumulation of RPA and Rad51 upon DNA damage, and were proficient in HR, they showed a marked hypersensitivity to camptothecin and etoposide in comparison with CtIP+/−/− cells. Finally, CtIPS332A/−/−BRCA1−/− and CtIP+/−/−BRCA1−/− showed similar sensitivities to these reagents. Taken together, our data indicate that, in addition to its function in HR, CtIP plays a role in cellular tolerance to topoisomerase inhibitors. We propose that the BRCA1-CtIP complex plays a role in the nuclease-mediated elimination of oligonucleotides covalently bound to polypeptides from DSBs, thereby facilitating subsequent DSB repair