44 research outputs found


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    Scientists throughout the world are in search of novel modified biopolymer to fabricate smart drug delivery systems based on hydrogel formulations using several cross-linkers like glutaraldehyde, glyoxal, epichlorhydrin, adipic acid dihydrazide, carbodiimide, genipin, etc. Agents that are fused into the polymeric structure like isocyanates, glutaraldehyde, polyepoxides, etc., and are extremely toxic in nature. In addition, these are susceptible to percolate out into the body on biodegradation of polymeric structure. As an alternative to these toxic cross-linking agents, the periodate-Schiff base staining technique is widely being used for cross-linking in biology and biochemistry. The mechanism of this cross-linking technique is based on the reaction in-between the Schiff reagent and the aldehydes produced via the periodate oxidation. During the past few decades, several researchers have already been studied on the natural gums and also, developed their dialdehyde derivatives via the periodate oxidation technique. These periodate oxidized gums are being used to cross-link gelatin, other proteins and chitosan to develop various smart systems for drug delivery, tissue engineering, wound dressing, edible films, etc. The current review presents a comprehensive discussion of the available reported literature on the periodate oxidation of various gums and their use as natural cross-linker


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    Objective: In this study, xanthan gum was oxidized by sodium periodate to form xanthan dialdehyde. This oxidized gum was used as crosslinking agent as an alternative to somewhat toxic glutaraldehyde, the basis of which is the reaction between the Schiff reagent and the aldehydes formed by periodate oxidation. Methods: Formation of aldehyde groups were confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Microparticles of metoprolol succinate were fabricated using crosslinking of a chitosan/gelatin mix system by dialdehyde Xanthan gum. The properties of the developed microparticles were investigated with swelling equilibrium studies, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), in vitro drug release studies and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: The in vitro drug release from these microparticles was affected by total polymer amount, oxidation reaction time and chitosan to gelatin ratio. The cumulative percent release of metoprolol succinate was observed within the range of 46 to 95% at 8 h from different formulations studied. The factors identified as significant to produce any impact on drug loading as well as drug release were both the polymer and inter actions of polymer and Xanthan gum dialdehyde. Conclusion: The release mechanism followed the super case II model kinetics

    Influenza Pandemic Waves under Various Mitigation Strategies with 2009 H1N1 as a Case Study

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    A significant feature of influenza pandemics is multiple waves of morbidity and mortality over a few months or years. The size of these successive waves depends on intervention strategies including antivirals and vaccination, as well as the effects of immunity gained from previous infection. However, the global vaccine manufacturing capacity is limited. Also, antiviral stockpiles are costly and thus, are limited to very few countries. The combined effect of antivirals and vaccination in successive waves of a pandemic has not been quantified. The effect of acquired immunity from vaccination and previous infection has also not been characterized. In times of a pandemic threat countries must consider the effects of a limited vaccine, limited antiviral use and the effects of prior immunity so as to adopt a pandemic strategy that will best aid the population. We developed a mathematical model describing the first and second waves of an influenza pandemic including drug therapy, vaccination and acquired immunity. The first wave model includes the use of antiviral drugs under different treatment profiles. In the second wave model the effects of antivirals, vaccination and immunity gained from the first wave are considered. The models are used to characterize the severity of infection in a population under different drug therapy and vaccination strategies, as well as school closure, so that public health policies regarding future influenza pandemics are better informed

    Polylysine-grafted Au144 nanoclusters: birth and growth of a healthy surface-plasmon-resonance-like band

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    Poly(amino acid)-coated gold nanoparticles hold promise in biomedical applications, particularly because they combine the unique physicochemical properties of the gold core, excellent biocompatibility, and easy functionalization of the poly(amino acid)-capping shell. Here we report a novel method for the preparation of robust hybrid core–shell nanosystems consisting of a Au144 cluster and a densely grafted polylysine layer. Linear polylysine chains were grown by direct N-carboxyanhydride (NCA) polymerization onto ligands capping the gold nanocluster. The density of the polylysine chains and the thickness of the polymer layer strongly depend on the amount and concentration of the NCA monomer and the initiator. The optical spectra of the so-obtained core–shell nanosystems show a strong surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-like band at 531 nm. In fact, despite maintenance of the gold cluster size and the absence of interparticle aggregation, the polylysine-capped clusters behave as if they have a diameter nearly 4 times larger. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of the growth of a fully developed, very stable SPR-like band for a gold nanocluster of such dimensions. The robust polylysine protective shell makes the nanoparticles very stable under conditions of chemical etching, in the presence of glutathione, and at different pH values, without gold core deshielding or alteration of the SPR-like band. This polymerization method can conceivably be extended to prepare core–shell nanosystems based on other mono- or co-poly(amino acids)

    Oscillation in Pest Population and Its Management: A Mathematical Study

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    We study the role of predation dynamics in oscillation of pest population in insect ecology. A two-dimensional pest control model (under the use of insecticides) with time delay in predation is considered in this paper. By the Hopf bifurcation theory, we prove the existence of the stable oscillation of the system. We also consider the economic viability of the control process. First we improve the Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP) where the delay in the system is sufficiently small and control function is linear, and then we apply the improved version of PMP to perform the optimal analysis of the pest control model as a special case

    Optimal Control of Vertically Transmitted Disease: An Integrated Approach

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    We study the dynamics of a disease under administration of a vaccine and antiviral drug, where the disease transmits directly from the parents to the offspring (vertical transmission) and also through contact with infective individuals (horizontal transmission). While vaccination to those susceptible reduces the horizontal transmission, administration of the antiviral drug to infected individuals lessens the chance of vertical transmission. Thus the vaccine and antiviral drug play different roles in controlling the disease, which has both vertical and horizontal transmission. We develop a 3D model with Susceptible–Infected–Recovered under vaccination to the susceptible and antiviral treatment to the infected and consider a control theoretic approach using the Pontryagin maximum principle to analyse the costeffectiveness of the control process. Our results demonstrate that a mixed intervention strategy of vaccination and antiviral drug in a proper ratio is the most effective way to control the disease. We show that cost-effectiveness of both intervention strategies intimately depends on disease-related parameters, such as force of infection, probability of being infected to offspring from infected mothers, loss of immunity or reinfection and also on cost of treatment

    Stability of synchronization in a multi-cellular system

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    Networks of biochemical reactions regulated by positive- and negative-feedback processes underlie functional dynamics in single cells. Synchronization of dynamics in the constituent cells is a hallmark of collective behavior in multi-cellular biological systems. Stability of the synchronized state is required for robust functioning of the multi-cell system in the face of noise and perturbation. Yet, the ability to respond to signals and change functional dynamics are also important features during development, disease, and evolution in living systems. In this paper, using a coupled multi-cell system model, we investigate the role of system size, coupling strength and its topology on the synchronization of the collective dynamics and its stability. Even though different coupling topologies lead to synchronization of collective dynamics, diffusive coupling through the end product of the pathway does not confer stability to the synchronized state. The results are discussed with a view to their prevalence in biological systems

    Changes in parasite traits, rather than intensity, affect the dynamics of infection under external perturbation

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    <div><p>Understanding the mechanisms that generate complex host-parasite interactions, and how they contribute to variation between and within hosts, is important for predicting risk of infection and transmission, and for developing more effective interventions based on parasite properties. We used the <i>T. retortaeformis</i> (TR)-rabbit system and developed a state-space mathematical framework to capture the variation in intensity of infection and egg shedding in hosts infected weekly, then treated with an anthelminthic and subsequently re-challenged following the same infection regime. Experimental infections indicate that parasite intensity accumulates more slowly in the post-anthelminthic phase but reaches similar maximum numbers. By contrast, parasite EPG (eggs per gram of feces) shed from rabbits in the post-treatment phase is lower and less variable through time. Inference based on EPG alone suggests a decline in parasite intensity over time. Using a state-space model and incorporating all sources of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, we show that while parasite intensity remains relatively constant in both experimental phases, shedding of eggs into the environment is increasingly limited through changes in parasite growth. We suggest that host immunity directly modulates both the accumulation and the growth of the parasite, and indirectly affects transmission by limiting parasite length and thus fecundity. This study provides a better understanding of how within-host trophic interactions influence different components of a helminth population. It also suggests that heterogeneity in parasite traits should be addressed more carefully when examining and managing helminth infections in the absence of some critical data on parasite dynamics.</p></div