26 research outputs found

    Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Pupuan I Kabupaten Tabanan

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    Pelayanan kesehatan oleh petugas di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat merupakan suatu kegiatan dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang optimal bagi masyarakat. Untuk itulah petugas harus memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas supaya masyarakat dalam hal ini pasien dan keluarga pasien merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan dengan tetap mengutamakan keselamatan pasien. Dalam penelitian ini, beberapa pokok permasalahan dapat dirumuskan yaitu: 1) bagaimanakah kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I ?;2) apakah faktor penghambat kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I?; dan 3) bagaimanakah solusi untuk meminimalisir hambatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I? Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan maksud memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I. Pengambilan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sedangkan pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan pemanfaatan dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan secara sirkuler dimana analisis dilakukan sepanjang proses penelitian,dengan tahapan ;pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, serta simpulan dan verifikasi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan fakta bahwa kualitas pelayanan kesehatan Puskesmas Pupuan I mengacu pada tolok ukur yang disebut TERRA (Tangible, Empaty, Responsiveness, Reliability, dan Assurance ) Faktor-faktor penghambat kualitas pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I adalah keterbatasan SDM, sikap pegawai yang terkadang tidak ramah kepada pasien, status kepegawaian yang sebagian besar tenaga kontrak dan tenaga sukarela, serta kurangnya sarana dan prasarana pendukung. Selanjutnya solusi untuk meminimalisir hambatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pupuan I adalah dengan mengefektifkan pegawai yang ada serta pengembangan pegawai, merubah sikap pegawai, mengusulkan peningkatan status kepegawaian atau memperpanjang masa kontrak pegawai kontrak yang berkinerja baik, dan mengusulkan penambahan sarana dan prasarana pendukung yang dibutuhkan

    Determining the potential indigenous red-yeasts producing β-carotene and their phylogenetic relationship

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    Red-yeasts are pigmented yeast species that could synthesize carotenoids for food supplements and pharmaceutical purposes. However, this group contains a lot of species which need to be explored thoroughly. The objective of this study was to view the β-carotene production of three indigenous red-yeasts by modifying glucose content in the growth medium and verifying their phylogenetic relationship. The glucose content modification in growth media influenced the β-carotene production of each species. Rhodosporidiobolus ruineniae (InaCCY1638/Y15Eg075) and Rhodosporidiobolus poonsokiae (InaCCY1606/Y15Kr068) produced higher β-carotene than Rhodotorula paludigena (InaCCY1527/Y15Eg004). These Rhodosporidiobolus species were able to produce higher β-carotene from 0.5 to 2% glucose content while Rhodotorula was low production in 2% glucose content. The higher producers by Rhodosporidiobolus species were clustered to Ruineniae clade and could be a potential clade for higher β-carotene production. Based on this result, using a high carotenoid producer of red-yeasts from indigenous strains is potential to be developed for β-carotene bioindustry in the future

    Identification of A-3ctive Component in Plant of Rampelas (Ficusampelas) as a Natural Coagulant in the Making of Traditional Soft Cheese

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain alternative materials that can be used as a substitute for rennet which until now still has a high price and must be imported in the process of making soft cheese. Specific objectives to be achieved in this research are: to know the components of active compound found in the stem bark of the rampelas plants (Ficusampelas) (SBR) which can act as coagulant in soft cheese making process, to know what main component has the biggest role as Coagulant in soft cheese making process, to know the proper concentration of bark of rampelas (Ficusampelas) stem bark in the process of making soft cheese so that soft cheeses can be produced with the best characteristics. The results of the study concluded that SBR can be used as coagulant on the making of traditional soft cheeses of rampelas with a minimum concentration of 0.25%. The characteristics soft cheeses resulting product have water content 66-70%; protein: 16-21%, and the texture is rather soft. In addition, of tannin and phenolic compounds, indicate that the tradisional rampelas cheese (TRSC) can be developed into a functional Soft cheese against certain diseases. Keywords: rennet, natural coagulant, stem bark of the rampelas, traditional soft chees

    Fertilizing and Pruning Application for the Flowering and Fruiting of Conjoined Citrus

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    This study aims to examine the application of fertilizing and pruning for the flowering and fruiting of conjoined citrus plants and their interactions. This study used a randomized-group design, arranged factorially with two factors, namely Fertilizing (F) and Pruning (P). The first factor that was experimented was fertilization (F) consisting of 3 levels, namely P0 (fertilization following the farmers' way only with manure), F1 (fertilizing with manure, N, P, K and Ca), F2 (fertilizing with manure N , P, K, Ca + Cu and Zn), while the second factor that was experimented was pruning (F) consisting of 3 levels, namely F0 (without pruning), F1 (young shoots trimmed), F2 (young shoots, twigs and leaves that were stricken with disease and were shaded, trimmed). Fertilizing and pruning treatments have a very significant effect on the number of fruits formed per tree. The results show that obtaining highest number of fruits formed per tree in fertilizing treatment with manure N, P, K, Ca + Cu and Zn was 256.00 pieces, increased by 95.79% compared with that of the lowest number in fertilizing treatment carried out only by manure, which was 130.75 pieces. The conclusion that obtained highest number of fruit per tree in the treatment of pruning the young shoots, twigs and leaves that were stricken with disease and were shaded was as many as 222.42 pieces, an increase of 25.71% compared with that of the lowest number in the treatment without pruning, which was only 176.92 fruit

    Yeast Species and Bioactive-Compounds of Traditional Rice Wine Originated from Lombok Island, Indonesia

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    In fermented beverages, yeasts have been exploited for many years and are well-known as alcohol producers. In Indonesian traditional beverages, however, information about microbiology and potential bioactive-compounds of rice wine produced by the local people, especially in Lombok, are limited. The present study described the compounds of traditional rice wine including yeast species and its produced compounds that have biological activity. The yeast in rice wine was isolated using three growth agar media by serial dilution, selected the yeast colonies for molecular identification, and performed gas chromatography tandem with mass spectrometry for profiling the chemical compounds of the rice wine. The result indicated that the rice wine sold without distillation still contained Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the main alcohol producer. Meanwhile, at least six bioactive-compounds such as l-(+)-Ascorbic acid 2,6-dihexadecanoate, performic acid, octadecanoic acid, sulfurous acid, tetratriacontane, and eicosane were detected and reportedly related to antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, and other pharmacological activities. These findings could be the first step of studies on exploring Indonesian’s local rice wine as alcohol and bioactive-compound sources for health benefits


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    Teknik deboning pada karkas unggas menghasilkan daging yang relatif kecil dan tidak beraturan. Perlu teknologiuntuk meminimalkan kerusakan kualitas daging unggas tersebut. Teknologi restrukturisasi daging merupakanteknologi untuk memperbaiki kualitas daging yang berukur kecil-kecil dan tidak beraturan dengan melekatkankemabali menjadi ukuran yang lebih besar dan produk tersebut sering dikenal dengan nama nugget. Tujuan penelitianini adalah untuk mengkaji kualitas produk nugget hasil restrukturisasi berbagai daging unggas dan sekaligusingin diketahui pengaruh jenis daging unggas (itik, entok dan tiktok) terhadap kualitas nugget. Metode penelitianmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakukan yakni T1 = nugget itik, T2 = nugget entok danT3 = nugget tiktok, dengan pengulangan masing-masing perlakuan sebanyak 4 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa hasil restrukturisasi daging menjadi nugget menghasilkan kualitas fisik (pH dan DIA) yang berbeda nyata(P<0,05), sementara nilai aw tidak nyata perbedaannya dan berkisar antara 0,893-0,913. Nilai pH T1 paling tinggidiikuti T2 dan T3 (berturut-turut 6,39; 6,26; dan 6,01). DIA pada T2 (82,81%), T3 (82,29) dan T1 (81,81). Kualitaskimia nugget menghasilkan kadar air paling tinggi pada T2 (60,24%) (P<0,05), diikuti T3 (59,24%) dan T1 (58,32%). Kajian terhadap kadar protein nugget hasil restrukturisasi daging itik, entok dan tiktok menunjukkan hasilyang sama dengan kisaran antara 18,49 %-19,51 %. Kadar lemak secara keseluruhan diantara masing-masing perlakuanberbeda nyata (P<0,05), berturut-turut, 8,79%; 6,59% dan 5,66%. Kajian produk nugget terhadap penilaianpanelis menyangkut warna dan citarasa, nugget itik berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan perlakuan lainnya. Warnanugget yang diberikan panelis berkisar antara 5,30-6,30 sementara kisaran citarasa antara 5,05-6,20. Tekstur nuggetsecara keseluruhan diantara masing-masing perlakuan berbeda nyata (P<0,05), berturut-turut, 5,00; 5,85 dan6,45. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini bahwa restrukturisai berbagai daging unggas menjadi produk nugget memberikanpengaruh berbeda pada kualitas fisik (khususnya pH dan DIA serta nilai aw tidak terpengaruh), kualitaskimia (hanya kadar protein yang tidak terpengaruh) dan penilaian organoleptik nugget (tekstur nugget paling nyataterpengaruh)

    Biocontrol Activity, Mode of Action, and Colonization of Aureobasidium pullulans Dmg 30 DEP on Controlling Early Blight Disease on Tomato Plant

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    We investigated the biocontrol activity of A. pullulans Dmg 30 DEP against Alternaria solani causal agent of early blight. Biocontrol activity was tested by the in vivo and ad planta. Biocontrol activity were tested by investigating the antibiosis capabilities with dual culture method, paper dish assay, two-compartment petri dish assay, and trapping and identification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with GC-MS. Lysis activity was examined by observing the clear zone formed by growing yeast on chitin agar and skim milk agar. The ability of hyperparasitism was assessed by the agar block method, and observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that A. pullulans Dmg 30 DEP plays a role in the suppression of early blight disease at 106 cells/ml and 107 cells/ml yeast cell density. The mechanism involved in biocontrol activity is the production of VOCs, the production of chitinase and protease enzymes, the production of siderophore and hyperparasitism. The result shows that A. pullulans Dmg 30 DEP was colonizing the tomato leaves following the areole


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar teknik dasar pasing permainan sepak bola melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT (Numbered Head Together) pada siswa kelas VIII B SMP Widya Sakti Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII B SMP Widya Sakti Denpasar berjumlah 40 orang, data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil belajar teknik dasar pasing permainan sepak bola secara klasikal pada observasi awal 68,08, meningkat pada siklus I menjadi 77,09 dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 86,1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan, disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar teknik dasar passing permainan sepak bola &nbsp;meningkat melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT pada siswa kelas VIII B SMP Widya Sakti Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

    Keragaman Jenis Khamir Penghasil Etanol yang Diisolasi dari Makanan Fermentasi di Kepulauan Riau (Diversity of Ethanol Producing Yeasts Isolated from Fermented Foods in Riau Islands)

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    Informasi tentang keragaman genetik khamir penghasil etanol di Indonesia sangat penting untuk mengembangkan bioenergi di Indonesia. Penelitian khamir penghasil etanol menarik bagi para peneliti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan jenis khamir yang ada pada makanan fermentasi di Indonesia yang mampu menghasilkan etanol. Sampel makanan fermentasi diperoleh dari pasar tradisional Pulau Karimun Besar, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Isolasi khamir dilakukan dengan penanaman langsung melalui pengenceran dan menggunakan media pengayaan dari glukosa sebagai sumber karbon. Sebanyak 15 isolat diisolasi dan diidentifikasi melalui amplifikasi daerah D1/D2 LSU 26S rDNA. Karakteristik penghasil etanolnya dianalisis melalui aktivitas fermentasi dan kadar etanolnya diuji menggunakan kromatografi gas. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu 8 jenis khamir anggota Ascomycetes yang dikelompokkan ke dalam 5 clade mampu menghasilkan etanol. Isolat khamir yang mampu menghasilkan etanol paling tinggi yaitu Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y15Kr107 (3,53%) diikuti oleh Torulaspora delbrueckii Y15Kr104 (1,63%), Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y15Kr093 (1,58%), Candida glabrata Y15Kr110 (1,4%), Torulaspora delbrueckii Y15Kr103 (1,29%), Candida glabrata Y15Kr108 (1%), Torulaspora globosa Y15Kr094 (0,92%), Kodamaea ohmeri Y15Kr096 (0,61%), dan Pichia kudriavsevii Y15Kr106 (0,31%); Y15Kr105 (0,21%); Y15Kr109 (0,16%). Sementara isolat khamir lainnya tidak menghasilkan etanol namun mungkin memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam proses fermentasi

    DIVERSITY OF XYLOSE ASSIMILATING YEAST FROM THE ISLAND OF ENGGANO, SUMATERA, INDONESIA [Keragaman Khamir Pengguna Xilose yang Diisolasi dari Pulau Enggano, Sumatera, Indonesia]

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    Naturally occurring yeasts (wild type) are important genetic resources for many industrial interests. Though biodiversity exploration of Enggano has been done since 1944, but there is no report for yeast diversity from this island. Due to its industrial interest, xylose fermenting yeast is target for many scientists. This present study aims to isolate xylose assimilating yeast from island of Enggano. The samples were collected from varying sources included soil, leaf litter, decay wood, fruit and sediment. Xylose enrichment culture technique was performed to enrich xylose fermenting yeast. While for the isolation of yeast several methods which include dilution, ballistopore falling, direct isolation, membrane filtration were done. Of 200 isolates, 76 strains (38 %) were xylose assimilating yeast which mostly belong to Candida which include C. insectorum, C. tropicalis, C. boidinii, C. pseudolambica, C. yuanshanica, C. silvae, Cyberlindnera saturnus, Williopsis saturnus and Sporobolomyces poonsookiae. One strain Candida sp. that was isolated from soil could be assigned as a candidate of novel species on base on its morphological and biochemical characteristics along with analyses of gene sequence from D1/D2 domain. This study confirms that yeast survey is very important to obtain new genetic resources for industrial interest as well as for taxonomic study