47 research outputs found

    Persepsi Peserta Didik terhadap Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Kesenian Rebana di Sdn 164 Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of students at SDN 164 Pekanbaru toward extra-curricular activities art of Rebana. The activities consist of selection, organization,interpretation .This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population in this study is female students at SDN 164 Pekanbaru for IV and V grade (140 people) . The sample in this study are 58 people. Sampling in this study using Slovin formula. The instrument in the study is a questionnaire containing 29 items of statements. The answer consists of five alternatives for positive statements Every so Often/strongly agree (SS) given score 5, often/agree (SR/ST) category (score 4), rarely/hesitation (JR/RR) given score 3 (three), a score of 2 (two) is given to less rarely /less agree (JS/TS) and never/disagree (TP/STS) is scored 1 (one). And for negative statements Every so Often/strongly agree (SS) given score 1, often/agree (SR/ST) category (score 2), rarely/hesitation (JR/RR) given score 3 (three), a score of 4 (four) is given to less rarely /less agree (JS/TS) and never/disagree (TP/STS) is scored 5 (five).The results revealed that the perception of students at SDN 164 Pekanbaru toward extra-curricular activities art of Rebana interm of Selection is 55,15% of the respondents answer score 4 and 5 ,2. Organization is 72,76% of respondents answer score 4 and 5, 3. interpretation is 66,82% of the respondent. It means that the Perception of students at SDN 164 Pekanbaru toward extra-curricular activities art of Rebana is good

    Pembelajaran Kooperatif Numbered Head Together Untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS

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    This study aims to analyze: (1) measures of learning, (2) the implementation process of learning, (3) learning evaluation system, (4) improved learning outcomes IPS class VII Secondary School District 8 Metro with cooperative learning Numbered Heads Together. Research using action research with three cycles, the first cycle of cooperative learning with LKS NHT, NHT second cycle of cooperative learning by using media images and worksheets, third cycle NHT type of cooperative learning, media images and teaching materials in the form of a summary of the material with LKS. The collection of data through observation and tests competency test and quantitatively analyzed descriptively.The results: 1) design lesson plans with worksheets with syntax NHT: NHT learning with worksheets at the start by forming a study group consists of 4 members of each group to determine the serial number of each member, the student forming discussion groups according to the rules / criteria of cooperative learning groups in NHT with LKS, guiding teacher study groups, student worksheets and assignment in active discussions, the teacher said the serial number on a randomized group, students answer according to the specified number of teachers, the students were able to present the results of individual and group discussions, teachers with students making inferences. 2) student learning activities of ten defined criteria, there are four of the most prominent activity is the ability to ask, dare express opinions, give feedback bold, daring to present observations and discussions. 3) evaluation of learning through teaching Social Sciences NHT implemented via compile phase grating problem, fill out a card problem, create test questions, and conduct tests students\u27 mastery of skills indicators that have been learned. From the results of absorption tests indicate the end of each cycle there is an increase from cycle to cycle. 4) The results of student learning has increased, the first cycle to the second cycle of student learning outcomes increased by 9.67 from 48.39% in the first cycle to 58.06%, while from the second cycle to third cycle increased by 25.81%, from 58.06% in the second cycle to 83.87% in the third cycle, it shows more than 80 the number of students achieving a landslide victory over the completeness indicator

    Seleksi dan Perolehan Genetik pada Uji Keturunan Generasi Kedua Kayuputih (Melaleuca Cajuputi Subsp. Cajuputi) di Gunungkidul

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    Breeding for cajuput in Indonesia has moved into advanced generation breeding cycle through establishing second-generation progeny trial. A series of selection would be practiced in the trial before converting into a seedling seed orchard to produce genetically improved seed. In this study, a series of selection, followed by prediction of genetic gain will be observed in the second-generation progeny trial of cajuput established at Gunungkidul. The trial was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD), 65 families, three tree-plot, four replications, and spacing of 3 × 1,5 meter. Measurement was conducted on height and diameter at 2 years age. In the trial, within-plot selection has been practiced phenotypicaly by retaining one of the best tree out of the three tree within each plot. Succesive family selection was then simulated from the result of within-plot selection. Results of study showed that estimates of heritabily for diameter were higher than that for height. Genetic and phenotypic correlation between the two traits was moderate at around 0.57. Within-plot selection practiced in the trial resulted positive selection differential for all measured traits. Diameter showed higher coefficient weight of selection (0.4280) than height (0.0406) which indicates that the practiced within-plot selection was more imposed for diameter than that for height. Genetic gain from within-plot selection calculated using selection index were 20.76% for diameter and 12.73% for height. Simulated family selection using the same coefficient weight as within-plot selection resulted lower genetic gain at around 12.26% and 7.52% for diameter and height, respectivelly

    Perbaikan mutu beton block dengan perlakuan steam curing

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    ABSTRAK Salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki sifat fisis ataupun mekanis dari beton block adalah dengan perlakuan "steam curing", yang bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan hidrasi dari kalsium silikat men¬jadi kalsium silikat hidrat (C2 SH dan C, SH). Curing dikerjakan dalam lingkup jenuh dengan uap air pada tekanan sampai dengan 2,5 kgr/cm2 dan waktu 180 menit. Beton block dibuat-dari campuran semen hidrolik (portland ce¬ment), pasir berbanding 1 : 7 dan air sebanyak 10% dari adonan padat. Campuran ini dicetak dengan kempa hidrolik dengan kuat tekan 185 kg/cm2. Kuat tekan dari beton block yang didapat mencapai 216 kgr/cm2 pada kondisi steam (jenuh) pada 2,5 kg/cm2 abs. dan waktu curing 180 menit. Porositas didapat: 10,18%. Beton block ini jauh memenuhi SII 0284-80, yaitu beton yang mampu menahan beban 100 kg/cm2. Keywords: beton block, steam, curin

    Kinetika reaksi padat-padat pembentukan hydroxyapatitedari kalsium karbonat dan dikalsium fosfat dihidrat

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    The objective of this research was to study kinetics of solid state reactions forming hydroxyapatite from calcium carbonate and dicakium phosphate dihydrate. The mixed powder with stoichiometric ratio fired at 1100 until 1300"C with heating rate 5 "C/minutes. The product analyzed with Infrared Spectrophotometer, X-Ray Difflaction and Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer. Experimental results agree with model Ill and relative mean error correction were 8.17 %. It was mean that reaction mechanism were controlled by mass transfer and chemical reaction simultaneously . The effect of temperature reaction was expressed by actived complex or transition state theory gives

    Pengaruh Perubahan Modal Kerja,ukuran Perusahaan dan Risiko Bisnis terhadap Kebijakan Pendanaan pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2011

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of changes in working capital, company size and business risk to the companys funding policy on mining.The object under study is a group of mining companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in the year 2009-2011 with some predetermined criteria,so we get the end of the study sample as many as 14 companies during the period 2009-2011. The analytical method used is regression analysis.Priod to the statistical t-test againts multiple rergression equation,the test is done first classical assumption of normality of the data,autocorrelation,multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. Based on the analysis,it is known that the working capital turnover and firm size no significant effect on the funding policy.Meanwhile,the business risk significantlyinfluence funding policy.The coefficient of determination is 0,11 which shows the influence of the independent variables used in the model of funding research on policy as the dependent variable was 11% while the rest 89% is explained by other variables not included in this research model.Keywords : Changes in Working Capital,Company Size,Business Risk Financing Polic

    PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE UTILIZATION OF ASH WASTE FROM POWERPLANTS TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT WEIGHT AGGREGATES (Studi Awal Penggunaan Abu Limbah dari Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik untuk Memproduksi Agregat Berbobot Ringan)

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    ABSTRACTA large amount of disposed ash can cause severe environmental pollutions especially in large coal fired electric powerplants. One of many methods for reducing its negative impacts is to utilize the waste to produce ALWA (artificial leight weight aggregates) which is required to make light concrete for building constructions. However thorough researches have to be conducted first to find out the proper process conditions for ALWA production from fly ash and bottom ash of Indonesian coals. The investigated process conditions are the mixture composition of required raw, materials and the sintering conditions (e.g. temperature. duration, etc.). Moreover, an equipment to mix raw materials homogeneously and to produce other shapes of ALWA, which may be better than the existing shapes, must be built during the research. The last objective of the research is characterizing the physical and mechanical properties of the ALWA and some prototypes of light concrete made from the ALWA. It is expected that both the ALWA and the light concrete can satisfy the quality and specifications determined be existing standards. ABSTRAKAbu yang terbuang dalam jumlah besar dapat menyebabkan polusi lingkunga, terutama abu yang berasal dari batubara yang terbakar untuk keperluan pembangkit tenaga listrik. Salah satu dari berbagai metode untuk meredusir/mengurangi dampak negative adalah dengan menggunakan limbah untuk memproduksi ALWA (artificial light weight aggregates) yang diperlukan untuk membuat beton ringan untuk konstruksi bangunan. Tetapi, riset secara menyeluruh harus dilakukan untuk menemukan kondisi proses yang benar untuk produksi ALWA  yang berasal dari abu yang berterbangan dan abu yang ada di dasar yang berasal dari batubara Indonesia. Kondisi penelitian proses adalah campuran dari komposisi material mentah yang diperlukan serta kondisi sintering (suhu, durasi dsb). Tambahan lagi, suatu peralatan untuk mencampur material mentah secara homogin dan untuk memproduksi berbagai bentuk ALWA, yang mungkin lebih baik dari bentuk yang sekarang ini ada, harus dibuat selama penelitian. Tujuan terakhir bentuk ALWA, yang mungkin lebih baik dari bentuk yang sekarang ini ada, harus dibuat selama penelitian. Tujuan terakhir penelitian ini adalah menghidentifikasi karakter dari fisik dan mekanik ALWA dan prototype beton ringan yang dibuat dari ALWA. Diharapkan bahwa ALWA dan beton ringan dapat memnuhi kualitas dan spesifikasi dari standard yang ada.ABSTRACTA large amount of disposed ash can cause severe environmental pollutions especially in large coal fired electric powerplants. One of many methods for reducing its negative impacts is to utilize the waste to produce ALWA (artificial leight weight aggregates) which is required to make light concrete for building constructions. However thorough researches have to be conducted first to find out the proper process conditions for ALWA production from fly ash and bottom ash of Indonesian coals. The investigated process conditions are the mixture composition of required raw, materials and the sintering conditions (e.g. temperature. duration, etc.). Moreover, an equipment to mix raw materials homogeneously and to produce other shapes of ALWA, which may be better than the existing shapes, must be built during the research. The last objective of the research is characterizing the physical and mechanical properties of the ALWA and some prototypes of light concrete made from the ALWA. It is expected that both the ALWA and the light concrete can satisfy the quality and specifications determined be existing standards.ABSTRAKAbu yang terbuang dalam jumlah besar dapat menyebabkan polusi lingkunga, terutama abu yang berasal dari batubara yang terbakar untuk keperluan pembangkit tenaga listrik. Salah satu dari berbagai metode untuk meredusir/mengurangi dampak negative adalah dengan menggunakan limbah untuk memproduksi ALWA (artificial light weight aggregates) yang diperlukan untuk membuat beton ringan untuk konstruksi bangunan. Tetapi, riset secara menyeluruh harus dilakukan untuk menemukan kondisi proses yang benar untuk produksi ALWA  yang berasal dari abu yang berterbangan dan abu yang ada di dasar yang berasal dari batubara Indonesia. Kondisi penelitian proses adalah campuran dari komposisi material mentah yang diperlukan serta kondisi sintering (suhu, durasi dsb). Tambahan lagi, suatu peralatan untuk mencampur material mentah secara homogin dan untuk memproduksi berbagai bentuk ALWA, yang mungkin lebih baik dari bentuk yang sekarang ini ada, harus dibuat selama penelitian. Tujuan terakhir bentuk ALWA, yang mungkin lebih baik dari bentuk yang sekarang ini ada, harus dibuat selama penelitian. Tujuan terakhir penelitian ini adalah menghidentifikasi karakter dari fisik dan mekanik ALWA dan prototype beton ringan yang dibuat dari ALWA. Diharapkan bahwa ALWA dan beton ringan dapat memnuhi kualitas dan spesifikasi dari standard yang ada

    Terminologi sejarah 1945-1950 dan 1950-1959

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    Penulisan Terminologi Sejarah ini mencakup dua periode, yaitu periode 1945-1950 dan 1950-1959. Periode pertama yang memfokuskan kajian pada tahun 1945-1950 memuat aspek politik dan pemerintahan, sedang pada periode kedua memuat istilah-istilah sejarah tahun 1950-1959 khususnya pada masalah-masalah kemiliteran, politik dan ekonomi

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Usaha Sarang Burung Walet di Kecamatan Telaga Antang Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur

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    This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of swallow nest business in terms of financial aspects. Financial aspects ware analyzed using the methods of Net Present Value, Net B / C Ratio, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, and Sensitivity Analysis. This research is quantitative research. The subject of this research was the swallow nest business of Mr. Suwaji and the object of his research was the feasibility of a swallow nest business. Methods of collecting data using interview techniques and documentation. The data analysis technique of this research is quantitative analysis to assess financial aspects. Based on the results of the study showed that in terms of the financial aspects, the swallow nest business of Mr. Suwajiwas feasible to run because the value of NPV > 0, Rp 334.415.629; Net B/C > 1 which is 2,19; IRR > i, which is 35,18%; Payback Period is 4,4 years (4 years 4 month). These values are in accordance with the investment assessment criteria, so that Mr. Suwaji's swallow nest business is feasible to carry out and continue. Sensitivity analysis in swallow nest business shows that this businessis sensitive to production changes, namely (a decrease in production by 30% and a decrease in selling price by 20%) because it has a significant decrease in the value of NPV, IRR, and Net B / C. But the business is still feasible to run


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    A mannanolytic thermophilic bacterium (L-07) was isolated from palm oil shell after 2 days ofenrichment in liquid medium supplemented with 1% palm kernel meal as mannan source. Sequenceanalysis of 16S-rRNA indicated that L-07 was similar (98%) to  Geobacillus stearothermophilus, aspecies of thermophilic aerobic bacteria. We found that  G. stearothermophilus L-07 producedextracellular β-1,4-mannanases, but no β-manosidase and α-galactosidase activities. The growth of L-07reached its maximum (3.0 x 106 cell/ml) at 12-20 hours, while the highest  β-mannanase activity (0.52U/ml) was observed in culture medium after 36 hours of cultivation at 60oC. The medium containinglocust bean gum was the best for producing extracellular β-1,4-mannanases compared with kolang kaling,konjak, and palm kernel meal. SDS-PAGE and zymogram analysis demonstrated that crude mannanasecomplex of L-07 from locust bean gum containing medium comprised three active bands with molecularweight of 85, 73 and 50 kDa.   Keywords :  Extracellular enzyme/mannanase/Geobacillus stearothermophilu