12 research outputs found

    Medication calculation skills of graduating nursing students within European context.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadAim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the medication calculation skills of graduating nursing students in six European countries and analyse the associated factors. Background: Medication calculation skills are fundamental to medication safety, which is a substantial part of patient safety. Previous studies have raised concerns about the medication calculation skills of nurses and nursing students. Design: As part of a broader research project, this study applies a multinational cross-sectional survey design with three populations: graduating nursing students, nurse managers and patients. Methods: The students performed two calculations (tablet and fluid) testing medication calculation skills requiring different levels of conceptual understanding and arithmetic. The managers and patients answered one question about the students' medication kills. In total, 1,796 students, 538 managers and 1,327 patients participated the study. The data were analysed statistically. The STROBE guideline for cross-sectional studies was applied. Results: Almost all (99%) of the students performed the tablet calculation correctly, and the majority (71%) answered the fluid calculation correctly. Older age, a previous degree in health care and satisfaction with their current degree programme was positively associated with correct fluid calculations. The patients evaluated the students' medication skills higher than the nurse managers did and the evaluations were not systematically aligned with the calculation skills tested. Conclusions: Nursing students have the skills to perform simple medication calculations, but a significant number of students have difficulties with calculations involving multiple operations and a higher level of conceptual understanding. Due to the variation in students' medication calculation skills and the unalignment between the managers' and patients' evaluations and the calculation tests, further research is needed. Relevance to clinical practice: Graduating nursing students enter clinical field as qualified professionals, but there is still room for improvement in their medication calculation skills. This calls for attention in the fields of clinical nursing, education and research. Keywords: drug dosage calculations; graduating nursing students; medication calculation skills; nurse managers; patients.Academy of Finland European Commissio

    Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the pre-requisites and realisation of interprofessional collaboration in cancer care

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to describe the pre‐requisites and realisation of interprofessional collaboration as perceived by healthcare professionals working in the cancer care setting and to produce knowledge to support the development of collaborative practices.MethodsThis study employed a descriptive survey design. The data were collected in one Finnish cancer centre between May and October 2018 from nurses, physicians and other healthcare professionals using an electronic survey (n = 350). The survey focused on the pre‐requisites of interprofessional collaboration (appreciation and competence) and its realisation in cancer care. The data were analysed using descriptive and interferential statistics.ResultsThe pre‐requisites of interprofessional collaboration were perceived as good and the collaboration was well realised in the cancer centre. The perceptions of pre‐requisites and realisation were associated with each other. Male respondents, physicians and professionals belonging to interprofessional teams had more positive perceptions of the pre‐requisites and realisation of interprofessional collaboration than others.ConclusionThe findings indicate that the pre‐requisites of interprofessional collaboration and its realisation seem to be well implemented in the cancer care setting. However, the ongoing evaluation of interprofessional collaboration requires further attention from healthcare administration and professionals to support the systematic development of collaborative practices.</p

    Sairaanhoitajien näkemykset moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutumisesta syöpää sairastavien potilaiden hoitotyössä

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    Sairaanhoitajien näkemykset moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutumisesta syöpää sairastavien potilaiden hoitotyössä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Kuvata syöpäpotilaita hoitavien sairaanhoitajien näkemyksiä moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutumisesta yhdessä Syöpäkeskuksessa ja tunnistaa siihen mahdollisesti yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sairaanhoitajilta (n=278) yhdestä alueellisesta Syöpäkeskuksesta Suomessa vuosina 2018 ja 2019 Moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja johtaminen (MONAMI) -kyselylomakkeella. Aineisto analysoitiin kuvailevilla tilastotieteen menetelmillä. Tulokset: Sairaanhoitajat arvioivat moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutuvan kohtalaisesti Syöpäpotilaiden hoidossa. He tunnistivat moniammatillisen yhteistyön hyödyt, mutta moniammatillisen toiminnan tavoitteita ei vastaajien mukaan kuitenkaan ollut määritelty yhdessä. Sairaanhoitajan työkokemuksen pituus, kuuluminen moniammatilliseen tiimiin ja osallistuminen moniammatillista toimintaa edistävään koulutukseen olivat yhteydessä positiivisempaan näkemykseen moniammatillisesta toiminnasta. Päätelmät: Tutkimus vahvistaa näkemystä moniammatillisen yhteistyön tärkeydestä syöpäpotilaan hoidossa sairaanhoitajien näkökulmasta. Moniammatillista yhteistyötä ja sen johtamista tulee kehittää edelleen ja korostaa toisten ammattiryhmien tuntemista ja arvostusta. Säännöllinen moniammatillista toimintaa tukeva koulutus voisi osaltaan edistää moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteuttamista. Tutkimusta tulee kohdentaa moniammatillista toimintaa edistävien interventioiden ja niiden vaikutusten arviointiin sekä eri ammattiryhmien toisiaan täydentäviin rooleihin. Asiasanat: johtaminen, kysely, moniammatillinen yhteistyö, sairaanhoitaja, syöpäpotilaan hoitotyö

    Palliatiivisen hoitotyön erityisosaaminen ja urakehitys

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    Tiivistelmä Korkealaatuisen palliatiivisen hoidon edellytyksenä on koulutettu ja osaava sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon henkilöstö. Palliatiivisen hoidon ja palvelujen kehittäminen vaatii siten toteuttavan henkilöstön osaamisen systemaattista kehittämistä, asiantuntijuuden tunnustamista ja koulutus- ja uramahdollisuuksien tukemista. Sairaanhoitajan osaaminen kehittyy perus- ja jatkokoulutuksen sekä työkokemuksen kautta palliatiivisen hoidon ja hoitotyön asiantuntijaksi. Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija -erikoistumiskoulutus ja kliininen asiantuntija (ylempi AMK) — palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntijuus -koulutus mahdollistavat urapolun, jolla voidaan varmistaa palliatiivisessa hoidossa toimivien asiantuntijoiden saatavuus myös tulevaisuudessa. Koulutukset suunniteltiin ja kliininen asiantuntija (ylempi AMK) — palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntijuus -koulutus myös pilotoitiin EduPal-hankkeessa (Palliatiivisen hoitotyön ja lääketieteen monialainen ja työelämälähtöinen kehittäminen -hanke).Abstract Expertise in palliative care and clinical career Educated and competent staff is a necessity in the provision of high-quality palliative care. The development of palliative care and services requires systematic development of staff competencies, recognitions of their expertise and support for education and career opportunities. The expertise in palliative care develops through education and experience from basic to advanced clinical practice. Specializing and advanced practice, palliative care (Master on Health Care) education enables learning pathways which ensure the highly qualified professionals in the field of palliative care also in the future. In the EduPal -project we developed national curricula for the two educations and piloted the advanced clinical practice education module on palliative care

    Like Frying Multiple Eggs in One Pan: a Qualitative Study Exploring the Understanding of Inter-speciality Training in Cancer Care

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    H igh-quality cancer care is a key priority worldwide. Caring for people affected by cancer requires a range of specific knowledge, skills and experience to deliver the complex care regimens both within the hospital and within the community environment. In June 2022, the European Cancer Organisation along with 33 European cancer societies began working together to develop a curriculum for inter-speciality training for healthcare professionals across Europe. As part of the project, this research consisted of a qualitative survey distributed to the European Union societies via email. The aim of this paper is to disseminate the qualitative findings from healthcare professionals across Europe. Questionnaires were sent out to a convenience sample of 219 healthcare professionals and patient advocates with a response rate of 55% (n = 115). The findings identified that there were four key themes: 'What is inter-speciality training?', 'Barriers and challenges', 'Support throughout the cancer journey' and 'New ways of working'. These results are part of a larger needs analysis and scoping review to inform the development of a core competency framework which will be part of an inter-speciality curriculum for specialist cancer doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals across Europe. Healthcare professionals will be able to access education and training through the virtual learning environment and workshops and by clinical rotations to other specialties