6 research outputs found

    Effect of Age and Food Novelty on Food Memory

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    The influence of age of the consumer and food novelty on incidentally learned food memory was investigated by providing a meal containing novel and familiar target items under the pretense of a study on hunger feelings to 34 young and 36 older participants in France and to 24 young and 20 older participants in Denmark and testing them a day later on recognition of the targets among a set of distractors that were variations of the target made by adding or subtracting taste (sour or sweet) or aroma (orange or red berry flavor). Memory was also tested by asking participants to indicate whether the target and the distractors were equal to or less or more intense than the remembered target in sourness sweetness and aroma. The results showed that when novelty is defined as whether people know or not a given product, it has a strong influence on memory performance, but that age did not, the elderly performing just as well as the young. The change in the distractors was more readily detected with familiar than with novel targets where the participants were still confused by the target itself. Special attention is given to the influence of the incidental learning paradigm on the outcome and to the ways in which it differs from traditional recognition experiments

    Food memory and its relation with age and liking: An incidental learning experiment with children, young and elderly people

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    The present study compared incidental learning and food memory in children, young adults and elderly people for three sensory modalities (taste, texture and aroma). The relation of gender and liker-status (i.e. how much we like a product) with food memory was also investigated. Participants received a complete meal including a custard dessert used as target under incidental learning conditions. 24 h later, participants were confronted with a series of samples consisting of the target and slightly modified versions of the target (distractors) and were unexpectedly asked to perform an Âżabsolute memoryÂż (ÂżDid you eat this sample yesterday?Âż) and a Âżrelative memoryÂż test (ÂżIs the present sample less/equal/more pleasant than the one you ate yesterday?Âż). Participants also performed a hedonic and a discrimination test. Memory for the custard was poor and did not depend on age, but it was related to gender, and to how much participants liked the product. Females and high-likers outperformed males and low-likers in the absolute memory task, but they were not better in discriminating the products on both the hedonic and the perceptual dimension. Results also showed that, contrary to common belief, not all sensory aspects that can be discriminated in perception and in liking, are equally well remembered

    Culture and odor categorization: agreement between cultures depends upon the odors

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    This study evaluated the effect of culture on the relationship between psychological dimensions underlying odor perception and odor categorization. In a first experiment, French, Vietnamese and American participants rated several perceptual dimensions of everyday odorants, and sorted these odorants on the basis of their similarity. Results showed that the three groups of participants differed in their perceptual judgments but agreed in categorizing the odors into four consensual groups (floral, sweet, bad, and nature). Three dimensions––pleasantness, edibility, cosmetic acceptability––discriminated these groups in the same way in the three countries. In a second experiment, the participants sorted only fruit and flower odors to evaluate whether a consensus emerges at a finer level. Results showed that French and American participants clearly separated fruit from flower odors whereas this separation was nonexistent for Vietnamese participants. This difference could arise from cultural differences in odor functions

    Psychosocial and cultural determinants of dietary intake in community-dwelling older adults: a determinants of diet and physical activity systematic literature review

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    Objectives: Knowledge of factors determining dietary intake is important to develop targeted strategies to prevent malnutrition and age-related diseases. The aim of the present systematic review was to analyze the state of the art regarding the role of social status, cultural aspects, and psychological distress on dietary intake in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: A systematic search was performed per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses procedure. Titles, abstracts, and full texts were screened for predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Thirty-nine studies were included. Seven different groups of psychosocial and cultural determinants were associated with dietary intake. Family structure and living situation (e.g., loneliness, marital status), educational level, and income were the most important determinants associated with dietary choices and eating behavior. Less frequently, social assets, demographic parameters, psychosocial status, and awareness of current dietary recommendations were associated with the quality of the eating pattern. Conclusions: The results of our review indicate heterogeneity of the studies in the field of social and psychological determinants of dietary patterns in older adults, but some important conclusions can be drawn. Further research harmonizing and integrating approaches and methodologies are required to better understand the determinants of dietary intake and the complexity of their interactions


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    OBJECTIVES: Knowledge of factors determining dietary intake is important to develop targeted strategies to prevent malnutrition and age-related diseases. The aim of the present systematic review was to analyze the state of the art regarding the role of social status, cultural aspects, and psychological distress on dietary intake in community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: A systematic search was performed per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses procedure. Titles, abstracts, and full texts were screened for predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS: Thirty-nine studies were included. Seven different groups of psychosocial and cultural determinants were associated with dietary intake. Family structure and living situation (e.g., loneliness, marital status), educational level, and income were the most important determinants associated with dietary choices and eating behavior. Less frequently, social assets, demographic parameters, psychosocial status, and awareness of current dietary recommendations were associated with the quality of the eating pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our review indicate heterogeneity of the studies in the field of social and psychological determinants of dietary patterns in older adults, but some important conclusions can be drawn. Further research harmonizing and integrating approaches and methodologies are required to better understand the determinants of dietary intake and the complexity of their interactions