26 research outputs found

    Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Goat Milk Kefir During Storage Under Different Temperatures

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    This research was conducted to study the chemical and microbiogical properties of goat milk kefir stored under different temperatures and storage time. A completely randomized design, factorial pattern 3 x 3 was used in this study. The first factor was storage temperature (-1 to -5; 1 to 5 and 6 to 10oC) and the second factor was storage time (10; 20 and 30 days). Each treatment has three replicates. Variables observed included pH, water activity (aw), total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and total yeast. Data were subject to analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test. Results showed that storage time and temperature had significant effects on pH. The lowest pH of Kefir was obtained by storing it for 10 days at 6 to 10oC. Titratable acidity was significantly affected by temperature, and kefir stored at 6 to 10oC has the highest titratable acidity. Storage time and temperature had no significant effects on water activity, and the average water activity of kefir was 0.875±0.028. Total LAB and total yeast were significantly affected by temperature, but not by storage time. In average, total LAB and total yeast in kefir were 7.17± 0.92 log cfu/ml and 6.76± 0.39 log cfu/ml, respectively. In conclusion, this study confirmed that temperature of storage has a major contribution to the characteristics of kefir made from goat milk; hence it has to be considered when handling kefir for a longer period of time

    Functional Characteristics of Spent Duck Meat for Use in Emulsion-Type Meat Products

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    Spent ducks produce nutritive meat; however the meat possesses undesirable characteristics such as strong odor and tough. Hence, appropriate yet simple processing technologies need to be developed in order to maximize the use of duck meat. The experiment was conducted to evaluate functional characteristics of spent duck meat as raw material for the production of emulsion-type meat products, such as nugget and sausage. Chilled carcasses of 96 spent ducks were deboned manually, then mixed thoroughly and ground using a 5 mm diameter grinding plate. The ground meat was divided into 4 batches (group) of treatments; one batch was treated with iced tap water (M1), one batch with 0.1% NaCl solution (M2), one batch with 0.5% NaHCO3 solution (M3), and one batch was left as is as control (M4). Variables measured were water holding capacity (WHC), pH, emulsion capacity and stability of the meat; and firmness and tenderness of the meat gel. Results showed that M1 meat has significantly higher WHC (less percentage of free water) than control (M4), whereas M2 and M3 meat has similar WHC to control. Processing caused the ground duck meat to have significantly higher pH than control. The highest meat pH was observed in M3, followed by M2, M1 and control. Processing duck meat with iced tap water, NaCl or NaHCO3 produced significantly more tender meat gel compared to untreated meat (as is). Tenderness of meat gel of M3 was the most tender followed by M2 and M1. Similar results for meat gel firmness were observed. No significant differences were observed in term of emulsion capacity (expressed as ml oil/gr protein and ml oil/gr fresh meat), emulsion stability (expressed as ml oil and total liquid released per 100 gr emulsion), and cooking recovery (%). The study reported in this paper offers simple processing technologies to improve functional characteristics of spent duck meat to be use as raw material for the production of emulsion type meat products. (Animal Production 12(1): 55-59 (2010

    Texture, hedonic test and fatty acid profile of goat cheese with L plantarum TW14 and L. rhamnosus TW2 isolates stored at different temperature conditions

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate texture, hedonic test and fatty acids profile of goat cheese stored at cold and frozen temperatures for 60 days. Cheese was manufactured from goat milk with addition of probiotics bacteria L.plantarum TW14 and L.rhamnosusTW2 with a ratio of (1:1/v/v). Treatments were arranged in a factorial design, employing two factors, i.e. temperature (cold; frozen) and storage time (0; 15,30,45 and 60 days). Each treatment was repeated three times. Results showed that goat cheese stored at cold temperature has an average hardness-texture of 374.46 ±77.69 gf while that of the cheese stored at frozen temperature has 221.66 ±38.46 gf, which were significantly different (P0.05) of storage temperatures and storage time. However, the taste of cheese stored under cold and frozen temperatures was highly significant different (P<0.01). Fatty acids composition of cheese stored for 60 days in a cold storage showed that the highest fatty acid content was SFA which was 64.34% and USFA was 16.76%. During the 60-day storage, the SFA percentage of was relatively stable while the percentage of oleic acid USFA increased

    Development of Cheese as an Antioxidant Functional Food with the Addition of Orthodox Black Tea

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    COVID-19 and the increase in degenerative diseases are the reasons for the high consumption of functional foods. This study investigated the physicochemical, sensory, and functional characteristics of cheese enhanced with orthodox black tea. The primary research materials were 40 liters of fresh cow’s milk, orthodox black tea (OBT), mesophilic bacteria (Lactococcus lactis), animal calf rennet, and CaCl₂. An experimental completely randomized design (CRD) was employed in the study to four treatments, namely control (T0), and the addition of 0.5% OBT (T1), 1% OBT (T2), 1.5% OBT (T3), and 2% OBT (T4). Each treatment was repeated four times and performed in duplicate. The observed variables were physical properties (colors and textures), chemical properties (moisture content, total solids, pH, and total titratable acidity), antioxidant activity, and sensory properties of cheese. The results showed that adding OBT up to 2% produced significantly different levels of pH, total titratable acidity, values (L*, a*, b*), hardness, antioxidant activity, and sensory properties of cheese. No significant difference was observed in the moisture content, total solids, and stickiness of cheese. Conclusively, incorporating OBT up to 2% in cheese making tends to increase the functional properties of cheese that include the a* value, total titratable acidity, and antioxidant activity, but it also decreases the L* and b* values, hardness, and pH value. The panelist’s preference was the highest for cow’s milk cheese with the addition of 0.5% OBT


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    This research was conducted to study the chemical and microbiogical properties of goat milk kefir stored under different temperatures and storage time. A completely randomized design, factorial pattern 3 x 3 was used in this study. The first factor was storage temperature (-1 to -5; 1 to 5 and 6 to 10oC) and the second factor was storage time (10; 20 and 30 days). Each treatment has three replicates. Variables observed included pH, water activity (aw), total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and total yeast. Data were subject to analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple range test. Results showed that storage time and temperature had significant effects on pH. The lowest pH of Kefir was obtained by storing it for 10 days at 6 to 10oC. Titratable acidity was significantly affected by temperature, and kefir stored at 6 to 10oC has the highest titratable acidity. Storage time and temperature had no significant effects on water activity, and the average water activity of kefir was 0.875±0.028. Total LAB and total yeast were significantly affected by temperature, but not by storage time. In average, total LAB and total yeast in kefir were 7.17± 0.92 log cfu/ml and 6.76± 0.39 log cfu/ml, respectively. In conclusion, this study confirmed that temperature of storage has a major contribution to the characteristics of kefir made from goat milk; hence it has to be considered when handling kefir for a longer period of time.</p

    Isolation and Antimicrobial Activities of Lactic Acid Bacteria Originated From Indonesian Local Goat's Colostrum

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    The objectives of this study were to isolate lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Indonesian local goat colostrum and to characterize their suitable properties for bacteriocin production. LAB was isolated from goat colostrum. The characterization of LAB was carried out based on the shape, colony dispersal, and catalase test. For antimicrobial activity, LAB was tested by a well diffusion method followed by an antimicrobial activity test against pathogenic bacteria B. cereus, E.coli, S. aureus and S. thypimurium. A total of 8 strains of LAB were successfully isolated from goat colostrum and coded CT1 to CT8. All the isolates were rod-shaped, single or paired colonies, negative catalase, and glucose fermenting LAB. The isolates consist of four L. casei, two L. brevis or L. plantarum, one L. rhamnosus, and one, L. paracasei. CT3 isolate has 84% similarity with L. plantarum and 14.3% with L. brevis 1while CT8 isolate is 71% similar to L. brevis 1 and 28.9% to L. plantarum. Purity evaluation showed that CT3 and CT8 were L. plantarum. Well difusion test showed that all LAB strains possess very solid resistances, with diameters over 17 mm, against B. cereus, E.coli, S. aureus and S. thypimurium. The average inhibitory resistance against B. Cereus, E.coli, S.aureus and S.typhimurium was was 17.68 mm, 19.38, 19.30 and 19.03 mm, respectively. LAB isolated from Indonesian local goat colostrum are potential candidates for bacteriocin-producing bacteria

    Effects of Decontamination Using Organic Acids on Total Microbial Number and Qualities of Poultry Carcasses

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    Tujuan Penelitian adalah mempelajari pengaruh dekontaminasi menggunakan asam terhadap jumlah mikroorganisme dan kualitas pada karkas ayam selama penyimpanan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan metode dekontaminasi karkas yang dapat diterapkan pada rumah potong ayam skala kecil atau rumah tangga. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dekontaminasi yang terdiri atas perendaman karkas selama 5 menit dalam air dingin (A), asam laktat (B), asam sitrat (C), dan asam asetat (D), masing – masing dengan konsentrasi 2%. Karkas kemudian disimpan pada kondisi kamar dengan cara digantung. Masing – masing perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Peubah yang diamati terdiri atas (1) peubah kualitas mikrobiologis karkas, yaitu jumlah total bakteri, (2) peubah kualitas fisik daging (pH dan WHC), dan (3) peubah kualits organoleptis (warna, bau dan lendir). Peubah diukur sebelum perlakuan, pada 0 jam setelah perlakuan, kemudian setelah 2,4,6 dan 8 jam setelah perlakuan. Hasil menunjukkan dekontaminasi menyebabkan penurunan jumlah mikroba secara drastis dari 104 menjadi 101 cfu/g. Namun demikian, tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antar masing – masing metode terhadap penurunan jumlah mikroba. Jumlah mikroba kembali meningkat seiring dengan lamanya masa simpan. Penggunaan asam organik meyebabkan penurunan jumlah mikroba. Jumlah mikroba kembali meningkat seiring dengan lamanya masa simpan. Penggunaan asam organik menyebabkan penurunan pH karkas. Sampai penyimpanan 8 jam pada kondisi ruang, kualitas fisik karkas (pH dan WHC) tidak ada Perubahan yang berarti dan munculnya lendir pada permukaan karkas belum terdeteksi oleh panelis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa untukmemperpanjang masa simpan dan meningkatkan kemanan, maka perlu dilakukan dekontaminasi pada karkas ayam, yaitu dengan perendaman pada larutan asam (laktat, sitrat atau asetat) 2% selama 5 menit. Karkas yang telah didekontaminasi dapat disimpan sampai dengan 8 jam pada kondisi ruang. (Animal Production 10(2): 129-134 (2008