46 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Sistem Pembangkit Aliran Elektrohidrodinamika Lucutan Korona Positif Berkonfigurasi Elektroda Kawat-bidang

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    The characterization of electrohidrodynamic flow generation system (EHD) has been performed utilizing positive corona discharge configured wire-plate electrode. In this study, the characteristics of the EHD flow generation system in the form of current characteristics as a function of voltage or I-V characteristics with fixed geometry factor, in the without of lubricating oil and with the lubricating oil. The fixed geometry factor was obtained from the radius of the fixed point (r) electrode with various the electrode distance (d). This research was conducted by using positive corona incandescent discharges with wire field electrode configuration. The wire electrode used is made of stainless steel having a length of 5 cm, with wire diameter 0.11 mm, 0.14 mm, 0.21 mm, 0.36 mm, and 0.38 mm. Electrode of field used in the form of circle with diameter 20 cm. Data collection system with variation of voltage, variation of electrode distance, and variation of wire electrode diameter used. Furthermore, data analysis of measurement results was carried out. From the result of characteristic research of EHD flow generator system in the form of current as a function of voltage shows that the increase of voltage is proportional to current increase. While the current as a function of geometry shows the value of the current flowing inversely proportional to the geometry factor of the electrode distance change


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan sosial emosional anak usia 4 – 5 tahun di RA Tunas Harapan kota Surabaya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya tindakan kelas berupa permainan Gobak Sodor. Tujuan penelitian adalah apakah permainan gobak sodor dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sosial eosional pada anak usia 4 – 5 tahun di RA Tunas Harapan Kecamatan Bubutan Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitiannya adalah anak usia 4 – 5 tahun yang berjumlah 20 anak di RA Tunas Harapan Kecamatan Bubutan Surabaya. Data penelitian dengan cara observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisa data menggunakan deskriptif komparatif dan teknik analisis kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan sosial emosional anak meningkatkan setelah diberikan tindakan berupa permainan Gobak Sodor. Pada pra siklus kemampuan anak mencapai 40,42%. Pada siklus I kemampuan anak mencapai 60,21%. Pada siklus II kemampuan anak mencapai nilai rata-rata 84,56%. Sedangkan indikator keberhasilan batas minimalnya adalah 80%. Dengan demikian tindakan kelas berakhir pada Siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan gobak sodor dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional anak usia 4 – 5 tahun di RA Tunas Harapan Surabaya. Untuk itu disarankan kepada para pendidik agar lebih kreatif dan inovatif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional anak

    Prototipe Sistem Kendali Perabot Elektronik Rumah Tangga Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Pada era industri 4.0 perkembangan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) mulai merambah kepada pengendalian perabot elektronik pada rumah tangga. Pengendalian perabot elektronik rumah tangga penting dilakukan karena sistem pengendalian yang efisien dapat menekan biaya penggunaan energi listrik. Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang bangun sistem kendali perabot elektronik rumah tangga berbasis IoT menggunakan mikrokontroler ESP32 dan smartphone. Sistem ini dapat dikendalikan secara dua arah yaitu melalui aplikasi Blynk dan push button manual untuk mematikan dan menyalakan perabot yang terhubung dengan relay. Aplikasi Blynk juga dirancang untuk memonitoring perabot elektronik yang dikendalikan menggunakan sensor. Sensor yang digunakan adalah DS18B20 untuk perabot yang menghasilkan perubahan suhu, dan sensor BH1750 untuk perabot yang menghasilkan perubahan cahaya. Pada pengujian sistem didapatkan hasil relay akan mengubah kondisi ketika salah satu tombol pengendalian ditekan dan menampilkan tampilan ON pada aplikasi Blynk ketika relay menyala dan tampilan OFF ketika relay mati. Dari sensor DS18B20 menampilkan suhu sedangkan sensor BH1750 menampilkan intensitas cahaya pada perabot yang dikendalikan. Hasil kalibrasi sensor diperoleh kesalahan pengukuran tidak melebihi 3%. Jaringan Wi-Fi dapat diakses oleh mikrokontroler ESP32 hingga jarak 10 meter dari router. Pengendalian melalui aplikasi Blynk dapat dilakukan di manapun dan kapanpun selagi smartphone terhubung dengan jaringan internet


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    Oral pathosis were frequent signs or symptoms in patient with undiagnosed blood dyscrasias. The symptoms in the mouth often are the early sign of the disease, so that the patient will seek aid of the dentist first. Otherwise dentists are in the primary position to recognise oral manifestation of the systemic disease. The dentist should be able to detect patients with these diseases by history, clinical examination, and screening laboratory tests. In addition to the diagnostic role, the dentist has an increasingly important part to play during the management of patients with blood disorders. There are three major dental management considerations in the patient with hematologic disorders. As mentioned, patient with blood disorders are functionally immunosuppressed and are at risk for infection and abnormal bleeding. Sources of oral infection should be eliminated. Close cooperation between dentist and physician is mandatory in planning dental treatment

    Ionic Wind Drying for Leaves of Andrographis Paniculata Bush Plant

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    Ionic wind drying or High Electric Field Drying is a convective drying technique. It is a non-thermal plasma technology that can effectively remove product moisture whilst retaining heat-sensitive. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical characterization of the dried Andrographis paniculate leaves. The ionic wind is generated using high voltage DC 4 kV is applied on the pin-three rings concentric electrode by the distance between the 4 mm electrodes. Drying time is 5 to 35 minutes at 5 minute intervals. The results showed that the bitter leaf experienced a reduction in mass during drying and obtained values of the drying rate of 11 x 10-3 db/min,  shrinkage of 10.5% and energy efficiency of 2086 kJ/gram at 30 minutes. Keywords: Ion wind drying, Drying rate. Shrinkage, Andrographis paniculate leaves DOI: 10.7176/APTA/83-04 Publication date: February 29th 202

    The Study of Electrohydrodynamic and Wind Ions Direction Produced by Positive Corona Plasma Discharge

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    The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This research used type of electrodes configuration wire to plane electrodes geometry system.  Wire electrode that was used is made from stainless steel with 5 cm in length and diameter variation from 0.11 mm to 0.38 mm. The plane electrode that was used has circumference shape with diameter of 20 cm. The data acquisition curried out with variations of voltage, distance between electrodes and the variation of wire electrode diameter. EHD phenomenon analysis was studied by current measurement, minor pivot of deformation changes and the reunification time of lubicant oil after switch of external power or electric field. The characteristics of I-V was formed parabolic ((Is?V2). The results also showed an inverse relation between current and geometry factor. We found that the value of characteristic angle of ionic wind flow direction was depending on field electric value and geometry factor. The deformation of lubricant surface returned to its initial condition after cut off the electric field with time returnee depended on the minor pivot deformation. Keywords: electrohydrodynamic, ion wind, positive corona discharge


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    Changes in the oral mucosa frequently is associated with aging. The epithelium becoming thinner, less hydrated and thus supposedly more susceptible to injury. Aging is characterized by decline in the ability of individuals to adapt to environmental stress. The major problems that affect mucous membranes in the aged include candidiasis, xerostomia, atrophic mucositis, aphthous stomatitis, herpes simplex, lichen planys, pemphigus vulgaris, and benign mucous membrane pemphigoif. A special disease of the oral mucosa with the greatest potential morbidity and mortality is cancer. The management of such oral mucosal diseases should be organized and developed to secure continuously adequate early detection, prevention and treatment of oral health problems. It requires the involvement and willingness of other health professionals, to get the optimal result


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    Pada penelitian ini akan diungkapkan tentang lucutan korona negatif pada kondisi atmosfer dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap sifat resapan air di kain poliester grey. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membandingkan pembangkitan lucutan pijar korona negatif dengan dua jenis elektroda yang berbeda geometri dan mengamati sifat serapan air pada kain poliester grey yang telah diiradiasi dengan lucutan ini. Pembangkitan lucutan korona negatif pada kondisi atmosfer ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua jenis geometri elektroda, yaitu elektroda titik-bidang dan elektroda garis-bidang. Elektroda titik maupun garis diperlakukan sebagai katoda dan elektroda bidang diperlakukan sebagai elektroda anoda. Pengukuran beda potensial dan arus menggunakan multimeter digital. Iradiasi kain dilakukan dengan menempatkan kain katun maupun poliester pada elektroda bidang. Uji tetes dilakukan untuk mendapatkan karakter serapan air terhadap kain yang telah diiradiasi. Lucutan yang dibangkitkan pada kondisi atmosfer akan meningkat arusnya ketika diberi penambahan tegangan. Karakteristik lucutan saat kain berada anoda sedikit berbeda bila dibandingkan tanpa adanya kain, namun pola lucutan masih relatif sama. Pada uji tetes menunjukkan bahwa lucutan korona negatif pada kain poliester maupun katun berpengaruh pada penurunan waktu serap. Selain itu, durasi iradiasi terhadap kain sangat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan waktu serap air di kain katun maupun poliester. Penurunan mencolok terlihat pada kain poliester grey dimana sebelumnya 16 detik menjadi kurang dari 2 detik