66 research outputs found

    Treaties, Origin

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    Breach of Treaties in the Ancient Near East

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    The history of the breach of treaties can be traced back to the ancient Near East. The relative abundance and diversity of contemporary sources attest that the breaking of treaty obligations must have been a rather persistent problem, and that such occurrences were regarded as events of utmost importance throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages. The study strives to demonstrate how peoples of old may have perceived and reacted to the breach of treaties on the basis of carefully selected writings—the Legend of Etana, the Indictment of Madduwatta, the Indictment of Mita, the plague prayers of Mursili and the Old Testament—that provide, beyond the exposition of actual or alleged facts, a deeper insight into the psychological and procedural aspects of the subject

    The Legality of Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention Re-examined

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    This article aims to reconsider the controversial issue of the lawfulness of unauthorised humanitarian intervention. After providing a definition of humanitarian intervention and outlining its legality under contemporary international law, it examines the most common arguments raised in the literature for the purpose of justifying unilateral humanitarian intervention. The analysis covers such topics as the powers of the UN General Assembly to pass resolutions on the use of force, the theories on implicit or ex post facto authorisations by the Security Council, the text of the UN Charter, customary international law, as well as an alleged conflict of peremptory norms of international law

    The Legality of Humanitarian Intervention under Traditional International Law

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    The necessity and usefulness of a thorough examination of the legality of humanitarian intervention under traditional international law is obvious. Following the analysis of customary law, the teachings of contemporary international lawyers, the relevant treaty stipulations, the doctrine of bellum iustum, the general principles of international law, and the ius ad bellumone may come to realize that a definitive conclusion on the issue simply cannot be derived, as both proand contraviews are verifiable, but neither is absolutely correct

    A békéhez való jogról

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    A tanulmány az emberi jogok harmadik generációjába tartozó békéhez való jog kialakulásának, forrásának, alanyának, kötelezettjének, tartalmának, jogi jellegének és kritikai értékelésének áttekintését nyújtja

    II. Ramses és III. Hattušiliš szerződése az örök békéről és testvériségről

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    Thoughts on the necessity of security council reform

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    The declared objective of recent efforts to reform the Security Council is to increase effectiveness. A careful investigation applying certain theses of organization theory, however, reveals that neither the prevailing structure nor the working methods of the Council unavoidably hamper the achievement of organizational goals; therefore, arguments pertaining to the issue of effectiveness do not necessarily justify reform proposals. A similar conclusion can be reached by examining other possible causes of reform, namely the fundamental change of organizational environment, power struggles between various principal organs of the United Nations, and some harshly criticized features of the Council itself. It seems that the necessity of reform is rooted in various individual and highly subjective interests of member states rather than objective circumstances, and the organization has no other option, but to fulfill their demands in order to secure its own survival

    General Principles of Law and International Law-Making

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    A könyvfejezet az általános jogelvek nemzetközi jogforrási jellegének részletes vizsgálatára vállalkozik

    Szövegezési zavarok és értelmezési nehézségek a védelmi felelősség leírásában

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    A tanulmány a védelmi felelősség fogalmának (responsibility to protect, R2P, RtoP) - a "2005 World Summit Outcome" elnevezésű dokumentumban foglalt - hivatalos leírásában tetten érhető szövegezési zavarok és értelmezési nehézségek feltárására és elemzésére vállalkozik
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